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Game of July 23, 2011 at 03:34, 7 players
1. 364 pts dizzylizzy
2. 322 pts sherrymoon
3. 254 pts suitable

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dekoruy   H8    36    36   euroky
 2. ablpruv  13C    28    64   upbray
 3. ademors   8A    89   153   seadrome
 4. egiilnt   A1    80   233   lignites
 5. cilnort   C3    74   307   contrail
 6. aadgios   I2    74   381   adagios
 7. ?eeilst  11E    78   459   mesolite
 8. cemnorv   2I    32   491   amorce
 9. aeghnot  12H    40   531   kaneh
10. ?alnoww   N2    65   596   enwallow
11. adfgtuv  10J    32   628   daft
12. aeinpry   O8    53   681   repay
13. eegjnot  N11    38   719   jong
14. abdeovx  D12    42   761   apex
15. eeinstt  15C    95   856   existent
16. bfiiiou   J4    39   895   bufo
17. dehiqvv  10F    29   924   her
18. diiquvz   E4    34   958   vizir

Remaining tiles: diquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filedizzylizzy  1 20:33  -594  364     1.6521 dannyboy    1  5:16  -854  104 
  2.5832 Filesherrymoon  0 19:07  -636  322            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filesuitable    0 15:33  -704  254     1.5832 sherrymoon  0 19:07  -636  322 
  4.5272 Filerebelrsr    0 15:02  -731  227     2.5272 rebelrsr    0 15:02  -731  227 
  5.2311 Filejlslas      0 16:21  -808  150            Group: not rated
  6.6521 Filedannyboy    1  5:16  -854  104     1.  -  dizzylizzy  1 20:33  -594  364 
  7.4904 Filecharmz      0  4:56  -894   64     2.  -  suitable    0 15:33  -704  254 
                                             3.2311 jlslas      0 16:21  -808  150 
                                             4.4904 charmz      0  4:56  -894   64 

On 1st draw, EUROKY H8 36 --- EUROKY the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions [n]
Other tops: DUKERY H7 36, YORKED H4 36, YOUKED H4 36
Other moves: DORKY H8 34, EUROKY H7 34, YOKED H4 34, YUKED H4 34, DUKERY H4 32
YORKED H4 36 dannyboy, dizzylizzy
DORKY H8 34 rebelrsr, charmz
DROUK H8 30 suitable
YOUR H8 14 jlslas

On 2nd draw, UPBRAY 13C 28 --- UPBRAY to upbraid [v]
Other moves: BAUR I11 23, BURLAP I4 23, PAUL I11 23, BAP I7 22, BAULK 12D 22
BAP G13 20 suitable
BURP 9G 12 dizzylizzy
PURR 10F 12 rebelrsr
BARK 12E 10 dannyboy
PURE 8E 6 jlslas
BOAR 11G 6 charmz

On 3rd draw, SEADROME 8A 89 --- SEADROME an airport in the sea [n]
Other moves: RADOMES G5 78, RADOMES I3 70, RADOMES I2 64, SEADROME 8G 62, DROOMES 11E 40
DOSER I11 31 dizzylizzy
MOA 12C 26 dannyboy
MOPED D11 24 rebelrsr, sherrymoon
MAD G9 21 suitable
MOB E11 14 charmz

On 4th draw, LIGNITES A1 80 --- LIGNITE a type of coal [n]
Other moves: GLINTIER E1 68, TINGLIER E1 68, GIRTLINE 10F 65, GLINTIER 10A 63, RETILING 10H 63
KINGLET 12H 24 sherrymoon
GLINTED D2 18 dizzylizzy, dannyboy
RING E8 10 charmz
KING 12H 9 rebelrsr
KNIT 12H 8 jlslas

On 5th draw, CONTRAIL C3 74 --- CONTRAIL a visible trail of water vapor from an aircraft [n]
Other moves: IRONIC 2A 28, TROPIC D10 26, TOPIC D11 24, LORICA C3 22, OLEIC B6 21
CLIP D10 16 sherrymoon
NO 12C 14 dannyboy
COR 14A 12 rebelrsr
TORT 6A 6 jlslas

On 6th draw, ADAGIOS I2 74 --- ADAGIO a musical composition or movement played in a slow tempo [n]
Other moves: DISA I11 30, DAS I11 29, DIS I11 29, DOS I11 29, D*G* 12A 27
ADAGIOS I2 24 suitable
SAD I13 20 dizzylizzy
DIPS D11 14 rebelrsr
CONTRAILS C3 11 sherrymoon
CAD 3C 6 jlslas

