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Game of July 22, 2011 at 05:55, 11 players
1. 540 pts mylover81
2. 490 pts kellybelly
3. 446 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dgiiqt   H5    26    26   quid
 2. ceeprsu   7F    69    95   epicures
 3. ?degiwy   K7    80   175   ridgeway
 4. aeeiosv  15H    43   218   avise
 5. ainnrtv   5H    30   248   qintar
 6. aefiort   M3    76   324   forestair
 7. aeejnrt   8A    44   368   jantee
 8. aeiorst   A8    98   466   jarosite
 9. aeflnou  N10    47   513   felon
10. abegosv   4D    41   554   aboves
11. aceoruu   5A    24   578   ocrea
12. dgginoz   A1    75   653   gonzo
13. aehilmt  O12    40   693   ahem
14. ailnoty  14A    81   774   tonality
15. biknorw   4L    38   812   bork
16. dllotuw   O1    27   839   douk
17. hilmtuu   6E    32   871   hm
18. dilnpuw  D11    28   899   pilaw
19. dilntux   B2    38   937   xu
20. dgilntu   8J    30   967   gittin

Remaining tiles: dlu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7031 Filemylover81   4 19:09  -427  540     1.7031 mylover81   4 19:09  -427  540 
  2.7242 Filekellybelly  6 15:38  -477  490     2.7242 kellybelly  6 15:38  -477  490 
  3.5700 Fileannelhynz   0 17:55  -521  446            Group: novice
  4.4594 Filestep72      1 22:33  -547  420     1.5700 annelhynz   0 17:55  -521  446 
  5.4391 Filegmills0     1 23:09  -604  363     2.5635 BouncingS   1 11:33  -740  227 
  6.4390 Filespellcheck  0 15:03  -697  270     3.5739 iwhist      1  3:33  -845  122 
  7.5635 FileBouncingS   1 11:33  -740  227            Group: not rated
  8.4849 Filecharmz      0  9:14  -838  129     1.4594 step72      1 22:33  -547  420 
  9.5739 Fileiwhist      1  3:33  -845  122     2.4391 gmills0     1 23:09  -604  363 
 10.4386 Fileelscrabble  0  5:17  -902   65     3.4390 spellcheck  0 15:03  -697  270 
 11.3084 Fileding        0  1:43  -941   26     4.4849 charmz      0  9:14  -838  129 
                                             5.4386 elscrabble  0  5:17  -902   65 
                                             6.3084 ding        0  1:43  -941   26 

On 1st draw, Q(U)ID H5 26 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: Q(A)DI H5 26, Q(A)DI H6 26, Q(A)DI H7 26, Q(A)DI H8 26, Q(A)ID H5 26, Q(A)ID H6 26, Q(A)ID H7 26, Q(A)ID H8 26, Q(U)ID H6 26, Q(U)ID H7 26, Q(U)ID H8 26
Other moves: Q(U)IT H5 24, Q(U)IT H6 24, Q(U)IT H7 24, Q(U)IT H8 24, QI H7 22
Q(U)ID H8 26 iwhist
Q(A)DI H5 26 mylover81
Q(U)ID H5 26 gmills0
Q(U)ID H6 26 step72

On 2nd draw, EPICURES 7F 69 --- EPICURE a gourmet [n]
Other moves: CREEPS 4C 37, CREPES 4C 37, CREPES 4D 37, PERCES 4C 37, PERCES 4D 37
SPRUCE 4H 37 step72
PURES 4D 31 mylover81
QUEERS 5H 30 iwhist, annelhynz, gmills0

On 3rd draw, RIDGEW(A)Y K7 80 --- RIDGEWAY a track along a hill-crest [n]
Other moves: GUIDEW(A)Y J6 71, WERGI(L)D K5 44, YERDI(N)G K5 44, Y(A)WED 6J 44, Y(O)WED 6J 44
WI(N)DY 6B 40 mylover81
YEW 6D 30 annelhynz
WEDGY F6 29 step72
WIDE(S) 4D 29 iwhist
Q(U)ID 5H 26 gmills0

On 4th draw, AVISE 15H 43 --- AVISE to advise [v]
Other tops: AVISO 15H 43, SIEVE 15K 43, SOAVE 15K 43
Other moves: EAVES 15G 40, OAVES 15G 40, AVES 15H 37, AVOS 15H 37, EVES 15H 37
VAES 15H 37 mylover81
AVES 15H 37 iwhist
WAVES 12K 24 step72, gmills0
SEE L11 19 annelhynz

On 5th draw, QINTAR 5H 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 5D 28, VARI(A)NT 13G 28, TYRAN 14J 26, VINCA I4 25, INCANT I5 24
TAV 8M 20 mylover81, annelhynz
VEIN F6 15 gmills0
TRAINS M2 12 step72

On 6th draw, FORESTAIR M3 76 --- FORESTAIR
Other moves: IFTAR 8K 47, AFIRE 4D 33, AFORE 4D 33, FORTE 4D 33, FRATE 4D 33
TREIF 6B 31 mylover81
FEAR 4L 28 kellybelly
WAFER 12K 24 gmills0, step72
OFT 8M 20 annelhynz

On 7th draw, JANTEE 8A 44 --- JANTEE briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: JANTEE 4C 43, JANE L4 42, JOTA 4L 42, JOE 4L 38, JOR 4L 38
JANE L4 42 kellybelly, step72
JOR 4L 38 annelhynz
JOT 4L 38 spellcheck, gmills0
JEAN F6 27 elscrabble

