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Game of July 22, 2011 at 01:18, 7 players
1. 350 pts rebelrsr
2. 171 pts jlslas
3. 169 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dehnnor   H4    28    28   horned
 2. ?eefssx   5E    52    80   hexoses
 3. ?acntuy   3H    83   163   truancy
 4. eehlnrv   4A    31   194   helve
 5. aarsstv   A3    30   224   shastra
 6. ademqru   8A    72   296   remarqued
 7. aaeefgn   2N    26   322   fa
 8. aeegint   C6    76   398   geminate
 9. eeiiprw  D11    29   427   weep
10. abdeort   K3    74   501   adsorbate
11. giiknvz  14D    38   539   pizing
12. acgortw  H11    39   578   twang
13. ikmnopu   8K    36   614   boink
14. bcdijlu  B13    34   648   jib
15. acimoty  A12    60   708   camo
16. eflortu   6F    36   744   fur
17. diloprr   E7    24   768   droil
18. iloortv   M7    30   798   vitriol
19. einopry   L1    30   828   pyne
20. ilnooru   1H    21   849   orlop

Remaining tiles: iinu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filerebelrsr    1 23:42  -499  350     1.6294 ksong       0  0:43  -823   26 
  2.2216 Filejlslas      0 19:28  -678  171            Group: novice
  3.5286 FileLucylulu    1  8:52  -680  169     1.5286 Lucylulu    1  8:52  -680  169 
  4.5748 Fileiwhist      0  6:54  -760   89     2.5748 iwhist      0  6:54  -760   89 
  5.6294 Fileksong       0  0:43  -823   26            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileMLessard64  0  5:50  -825   24     1.  -  rebelrsr    1 23:42  -499  350 
  7.  -  Filesunshine55  0  2:08  -831   18     2.2216 jlslas      0 19:28  -678  171 
                                             3.  -  MLessard64  0  5:50  -825   24 
                                             4.  -  sunshine55  0  2:08  -831   18 

On 1st draw, HORNED H4 28 --- HORN to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) [v]
Other moves: HONED H4 26, HORDE H4 26, DEHORN H4 24, HERON H4 24, HONER H4 24
HONED H4 26 ksong, rebelrsr
RODE H8 10 jlslas

On 2nd draw, (H)EXOSES 5E 52 --- HEXOSE a simple sugar [n]
Other tops: EX(P)OSES 5E 52, XE(R)OSES 5E 52
Other moves: F(O)REXES 6F 40, F(O)REX 6F 38, FO(R)EXES 5G 32, HEX(O)SES 4H 32, EX(P)RESS 6E 31
FOXES 5G 30 rebelrsr
REEFS 6H 10 jlslas

On 3rd draw, T(R)UANCY 3H 83 --- TRUANCY an act of truanting [n]
Other moves: C(H)AUNT(R)Y E4 72, ADUNC(I)TY 9G 66, CENTAU(R)Y F4 64, CENTAU(R)Y J4 64, CENTAU(R)Y 8G 63
AX(E) G4 15 rebelrsr
DA(I)NTY 9H 14 jlslas

On 4th draw, HELVE 4A 31 --- HELVE to provide with a handle [v]
Other moves: REH 6D 28, EH 6E 27, REH 4K 26, SHELVER K5 26, HELVE 6K 24
HYE N2 18 rebelrsr
VENEER 8G 10 jlslas

On 5th draw, SHASTRA A3 30 --- SHASTRA a holy writing of HInduism [n]
Other tops: VASES F2 30
Other moves: HARASS A4 27, HASSAR A4 27, RATHAS A1 27, VASE F2 27, HAARS A4 24
SAVE B1 14 rebelrsr
DARTS 9H 7 jlslas

On 6th draw, REMARQUED 8A 72 --- REMARQUED
Other moves: MARQUE B9 42, QUAERED J2 39, QUAERE J2 37, QUEER J2 36, SQUARED K5 34
SQUARED K5 34 rebelrsr
MADE 9F 9 jlslas

On 7th draw, FA 2N 26 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FE 2N 26
Other moves: AMENAGE C7 24, FANG L1 24, FANE L1 22, FAYNE N1 22, FREEGAN E7 22
FANG L1 24 rebelrsr
FACE M1 9 jlslas

