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Game of July 22, 2011 at 22:51, 6 players
1. 386 pts gmills0
2. 246 pts raggedy01
3. 78 pts johnny55

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeguy   H8    32    32   cadgy
 2. ?eeeils  11E    82   114   elegises
 3. ?kloruu  12L    30   144   oulk
 4. delnoor   8H    86   230   condoler
 5. ?abchot   M2    82   312   hackbolt
 6. admorsv   2J    40   352   moshav
 7. aepstuz   1H    60   412   spaz
 8. aelrstw  O10    39   451   wakers
 9. aeiinrt  15H    77   528   inertias
10. adenotu   4G    74   602   outdance
11. efinnrt   5G    32   634   freit
12. adeegtu   O1    48   682   evade
13. egiilmo   9A    63   745   oligemia
14. abeiopx   8A    59   804   pax
15. fiinoqy  10A    32   836   if
16. begiorw  14H    35   871   bow
17. inqttuy  12A    50   921   quint
18. eghijuy  A12    48   969   quey
19. ghinrtv  B12    27   996   ugh
20. ijnnrrt   E5    24  1020   jinne

Remaining tiles: rrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4429 Filegmills0     1 22:49  -634  386     1.5377 raggedy01   1 16:39  -774  246 
  2.5377 Fileraggedy01   1 16:39  -774  246     2.5566 narisa      0  1:00  -990   30 
  3.4887 Filejohnny55    0  2:43  -942   78            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filetaupo33     0  2:13  -965   55     1.4429 gmills0     1 22:49  -634  386 
  5.  -  FileTactix      0  1:47  -982   38     2.4887 johnny55    0  2:43  -942   78 
  6.5566 Filenarisa      0  1:00  -990   30     3.  -  taupo33     0  2:13  -965   55 
                                             4.  -  Tactix      0  1:47  -982   38 

On 1st draw, CADGY H8 32 --- CADGY cheerful [adj]
Other moves: CADGY H4 30, CAGEY H8 30, DECAY H8 30, GAUCY H8 30, CAGEY H4 28
GAUDY H8 28 Tactix, taupo33
CAGEY H4 28 gmills0

On 2nd draw, ELEGI(S)ES 11E 82 --- ELEGISE to write an elegy [v]
Other tops: ELEGISE(D) 11E 82, ELEGISE(S) 11E 82, ELEGI(Z)ES 11E 82
Other moves: CELE(R)IES 8H 77, ES(P)IEGLE 11C 66, GLEE(N)IES 11H 66, DIESELE(D) 10H 62, ELE(G)ISED 10A 62
CELE(R)IES 8H 27 taupo33
SIL(L)Y 12D 14 gmills0

On 3rd draw, OULK 12L 30 --- OULK a week [n]
Other moves: K(N)URL 12A 28, OU(L)K 12L 28, O(U)LK 12L 28, KORU(N) 12A 27, KORU(S) 12A 27
LUCK 8F 10 Tactix
COL(O)UR 8H 8 gmills0

On 4th draw, CONDOLER 8H 86 --- CONDOLER one that condoles [n]
Other moves: DROOK O8 30, RELOOK O7 30, KOND O12 27, DRONY 12D 24, KENO O12 24
RELOOK O7 30 narisa
LEARN 9F 7 gmills0

On 5th draw, HAC(K)BOLT M2 82 --- HACKBOLT a sea bird, the greater shearwater [n]
Other tops: COH(O)BATE N1 82, C(O)HOBATE N1 82
Other moves: COH(O)BATE E4 78, C(O)HOBATE E4 78, HAC(K)BOLT F5 68, BATCH 13I 45, BOTCH 13I 45
BL(E)ACH F10 24 gmills0

On 6th draw, MOSHAV 2J 40 --- MOSHAV a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel [n]
Other moves: OMRAHS 2I 34, VALORS N10 34, KVAS O12 33, VALOR N10 32, VOLAR N10 32
KORS O12 24 gmills0

On 7th draw, SPAZ 1H 60 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: PUTZES 1F 57, ZUPAS 12A 54, ZUPAS 1G 54, ZETAS 12A 50, ZUPA 1G 49
AVES O1 24 gmills0
AVE O1 18 johnny55

On 8th draw, WAKERS O10 39 --- WAKER one that wakens [n]
Other moves: WALERS N10 34, WALLER N10 34, WALLET N10 34, KAWS O12 33, KEWL O12 33
KAWS O12 33 gmills0, johnny55
TRAWLS F7 17 raggedy01

On 9th draw, INERTIAS 15H 77 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: INERTIA 3E 76, ARENITIC 4F 72, INERTIAE E4 66, INERTIA 3D 64, INERTIAL F4 62
AVERT O1 27 johnny55, raggedy01
TRIED K4 12 gmills0

On 10th draw, OUTDANCE 4G 74 --- OUTDANCE to surpass in dancing [v]
Other moves: DOATER 14J 39, DOUTER 14J 39, OVATED O1 33, ZOONED K1 32, ZONATE K1 30
OVEN O1 24 gmills0
ATONED E7 7 raggedy01

On 11th draw, FREIT 5G 32 --- FREIT an omen [n]
Other moves: FEINT 13I 31, FIENT 13I 31, REIFY 12D 31, TEF 14H 31, FERITY 12C 30
FLINT F10 18 gmills0
TRIFLE F7 17 raggedy01

On 12th draw, EVADE O1 48 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [v]
Other moves: TEADE 6G 34, TEAD 6G 30, TEED 6G 30, EDGE 6H 29, AGUED 3C 27
GATE 14H 18 raggedy01
GOT I7 10 gmills0

On 13th draw, OLIGEMIA 9A 63 --- OLIGEMIA loss of blood after haemorrhage [n]
Other moves: MOILER 14J 48, GOLEM 14F 32, GLIME 14G 30, ELM 6H 29, LIME 14H 28
MOLE 14F 16 raggedy01
GLEE E9 5 gmills0

On 14th draw, PAX 8A 59 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: PEBA 8A 49, BAP 8A 39, EXPO A6 39, BOX A8 36, POX A8 36
POX A8 36 raggedy01
BOX A8 36 gmills0

On 15th draw, IF 10A 32 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: OF 10A 32
Other moves: IF 14I 28, OF 14I 28, OY 14I 28, YO 14J 28, QI 14H 24
DIN J4 6 gmills0

On 16th draw, BOW 14H 35 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: OWE 14I 31, WOE 14J 31, GIBE 14H 30, BOWER 12A 28, BOWIE 12A 28
GIBER 14F 24 raggedy01
NEW(S) J8 14 gmills0

On 17th draw, QUINT 12A 50 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: QUIM F6 35, QUYTE E5 34, QUINTE E4 30, QUIN 12B 28, QUINE E5 28
QUITE E5 28 gmills0
QUINE E5 28 raggedy01

On 18th draw, QUEY A12 48 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: EUGH 13J 36, JUG 13K 31, HEY 13I 29, YEH 13I 29, LEUGH F11 28
QUEY A12 48 gmills0, raggedy01

On 19th draw, UGH B12 27 --- UGH the sound of a cough or grunt [n]
Other moves: NTH 13K 25, HIE 13M 24, THRIVE E4 24, NIGHT 6C 23, RIGHT 6C 23
HINGE E5 18 gmills0
GUR H3 4 raggedy01

On 20th draw, JINNE E5 24 --- JINNE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other tops: JIRRE E5 24
Other moves: JOR 7L 21, JOT 7L 21, JO 7L 18, JO L7 18, BRR 6M 17
DIRE K8 5 gmills0
TON I13 4 raggedy01

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