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Game of July 23, 2011 at 12:29, 16 players
1. 493 pts ayoba
2. 467 pts iwhist
3. 416 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aghilns   H3    80    80   shaling
 2. aaefjrt   6F    39   119   falaj
 3. aceiruy   3H    28   147   scraye
 4. egoprvy   4L    36   183   orgy
 5. aeeiort   O4    24   207   yarto
 6. ?eelsuw   H1    36   243   unshaling
 7. eimnort   7E    30   273   merino
 8. ?egiiuu   8F    27   300   genie
 9. adikrtu   5K    27   327   auk
10. abilopt   2M    24   351   bop
11. deelnow   1N    32   383   wo
12. aeensuv   9J    23   406   suave
13. eforstw   N9    40   446   ewftes
14. deilnno  12G    70   516   indolent
15. aaeemtv   4D    22   538   tavah
16. behmort  O13    33   571   mho
17. beinoru  13C    23   594   rubine
18. deeiilz  11J    44   638   zed
19. deiprst  11A    74   712   striped
20. deilnot   A4    80   792   lentoids
21. ceiiilt  J11    21   813   zoic
22. eeilqtx   5C    40   853   lex

Remaining tiles: eiiqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5085 Fileayoba       4 15:32  -360  493     1.6306 ksong       0  9:10  -686  167 
  2.5855 Fileiwhist      3 19:49  -386  467     2.6792 SuperH      0  1:23  -764   89 
  3.4504 Fileremij       1 17:22  -437  416     3.6125 Klonimous   0  1:02  -835   18 
  4.4281 Filehippobear   0 28:54  -524  329     4.6603 sunshine12  0  0:41  -839   14 
  5.4796 Filemagictwig   4 14:42  -533  320            Group: novice
  6.4818 Filemarigold    0 20:56  -568  285     1.5085 ayoba       4 15:32  -360  493 
  7.  -  Fileluckymoo2   1 17:21  -598  255     2.5855 iwhist      3 19:49  -386  467 
  8.5614 FileBouncingS   0 10:51  -610  243     3.5614 BouncingS   0 10:51  -610  243 
  9.4440 Filegmills0     1 17:22  -611  242            Group: not rated
 10.6306 Fileksong       0  9:10  -686  167     1.4504 remij       1 17:22  -437  416 
 11.6792 FileSuperH      0  1:23  -764   89     2.4281 hippobear   0 28:54  -524  329 
 12.3881 FileJenn.Trz    0  3:56  -790   63     3.4796 magictwig   4 14:42  -533  320 
 13.4917 Filelyndyloo    0  2:21  -799   54     4.4818 marigold    0 20:56  -568  285 
 14.4959 Filecharmz      0  3:02  -815   38     5.  -  luckymoo2   1 17:21  -598  255 
 15.6125 FileKlonimous   0  1:02  -835   18     6.4440 gmills0     1 17:22  -611  242 
 16.6603 Filesunshine12  0  0:41  -839   14     7.3881 Jenn.Trz    0  3:56  -790   63 
                                             8.4917 lyndyloo    0  2:21  -799   54 
                                             9.4959 charmz      0  3:02  -815   38 

On 1st draw, SHALING H3 80 --- SHALE to shell [v]
Other tops: HALSING H4 80
Other moves: HALSING H6 76, LASHING H6 76, SHALING H6 76, HALSING H2 74, HALSING H3 74
SHALING H3 30 magictwig, BouncingS, ksong, iwhist
LASHING H6 26 marigold, gmills0
HAILS H4 24 remij, lyndyloo
SHAG H5 16 hippobear
SHIN H8 14 luckymoo2

On 2nd draw, FALAJ 6F 39 --- FALAJ water channel [n]
Other moves: AFLAJ 6F 33, HEJRA 4H 30, RAJAH 4D 30, JAFA 5E 28, JARTAS 3C 28
JET G5 25 ayoba
AJAR 5H 22 lyndyloo, marigold
JA G5 20 iwhist
STRAFE 3H 20 luckymoo2
FALTER 6F 19 magictwig
HEART 4H 16 charmz, ksong
FELT 6F 15 remij
JEST 3F 13 hippobear
FATAL 6D 10 Jenn.Trz
JAR 5G 10 BouncingS
LATER 6H 7 gmills0

