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Game of July 23, 2011 at 04:18, 7 players
1. 443 pts charmz
2. 402 pts step72
3. 356 pts rebelrsr

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ainoprs   H4    74    74   parison
 2. adilmnu   G9    73   147   maudlin
 3. eehloos  15D    36   183   hoons
 4. ?dehklm   7G    72   255   milkshed
 5. ?aflort   4A    76   331   teraflop
 6. eeinnot  13C    68   399   nonelite
 7. adegiov   K5    44   443   visaged
 8. acenrrs   O4    48   491   carse
 9. abiortu   E6    70   561   tabourin
10. ilstuvy  J10    34   595   yites
11. bdeijvw  14F    33   628   vid
12. aaeelnw  12D    33   661   wild
13. aeegrtz   8A    54   715   zereba
14. aipqtuu   A1    39   754   quit
15. aefgnot   M3    26   780   fanteeg
16. aeenort   L1    27   807   trona
17. begiuwx  L10    39   846   wex
18. bcejouy   1G    51   897   object
19. eegipuy  13L    26   923   eye

Remaining tiles: giipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4916 Filecharmz      2 23:58  -480  443     1.7018 mylover81   2  6:02  -782  141 
  2.4867 Filestep72      1 24:48  -521  402            Group: intermediate
  3.5148 Filerebelrsr    1 24:42  -567  356     1.6787 ceosickey   0  5:09  -844   79 
  4.2305 Filejlslas      0 14:26  -760  163            Group: novice
  5.7018 Filemylover81   2  6:02  -782  141     1.5148 rebelrsr    1 24:42  -567  356 
  6.6787 Fileceosickey   0  5:09  -844   79            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filequeent2869  0  5:16  -876   47     1.4916 charmz      2 23:58  -480  443 
                                             2.4867 step72      1 24:48  -521  402 
                                             3.2305 jlslas      0 14:26  -760  163 
                                             4.  -  queent2869  0  5:16  -876   47 

On 1st draw, PARISON H4 74 --- PARISON a lump of pre-moulded glass [n]
Other tops: PORINAS H4 74, SOPRANI H2 74
Other moves: PARISON H2 70, PARISON H3 70, PARISON H6 70, PARISON H7 70, PARISON H8 70
SPRAIN H3 22 rebelrsr, charmz
PIANOS H4 22 step72
RAINS H8 12 jlslas

On 2nd draw, MAUDLIN G9 73 --- MAUDLIN excessively emotional [adj]
Other tops: MAUDLIN I9 73
Other moves: LADANUM 5E 40, LUMINA G5 30, ALUMIN G6 28, AMID G6 28, DUMA G7 28
AMID G6 28 rebelrsr
PLAID 4H 16 step72
PLAIN 4H 14 charmz
NAIL 10H 6 jlslas

On 3rd draw, HOONS 15D 36 --- HOON a lout [n]
Other moves: HOE F10 33, HOO F10 33, EH F9 32, HOLONS 15C 30, HO F10 29
HOONS 15D 36 charmz
SHONE 15D 27 step72
PEELS 4H 14 jlslas
HAN 10F 14 rebelrsr

On 4th draw, MILK(S)HED 7G 72 --- MILKSHED a region supplying milk to a particular community [n]
Other moves: (A)LKIE 14D 42, (F)EHM F8 39, (V)EHM F8 39, (S)KIED 14E 38, H(I)KED F6 37
(C)HALKED 5F 28 step72
HA(C)KED 5G 26 charmz
HER 6F 14 rebelrsr
RE(A)D 6H 4 jlslas

On 5th draw, T(E)RAFLOP 4A 76 --- TERAFLOP a trillion calculations per second [n] --- TERAFLOP able to perform a trillion calculations per second [adj]
Other tops: D(E)FLATOR N7 76
Other moves: PLATFOR(M) 4H 74, D(E)FLATOR 12G 72, FE(L)LATOR M6 72, REFLOAT(S) M6 72, TERAFLO(P) M6 72
DRAFT(S) 12G 20 step72
FLA(S)H L3 20 charmz
DAFT N7 10 rebelrsr
ANT(S) 10G 3 jlslas

On 6th draw, NONELITE 13C 68 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: NEONATE 5D 30, TENON 8K 30, ETEN 8L 26, ONIE 8L 26, NENE 5B 23
TONE 14A 13 step72
TINT A1 12 charmz
DINE 12G 6 jlslas
TO(E) B2 4 rebelrsr

On 7th draw, VI(S)AGED K5 44 --- VISAGE the face of facial expression of a person [adj] --- VISAGED having a visage [adj]
Other moves: VIDE 14F 36, EVO F9 35, DEV F8 34, DOVIE 14J 33, VID 14F 33
AVI(S)ED K4 18 charmz
DIVA(S) K3 16 rebelrsr
AVOIDED N3 14 step72
AGED N4 8 jlslas

