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Game of July 21, 2011 at 21:30, 12 players
1. 606 pts jeff
2. 601 pts PIThompson
3. 341 pts magictwig

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?befimu   H4    32    32   fumble
 2. ?ehlsuv   7H    67    99   bushveld
 3. emnorru  10B    80   179   mourner
 4. aeinprw   J7    73   252   spawnier
 5. acirstw   N2    38   290   scrawl
 6. egnoryy   K7    43   333   honey
 7. aeinsty   O7    83   416   desyatin
 8. eefginv   E6    80   496   fevering
 9. ahlostx  15L    66   562   hats
10. adelopt   D1    84   646   ploated
11. cddeitx   C8    48   694   exodic
12. adlottz   1D    48   742   plotz
13. abenort   B2    74   816   baronet
14. aadeikl   A1    49   865   laked
15. agoortu   3A    26   891   katorga
16. diijoou  14M    33   924   jin
17. adgiioq   O1    35   959   qi
18. adgiioo   A7    27   986   dag

Remaining tiles: iiiooou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6837 Filejeff        6 17:51  -380  606     1.7460 PIThompson  3 18:11  -385  601 
  2.7460 FilePIThompson  3 18:11  -385  601            Group: intermediate
  3.4703 Filemagictwig   0 19:40  -645  341     1.6837 jeff        6 17:51  -380  606 
  4.6559 Filesunshine12  2 11:39  -731  255     2.6559 sunshine12  2 11:39  -731  255 
  5.5131 Filegruau56     1  7:35  -796  190     3.6755 ceosickey   1  6:24  -867  119 
  6.5743 FileFaeythe     0  6:21  -845  141            Group: novice
  7.2220 Filejlslas      0 13:33  -848  138     1.5131 gruau56     1  7:35  -796  190 
  8.6755 Fileceosickey   1  6:24  -867  119     2.5743 Faeythe     0  6:21  -845  141 
  9.4085 FileChiliB.     0  3:26  -883  103     3.5536 narisa      0  5:46  -913   73 
 10.4891 FileAndy1990    0  4:23  -884  102            Group: not rated
 11.5536 Filenarisa      0  5:46  -913   73     1.4703 magictwig   0 19:40  -645  341 
 12.4356 FileDbuggle     0  1:07  -955   31     2.2220 jlslas      0 13:33  -848  138 
                                             3.4085 ChiliB.     0  3:26  -883  103 
                                             4.4891 Andy1990    0  4:23  -884  102 
                                             5.4356 Dbuggle     0  1:07  -955   31 

On 1st draw, FUMB(L)E H4 32 --- FUMBLE to handle clumsily [v]
Other tops: FIMB(L)E H4 32
Other moves: BEF(L)UM H4 30, BEF(L)UM H7 30, BUMF(S) H4 28, FUMIE(R) H4 28, BEF(L)UM H3 26
FUMB(L)E H4 32 jeff, PIThompson
FUME(D) H4 26 Faeythe
FUMB(L)E H8 24 ChiliB.
EMU H8 10 jlslas

On 2nd draw, BUSHVEL(D) 7H 67 --- BUSHVELD a veld with shrubby vegetation [n]
Other moves: ELV(I)SH 10D 32, HELV(E)S 10C 32, H(A)LVES 10C 32, H(E)LVES 10C 32, HUS(T)LE 10F 31
HELV(E)S 10C 32 PIThompson
H(O)SE 10F 27 jeff
SHELV(E) 10H 26 Faeythe
FUELS 4H 16 jlslas
SHEEV(E) 9E 16 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, MOURNER 10B 80 --- MOURNER one that mourns [n]
Other moves: MOURNER 10E 76, MOURNER G9 70, MOURNER I9 70, MUR(D)ER O4 30, MURREN 10F 29
MORNE 10F 28 PIThompson
MOURNE(D) O1 27 jeff
(D)ORMER O7 24 ChiliB.
MO(D)ERN O5 21 Faeythe
SNORER J7 8 jlslas

On 4th draw, SPAWNIER J7 73 --- SPAWNY lucky [adj]
Other moves: PREWARN E5 48, PRAWNE(D) O1 45, PRE(D)AWN O4 42, WAN(D)ER O4 36, WAR(D)EN O4 36
PRAWNE(D) O1 45 jeff
WAN(D)ER O4 36 PIThompson
WIN(D)ER O4 36 magictwig
PRAWNS J2 19 ChiliB.
WA(D)I O5 18 Faeythe
MINER B10 14 jlslas

On 5th draw, SCRAWL N2 38 --- SCRAWL to write hastily or illegibly [v]
Other moves: TRICARS E5 36, TRISHAW K3 35, WAR(D)S O4 33, CAR(D)IS O4 30, RACHIS K4 28
WAR(D)S O4 33 Faeythe, PIThompson, magictwig
WORTS C9 24 jeff
CRAWS E9 20 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, HONEY K7 43 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: NYE 8M 38, RYE 8M 38, ROYNE K9 37, YE 8N 33, YO 8N 33
GEY 11D 26 PIThompson
GORY 4L 24 jeff
YO O1 17 Faeythe
(D)RONE O7 12 magictwig
YOUR D8 11 jlslas

