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Game of July 23, 2011 at 05:48, 7 players
1. 516 pts nderera
2. 475 pts jimbo
3. 267 pts johnny55

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeghirt   H4    28    28   hegira
 2. cenoptu   4D    80   108   putcheon
 3. adeegps   8G    64   172   presaged
 4. ahnostz   L1    84   256   zhos
 5. aadeill   6B    66   322   diallage
 6. abgioru   1L    45   367   zobu
 7. eeilmqt   E1    38   405   miquelet
 8. aegltuw   1D    36   441   umwelt
 9. ennorst  10B    72   513   tonners
10. ?innorw   N8    76   589   drowning
11. abefijm  12L    42   631   benj
12. ddeosvy   2L    38   669   hoys
13. ?aadfir   J8    69   738   safaried
14. adfmovy  15H    51   789   faddy
15. aaeiort  13L    25   814   aria
16. eilmnru  14C    68   882   relumine
17. ciootvx  15D    36   918   xi
18. eikottv   9A    28   946   tike
19. cgiootv  13B    31   977   gov

Remaining tiles: ciotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6341 Filenderera     2 17:09  -461  516     1.6341 nderera     2 17:09  -461  516 
  2.5345 Filejimbo       2 22:06  -502  475     2.6592 reyna       1  7:09  -872  105 
  3.4874 Filejohnny55    0  9:26  -710  267            Group: novice
  4.2313 Filejlslas      0 17:59  -795  182     1.5345 jimbo       2 22:06  -502  475 
  5.6592 Filereyna       1  7:09  -872  105            Group: not rated
  6.3293 FileZEHAVARON   0  3:39  -949   28     1.4874 johnny55    0  9:26  -710  267 
  7.4641 Fileelscrabble  0  1:56  -955   22     2.2313 jlslas      0 17:59  -795  182 
                                             3.3293 ZEHAVARON   0  3:39  -949   28 
                                             4.4641 elscrabble  0  1:56  -955   22 

On 1st draw, HEGIRA H4 28 --- HEGIRA an exodus [n]
Other tops: ARIGHT H8 28, GRAITH H7 28, HEGARI H4 28, HIRAGE H4 28
Other moves: GARTH H8 26, GERAH H8 26, GIRTH H8 26, GRITH H8 26, AIRTH H8 24
ARIGHT H8 28 jimbo
GIRTH H8 26 nderera
HEART H4 24 johnny55
HEART H8 18 jlslas

On 2nd draw, PUTCHEON 4D 80 --- PUTCHEON a wire trap for catching salmon [n]
Other moves: POUNCET G9 74, UNPOETIC 7B 67, POTENCE 5E 44, COUPE G4 33, COUP G4 30
PONCE G7 25 nderera
PUNCH 4D 24 jimbo
PENCE 5G 18 johnny55
CENT 5G 6 jlslas

On 3rd draw, PRESAGED 8G 64 --- PRESAGE to foretell [v]
Other moves: ASPERGED 8D 63, PEASED L1 56, GASPED L2 52, PADS L1 52, PEASE L1 52
SPEED L4 52 johnny55
GASPED L2 52 jimbo
PADS L1 52 nderera
PEEPS D4 10 jlslas

On 4th draw, ZHOS L1 84 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: HOAST L1 56, SAZ L4 56, ZAS L2 56, ZOS L2 56, AZOTHS 3I 54
HAZES M5 28 johnny55
HAZE M5 26 nderera
ZONES M5 16 jimbo
ZOOS J3 15 jlslas

On 5th draw, DIALLAGE 6B 66 --- DIALLAGE a mineral [n]
Other moves: LAZIED 1J 48, AZIDE 1K 45, ZEAL 1L 39, ZILA 1L 39, ZILL 1L 39
ZILL 1L 39 johnny55
ZEAL 1L 39 nderera, jimbo
DEAD N8 8 jlslas

On 6th draw, ZOBU 1L 45 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZORI 1L 39, AIR M1 26, OAR M1 26, ABHOR 2J 24, AB M2 21
ZOBU 1L 45 nderera
BEG M7 11 johnny55, jimbo
SOUR J8 6 jlslas

On 7th draw, MIQUELET E1 38 --- MIQUELET a former Spanish or French soldier [n]
Other moves: QUILLET E3 32, LIMIT 7G 29, QUELL E3 28, QUILL E3 28, QUILT E3 28
QUILT E3 28 jimbo, nderera
MET M7 9 johnny55
LIED N5 7 jlslas

