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Game of July 22, 2011 at 04:22, 9 players
1. 426 pts kellybelly
2. 351 pts step72
3. 319 pts rebelrsr

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeegjot   H6    24    24   gajo
 2. dehlmor   I7    43    67   homed
 3. ?deilrr   G9    68   135   driller
 4. aaegios   J7    35   170   ages
 5. deginnu  15E    86   256   unringed
 6. annortx  14K    29   285   taxor
 7. ?eeiinq   O9    45   330   inquere
 8. abeilrt   N4    73   403   librate
 9. ekostvv  13L    44   447   toke
10. dinoors   O1    27   474   snood
11. aeimnru   2J    28   502   murein
12. flopsuw   6J    34   536   wof
13. eloppsu   1D    90   626   upslope
14. aaehivy  12B    38   664   heavily
15. ailnnty   C7    76   740   innately
16. abstuvz  B12    34   774   habu
17. aeistwz   8A    84   858   winzes
18. afirttv   D4    36   894   fritz
19. aaccetv   3G    21   915   cave

Remaining tiles: act

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7248 Filekellybelly  3 15:34  -489  426     1.7248 kellybelly  3 15:34  -489  426 
  2.4602 Filestep72      0 22:19  -564  351     2.7032 mylover81   1 10:34  -686  229 
  3.4950 Filerebelrsr    0 21:51  -596  319            Group: intermediate
  4.7032 Filemylover81   1 10:34  -686  229     1.6275 renmar      0  2:37  -858   57 
  5.5319 FileLucylulu    0 13:24  -695  220            Group: novice
  6.2242 Filejlslas      0 19:26  -714  201     1.5319 Lucylulu    0 13:24  -695  220 
  7.4781 Fileayoba       0  7:42  -801  114            Group: not rated
  8.6275 Filerenmar      0  2:37  -858   57     1.4602 step72      0 22:19  -564  351 
  9.  -  Fileleobill     0  0:39  -906    9     2.4950 rebelrsr    0 21:51  -596  319 
                                             3.2242 jlslas      0 19:26  -714  201 
                                             4.4781 ayoba       0  7:42  -801  114 
                                             5.  -  leobill     0  0:39  -906    9 

On 1st draw, GAJO H6 24 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other tops: GAJO H5 24, GAJO H7 24, GAJO H8 24
Other moves: AJEE H5 22, AJEE H6 22, AJEE H7 22, AJEE H8 22, JAG H6 22
JAG H8 22 jlslas
TOGE H5 10 step72

On 2nd draw, HOMED I7 43 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other moves: HOMER I7 42, MOHEL I7 42, HOME I7 41, MOHR I7 41, HOM I7 40
HOLDER G9 24 step72
HOMER 9G 17 rebelrsr
LADE 7G 8 jlslas

On 3rd draw, DRI(L)LER G9 68 --- DRILLER one that drills [n]
Other tops: RIDDLER(S) 11F 68, RIDDLER(S) 11G 68
Other moves: DRIL(L)ER G9 67, REDRIL(L) G9 65, REDRI(L)L G9 65, RID(D)LER G9 65, RI(D)DLER G9 65
DELI J10 19 Lucylulu
REDRI(E)D 11G 16 rebelrsr
DRIED 11I 14 step72
DE(A)D 11I 10 jlslas

On 4th draw, AGES J7 35 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other moves: GAES J6 32, GIES J6 32, SAGE J6 31, AGE J7 28, AGS J7 28
AGE J7 28 Lucylulu
RAGES 15G 18 step72, rebelrsr
RAGS 15G 15 jlslas

On 5th draw, UNRINGED 15E 86 --- UNRINGED not ringed [adj]
Other moves: ENDURING 15C 83, UNEDGING 6A 65, DUNGIER 15A 33, GRINNED 15F 33, REDING 15G 30
GRINNED 15F 33 rebelrsr
ENDURING 15C 33 renmar
GUNNED 6J 25 step72
RUN 15G 9 Lucylulu
LEG 13G 6 jlslas

On 6th draw, TAXOR 14K 29 --- TAXOR one who taxes [n]
Other tops: TAXON 14K 29
Other moves: TAXON 14A 26, AXON 14L 25, AX F10 24, AXON 14B 24, AXONE K11 24
TAXON 14K 29 kellybelly
AX F10 24 renmar
TAX 14C 19 Lucylulu
XI H14 18 rebelrsr
AXE K13 10 step72
OR 10F 4 jlslas

On 7th draw, INQ(U)ERE O9 45 --- INQUERE to ask about [v]
Other tops: ENQ(U)IRE O9 45, INQ(U)IRE O9 45
Other moves: Q(U)EENIE 14A 40, Q(U)ERN O11 39, Q(U)IRE O11 39, Q(U)INIE 14B 38, Q(U)INO N10 33
INQ(U)IRE O9 45 kellybelly
Q(U)EENIE 14A 40 Lucylulu
Q(U)IRE O11 39 step72
Q(U)ITE K11 26 jlslas
Q(U)AD L12 26 rebelrsr