On 3rd draw, SCRAYE 3H 28 --- SCRAYE the tern [n]
Other tops: SCAREY 3H 28, SCAURY 3H 28
Other moves: JUICY J6 25, AYRIE 7E 24, ERIACH 4C 22, HAIRY 4H 22, HAYER 4H 22
SCAREY 3H 28 gmills0, magictwig
JUICY J6 25 BouncingS, luckymoo2
HAIRY 4H 22 charmz
REACH 4D 20 ksong
JUICER J6 17 Jenn.Trz
RACE 5C 17 ayoba
AYE 5D 17 iwhist
JAY J6 13 hippobear, remij
FIACRE F6 13 marigold
CURES 3D 8 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, ORGY 4L 36 --- ORGY a party marked by unrestrained sexual indulgence [n]
Other moves: YORP 4K 35, REPAY 5E 34, PORGY 2K 33, GOEY 4K 31, GORY 4K 31
PORY 2K 29 ksong
YE 4K 25 iwhist
PROVE 5B 25 ayoba
VARY K2 20 gmills0
PAVE K2 18 magictwig
ER 4L 16 remij
POGY 9F 15 Jenn.Trz
OY 7J 14 sunshine12
PROGENY 8C 14 luckymoo2
VERY J1 12 hippobear
GROVE 9H 10 marigold

On 5th draw, YARTO O4 24 --- YARTO an endearment [n]
Other moves: ACERATE I2 22, AERY O1 21, AIRY O1 21, ARTY O1 21, CARATE I3 21
TRAY O1 21 ayoba, BouncingS, iwhist, remij, luckymoo2, gmills0, marigold, magictwig, ksong
TROY O1 21 Jenn.Trz
AFREET F5 11 hippobear

On 6th draw, U(N)SHALING H1 36 --- UNSHALE to reveal [v]
Other moves: LEWIS 7E 30, (J)EWIE 7E 29, (L)EWIS 7E 29, (N)EWIE 7E 29, L(E)WIS 7E 28
W(A)S 9M 18 iwhist
W(H)EELS 9J 18 ayoba
JEWELS J6 18 marigold, remij
SEW 2M 15 hippobear
F(O)WLS F6 12 BouncingS
(T)WEELS N8 11 magictwig
FEWE(R) F6 10 gmills0
YOW L3 9 ksong

On 7th draw, MERINO 7E 30 --- MERINO a fine wool [n]
Other tops: MINOR 7G 30, TIMON 7G 30
Other moves: INTERIM 7C 29, MINO 7G 29, MIRO 7G 29, IRONME(N) 2B 28, REMIT 7E 26
MINOR 7G 30 magictwig, ayoba, iwhist
EM 5K 16 ksong
JOINER J6 15 BouncingS, gmills0
FEINT F6 10 remij
MERINO M2 9 hippobear

On 8th draw, G(E)NIE 8F 27 --- GENIE a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: GENI(E) 8F 27, G(Y)NIE 8F 27, (R)ENIG 8F 27
Other moves: GE(N)II 8A 22, GI(G)UE 8A 22, (F)UGIE 8A 22, (F)UGUE 8A 22, (G)IGUE 8A 22
GUI(S)E 8A 19 ayoba
NEG 8H 18 BouncingS
GUE(S) 8J 16 ksong
JOG J6 11 remij, hippobear
JOG(S) J6 11 iwhist
JOI(N) J6 10 gmills0, magictwig

On 9th draw, AUK 5K 27 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other moves: ADUKI N7 25, DIKA N8 22, DUKA N8 22, AUK N6 21, DAK N8 21
KID N8 18 ayoba, hippobear
KI(N) 2F 16 remij, BouncingS, iwhist
TURK N8 12 magictwig
YOK L3 10 ksong, gmills0

On 10th draw, BOP 2M 24 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other tops: BAP 2M 24
Other moves: BAITH 4D 20, BAL 2M 20, BAT 2M 20, BIO 2M 20, BIT 2M 20
BAP 2M 24 magictwig
PAT 2M 20 ayoba, BouncingS
TOP N8 13 iwhist
PLAIT N8 13 hippobear
PERK M2 10 remij
BA(N) 2F 10 gmills0
AR(E)A G6 8 marigold
BUILT 1G 7 luckymoo2

On 11th draw, WO 1N 32 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: DO 1N 24, DOWLNE N8 21, DOWEL N8 20, DOWLE N8 20, LO 1N 20
WO 1N 32 ayoba, luckymoo2, remij, magictwig
LOWNED N8 20 BouncingS
DOWEL N8 20 hippobear
DEW N8 18 iwhist
WOUND 1F 9 gmills0, marigold