On 7th draw, (D)ESYATIN O7 83 --- DESYATIN a Russian measurement of land [n]
Other moves: VAINEST L7 43, SINTERY E5 40, EYAS 11E 39, AYE 8M 38, NYE 8M 38
(D)AINTY O7 36 jeff
YEAST L10 31 PIThompson
(D)AYS O7 18 magictwig
NEST F10 4 jlslas

On 8th draw, FEVERING E6 80 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: FEVERING 14F 73, FEE N10 34, EF N9 31, FE N10 31, IF N9 31
FEE N10 34 PIThompson
FEG I13 22 jeff
GIVEN F6 13 magictwig
FEE 4H 6 jlslas

On 9th draw, HATS 15L 66 --- HAT to provide with a hat (a covering for the head) [v]
Other tops: HOAS 15L 66, HOLS 15L 66, HOTS 15L 66
Other moves: HALOS 15K 60, HALTS 15K 60, HOLTS 15K 60, LATHS 15K 60, OATHS 15K 60
HATS 15L 66 jeff
HOX N13 35 PIThompson
TAX N13 26 sunshine12
TAXES 13G 21 magictwig
AXE 13H 18 Dbuggle
HOLES 13G 13 jlslas

On 10th draw, PLOATED D1 84 --- PLOAT to scald [v]
Other moves: PLOATED F1 74, TADPOLES 2G 67, ADEPT L9 32, DEPOT N11 29, PEDALO D1 29
PLATED F2 27 PIThompson
POOLED C9 24 jeff
DAP I3 17 sunshine12
OPT F13 14 gruau56
TADPOLE C6 14 magictwig
ADOPTS 2I 13 Dbuggle
GLAD 13E 7 jlslas

On 11th draw, EXODIC C8 48 --- EXODIC pertaining to an exodus [adj]
Other moves: CODEX 3C 46, EXOTIC C8 46, EXCIDED M7 42, INDEX 12D 42, EXCITED M7 40
CODEX 3C 46 PIThompson
EXIT N12 37 gruau56
MIXED B10 30 Andy1990
XI O1 29 sunshine12
DEX G3 27 jeff
TEXT 12L 22 magictwig
GET 13E 5 jlslas

On 12th draw, PLOTZ 1D 48 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other moves: ZA C3 46, ADZ C2 45, ZO O1 35, ZOA B6 34, LAZO 2D 33
ZA C3 46 jeff, PIThompson
ZOA B6 34 magictwig
DOZE 13G 26 sunshine12
ZOO 3C 24 Andy1990
ZETA 13I 23 gruau56
LOTS 2K 4 jlslas

On 13th draw, BARONET B2 74 --- BARONET the holder of a rank below that of a baron [n]
Other tops: REBOANT B2 74
Other moves: BOATER 2F 39, BEANO 2F 38, BOART 2F 38, BEAN 2F 35, BEAR 2F 35
BOATER 2F 39 jeff, sunshine12, PIThompson, ceosickey
BEAT N10 31 gruau56
BONER 3C 16 narisa
BEE 8A 15 Andy1990
BO O1 14 magictwig

On 14th draw, LAKED A1 49 --- LAKED subjected to the process of laking [adj]
Other moves: KAED N10 45, KAID N10 45, KAAL N10 43, KAIL N10 43, AKA N9 40
LAKED A1 49 PIThompson, jeff, ceosickey
LAKE A1 40 magictwig
DAK A7 36 narisa
DIAL 2F 29 gruau56
KIN 14M 24 sunshine12
LIKES 2J 11 Andy1990
LEADS 2J 8 jlslas

On 15th draw, KATORGA 3A 26 --- KATORGA a Russian form of penal servitude [n]
Other moves: RAG A7 23, ROOT 2F 23, RUG A7 23, TAG A7 23, TUG A7 23
TAG A7 23 jeff
ROOT 2F 23 PIThompson
RAG A7 23 magictwig, sunshine12, gruau56
GAT I3 13 ceosickey
GO O1 11 Andy1990
ROOTS 2J 7 jlslas

On 16th draw, JIN 14M 33 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN 14M 33
Other moves: JO O1 29, JUDOS 2J 29, JIRD 4L 28, JOCO 3L 26, JUCO 3L 26
JIN 14M 33 sunshine12
JUN 14M 33 jeff, gruau56
JO O1 29 magictwig
JIRD 4L 28 PIThompson
JEU 13I 18 ceosickey
JUD 5G 11 Andy1990
FID 4H 7 jlslas

On 17th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QADIS 2J 35, QAIDS 2J 35
Other moves: QUOAD 5G 30, DAG A7 27, AVOID L6 26, VOID L7 25, QIS 9M 22
QI O1 35 PIThompson
QAIDS 2J 35 jeff
QIS 9M 22 magictwig
QI 12B 11 jlslas
QI 12I 11 sunshine12, narisa

On 18th draw, DAG A7 27 --- DAG a hanging end or shred [n] --- DAG to remove clotted tufts of wool from a sheep [v]
Other moves: AVOID L6 26, OVOID L6 26, VOID L7 25, AGOOD I11 22, AIDOI 2H 21
DAG A7 27 jeff, sunshine12
AIDOI 2H 21 PIThompson
DOOR 4K 10 magictwig
DOAT 12L 10 narisa
FAD 4H 7 jlslas

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