On 8th draw, LIBRATE N4 73 --- LIBRATE to move from side to side [v]
Other moves: TRIABLE N4 69, LIBRATE 13G 49, BLARE 13I 45, BLATE 13I 45, ABELE 13K 43
BATE 13L 38 kellybelly
BATE 13J 37 Lucylulu
TAX M12 20 step72
TRIBA(L) 12B 14 rebelrsr
AB(L)E 12E 6 jlslas

On 9th draw, TOKE 13L 44 --- TOKE to take a puff on a marijuana cigarette [v]
Other tops: SOKE 13L 44
Other moves: EKE 13M 38, OKE 13M 38, TOSE 13L 32, VOLK 4L 32, KETO O1 30
VOLK 4L 32 kellybelly
VOLE 4L 16 rebelrsr
STOKER 10B 14 step72
STAGES J5 9 jlslas, leobill

On 10th draw, SNOOD O1 27 --- SNOOD to secure with a snood (a net or fabric cap for the hair) [v]
Other moves: DINOS O1 26, DORIS O1 26, ORDOS O1 26, INDORSES 10C 24, NORIS O1 23
DINOS O1 26 kellybelly
DROOLS 4J 16 step72
SOON O2 10 rebelrsr
RING 6E 7 jlslas

On 11th draw, MUREIN 2J 28 --- MUREIN a type of polymer [n]
Other tops: REMANIE 14A 28
Other moves: MEANIE 14B 26, MAE 6J 25, MAN 6J 25, MAR 6J 25, MEN 6J 25
REMAIN 2J 20 kellybelly
MEAN 2L 12 step72
MUG 6F 12 ayoba
REMAINS 1I 10 Lucylulu
RUING 6D 8 rebelrsr
MINES 1K 8 jlslas

On 12th draw, WOF 6J 34 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: W*P 6J 33, WOS 6J 31, WUS 6J 31, FROWS L1 30, WO 6J 30
WOF 6J 34 mylover81
FROWS L1 30 kellybelly
FOW(L)S 12D 22 step72
FLOP 3H 18 Lucylulu, ayoba
FUL(L)S 12D 16 rebelrsr
UPS K2 5 jlslas

On 13th draw, UPSLOPE 1D 90 --- UPSLOPE situated on an ascending slope [adj] --- UPSLOPE toward the top of a slope [adv]
Other moves: UPSLOPE 3F 75, POULPES 3E 71, UPSLOPE 3D 69, POPES 3I 38, POUPES 3H 36
SUPPLE 1E 34 kellybelly
SLOPE 1F 25 ayoba
POPE 3I 21 Lucylulu
PO 5K 21 mylover81
SUPP(L)E 12C 20 step72
PO(L)E 12E 6 jlslas
EM J1 4 rebelrsr

On 14th draw, HEAVI(L)Y 12B 38 --- HEAVILY in a heavy manner [adv] --- HEAVY having much weight [adv]
Other moves: HAY 2F 37, AHA 2E 33, AHI 2E 33, HEAVY 14A 33, HEAVILY 13B 32
HAY 2F 37 mylover81, kellybelly
HEAVY 14A 33 rebelrsr
SHAVE F1 19 Lucylulu, ayoba
HEY M1 18 step72
HAI(L) 12D 12 jlslas

On 15th draw, INNATELY C7 76 --- INNATE inborn [adv] --- INNATELY in an innate manner [adv]
Other moves: NIFTY L4 30, NINTHLY B8 30, LINHAY B9 28, LINY 13A 28, TINY 13A 28
TINY 13A 28 kellybelly
ANY 13B 26 mylover81
LANT 13A 19 rebelrsr
TRAY L1 16 step72
LAY 11A 16 ayoba
UNITY D1 16 jlslas

On 16th draw, HABU B12 34 --- HABU a poisonous snake [n]
Other moves: ZA B6 33, ZAG 6F 33, ZAS 10B 32, ZA 10B 31, BEZ M1 28
ZA B6 33 mylover81
ZA 10B 31 kellybelly
VANS 8A 24 ayoba
ZO K5 22 rebelrsr
AY 14B 10 step72
ANTS 8B 5 jlslas

On 17th draw, WINZES 8A 84 --- WINZE a steeply inclined mine shaft [n]
Other tops: WANZES 8A 84
Other moves: WANZE 8A 81, WINZE 8A 81, SENZA 8A 72, ZANIES 8A 48, ZANTES 8A 48
ZINES 8A 45 mylover81
ZA B6 33 kellybelly
ZO K5 22 rebelrsr
ZEST 3H 21 step72
WAITER 10B 19 jlslas

On 18th draw, FRITZ D4 36 --- FRITZ a non functioning state, out of order [n]
Other moves: AFRIT 2B 30, FRATE K11 25, FAVER E5 22, FIVER E5 22, FRAT L1 22
FRAT L1 22 kellybelly
FAVER E5 22 step72
FOX M12 13 mylover81
STAIR F1 7 jlslas
START F1 7 rebelrsr

On 19th draw, CAVE 3G 21 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other tops: VAE E3 21
Other moves: ACETA 2A 20, CARACT 5B 20, CARVE 5B 20, CRAVE 5C 20, VACATE 3E 20
VAE E3 21 kellybelly
CRAVE 5C 20 step72, rebelrsr, mylover81
LACET G1 10 jlslas

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