On 12th draw, SUAVE 9J 23 --- SUAVE sophisticated and smoothly affable [adj]
Other moves: SEVEN K8 22, SUAVE K8 22, EAVES 9K 21, EEVNS 9K 21, NAVES 9K 21
SAVE K8 20 iwhist
SEVEN 9J 20 magictwig
SAVE 9J 19 ayoba, BouncingS
SEVEN N8 18 marigold
SAG 9F 17 luckymoo2
SUR 6M 16 hippobear
VA(N) 2F 13 remij
AVENUES 1D 11 gmills0

On 13th draw, EWFTES N9 40 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other moves: WAFTERS L8 34, WAFERS L8 32, WAFTER L8 32, WAFER L8 30, WAFTS L8 30
WAFTERS L8 34 remij, magictwig
FE 10N 26 iwhist, ayoba
FASTER L8 26 gmills0
VOWERS M9 24 BouncingS
WEFT N8 23 marigold
SEWER N8 18 hippobear
SWAT L7 11 luckymoo2

On 14th draw, INDOLENT 12G 70 --- INDOLENT lazy [adj]
Other moves: IDOL O12 26, OLID O12 25, ENOL O12 22, ONIE O12 22, ANNELID L9 20
IDOL O12 26 hippobear
DIN O13 17 ayoba, remij
NOD O13 16 iwhist, luckymoo2
LADEN L8 14 marigold
NON O13 13 BouncingS
LINED 13K 12 gmills0
ENLIT 12J 10 magictwig

On 15th draw, TAVAH 4D 22 --- TAVAH an Indian griddle [n]
Other moves: AMA 11I 21, EME 11I 21, ENEMA H11 21, NAVE H12 21, NEVE H12 21
NAVE H12 21 magictwig, remij, ayoba, marigold
NEEM H12 18 iwhist
TIME G11 9 gmills0
VADE I10 9 hippobear

On 16th draw, MHO O13 33 --- MHO a unit of electrical conductance [n]
Other moves: HOB O13 31, HOM O13 31, THROB 5A 30, HEM 11J 29, BOH 5C 28
HOB O13 31 ayoba
BOH 5C 28 SuperH
THEM 5B 28 iwhist
HOT O13 25 remij
THERMS 14I 19 hippobear
NORM H12 18 gmills0
BREAM E1 18 marigold
MOTHS 14J 16 luckymoo2

On 17th draw, RUBINE 13C 23 --- RUBINE a ruby, a precious stone [n]
Other tops: BOURNE 13C 23
Other moves: ENUF 11K 22, OUREBI 11C 22, UNROBE 11C 22, INORB H11 21, OBE 11I 21
NOB 5C 20 SuperH
BRUIN 13C 19 ayoba
BEN 3C 14 iwhist
NONE H12 12 hippobear
NOIR H12 12 luckymoo2
BLUR K11 12 remij

On 18th draw, ZED 11J 44 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZEE 11J 41, L*Z 3C 37, L*Z 11E 36, DIZE(N) 2D 34, ZED 5C 34
ZED 11J 44 ayoba, iwhist
ZEE 11J 41 SuperH
ZED 3C 31 remij
ZEAL E2 26 hippobear
ZIT 7M 22 marigold

On 19th draw, STRIPED 11A 74 --- STRIPE to mark with stripes (long, distinct bands) [v]
Other tops: SPIRTED 11A 74
Other moves: DISPUTER 1D 63, TREPID 14A 43, TEPID 14B 41, RESID 14B 35, PERIS 14B 30
PITS 14D 23 remij
STEP 14A 18 luckymoo2
PRIDES 9A 18 ayoba
PIES 14A 16 iwhist
NERD H12 15 hippobear
STUPID 1F 9 marigold

On 20th draw, LENTOIDS A4 80 --- LENTOID something in the shape of a lens [n]
Other moves: NIDE 14D 27, NODE 14D 27, NOTED 14D 27, TIDE 14D 27, TINED 14D 27
SLIDE A11 21 ayoba
SOLID A11 21 iwhist
STEND A11 21 remij
STONE A11 18 hippobear
STOLE A11 18 Klonimous
DOTES A7 18 luckymoo2

On 21th draw, ZOIC J11 21 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: ETIC 14G 20, LICIT B1 18, TELIC 14G 17, CEIL 3B 16, CEIL B2 16
CLEAT E1 14 luckymoo2
ICE 3B 12 ayoba
DINT G11 5 iwhist
ELITE K11 5 hippobear

On 22th draw, LEX 5C 40 --- LEX law [n]
Other tops: TEX 5C 40, TIX 5C 40
Other moves: EX 5D 38, EXILE B2 36, NEXT H12 33, EXIT 3B 26, EXIT B2 26
TEX 5C 40 iwhist, ayoba
NEXT H12 33 marigold, remij
QUILT 1G 14 hippobear

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