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Game of July 22, 2011 at 10:29, 9 players
1. 527 pts Davina
2. 492 pts jeff
3. 483 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acenru   H2    72    72   uncrate
 2. ehilnsz   4F    42   114   zechins
 3. adefptu   5E    35   149   padre
 4. eeegnor   6D    29   178   reg
 5. bdeinot   2F    69   247   bountied
 6. ailostx   C3    87   334   oxtails
 7. aijlnoq   8A    36   370   joll
 8. hiostuw   1I   119   489   outwish
 9. dillmsu   9F    72   561   mudsill
10. ?aaegru   O1    86   647   harangue
11. eemnryy  10E    30   677   my
12. aaefior   2A    32   709   orfe
13. bdeortv   4A    36   745   vext
14. beiiort   1A    26   771   be
15. aadekno  11A    28   799   kendo
16. aefnqrv  A11    39   838   knave
17. aginoqr   6J    39   877   qigong
18. aeiiorr  12C    27   904   airier
19. afoptty   L8    32   936   floaty

Remaining tiles: aciptw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6704 FileDavina      4 15:24  -409  527     1.6704 Davina      4 15:24  -409  527 
  2.6875 Filejeff        3 17:03  -444  492     2.6875 jeff        3 17:03  -444  492 
  3.5704 Fileannelhynz   3 20:45  -453  483     3.6297 mmncedi     2  9:41  -688  248 
  4.5739 Fileiwhist      5 18:06  -473  463     4.6586 shanice     1  3:33  -858   78 
  5.4546 Filehulusian    0 24:50  -562  374     5.6261 matrix      1  2:04  -884   52 
  6.5596 FileBez         1 11:36  -666  270            Group: novice
  7.6297 Filemmncedi     2  9:41  -688  248     1.5704 annelhynz   3 20:45  -453  483 
  8.6586 Fileshanice     1  3:33  -858   78     2.5739 iwhist      5 18:06  -473  463 
  9.6261 Filematrix      1  2:04  -884   52     3.5596 Bez         1 11:36  -666  270 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4546 hulusian    0 24:50  -562  374 

On 1st draw, UNCRA(T)E H2 72 --- UNCRATE to remove from a crate [v]
Other tops: CEN(T)AUR H4 72, NUC(L)EAR H2 72, UNC(L)EAR H2 72, UNRACE(D) H8 72, UN(B)RACE H7 72, UN(T)RACE H7 72, (D)URANCE H7 72, (F)URNACE H7 72, (L)UCARNE H2 72, (P)RAUNCE H7 72, (S)URANCE H7 72
Other moves: CEN(T)AUR H2 68, CEN(T)AUR H3 68, CEN(T)AUR H6 68, CEN(T)AUR H7 68, CEN(T)AUR H8 68
CAN(C)ER H4 20 jeff
CRANE H4 20 Davina
UNC(L)EAR H4 18 shanice
(D)ANCER H7 16 hulusian
ACER H8 12 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, ZECHINS 4F 42 --- ZECHIN an former Italian gold coin [n]
Other moves: ZEALS 6F 36, AIZLES 6H 35, ULZIES 2H 35, AIZLE 6H 34, ULZIE 2H 34
ZEALS 6F 36 Davina, hulusian
ZINES G6 31 shanice
ZIN G6 28 annelhynz
SIZE 9H 23 jeff

On 3rd draw, PADRE 5E 35 --- PADRE a Christian clergyman [n]
Other moves: FRATE 5G 32, TREFA 5G 32, FAZED F2 30, FUZED F2 30, FATED 5J 29
FAZED F2 30 Davina, hulusian
FATED 5J 29 annelhynz
FEZ F2 23 matrix
PEAT 3J 20 jeff
FATED 9D 20 iwhist

On 4th draw, REG 6D 29 --- REG a regulation [n]
Other tops: NEG 6D 29, NOG 6D 29
Other moves: GOER 3J 17, ZAG F4 17, ANGER 6H 16, ARGON 6H 16, NEOGENE K4 16
REG 6D 29 Davina, shanice
NOG 6D 29 matrix, annelhynz, jeff, iwhist
ZAG F4 17 hulusian
ROUGE 2F 10 Bez

On 5th draw, BOUNTIED 2F 69 --- BOUNTIED pertaining to a bounty [adj] --- BOUNTY a reward [adj]
Other moves: OBEDIENT 8C 64, OBEDIENT 8F 62, OBTEND C1 24, BETID C2 22, BIONT 3J 22
BONED C2 22 iwhist, hulusian
BONED 9D 19 jeff
BONED 7A 17 Davina
ATONE 6H 13 annelhynz
NOTED K4 12 Bez

On 6th draw, OXTAILS C3 87 --- OXTAIL the tail of an ox [n]
Other moves: OXTAILS 9B 82, OXTAILS I7 78, OXTAILS G8 75, TAXI 1L 42, OXTAIL C3 33
TAXI 1L 42 annelhynz, Davina, jeff, Bez
HEX I4 22 iwhist
SIX 9H 20 hulusian

