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Game of July 22, 2011 at 15:47, 13 players
1. 569 pts jeff
2. 523 pts reyna
3. 484 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deopstv   H4    26    26   voted
 2. adeilrr   I7    67    93   lardier
 3. ?iklmor  12B    86   179   cormlike
 4. aceinoo  H12    26   205   kane
 5. ?aceors   E5    94   299   caseworm
 6. cefiios  10G    68   367   codifies
 7. aadgnps   J1    70   437   padnags
 8. beehlrt   M6    84   521   herbelet
 9. innoqtw   F6    33   554   wino
10. abefopr   1G    42   596   frappe
11. elmoosy   8A    42   638   yeomen
12. aijlnuz   8K    39   677   jarul
13. aehnntv  L12    34   711   have
14. abgttuu  15K    24   735   begat
15. eginotu   N1    25   760   gunite
16. enotuux   K4    43   803   exo
17. iiinost  K10    23   826   fist
18. dinoqtu   B4    34   860   toque
19. dinnuyz  C11    34   894   dozy

Remaining tiles: iinnuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6896 Filejeff        5 17:11  -325  569     1.6896 jeff        5 17:11  -325  569 
  2.6584 Filereyna       5 26:29  -371  523     2.6584 reyna       5 26:29  -371  523 
  3.6655 Fileyab         3 20:39  -410  484     3.6655 yab         3 20:39  -410  484 
  4.5751 Filemichele     0 20:31  -426  468     4.6415 GLOBEMAN    0  4:13  -793  101 
  5.5563 Filenarisa      1 20:32  -499  395            Group: novice
  6.5508 Fileneyetifu    1 19:17  -531  363     1.5751 michele     0 20:31  -426  468 
  7.3416 Filestrykyster  1 24:02  -624  270     2.5563 narisa      1 20:32  -499  395 
  8.5502 Filesandy914    1 13:02  -692  202     3.5508 neyetifu    1 19:17  -531  363 
  9.3954 Filecailah      0  9:44  -719  175     4.5502 sandy914    1 13:02  -692  202 
 10.6415 FileGLOBEMAN    0  4:13  -793  101     5.5770 JennyB      0  3:38  -840   54 
 11.5770 FileJennyB      0  3:38  -840   54     6.5763 iwhist      0  1:57  -850   44 
 12.5763 Fileiwhist      0  1:57  -850   44     7.5394 siuyee      0  2:54  -852   42 
 13.5394 Filesiuyee      0  2:54  -852   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.3416 strykyster  1 24:02  -624  270 
                                             2.3954 cailah      0  9:44  -719  175 

On 1st draw, VOTED H4 26 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: DEVOTS H4 24, POSTED H4 24, STOVED H7 24, VOTES H4 24, DEPOTS H4 22
VOTED H4 26 strykyster, jeff
POSTED H4 24 narisa, JennyB, GLOBEMAN
STOVED H7 24 reyna
STOVED H4 22 michele, iwhist

On 2nd draw, LARDIER I7 67 --- LARDY resembling lard [adj]
Other moves: DERAILER 7G 63, RERAILED 7B 63, DERAILER 7B 62, RERAILED 7G 62, ARRIVED 4D 22
VALIDER 4H 22 iwhist
RIDER I5 21 jeff
VARIED 4H 20 narisa
VIALED 4H 20 michele
RADE I5 19 reyna
DERAIL G7 18 JennyB
DATER 6F 12 strykyster

On 3rd draw, (C)ORMLIKE 12B 86 --- CORM a modified underground stem [adj] --- CORMLIKE like a corm [adj]
Other tops: (W)ORMLIKE 12B 86
Other moves: OV(E)RMILK 4G 82, (F)OREMILK 12F 78, O(V)ERMILK 12G 76, MILK(W)ORT 6A 67, MILKI(E)R 11E 48
MILKI(E)R 11E 48 michele
M(A)RK H12 44 jeff
MOR(E) H12 33 reyna
MOL(D) H12 33 cailah
MILK 11H 20 yab
MIK(E) 11H 18 narisa
(C)ELL 7G 3 strykyster

On 4th draw, KANE H12 26 --- KANE a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other tops: CA(C)OON B10 26, CO(C)AIN B10 26, KAIE H12 26, KAIN H12 26, KAON H12 26, KENO H12 26, KOAN H12 26
Other moves: CO(C)OA B10 24, ICON G6 24, COIN G7 22, CONE G7 22, CONI G7 22
KANE H12 26 reyna
NOO 11C 18 jeff
COME E10 16 michele
OCEAN 5H 14 yab
COON C11 12 JennyB, narisa
VICE 4H 9 strykyster

On 5th draw, CASE(W)ORM E5 94 --- CASEWORM an insect larva [n]
Other moves: ACROSO(M)E 5E 86, CAR(G)OOSE 5D 86, CREASO(T)E 15A 80, ESCARO(L)E 15A 80, ESCARO(L)E 15H 80
ACROSO(M)E 5E 36 yab
COMERS E10 20 narisa
CREAMS E8 20 jeff, neyetifu
CROO(N)S C9 20 reyna
(D)EVOTED H2 10 michele
ROC C11 10 strykyster

On 6th draw, CODIFIES 10G 68 --- CODIFY to put into the form of a code [v]
Other moves: FARCIES 13G 41, FELSIC F10 36, FES 13C 36, FICOES 8A 36, SOFAR 13E 35
FES 13C 36 narisa, jeff
FICOES 8A 36 yab
OF F9 27 neyetifu, reyna
VOICE 4H 20 michele
EF J10 17 strykyster
CASE(W)ORMS E5 12 cailah

