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Game of July 22, 2011 at 16:33, 14 players
1. 657 pts PIThompson
2. 651 pts Greylin
3. 636 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dgilstu   H8    20    20   guilds
 2. adeiinr   8A    83   103   deairing
 3. efilnpr   C3    32   135   firepan
 4. acilort   A8    86   221   dicrotal
 5. ?befivw   D1    37   258   beef
 6. aeeginn  11E    32   290   eanling
 7. beeelrz  10D    67   357   bez
 8. annoowy  B12    35   392   yow
 9. aellrtu   1B    27   419   rubella
10. ?aghjno   2H   101   520   mahjong
11. eikostu   O1    39   559   tsk
12. eimostw   J1    68   627   showtime
13. addeors   L5    70   697   deodars
14. anopttx   M7    50   747   pox
15. aehmuvy  C13    36   783   yeh
16. aaimrtu   3L    31   814   maik
17. acetuvv   N8    25   839   tec
18. aeioqrt  D12    30   869   toea
19. aenqtvv   O5    36   905   nave
20. ioqrtuu  13H    50   955   squirt

Remaining tiles: ouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7458 FilePIThompson  5 19:21  -298  657     1.8042 Greylin    13  6:44  -304  651 
  2.8042 FileGreylin    13  6:44  -304  651            Group: advanced
  3.6896 Filejeff        6 17:27  -319  636     1.7458 PIThompson  5 19:21  -298  657 
  4.6655 Fileyab         4 22:36  -363  592            Group: intermediate
  5.6423 FileGLOBEMAN    2 21:29  -518  437     1.6896 jeff        6 17:27  -319  636 
  6.  -  Filefmosoba     3 14:21  -605  350     2.6655 yab         4 22:36  -363  592 
  7.3424 Filestrykyster  0 19:08  -681  274     3.6423 GLOBEMAN    2 21:29  -518  437 
  8.6733 Filewoofy1      1  4:01  -827  128     4.6733 woofy1      1  4:01  -827  128 
  9.6599 Filesunshine12  1  4:15  -850  105     5.6599 sunshine12  1  4:15  -850  105 
 10.5352 Fileraggedy01   0  4:22  -881   74            Group: novice
 11.5513 Filesandy914    0  1:40  -924   31     1.5352 raggedy01   0  4:22  -881   74 
 12.5519 Fileneyetifu    0  0:37  -937   18     2.5513 sandy914    0  1:40  -924   31 
 13.3118 Fileding        0  3:24  -938   17     3.5519 neyetifu    0  0:37  -937   18 
 14.5556 Filenarisa      0  1:37  -943   12     4.5556 narisa      0  1:37  -943   12 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  fmosoba     3 14:21  -605  350 
                                             2.3424 strykyster  0 19:08  -681  274 
                                             3.3118 ding        0  3:24  -938   17 

On 1st draw, GUILDS H8 20 --- GUILD an association of people of the same trade [n]
Other tops: GUILDS H4 20
Other moves: GILDS H4 18, GUIDS H4 18, GUILD H4 18, GUILD H8 18, GUILDS H3 18
GUILDS H4 20 PIThompson, yab, jeff
GUILTS H4 18 strykyster, neyetifu
DIGS H5 12 narisa

On 2nd draw, DEAIRING 8A 83 --- DEAIR to remove air from [v]
Other moves: DENARII I2 63, DRAISINE 13D 61, UREDINIA 9H 61, AIRLINE 11E 28, INDIE I8 21
DRAINED 12H 18 jeff, yab
SNARED 13H 16 PIThompson
LADEN 11H 12 strykyster

On 3rd draw, FIREPAN C3 32 --- FIREPAN an open pan for holding live coals [n]
Other moves: PREIFS 13C 30, PRIEFS 13C 30, PREFILE B2 28, PRELIFE B2 28, PERFINS 13B 26
FIREPAN C3 32 Greylin
PILFERS 13B 26 PIThompson
FIRED 12D 18 jeff
RIFLER E8 18 yab
FLIP 10F 17 strykyster

On 4th draw, DICROTAL A8 86 --- DICROTAL having a double pulse beat [adj]
Other moves: CALORIST 13B 74, DICROTAL 12H 74, CLITORAL 11A 70, CLITORAL 11G 70, EROTICAL 6C 64
DICROTAL A8 36 Greylin
COAT D1 27 PIThompson, jeff
CAROLI 5A 16 yab
CATS 13E 7 strykyster

On 5th draw, B(E)EF D1 37 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n] --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other moves: BE(E)F D1 36, FEW B12 35, B(O)W B4 33, F(A)W B12 32, F(E)W B12 32
B(E)EF D1 37 Greylin
FEW B12 35 jeff
B(O)W B4 33 PIThompson
EF B5 28 yab
WIVE 4B 20 strykyster
LEW 15A 6 raggedy01

On 6th draw, EANLING 11E 32 --- EANLING the young of a sheep of goat [n]
Other tops: ANELING 11E 32, ENGRAIN E5 32, NEALING 11E 32, NEARING E5 32
Other moves: BEANING 1D 30, BEGINNE 1D 30, BANING 1D 27, BEIGNE 1D 27, BENIGN 1D 27
ENGRAIN E5 32 Greylin
BEANING 1D 30 raggedy01, yab, GLOBEMAN, PIThompson
BENIGN 1D 27 jeff
BEGIN 1D 24 strykyster

On 7th draw, BEZ 10D 67 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: L*Z 10D 65, REZ 10D 65, BEEZER 1D 51, BREEZE 1D 51, BEZEL 1D 48
BEZ 10D 67 GLOBEMAN, PIThompson
L*Z 10D 65 yab
BREEZE 1D 51 jeff, Greylin
ZA F10 31 sandy914
FEEBLE 3C 12 strykyster