On 7th draw, JOLL 8A 36 --- JOLL to bump [v]
Other tops: JILL 8A 36
Other moves: JAI B3 30, JOL 8A 30, NAOI D1 30, JA B3 27, JO B3 27
JILL 8A 36 Davina, iwhist
JO B3 27 annelhynz, mmncedi
QI B2 24 Bez
JO B2 20 jeff
QI K1 11 hulusian

On 8th draw, OUTWISH 1I 119 --- OUTWISH to surpass in wishing [v]
Other moves: OUTWISH G8 67, SWITH 1K 59, HOWS 1L 54, WISH 1L 54, WITH 1L 54
SWITH 1K 59 jeff
HOWS 1L 54 annelhynz, mmncedi, Davina
WISH 1L 54 iwhist
WITH 1L 54 Bez
SWITH 9H 24 hulusian

On 9th draw, MUDSILL 9F 72 --- MUDSILL the lowest supporting timber of a structure [n]
Other tops: MUDSILL 9E 72
Other moves: MUDSILL G8 66, MUDSILL I8 66, MI D3 30, MU D3 30, DUI D2 28
MI D3 30 Davina, Bez, iwhist, mmncedi
MU D3 30 annelhynz
SLIM E8 24 jeff, hulusian

On 10th draw, HARA(N)GUE O1 86 --- HARANGUE to deliver a tirade to [v]
Other tops: NEURALG(I)A K4 86
Other moves: AUL(N)AGER L7 68, AUL(N)AGER K7 66, A(S)SUAGER I7 63, AS(S)UAGER I8 62, (P)ERIAGUA J6 60
G(N)U D2 25 jeff
AGER 8L 21 iwhist
AGE(D) 8L 18 Davina
REG 10E 15 annelhynz
GEAR 8J 14 mmncedi
LAGER K9 12 Bez
LARGE K9 12 hulusian

On 11th draw, MY 10E 30 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: MEER 3L 29, NY 10E 28, YE 3L 28, EYE B2 26, NYE B2 26
MY 10E 30 Davina, annelhynz, mmncedi, iwhist
JOLLY 8A 15 hulusian
LYRE L9 14 Bez

On 12th draw, ORFE 2A 32 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other tops: FAIR 10J 32, FIAR 10J 32, RIFE 2A 32
Other moves: FAA 10J 31, ARF 2A 30, ERF 2A 30, OAF 2A 30, ORF 2A 30
FAIR 10J 32 jeff, Davina, mmncedi, Bez
IF 10I 28 iwhist
FARE 11B 22 annelhynz
ARF 6H 20 hulusian

On 13th draw, VEXT 4A 36 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: BOORDE A1 30, BOOTED A1 30, BORDE A1 30, DOOB A1 30, DORB A1 30
VOTED A1 30 annelhynz, iwhist, jeff
DOVER A1 30 Davina
BORED A1 27 Bez
LOVED K9 18 hulusian

On 14th draw, BE 1A 26 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: BO 1A 26
Other moves: BE 3L 25, BOITE 11A 22, ORIBI 11A 22, TRIBE 11A 22, BIRO 11B 20
BO 1A 26 annelhynz, iwhist, jeff
BORE 11B 20 Davina
BLERT L8 20 hulusian
TRIBE J7 13 Bez

On 15th draw, KENDO 11A 28 --- KENDO a Japanese sport [n]
Other moves: DEAR 3L 26, KADE 11B 26, KANAE 11A 26, MEDAKA E10 26, DOEK B7 24
NAKED N8 22 Davina
KAE 11C 22 annelhynz
OKE 11C 22 jeff
MAKE E10 20 iwhist
DIKE J8 19 hulusian

On 16th draw, KNAVE A11 39 --- KNAVE a dishonest person [n]
Other tops: KENAF A11 39
Other moves: FEVER B10 38, FEAR 12B 32, FEARE B10 32, VEENA B10 32, VENAE B10 32
KNAVE A11 39 iwhist
FEVER B10 38 jeff
FA 10J 28 Davina, mmncedi, annelhynz
FLARE L8 24 hulusian

On 17th draw, QIGONG 6J 39 --- QIGONG a deep breathing exercise [n]
Other moves: OARING 12C 31, IGNARO 12D 28, OARING 12D 27, ONAGRI 12D 27, ORANG 12D 27
VIGOR 14A 18 jeff
VAIN 14A 14 annelhynz
HARA(N)GUER O1 12 iwhist
QI J8 11 Davina
GEO B10 10 hulusian

On 18th draw, AIRIER 12C 27 --- AIRY having the nature of air [adj]
Other tops: OARIER 12C 27
Other moves: AIRIER 12D 25, OARIER 12D 25, VAIRIER 14A 24, AIRER 12C 23, AIRER 12D 23
EAR 12D 17 jeff
DARER D11 14 Davina
(T)AI 7H 14 iwhist
EAR 3M 14 hulusian
VIA 14A 12 mmncedi
QI J6 11 annelhynz

On 19th draw, FLOATY L8 32 --- FLOATY tending to float [adj]
Other tops: FLATTOP L8 32, FLATTY L8 32
Other moves: FOY 7K 30, PRATY H11 30, YRAPT H11 30, FATTY 11G 29, FA 10J 28
PRATY H11 30 iwhist
OF 10I 28 Davina
FA 10J 28 jeff
LOFTY L9 22 hulusian
RAFT H12 21 annelhynz, mmncedi

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