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Game of July 22, 2011 at 18:58, 12 players
1. 587 pts Davina
2. 526 pts scrab21
3. 508 pts ayoba

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ennoot   H3    64    64   norteno
 2. eghinno   G7    31    95   hogen
 3. aadeosu   I7    25   120   soda
 4. aefinrw  H11    38   158   afire
 5. eeikloo  12H    26   184   folkie
 6. adeeltw  F10    37   221   waled
 7. ?bemuuz   M9    50   271   zebec
 8. aceoosv  14J    33   304   vacs
 9. aoprttu   3C    74   378   trapunto
10. aeloorv   N8    43   421   volar
11. aaeeins   E9    24   445   sane
12. ciprtuw   2J    28   473   writ
13. behnort   1L    50   523   herb
14. ejnosuy   5E   118   641   journeys
15. aefimmx   6D    63   704   fax
16. aeeegit   N1    28   732   regie
17. denprtu   1D    95   827   prudent
18. acgimuy  D12    38   865   cagy
19. diilmqu   6J    30   895   muid
20. iiilmqt  15A    27   922   limy

Remaining tiles: iiiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6683 FileDavina      2 16:05  -335  587     1.6683 Davina      2 16:05  -335  587 
  2.6291 Filescrab21     4 21:42  -396  526     2.6291 scrab21     4 21:42  -396  526 
  3.4949 Fileayoba       3 23:17  -414  508     3.6275 nderera     1 19:21  -429  493 
  4.6275 Filenderera     1 19:21  -429  493            Group: novice
  5.4899 Filetonikay     1 20:39  -528  394     1.5549 narisa      1 10:46  -693  229 
  6.4751 Filemagictwig   1 20:53  -576  346     2.5529 sandy914    1  5:38  -743  179 
  7.4514 Fileremij       0 21:10  -635  287     3.5115 immy        0  1:20  -877   45 
  8.4420 Filemanfred     1 18:09  -664  258     4.5545 worsie      0  1:35  -909   13 
  9.5549 Filenarisa      1 10:46  -693  229            Group: not rated
 10.5529 Filesandy914    1  5:38  -743  179     1.4949 ayoba       3 23:17  -414  508 
 11.5115 Fileimmy        0  1:20  -877   45     2.4899 tonikay     1 20:39  -528  394 
 12.5545 Fileworsie      0  1:35  -909   13     3.4751 magictwig   1 20:53  -576  346 
                                             4.4514 remij       0 21:10  -635  287 
                                             5.4420 manfred     1 18:09  -664  258 

On 1st draw, NO(R)TENO H3 64 --- NORTENO a North American in contrast to a Latin American [n]
Other tops: NONET(T)O H2 64, NONET(T)O H3 64, NONET(T)O H4 64, NONET(T)O H6 64, NONET(T)O H8 64, NONE(T)TO H2 64, NONE(T)TO H3 64, NONE(T)TO H4 64, NONE(T)TO H6 64, NONE(T)TO H7 64, NO(R)TENO H4 64, NO(R)TENO H6 64, NO(R)TENO H7 64, NO(R)TENO H8 64, (C)ONNOTE H2 64, (C)ONNOTE H3 64, (C)ONNOTE H6 64, (C)ONNOTE H7 64, (C)ONNOTE H8 64
Other moves: NONET(T)O H5 62, NONET(T)O H7 62, NONE(T)TO H5 62, NONE(T)TO H8 62, NO(R)TENO H2 62
TONNE H4 12 Davina, nderera
TENON(S) H4 12 magictwig
TENO(R) H4 10 tonikay
(S)TONEN H4 10 remij
TONE H7 8 ayoba

On 2nd draw, HOGEN G7 31 --- HOGEN strong liquor [n]
Other moves: EHING G6 30, HOEING I7 29, HOG G7 29, HONING G7 29, HONING I7 29
HONING G7 29 nderera, Davina
HONG G7 27 magictwig
HINGE I9 23 ayoba
HOEING 4G 20 narisa
HOEING 9G 15 remij

