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Game of July 22, 2011 at 02:06, 6 players
1. 526 pts iwhist
2. 175 pts rebelrsr
3. 125 pts jlslas

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acgilrt   H7    24    24   tragic
 2. aeefosv  13C    36    60   foveas
 3. ejmnorw  12A    47   107   jeon
 4. abdehos  12H    86   193   caboshed
 5. eikllps  N10    42   235   keeps
 6. aeinnos   8H    77   312   raisonne
 7. aaeimnt   L4    72   384   anatomies
 8. ?einotw   K1    79   463   towlines
 9. adegqru   1G    48   511   quarte
10. ?gilmot   O1    86   597   longtime
11. defilnt  A11    48   645   fjeld
12. abdhopw  M11    36   681   whoa
13. deehlrz   7E    49   730   hertz
14. adeglpu   5E    76   806   upleading
15. derrtuy   M1    38   844   trudge
16. bilnotu   2B    85   929   botulin
17. iirrvxy  14F    52   981   xi
18. ciirrvy  15G    30  1011   ricy

Remaining tiles: irvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5743 Fileiwhist      0 20:00  -485  526     1.5743 iwhist      0 20:00  -485  526 
  2.4735 Filerebelrsr    0  6:59  -836  175            Group: not rated
  3.2220 Filejlslas      0 13:35  -886  125     1.4735 rebelrsr    0  6:59  -836  175 
  4.  -  FileMLessard64  0  8:30  -922   89     2.2220 jlslas      0 13:35  -886  125 
  5.  -  Filelintim2010  0  2:13  -982   29     3.  -  MLessard64  0  8:30  -922   89 
  6.  -  Filesunshine55  0  3:00  -983   28     4.  -  lintim2010  0  2:13  -982   29 
                                             5.  -  sunshine55  0  3:00  -983   28 

On 1st draw, TRAGIC H7 24 --- TRAGIC the element of a drama that produces tragedy [n]
Other tops: GARLIC H7 24
Other moves: CIGAR H4 22, CITRAL H4 22, CRAIG H4 22, GARLIC H4 22, ARTIC H8 20
CLART H4 20 rebelrsr
GRAIL H4 16 iwhist
GIRL H8 10 jlslas, sunshine55

On 2nd draw, FOVEAS 13C 36 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: SOFA G7 29, FAS G9 24, FAVOSE 13D 24, FAVES 13D 22, FAVOSE G3 22
COVES 12H 20 rebelrsr
FAGS 10F 16 iwhist
REEFS 8H 9 jlslas
FEET 7E 8 sunshine55

On 3rd draw, JEON 12A 47 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: J*W 12B 41, JOW 12B 41, MEOW 12A 39, J*W 14B 36, ENOW 12A 31
JOG 10F 27 rebelrsr, iwhist
ROWEN 8H 9 jlslas
ROE 8H 3 MLessard64

On 4th draw, CABOSHED 12H 86 --- CABOSHED full faced [adj]
Other moves: HEJABS A10 54, JOSH A12 42, JABS A12 39, JOBE A12 39, JOBS A12 39
JOSH A12 42 iwhist
JABS A12 39 rebelrsr
ABASHED 9F 17 MLessard64
HOST 7E 8 jlslas

On 5th draw, KEEPS N10 42 --- KEEP to retain in ones possession [v]
Other moves: SPIKED O7 39, KEELS N10 38, PIKED O8 36, SKILLED O6 36, PEEKS N10 34
SKILLED O6 36 rebelrsr
JILL A12 33 iwhist
KILLED O7 33 MLessard64
KITS 7F 10 sunshine55

On 6th draw, RAISONNE 8H 77 --- RAISONNE arranged systematically [adj]
Other moves: ENATIONS 7E 60, SONATINE 7D 60, ENJOIN A10 39, JANE A12 33, JANN A12 33
JANE A12 33 iwhist
JOIN A12 33 rebelrsr
STAIN 7G 7 MLessard64

On 7th draw, ANATOMIES L4 72 --- ANATOMY the structure of an organism [n]
Other moves: AMENTIAS K1 70, ANIMATES K1 70, METANOIA L3 70, ENIGMATA 10E 65, AMENTIA G1 64
JANE A12 33 iwhist
MANS K5 12 MLessard64
MINT 7E 7 jlslas

On 8th draw, TOW(L)INES K1 79 --- TOWLINE a line used for towing [n]
Other moves: TOW(L)INE G1 67, TOWE(L)ING 10A 65, TOWE(R)ING 10A 65, NOWTIE(S)T 7A 64, TOWNIE(S) G1 64
JOW(L) A12 39 iwhist
WAIT 9G 17 MLessard64
JET A12 10 jlslas

On 9th draw, QUARTE 1G 48 --- QUARTE a fencing movement [n]
Other tops: QUATRE 1H 48
Other moves: QUATE 1H 45, ADJURE A10 42, QUART 1G 42, QUAT 1H 39, QUIRK 10J 38
QUART 1G 42 iwhist
DART 7E 6 jlslas

On 10th draw, LO(N)GTIME O1 86 --- LONGTIME of long duration [adj]
Other moves: MOLTI(N)G 2C 76, LO(N)GTIME B5 64, LO(N)GTIME F6 64, GLIOM(A)TA 9A 62, QUARTET(T)I 1G 51
JILT A12 33 jlslas, iwhist

On 11th draw, FJELD A11 48 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JEDI A12 36, JILT A12 33, FIND 2F 32, DEIF O12 30, FINE 2F 30
FIT 2F 27 iwhist
QI G1 11 jlslas

On 12th draw, WHOA M11 36 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: DHOW K10 35, RHO J1 32, WHO M11 32, HAN N6 31, HON N6 31
HAN N6 31 iwhist
BOAT 7E 7 jlslas

On 13th draw, HERTZ 7E 49 --- HERTZ a unit of frequency [n]
Other moves: REZ M1 40, HEEZE F11 37, ZEE B10 37, BEZ J12 34, L*Z F12 32
ZO 2N 22 iwhist

On 14th draw, UPLEADING 5E 76 --- UPLEAD to lead up [v]
Other moves: GAUPED 8A 47, GULPED 8A 47, PUDGE 8A 38, UPLEAD 8A 38, PLAGE 8A 35
GAPE 6D 30 iwhist

On 15th draw, TRUDGE M1 38 --- TRUDGE to walk tiredly [v]
Other moves: YU 6F 32, DURGY M2 28, RYE M1 28, TRY M1 28, TYE M1 28
HURRY E7 22 lintim2010, iwhist

On 16th draw, BOTULIN 2B 85 --- BOTULIN a nerve poison [n]
Other moves: ULTION 8A 28, BINT 2F 27, OUBIT 2D 26, OBIT 2E 25, BIN 2F 24
BINT 2F 27 iwhist
HILT E7 7 lintim2010
HOT E7 6 jlslas

On 17th draw, XI 14F 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: RAX 9G 46, AX 9H 44, ZAX I7 44, XI 3C 38, VEX F12 29
RAX 9G 46 iwhist
HI E7 5 jlslas

On 18th draw, RICY 15G 30 --- RICY like rice [adj]
Other moves: CIRRI 8A 29, IVY 4C 23, RICY 4B 23, CRY 4C 21, ICY 4C 21
BY J12 7 iwhist
OR C2 4 jlslas

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