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Game of July 22, 2011 at 02:50, 8 players
1. 317 pts step72
2. 251 pts gmills0
3. 212 pts jlslas

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acijmor   H8    46    46   romaji
 2. deoostt  14D    80   126   tootsed
 3. adefloy   8F    67   193   forelady
 4. abeinno  15A    36   229   nanobe
 5. ??acpqv   K5    48   277   copaiva
 6. aalnrst  12J    27   304   aslant
 7. eginnrs   6G    62   366   negronis
 8. aemootw   O8    30   396   amowt
 9. gilprtu   H1    36   432   griple
10. iklstuy  13M    35   467   yus
11. acehqrt   2H    36   503   rechart
12. abentuz  B10    74   577   zabeta
13. ekoqruw  C10    38   615   ower
14. deeegiu   A7    31   646   geed
15. ehiiktx   9G    51   697   hox
16. deiiiov   9C    26   723   vid
17. eefiitu   1L    46   769   feet
18. iknoqru   3K    39   808   irk
19. eilnoqu   B6    34   842   qi
20. eilnouu  D11    29   871   lento

Remaining tiles: iiiouuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filestep72      0 23:41  -554  317     1.6275 renmar      0  7:03  -760  111 
  2.4359 Filegmills0     0 18:01  -620  251            Group: novice
  3.2204 Filejlslas      0 15:46  -659  212     1.5739 iwhist      0  3:07  -793   78 
  4.6275 Filerenmar      0  7:03  -760  111     2.5694 annelhynz   0  1:04  -850   21 
  5.  -  FileLUBBOCK6    0  4:03  -789   82            Group: not rated
  6.5739 Fileiwhist      0  3:07  -793   78     1.  -  step72      0 23:41  -554  317 
  7.  -  Fileiceangel    0  3:45  -830   41     2.4359 gmills0     0 18:01  -620  251 
  8.5694 Fileannelhynz   0  1:04  -850   21     3.2204 jlslas      0 15:46  -659  212 
                                             4.  -  LUBBOCK6    0  4:03  -789   82 
                                             5.  -  iceangel    0  3:45  -830   41 

On 1st draw, ROMAJI H8 46 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: JORAM H4 44, JORAM H8 34, MAJOR H4 34, ROMAJI H3 32, ROMAJI H4 32
MAJOR H4 34 iwhist
JAM H8 24 jlslas

On 2nd draw, TOOTSED 14D 80 --- TOOTS to say tut [v]
Other moves: TOOTSED G3 69, TOOTSED I3 69, JOTTED 12H 28, TOSED 14F 28, DOSE 14F 25
DOSE I11 21 annelhynz
DOMES 10F 14 iwhist
MOOTED 10H 11 step72
ROOTS 8H 6 jlslas

On 3rd draw, FORELADY 8F 67 --- FORELADY a woman who supervises workers [n]
Other moves: FAYED 15A 45, FOLEY 15A 44, DELAY 15A 38, FAYED G7 38, FADO I9 37
FADE 15A 30 iwhist
FOOLED 9G 15 step72
JOY 12H 13 jlslas

On 4th draw, NANOBE 15A 36 --- NANOBE a very small microbe [n]
Other moves: NANOBE 7I 32, BONIE 15A 29, BONIE 9G 25, EBON 9F 25, BANE 15A 24
JEAN 12H 11 step72
ON F14 2 jlslas

On 5th draw, C(O)PA(I)VA K5 48 --- COPAIVA a resin [n]
Other tops: C(O)PA(I)VA 11E 48
Other moves: QOP(H) G7 37, P(R)(I)VACY M2 36, Q(U)AC(K)Y M3 36, CLAQ(U)(E) J7 35, FAQ(I)(R) F8 35
(S)Q(U)AD L4 26 step72
FAC(E) F8 14 jlslas

On 6th draw, ASLANT 12J 27 --- ASLANT on the slant [adv] --- ASLANT slanting [adj]
Other tops: ASTRAL 12J 27
Other moves: ALATES I10 25, SARAN 12K 25, SLANT 12K 25, SLART 12K 25, SNARL 12K 25
ANALYST M4 12 step72
FAST F8 9 jlslas
STRAY M4 9 iceangel