On 8th draw, YOW B12 35 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other tops: WAY B12 35, YAW B12 35
Other moves: NOWAYS 13C 32, SWANNY 13H 32, SWOONY 13H 32, WOE B6 31, BONNY 1D 30
YAW B12 35 woofy1
WOE B6 31 PIThompson
BONNY 1D 30 jeff, yab
OY B5 28 fmosoba
AY 14A 10 strykyster

On 9th draw, RUBELLA 1B 27 --- RUBELLA a virus disease [n]
Other tops: BALLUTE 1D 27, BULLATE 1D 27
Other moves: BALLER 1D 24, BALLET 1D 24, BATLER 1D 24, BLATER 1D 24, BRUTAL 1D 24
RUBELLA 1B 27 Greylin
BUTLER 1D 24 jeff
BULLET 1D 24 PIThompson
BALLER 1D 24 woofy1
TEA C13 18 fmosoba
AWE 14A 6 strykyster

On 10th draw, (M)AHJONG 2H 101 --- MAHJONG a game of Chinese origin [n]
Other moves: (M)AHJONGG K4 88, (M)AHJONGG K5 88, J(E)ON C11 37, HAJ 2H 34, HAJ(I) 2H 34
(M)AHJONG 2H 51 Greylin, yab
HAJ 2H 34 woofy1, PIThompson
JO(S)H L9 34 jeff
HOE B6 31 fmosoba, GLOBEMAN
HANG J9 10 strykyster

On 11th draw, TSK O1 39 --- TSK to utter an exclamation of annoyance [v]
Other moves: JOKIEST K2 36, SOUK 1L 35, TOUK 1L 35, JOKES K2 32, JOUKS K2 32
TSK O1 39 Greylin, yab, jeff
JOKIEST K2 36 PIThompson
SOUK 1L 35 woofy1
TOKES L1 20 fmosoba
OKES L2 16 strykyster

On 12th draw, SHOWTIME J1 68 --- SHOWTIME the time at which an entertainment is to start [n]
Other moves: TWIGSOME K8 64, SMEW C12 40, MEOW 3I 38, SEW B4 35, SOW B4 35
MEOW 3I 38 yab
MEW C11 34 jeff
WEM C11 32 PIThompson
MOWS L1 24 raggedy01
JOES K2 22 strykyster
SHOWTIME J1 18 Greylin

On 13th draw, DEODARS L5 70 --- DEODAR an East Indian cedar [n]
Other moves: ROADSIDE 6E 62, WADERS 4J 31, EDDOES 8J 30, ROOSA 3I 30, ROOSE 3I 30
DEODARS L5 70 Greylin
WADERS 4J 31 PIThompson, fmosoba, strykyster
EDDOES 8J 30 yab
SADDER 9J 27 jeff
STORED 5I 14 raggedy01

On 14th draw, POX M7 50 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: PAX M7 50
Other moves: AXON M6 45, NOX M7 42, PAX C13 40, AX M8 37, OX M8 37
POX M7 50 Greylin, jeff, fmosoba
PAX M7 50 PIThompson
AX M8 37 yab
EXPO 6L 19 strykyster

On 15th draw, YEH C13 36 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other tops: HEY C11 36, YAH C13 36
Other moves: HEY N8 34, YAM C13 34, YEH N8 34, YEUK 3L 34, HEAVY N8 33
HEY C11 36 Greylin, jeff
HEY N8 34 PIThompson
HEAVY N8 33 yab
YEA C13 30 fmosoba
RYE 10L 24 strykyster

On 16th draw, MAIK 3L 31 --- MAIK a halfpenny [n]
Other moves: RAM B4 29, RUM B4 29, MOAI 3I 27, AMAUT I2 26, RAIK 3L 25
MAIK 3L 31 Greylin
RAM B4 29 PIThompson, fmosoba, jeff

On 17th draw, TEC N8 25 --- TEC detective [n]
Other moves: DOVE 8L 24, VET N6 23, DOUC 8L 21, ECU N9 21, VATTED 5G 20
TEC N8 25 Greylin
DOVE 8L 24 jeff, GLOBEMAN, PIThompson
TAG K9 16 sunshine12
VET 6B 14 fmosoba
TAX 9K 10 strykyster
OPT 7L 5 yab

On 18th draw, TOEA D12 30 --- TOEA a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea [n]
Other tops: HERIOT 15C 30
Other moves: RATE O5 27, RITE O5 27, ROTE O5 27, TARE O5 27, TIRE O5 27
TOEA D12 30 Greylin
RITE O5 27 jeff
RATE O5 27 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TORE O5 27 PIThompson, yab
QIS 13F 13 fmosoba
DART 5L 5 strykyster

On 19th draw, NAVE O5 36 --- NAVE the main body of a church [n]
Other tops: VANE O5 36
Other moves: AVE O6 33, VAE O6 33, ANTE O5 27, TANE O5 27, ANE O6 24
VANE O5 36 sunshine12, fmosoba, GLOBEMAN
NAVE O5 36 Greylin, jeff, PIThompson, yab
DOTE 8L 15 ding
HAVEN 15C 11 strykyster

On 20th draw, SQUIRT 13H 50 --- SQUIRT to eject in a thin, swift stream [v]
Other moves: QI 7F 26, SQUIT 13H 24, QI 3G 23, LIQUOR F1 19, QUINO G5 19
SQUIRT 13H 50 PIThompson, Greylin, fmosoba, jeff, yab
QI 7F 26 sunshine12
NO J11 2 ding

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