On 8th draw, JAROSITE A8 98 --- JAROSITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: OARIEST 4C 83, OTARIES 4C 83, OTARIES 4B 81, ANOESTRI C7 70, OARIEST 14B 70
TEARS N1 33 mylover81
WASTE 12K 31 step72, kellybelly
EA L12 15 annelhynz
STRAIN C3 14 gmills0, spellcheck

On 9th draw, FELON N10 47 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other moves: FLAUNE 4C 35, FAENA L1 33, FOULE 4D 33, ALF N8 31, ELF N8 31
FELON N10 47 kellybelly
FEAL N10 30 mylover81, BouncingS
FLOWN 12H 30 spellcheck
FLAUNT D3 18 gmills0, step72

On 10th draw, ABOVES 4D 41 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other moves: ABOVES 4C 39, ABOVES O5 39, GABS N2 39, ABOVE 4D 37, VAES N2 37
ABOVES 4D 41 kellybelly
ABOVES O5 39 mylover81
BEG O13 24 annelhynz
BEGOT D4 16 step72
SO 15N 15 spellcheck
BEES F6 12 gmills0
TABS 14A 12 ding

On 11th draw, OCREA 5A 24 --- OCREA a sheathing plant part [n]
Other tops: COURE 5A 24
Other moves: ACRE 5B 22, ARC 6D 22, CARE 5B 22, CERO 5B 22, CORE 5B 22
COURE 5A 24 mylover81
REC 6D 22 kellybelly
CURE 5B 22 annelhynz
CUBER E2 18 BouncingS
SCARE 12A 14 gmills0
TRACE 14A 14 ding
CARE B7 14 step72
TRUCE D8 14 spellcheck

On 12th draw, GONZO A1 75 --- GONZO bizarre [adj]
Other tops: GINZO A1 75
Other moves: ZOON 4L 50, ZO M13 46, ZOO 4L 46, ZA L4 44, ZO 4L 44
ZOON 4L 50 mylover81, kellybelly
ZOO 4L 46 annelhynz, spellcheck
ZOO F2 32 BouncingS
OOZING 11A 32 step72
ZOO A4 22 gmills0

On 13th draw, AHEM O12 40 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HYMEN 14J 38, THEMA L1 35, HOLM 4L 34, MOTH 4L 34, MIHA L2 33
MOTH 4L 34 kellybelly
HAM O13 31 mylover81
HEM O13 31 annelhynz
THE 8M 18 BouncingS
SHALT 12A 16 gmills0
THAW 12H 11 spellcheck

On 14th draw, TONALITY 14A 81 --- TONALITY a system of tones [n]
Other moves: TONALITY D8 80, *L*Y* L1 33, ATONY 4K 30, AYONT 4K 30, YON L11 30
TONY 4L 26 kellybelly
TOY N1 20 annelhynz, spellcheck
TOY 8M 18 BouncingS, step72
GIANTLY 1A 12 charmz
STY 12A 6 gmills0

On 15th draw, BORK 4L 38 --- BORK to denigrate a job applicant for partisan reasons [v]
Other tops: BONK 4L 38, BOOK 4L 38
Other moves: KRONA L1 37, KI J14 35, KNOW 3C 35, KY 14J 35, KOBO 4L 34
BORK 4L 38 kellybelly
KOBO 4L 34 mylover81
BOAK D12 30 charmz
BROWNIE 11E 24 spellcheck
KNOWN C10 24 elscrabble
KA L4 24 annelhynz
WORKING 10E 19 BouncingS, step72
KNOW C7 17 gmills0

On 16th draw, DOUK O1 27 --- DOUK to bathe [v]
Other moves: OUTLAW D10 26, OULK O1 24, OW L12 24, TOUK O1 24, DO M13 23
DOUK O1 27 BouncingS, kellybelly
OW L12 24 annelhynz
WOULD E11 18 step72
WEE F6 14 mylover81
WONT C12 14 charmz
OWL 2A 12 spellcheck
ROLL 10A 6 gmills0

On 17th draw, HM 6E 32 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: HIT 15D 23, MI J14 23, MY 14J 23, UH B1 23, UMU B1 23
HM 6E 32 kellybelly, mylover81
MI J14 23 annelhynz
THILL E11 16 step72
HUNT C12 14 charmz
SHUT 12A 14 elscrabble
LITHE 11G 8 spellcheck

On 18th draw, PILAW D11 28 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: TWP 8M 24, UNLAW D11 24, UPWIND C10 24, WIN 15D 23, DEW 6L 22
DEW 6L 22 BouncingS
POH 13M 16 kellybelly
TIP 8M 15 annelhynz, mylover81, charmz
PLAN D12 14 gmills0
WILL E11 14 step72
WILD 1L 12 spellcheck

On 19th draw, XU B2 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: DEX 6L 34, NEXT 6L 33, LEX 6L 32, TEX 6L 32, TIX 8M 30
XU B2 38 kellybelly, mylover81
TEX 6L 32 BouncingS
TIX 8M 30 annelhynz, charmz
TUX 8M 30 step72
EX 6M 25 gmills0
TAX B7 19 spellcheck

On 20th draw, GITTIN 8J 30 --- GET a divorce under Jewish law [n]
Other moves: ELDIN E8 22, GID E10 21, INTIL 8K 21, ENLIT E8 20, LID E10 19
PULING 11D 18 kellybelly
PLING 11D 16 gmills0
ID N1 15 annelhynz, mylover81
PING 11D 14 charmz
TEN 6L 11 BouncingS
GUILT G10 7 spellcheck

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