On 3rd draw, SODA I7 25 --- SODA a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: SADE F8 25, SADO F8 25
Other moves: DOUSE 12D 24, SED I7 24, SOD I7 24, ASEA I6 23, ADOS F9 22
DOUSE 12D 24 ayoba
DUOS 12D 20 nderera, narisa
DUES 12D 20 Davina
SADE 12G 16 magictwig
DUES 10E 14 remij
DOES I9 14 tonikay
HOGENS G7 10 scrab21

On 4th draw, AFIRE H11 38 --- AFIRE being on fire [adj]
Other tops: AWNER H11 38
Other moves: FAWNER F10 37, REF(R)AIN 5E 36, WAFER F10 36, FAINER F10 34, WAFER J10 34
WAFER F10 36 nderera, Davina, scrab21
FEW F10 32 magictwig
WAIF J10 31 tonikay
WIFE J10 31 ayoba
WEAN 11D 14 narisa
FINER 3F 10 remij

On 5th draw, FOLKIE 12H 26 --- FOLKIE a performer of folk music [n] --- FOLKIE being in the style of folk music [adj]
Other moves: KO G13 24, KEELIE 10B 22, NOOKIE 3H 22, KEREL 14F 21, LOOKER 14C 20
KO G13 24 tonikay, ayoba
NOOKIE 3H 22 Davina
ROKE 14H 18 scrab21
KOR 14F 17 remij
LIKE 13G 14 nderera
FOLK 12H 11 magictwig

On 6th draw, WALED F10 37 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other moves: WALED J10 34, WALLED J10 33, WELLED J10 33, WELTED J10 33, WADE F10 32
WALED F10 37 scrab21
WALLED J10 33 nderera
WALD J10 29 tonikay
WELD J10 29 ayoba
WELKED K9 28 magictwig
WALKED K9 28 Davina
WEEK K9 22 remij

On 7th draw, ZEBE(C) M9 50 --- ZEBEC a sailing ship [n]
Other moves: Z(A)MBUK K7 44, BUZUK(I) K8 40, BEZE(L) M9 36, BEZE(S) M9 36, MEZE(S) M9 36
BL(A)ZE J11 35 Davina
L(A)ZE J12 32 narisa, nderera
M(A)ZED 14B 32 scrab21
ZEE M11 24 remij
ZE(D) M11 22 ayoba
(S)UB N12 21 tonikay

On 8th draw, VACS 14J 33 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: VAES 14J 31, VOES 14J 31, VASE 14K 30, AESC 14K 28, CASE 14K 28
VACS 14J 33 ayoba
VASE 14K 30 narisa, nderera, Davina
COOS 14J 28 tonikay, scrab21
SEC 14M 26 manfred
AVES 14J 25 magictwig
ZOO 9M 12 remij

On 9th draw, TRAPUNTO 3C 74 --- TRAPUNTO a decorative quilted design [n]
Other moves: OUTPART J1 70, PRUTOT E6 30, PRUTOT N5 27, TAR N10 27, TOR N10 27
POT E9 24 Davina
PRAT N7 23 nderera
POT N8 22 scrab21, ayoba
PARK K9 20 remij
TROP J4 17 tonikay
ZAP 9M 14 magictwig
POTE 13C 12 manfred
TANA 11E 8 narisa

On 10th draw, VOLAR N8 43 --- VOLAR pertaining to flight [adj]
Other tops: VALOR N8 43
Other moves: VELAR E9 34, VOLAE E9 34, VOLAR E9 34, VALOR N6 33, VELAR N6 33
VALOR N6 33 nderera
VARE N8 28 Davina
VOAR E8 28 narisa
VEAL N7 24 ayoba
VOE N8 23 scrab21
LOVED 14B 18 magictwig
LARK K9 16 remij
ZA 9M 11 tonikay
VOTER C1 8 manfred

On 11th draw, SANE E9 24 --- SANE mentally sound [adj] --- SANE to make the sign of the cross on [v]
Other tops: SENA E9 24, SENE E9 24
Other moves: ANA E10 22, ANE E10 22, ENE E10 22, SEAN E8 22, SEEN E8 22
SAIN K3 19 Davina
SEEN K3 19 scrab21, ayoba
SANE K3 19 nderera
SEAN K3 19 magictwig
PINAS F3 16 manfred
ZOS 9M 12 remij, tonikay