On 7th draw, (M)ESOLITE 11E 78 --- MESOLITE a zeolite composition [n]
Other tops: ESTOILE(S) 11E 78, E(S)TOILES 11E 78, LITER(O)SE E4 78, L(A)TERISE E4 78, S(C)LERITE E4 78, TILER(I)ES E4 78, T(I)LERIES E4 78, (P)ELTRIES E4 78, (P)ETIOLES 11D 78
Other moves: ELE(G)ITS J1 77, LE(A)LTIES 1A 74, EA(R)LIEST 4H 68, ELATI(V)ES 2G 68, E(G)ALITES 2G 68
LISTE(N) 11A 21 dizzylizzy
IDE(A)LS 3H 12 sherrymoon
TIPS D11 12 rebelrsr
IL(L) 6I 4 jlslas

On 8th draw, AMORCE 2I 32 --- AMORCE a percussion cap for a toy pistol [n]
Other moves: OMEN H1 31, MENO J2 30, MERC 12L 30, CARVEN 4H 28, CAVERN 4H 28
MOVER L8 26 jlslas
MINCER J10 18 suitable
CREM L9 16 sherrymoon
VERMIN 6E 15 dizzylizzy

On 9th draw, KANEH 12H 40 --- KANEH a Hebrew measure of length [n]
Other moves: TORAH 10F 39, REHANG 10H 37, HOAED D4 34, HANG 10J 33, HAEN 10J 32
HEAT 10J 32 sherrymoon, suitable
THONG 5E 18 dizzylizzy
NOTE L8 5 jlslas

On 10th draw, ENWAL(L)OW N2 65 --- ENWALLOW to wallow [v]
Other moves: ENWA(L)LOW N2 63, WALLOW(E)R 10A 38, WALLOW 10A 36, WA(R)N 10J 36, WAL(L)OW 10A 35
WAL(L)OW 4H 30 dizzylizzy
WINNOW J10 22 suitable
GA(I)N 5I 8 jlslas

On 11th draw, DAFT 10J 32 --- DAFT insane [adj]
Other tops: AUF J4 32
Other moves: FA 10J 30, FAGOT 8K 30, GAVOT 8K 30, FAR 10F 29, FUR 10F 29
FA 10J 30 suitable
FUR 10F 29 sherrymoon
GIFT 6H 16 dizzylizzy
TEAD K11 5 jlslas

On 12th draw, REPAY O8 53 --- REPAY to pay back [v]
Other moves: APERY O7 48, RENAY O8 47, YEARN O8 47, YEP O8 44, PERAI O8 41
YEP O8 44 sherrymoon
AYE O7 39 suitable
PAY D13 12 dizzylizzy
GAIN 5I 10 jlslas

On 13th draw, JONG N11 38 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: JEEING 6F 32, JET M8 28, JETE 14A 28, JOT M8 28, JEER F10 27
JOT M8 28 dizzylizzy
JOW 4L 26 sherrymoon
JAG 4H 19 rebelrsr
JOG K1 11 jlslas

On 14th draw, APEX D12 42 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: EXO 12B 37, BRAVOED L1 32, BOXED K1 30, BRAVED L1 30, OX O14 30
OX O14 30 rebelrsr
BOXER E4 28 dizzylizzy
DEAR E5 10 jlslas

On 15th draw, EXISTENT 15C 95 --- EXISTENT something that exists [n]
Other moves: NETTIES 15H 87, TRIENTES L1 70, INSETTER E1 66, NOISETTE K1 66, EXTENTS 15C 42
TEST 15L 28 sherrymoon, dizzylizzy
SEW 4L 12 rebelrsr
CENTS 3C 8 jlslas

On 16th draw, BUFO J4 39 --- BUFO a black tincture [n]
Other moves: UFO J5 32, FIR 10F 29, FOR 10F 29, FUR 10F 29, IF J5 29
OF 10E 27 sherrymoon
IF O14 18 suitable
FIB 6H 14 dizzylizzy
FAB 4H 12 rebelrsr
GO 14N 3 jlslas

On 17th draw, HER 10F 29 --- HER the objective or possessive case of the pronoun she [pron]
Other moves: EDH 7E 27, EH 10E 27, HIE D3 25, CHIVVED 3C 23, DRIVE L1 22
HIVER E4 22 dizzylizzy
DRIVE L1 22 rebelrsr, sherrymoon
DEW 4L 14 jlslas

On 18th draw, VIZIR E4 34 --- VIZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: RIZ L2 24, DUI D4 18, VIZOR 8K 18, DZO F6 17, LIQUID 1A 17
QUID 3F 15 rebelrsr, dizzylizzy
ZA 5M 11 sherrymoon
CUD 3C 6 jlslas

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