On 7th draw, PADNAGS J1 70 --- PADNAG a horse that moves along at an easy pace [n]
Other tops: PADANGS J1 70
Other moves: GASPED 8A 39, AGAPES 8A 36, PANGED 8A 36, AGAPE 8A 33, ADAGES 8A 30
GASPED 8A 39 jeff
PANGED 8A 36 reyna, yab
SPANED 8A 30 michele
AND 11K 23 neyetifu
FANGS K10 18 narisa
PONDS 5G 16 strykyster

On 8th draw, HERBELET M6 84 --- HERBELET a small herb [n]
Other moves: HERBLETS N3 69, HERBELET 15D 67, HERBELET M4 67, BLETHERS N3 65, HERBELET 15B 64
TELPHER 1G 39 yab
HELPER 1G 36 michele, jeff, narisa, neyetifu
BEEP 1G 24 reyna
HE 13C 22 strykyster
BIRTH L9 20 cailah

On 9th draw, WINO F6 33 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: WRIT 8L 33
Other moves: WIN F6 31, WIT F6 31, WON F6 31, WOT F6 31, WINN L12 28
WRIT 8L 33 jeff
TWINE 8A 27 reyna
W*P 1H 24 sandy914
TROW 8L 24 michele
QIS 7C 22 yab
QI N5 20 neyetifu
ROW 8M 18 strykyster
WON N5 17 narisa
QAT 2I 12 cailah

On 10th draw, FRAPPE 1G 42 --- FRAPPE a partly frozen drink [n]
Other tops: PREFAB 1J 42
Other moves: BOPPER 1G 39, BOPPER 1H 39, FRAB 8L 39, FRAP 8L 39, FRAPPE 1F 39
FRAPPE 1G 42 yab
BOPPER 1H 39 jeff
FRAP 8L 39 reyna
FRAPE 1G 30 neyetifu, sandy914, michele
POPE 1H 24 narisa
ROB 8M 15 strykyster
RAPE N3 15 cailah

On 11th draw, YEOMEN 8A 42 --- YEOMAN an independent farmer [n]
Other tops: SLOOMY 2B 42
Other moves: MOOSE 14J 40, SLOOM N2 39, LYRES 8K 36, YELM L12 36, YES 13C 36
SLOOM N2 39 jeff
MOOLEY 2B 34 yab
YORES 8K 27 neyetifu
SLY 14M 26 narisa, sandy914
SOY M1 26 reyna
SOLE M1 22 cailah
YE 2F 18 michele
RYE 8M 18 strykyster

On 12th draw, JARUL 8K 39 --- JARUL a tree with purple blooms [n]
Other tops: JURAL 8K 39
Other moves: RIZ 8M 36, ZA 2F 36, AIZLE B4 34, FUZIL K10 34, NAZI L12 34
JURAL 8K 39 yab
ZA 2F 36 jeff, cailah, neyetifu
ZIN 14F 32 michele
FIZ K10 30 sandy914
RAJ 8M 30 reyna
ZEAL 12L 28 siuyee
JAY A6 13 strykyster
ZIT 13K 12 narisa

On 13th draw, HAVE L12 34 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other moves: CHIVE G10 29, EATH L12 28, EATH M1 28, HAEN L12 28, HAET L12 28
HAVE L12 34 jeff, neyetifu, narisa, reyna, sandy914
THANE N2 27 michele, yab
HAVE 2L 25 cailah
THEN 12K 14 siuyee
(C)HAT B12 12 strykyster

On 14th draw, BEGAT 15K 24 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other moves: GUTTA N2 23, BAG 7A 22, BEAUT 15K 21, BETTA 15K 21, AB K4 18
BEGAT 15K 24 jeff, reyna, yab
FAT K10 18 michele
AB 7B 16 neyetifu
NAB 4J 10 narisa
(C)AB B12 8 strykyster
BAT 13K 5 sandy914

On 15th draw, GUNITE N1 25 --- GUNITE a fine grained mixture of cement, sand and water [n]
Other tops: TONGUE N1 25
Other moves: GUNITE 2B 23, TINGE N2 23, TOGUE N2 23, TONGUE 2B 23, EGO M1 22
TONGUE 2B 23 yab
NOTING 4J 18 narisa
FIT K10 18 reyna
GONE L3 15 michele
GONE N3 14 jeff, sandy914
NE N12 11 neyetifu
HIT 6M 8 strykyster

On 16th draw, EXO K4 43 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: XU K5 39, EX K4 38, OX K4 38, EX 9B 36, NOX M2 35
EX K4 38 neyetifu
EX 9B 36 jeff, yab
OX M3 31 reyna
SOX N10 25 michele
OXEN C12 22 narisa, strykyster, sandy914

On 17th draw, FIST K10 23 --- FIST to strike with the fist (the hand closed tightly) [v]
Other tops: FITS K10 23, SITAR 13E 23, SONAR 13E 23
Other moves: ISO O1 22, FIT K10 18, INOSITE B2 18, OVINES 4G 18, IN O1 17
FITS K10 23 reyna
IN O1 17 michele
ON O1 17 strykyster, jeff, sandy914, narisa
OS O1 17 neyetifu
SAW 6D 6 yab

On 18th draw, TOQUE B4 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: QUOD C10 28, QUOIN C10 28, QUOIT C10 28, QUITED 15D 26, QUOTED 15D 26
QUOD C10 28 reyna, michele
QUITE 15D 24 strykyster
QUIT O12 23 narisa, jeff

On 19th draw, DOZY C11 34 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: LUZ F12 32, ZIN 14F 32, ZIN C3 28, Y*D M2 26, FIZ G1 25
DOZY C11 34 jeff, reyna
ZIN 14F 32 michele, GLOBEMAN
ZIN C3 28 neyetifu
ZA N14 22 yab
TID 4B 8 narisa

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