On 12th draw, WRIT 2J 28 --- WRIT a written legal order [n]
Other tops: TWIRP 2J 28, UPTICK K7 28, WRICK K8 28
Other moves: WIT 2J 27, CURPEL 12A 26, PRICK K8 26, WICK K9 26, TWP J5 25
WRIT 2J 28 ayoba, nderera
WIT 2J 27 Davina, scrab21, manfred
WICK K9 26 tonikay
WORT J2 15 remij
POT J2 11 magictwig

On 13th draw, HERB 1L 50 --- HERB a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem [n]
Other moves: BETH 1L 45, HENT 1L 44, HERN 1L 44, HERO 1L 44, BENT 1L 36
HERB 1L 50 Davina, ayoba, sandy914, magictwig, scrab21
BETH 1L 45 immy
HERO 1L 44 nderera
HORNET 1E 33 tonikay
BORED 14B 16 remij
THORN M2 16 manfred

On 14th draw, JOU(R)NEYS 5E 118 --- JOURNEY to travel [v]
Other moves: JOU(R)NEY 5E 64, JURY D1 44, ENJOYS 4J 40, JEON D11 40, REJON N1 40
JORS D1 38 Davina, scrab21
JOY 2E 35 ayoba
RES N1 22 sandy914
JOYS 9B 15 magictwig
ZOO 9M 12 remij

On 15th draw, FAX 6D 63 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: MAX 6D 62, AX 6E 59, MAXIM 4K 49, REFIX N1 46, REMIX N1 44
FAX 6D 63 Davina, manfred, scrab21, narisa
AX 6E 59 sandy914
MAXIM 4K 49 nderera
FIXED 14B 32 magictwig
FAXES 9A 23 ayoba
TAX C3 10 remij
MEL 12D 10 tonikay

On 16th draw, REGIE N1 28 --- REGIE a system of government monopoly [n]
Other tops: RETAG N1 28
Other moves: REATE N1 26, RETIA N1 26, RETIE N1 26, REG N1 24, RETE N1 24
TAG 7C 21 nderera, Davina, scrab21
GATE D12 20 manfred, ayoba
GET 1H 18 tonikay
GATED 14B 14 narisa
FIG D6 9 magictwig
BATE O1 7 remij

On 17th draw, PRUDENT 1D 95 --- PRUDENT having, showing, or exercising good judgment [adj]
Other moves: PUDENT 1E 33, DETINUE 13E 32, RETINUE 13E 30, BRUNTED O1 28, BRUTED O1 27
DUPER 7A 26 Davina
PENT 1G 24 tonikay
REP 7C 23 scrab21
TEND D12 20 nderera
DENT D12 20 manfred
PRUNED 14A 18 remij, magictwig
PEEL 12C 12 ayoba

On 18th draw, CAGY D12 38 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: MAGIC 4K 37, GAMY D12 36, CAGY 3L 34, CYMA D12 34, AIM 2D 32
CAGY D12 38 tonikay
MAGIC 4K 37 ayoba
MAY 7C 29 Davina
YAM 7C 29 scrab21
MAY D12 26 nderera
GAU 2B 15 manfred
SMUG L5 9 magictwig
MAD 14D 6 remij

On 19th draw, MUID 6J 30 --- MUID an old French measure [n]
Other moves: MUIL 6J 29, SQUID L5 29, LIMY 15A 27, MIDI 4K 25, MU 6J 25
LIMY 15A 27 Davina
QUA 13B 24 tonikay, remij, nderera
QI 2B 24 sandy914
QI D8 23 scrab21
QIS 9C 22 ayoba
QI 4M 11 manfred

On 20th draw, LIMY 15A 27 --- LIMY resembling or containing lime [adj]
Other tops: MITY 15A 27
Other moves: QI 2B 24, QI D8 23, QIS 9C 22, MIL J10 21, MILK K9 20
MITY 15A 27 scrab21
QI 2B 24 sandy914, tonikay, manfred
QI D8 23 Davina
QIS 9C 22 ayoba
QI 4B 13 worsie
FIT D6 7 remij

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