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Game sheet of ding (file), Game of July 23, 2011 at 08:04

Word find
Word played
1 AEGHIRT             HEGIRA H4 28 28  
2 ADEKORT             TROAKED I9 71 99  
3 ?FMNOST             FO(R)MANTS 12E 80 179  
4 AENNTUU             UNGUENTA 6F 63 242  
5 ADEILNO             DELATION L2 70 312  
6 ?DEFITW             (S)WIFTED 15C 51 363  
7 AEEGHLV             HEDGE 2J 36 399  
8 DEGLRSY             EDGY O1 51 450  
9 ACEIILS             LAICISE 1D 85 535  
10 AADEITW             WAITED 11A 33 568  
11 AABEOPV SOAP L12 9 -21 9 8/8 AVOW A8 30 598 10/10
12 EPRSUVX SEX L12 10 -40 19 8/8 PAXES B10 50 648 10/10
13 ABCILOT SLOT L12 5 -27 24 7/7 COBALT 2A 32 680 10/10
14 AIIOPRR             PIR 3B 25 705 10/10
15 BMOQRSU             SUQ 10L 42 747 10/10
16 EJMNOOZ JOE 8K 10 -46 34 7/7 JEON 4A 56 803 9/10
17 LMNORVY             YOM A13 31 834 9/10
18 AILORRV QI N10 11 -13 45 6/6 VOLAR 8K 24 858 9/10
19 BIINORU JOB A4 12 -16 57 6/7 QUOIN N10 28 886 9/10

Total: 57/886 or -829 for 6.433%
Rank: 2868

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