On 7th draw, NEGR(O)NIS 6G 62 --- NEGRONI an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other moves: ENRING 15J 27, ENSIGN 15J 27, ERNING 15J 27, GINNERY M2 24, INNERS 15J 24
RESTING O9 24 gmills0
STING O11 18 step72
TINS O12 12 iceangel, jlslas

On 8th draw, AMOWT O8 30 --- AMOWT (Inuit) a hood on a woman's parka for carrying a child [n]
Other moves: OMENTA N9 28, AWE 13L 26, MANET N10 26, MANTO N10 26, MENTA N10 26
TEAM O12 18 step72
TOME O12 18 gmills0
FOOT F8 9 jlslas
TOES N3 4 iceangel

On 9th draw, GRIPLE H1 36 --- GRIPLE gripping [adj]
Other moves: TRIPLE H1 33, LIGURE H1 24, PURITY M3 24, UP N9 24, RUTILE H1 21
TULIPS N1 16 step72
PART M11 12 jlslas
FLIRT F8 10 iceangel
TRIPE H2 8 gmills0

On 10th draw, YUS 13M 35 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other moves: STALKY M10 26, FIKY F8 24, KYATS M10 24, LIKUTA B10 24, RUSTILY 2H 24
KILTS N2 18 gmills0
SULKS N2 18 step72
LIST L12 5 jlslas

On 11th draw, RECHART 2H 36 --- CHART to map out [v] --- RECHART to chart again [v]
Other moves: CHAETA B10 34, CHARTA B10 34, PECH 7K 34, CHARITY M2 32, CHAIR 13E 31
CHARTS N1 22 step72, gmills0
QI 3G 21 renmar
FACE F8 15 jlslas
TEAR 2E 6 iceangel

On 12th draw, ZABETA B10 74 --- ZABETA a stated tariff [n]
Other moves: ZEA 1L 47, ZA 1L 44, BEAN 1L 38, BEAT 1L 38, BEAU 1L 38
ZEA 1L 47 renmar
BANT L1 18 step72
FENT F8 9 gmills0
TENTS N2 5 jlslas

On 13th draw, OWER C10 38 --- OWER over [prep]
Other moves: KOW C9 31, KORE C9 30, OKE 1K 30, OW N9 30, UKE 1K 30
WOE 9G 23 renmar
QI 3G 21 jlslas, gmills0
NUKE N12 16 step72

On 14th draw, GEED A7 31 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: GIED A7 31, GUID A7 31
Other moves: GED A8 28, GID A8 28, ED D11 24, IDEE 3K 24, GEED 3L 21
EE D11 20 renmar
AWED 11B 16 step72
DEEP 4E 7 jlslas

On 15th draw, HOX 9G 51 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: EXIT I8 42, EXO 9F 40, HEITIKI 3B 38, OKEH G8 36, TIX 3G 36
EXIT I8 42 step72
AXE L2 20 gmills0
AYE M12 6 jlslas

On 16th draw, VID 9C 26 --- VID short for video [n]
Other moves: VIE 9C 25, VOE 9C 25, ED D11 24, VADE L1 24, DOVIE B4 22
VADE L1 24 gmills0
VOID 3F 16 step72
TIDES N2 6 LUBBOCK6, jlslas

On 17th draw, FEET 1L 46 --- FOOT the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n]
Other moves: FET 14L 24, EF 1K 23, FEE 1L 23, FEU 1L 23, FATE L1 22
BEFIT 12B 20 gmills0
DEFT E9 16 step72
TEE N2 3 jlslas

On 18th draw, IRK 3K 39 --- IRK to annoy or weary [v]
Other tops: INK 3K 39
Other moves: QI B6 34, QUINOL 5C 32, KO G3 26, AWORK 11B 24, QI 5M 24
QI D8 21 jlslas
QI 3G 21 gmills0

On 19th draw, QI B6 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EQUIP 4D 32, QUINOL 5C 32, LENTO D11 29, EQUAL 11E 28, QUEAN 11E 28
EQUIP 4D 32 gmills0
QUAY M10 16 step72
QI M5 11 jlslas

On 20th draw, LENTO D11 29 --- LENTO a slow musical movement [n]
Other moves: ELOIN C3 28, LOUIE C3 28, OLEIN C3 28, LOIN C4 21, ONIE C4 21
BELIE 12B 14 gmills0
QI 6B 11 jlslas
BEN 12B 10 step72

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