On 8th draw, CARSE O4 48 --- CARSE low, fertile land along a river [n]
Other moves: SCARER O7 45, SCARRE O7 45, CASERN O5 42, ESCAR O6 39, SCARE O7 39
CRATERS A1 27 charmz
CARTERS A1 27 step72
CASTER A1 24 rebelrsr
DANCERS N7 16 jlslas

On 9th draw, TABOURIN E6 70 --- TABOURIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: TABOURIN C6 62, BARDO 12D 33, ABORD 12C 30, ABORE J9 29, BIOTA 12A 28
ABUT A1 18 rebelrsr
BRAT A1 18 step72, charmz
ABORT D4 8 jlslas

On 10th draw, YITES J10 34 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: VUTTY A1 33, YITE J10 31, STIVY 14J 30, SU(E)TY B2 30, SLITTY A1 27
SHY L6 24 step72
LUSTY A1 24 charmz
GUTSY 9K 21 rebelrsr
SUIT A1 12 jlslas

On 11th draw, VID 14F 33 --- VID short for video [n]
Other moves: DW(E)EB B2 32, JEDI 12B 32, JEWIE M3 30, J*WeD B1 30, JIV(E)D B1 30
JOE G3 20 charmz
BRIDE C3 18 step72
J*W M6 13 jlslas
YEW 10J 9 rebelrsr

On 12th draw, WILD 12D 33 --- WILD an uninhabited or uncultivated area [n] --- WILD living in a natural state [adj] --- WILD to go about in a group attacking others [v]
Other tops: NAWAB 8A 33, WEANEL L10 33
Other moves: WALE 3B 29, WANE 3B 29, ATWEEL A3 27, ATWEEN A3 27, WEAL L10 27
WEAN L10 27 rebelrsr
TWEEN A4 24 step72, charmz
LEAN M6 5 jlslas

On 13th draw, ZEREBA 8A 54 --- ZEREBA an improvised stockade [n]
Other moves: RAZEE 3B 51, RAZE 3B 47, TEAZE A4 42, REZ 3B 40, TEAZE L10 38
TEAZE A4 42 charmz
GRAZER C3 34 rebelrsr
GRAZE C3 32 step72
SEAR 14J 4 jlslas

On 14th draw, QUIT A1 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAT A1 39
Other moves: QUEP B6 35, PIQUET M3 34, QUAT 6B 33, QUIT 6B 33, PIQUE M3 32
QUIT A1 39 step72, rebelrsr, charmz
EAT M7 4 jlslas

On 15th draw, FANTEEG M3 26 --- FANTEEG fantigue [n]
Other moves: FORAGER C2 24, EF 5A 23, FEAT 3D 23, FOEN 3D 23, FANTEEG M2 22
NEF L10 22 mylover81
ATE 9A 20 rebelrsr
FRATER C3 20 charmz
FRONT C7 13 step72
SNAG 14J 5 jlslas

On 16th draw, TRONA L1 27 --- TRONA a mineral [n]
Other moves: NEATER L10 24, ETEN 5A 23, NOTA L2 23, ROTA L2 23, TOEA L2 23
ROTA L2 23 mylover81
ZONER A8 15 charmz
TOZE A6 13 rebelrsr
ZEE A8 12 jlslas
QAT 1A 12 queent2869
TORN C2 8 step72

On 17th draw, WEX L10 39 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: EX 5A 31, WEB L10 29, EXURB C1 28, EXUL F1 27, BRUX C3 26
WEX L10 39 mylover81
EX 5A 31 ceosickey
TUBE 1L 18 charmz
IBEX B6 15 queent2869
WEX B7 13 step72
EX B8 9 rebelrsr
SEW 14J 6 jlslas

On 18th draw, OBJECT 1G 51 --- OBJECT to argue in opposition [v]
Other moves: JOEY 3D 43, OBJET 1H 42, OUTBYE 1J 33, JOY 14A 31, JOEY B6 30
JOY 14A 31 mylover81
JURY C2 28 step72, ceosickey
JOB G3 24 charmz
QUEY 1A 20 queent2869
JOR C2 20 rebelrsr
SOB 14J 5 jlslas

On 19th draw, EYE 13L 26 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other tops: EYE 3C 26, GRUYERE C3 26
Other moves: EUGE 13L 24, EUGE M11 24, PIETY 6B 24, PREYER C3 24, PUY 2F 23
EYE 13L 26 mylover81
PREYER C3 24 charmz
SEEPY 14J 20 jlslas
GEY 2F 20 ceosickey
GUY 9M 18 step72
QUITE A1 14 rebelrsr

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