On 8th draw, GEMINATE C6 76 --- GEMINATE to arrange in pairs [v]
Other moves: GRATINEE E7 68, SAGENITE K5 68, TEIND 9D 25, MEETING C8 22, MINTAGE C8 22
MAGNET C8 20 jlslas
GLIT C3 10 rebelrsr

On 9th draw, WEEP D11 29 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: EWER D10 27, WEER D11 25, WERE D11 25, WIRE D11 25, PREWIRE E7 24
WE B13 15 rebelrsr

On 10th draw, ADSORBATE K3 74 --- ADSORBATE [n]
Other moves: PROBATED 14D 67, BETHORNED H1 45, ORATED B10 34, ROBED E8 32, ORATE B10 30
BA O1 12 rebelrsr
PORT 14D 8 jlslas

On 11th draw, PIZING 14D 38 --- PIZING
Other tops: IRKING E7 38, ZIG B13 38
Other moves: ZIN B13 36, ZA O1 33, ZING J9 33, ZIN J9 31, KAWING 11B 28
TINK 10K 18 jlslas
KEEN 13B 8 rebelrsr

On 12th draw, TWANG H11 39 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: WANG H12 36, CAW E10 34, BOWAT 8K 33, WANT H12 33, WONT H12 33
WANG H12 36 Lucylulu
WRANG H11 30 rebelrsr
TORT 10K 6 jlslas

On 13th draw, BOINK 8K 36 --- BOINK to have sexual intercourse with -- usually taken to be offensive [v]
Other tops: BUNKO 8K 36
Other moves: PUNK B11 34, MIRO 6F 33, KINO L1 32, MIR 6F 30, MINK L9 28
BOINK 8K 36 Lucylulu
KEEP 13B 14 rebelrsr
TOP 10K 5 jlslas

On 14th draw, JIB B13 34 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: JUD B13 32, JIB J9 31, JUD B11 31, LUCID B11 30, DUCI B11 29
JIB B13 34 rebelrsr
JA O1 27 Lucylulu
KID O8 8 jlslas

On 15th draw, CAMO A12 60 --- CAMO a camouflage pattern [n]
Other moves: MIRO 6F 33, BAYT 15B 32, TRYMA E7 32, MAC E10 31, AMITY L11 30
YA O1 15 Lucylulu, iwhist
KOI O8 7 jlslas
TOW 12F 6 MLessard64
YET 11J 6 rebelrsr

On 16th draw, FUR 6F 36 --- FUR to cover with fur (a dressed animal pelt) [v]
Other moves: FOETOR 6J 32, FOOTER 6J 32, FOOTLE 6J 32, FOULER 6J 32, FOUTER 6J 32
ELF L10 16 Lucylulu
QUOTE F8 16 iwhist
FLUKE O5 12 rebelrsr
LOWER 12F 8 MLessard64
FEEL 11J 7 jlslas

On 17th draw, DROIL E7 24 --- DROIL to drudge [v]
Other tops: OLD E10 24
Other moves: PLIED B1 21, PRIED B1 21, DEF F4 20, DINO L1 20, HELVED 4A 20
DROP L11 17 iwhist
PA O1 12 Lucylulu
DIP M7 11 rebelrsr
LID M7 7 jlslas
LOW 12F 6 MLessard64

On 18th draw, VITRIOL M7 30 --- VITRIOL to treat with sulfuric acid [v]
Other moves: VINO L1 28, LIVOR L11 20, VOTER B1 20, VIER B2 18, LINO L1 16
ZO F14 11 rebelrsr
VOW 12F 9 iwhist
LOOK O5 8 jlslas
IO 10E 4 MLessard64

On 19th draw, PYNE L1 30 --- PYNE to pine [v]
Other tops: OBEY 15A 30
Other moves: EYE J5 29, YEP L12 28, YO 15D 28, YONI L1 28, OY 2I 27
PONY 12L 26 iwhist, rebelrsr
PA O1 12 sunshine55, Lucylulu
LIE 13M 3 jlslas

On 20th draw, ORLOP 1H 21 --- ORLOP the lowest deck of a ship [n]
Other tops: UNRIP 1H 21
Other moves: NO 15E 15, OO 15E 15, LINO J9 14, LION J9 14, NIRL J9 14
NO 15E 15 Lucylulu
NA O1 6 sunshine55
LOOP 1I 6 iwhist
RUN 10M 5 jlslas

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