On 8th draw, UMWELT 1D 36 --- UMWELT environmental factors which affect behaviour [n]
Other moves: WHEAT 2K 34, LEHUA 2J 30, ALGUM 1A 27, AMULET 1D 27, GLAUM 1A 27
MEWL 1E 27 nderera
METAL 1E 21 jimbo
MALT 1E 18 johnny55
BAGEL N1 16 jlslas

On 9th draw, TONNERS 10B 72 --- TONNER an object having a specified tonnage [n]
Other tops: STONERN 10H 72
Other moves: INTONERS C6 70, TENONERS M7 70, STONERN D8 69, ENTERONS M8 68, ENTERONS I8 63
TONNERS 10B 72 jimbo
STEAR 9E 35 nderera
STONED B1 14 johnny55
SNORED N3 9 jlslas

On 10th draw, DROWNIN(G) N8 76 --- DROWN to suffocate in water [v] --- DROWNING an instance of someone drowning [n]
Other moves: ROWNDIN(G) N4 71, DOWNIN(G) N8 36, DOWNI(E)R N8 36, HW(A)N 2L 31, W(A)NION 2B 31
WO 9C 20 nderera
GROWIN(G) L8 20 jimbo
DOWN(E)R N8 17 jlslas
TOWN(S) B10 14 johnny55

On 11th draw, BENJ 12L 42 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JA 9C 36, JAMBED B1 36, ENJAMB D9 34, JAB 7K 34, JAM 7K 34
JA 9C 36 nderera
ME(G)A 15L 24 jimbo
JEAN 12K 22 johnny55
MEAN 12K 12 jlslas

On 12th draw, HOYS 2L 38 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other tops: HEYS 2L 38
Other moves: HYES 2L 35, HEY 2L 34, HOY 2L 34, DEYS 11C 33, DOYS 11C 33
DOVES C9 22 jimbo
YO 9C 20 nderera
DO(G)S 15L 18 johnny55
YEEDS F9 9 jlslas

On 13th draw, SAFARI(E)D J8 69 --- SAFARI to go on a hunting expedition [v]
Other moves: FI(L)ARIA 13I 43, DRAFT 8A 39, DRIFT 8A 39, (M)AFIA 13K 37, (T)AFIA 13K 37
FARDI(N)(G) 15H 30 nderera
FRID(G)(E) 15J 27 jimbo
B(E)AD L12 8 jlslas

On 14th draw, FADDY 15H 51 --- FADDY inclined to take up fads [adj]
Other moves: FADDY 15G 39, FO(G)Y 15L 39, *F*Y 11B 39, YOOF 3J 39, MOYA 11C 36
FAD 15H 21 nderera
NAVY D10 20 jimbo
AID 13I 5 jlslas

On 15th draw, ARIA 13L 25 --- ARIA an elaborate melody for a single voice [n]
Other moves: AERIE 5G 24, RATIO 2B 23, ROATE 11C 22, OATER K7 21, ORE 3L 20
ORE 3L 20 reyna
TATER B10 10 jimbo
TORT B10 4 jlslas

On 16th draw, RELUMIN(E) 14C 68 --- RELUMINE to light again [v]
Other tops: LEMURIN(E) 14C 68
Other moves: LIMIER 2B 33, MINIER 2B 31, CRAMPER G4 29, LAMER K7 27, LINIER 2B 27
MIEN 2D 21 reyna
MOURN C9 20 jimbo
RUE 11C 14 nderera
MILER 12F 8 jlslas

On 17th draw, XI 15D 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OX 11E 31, TOXOID B1 28, OX 2I 27, VOX 5A 25, COX 5A 24
XI 15D 36 nderera, reyna
VEX D13 21 jimbo
COIT C9 9 jlslas

On 18th draw, TIKE 9A 28 --- TIKE a small child [n]
Other tops: KET 13B 28
Other moves: EVOE 5H 26, VET 13B 26, EIK 9A 25, OIK 9A 25, KI 9C 24
KO 9C 24 nderera
KITTED B1 22 elscrabble
VEX D13 13 reyna
TIKE B10 8 jlslas
TOKE B10 8 jimbo

On 19th draw, GOV 13B 31 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: COOT 13A 26, COT 13B 24, GOT 13B 22, OOT 13B 20, VOGIE 5A 20
COT A7 15 reyna
GIT A7 12 jimbo
GOT A7 12 nderera
KOI C9 7 jlslas

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