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Game of July 23, 2011 at 17:12, 9 players
1. 484 pts jeff
2. 476 pts scrab21
3. 426 pts worsie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelmoos   H3    22    22   amoles
 2. ?bdkoow   3G    90   112   backwood
 3. ?eeinou   O1    35   147   eosine
 4. gnortuu   G7    67   214   outrung
 5. aaegltz   2B    74   288   alteza
 6. acdeimo  12C    78   366   demoniac
 7. aeiiors   K8    26   392   ariose
 8. eeehpst   1A    47   439   thesp
 9. eoprttu   1G    32   471   troupe
10. aegiinr   D5    60   531   aegirine
11. dehijsx   8J    84   615   jaxies
12. egilltv   M7    30   645   vitelli
13. acehint  N10    51   696   haint
14. bdenruy   4J    37   733   yerd
15. abcdquy   8A    42   775   qadi
16. abcivwy   E1    36   811   peavy
17. bginruw   5J    26   837   un
18. bcginrw   2M    22   859   bio

Remaining tiles: cffgnrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6908 Filejeff        0 18:12  -375  484     1.7019 mylover81   2 12:51  -460  399 
  2.6301 Filescrab21     2 18:18  -383  476            Group: intermediate
  3.5582 Fileworsie      0 15:36  -433  426     1.6908 jeff        0 18:12  -375  484 
  4.7019 Filemylover81   2 12:51  -460  399     2.6301 scrab21     2 18:18  -383  476 
  5.6364 Filenderera     2 17:57  -460  399     3.6364 nderera     2 17:57  -460  399 
  6.5553 Filenarisa      0 16:54  -478  381     4.6243 matrix      0  3:38  -785   74 
  7.  -  Filemggab       0  4:48  -771   88            Group: novice
  8.6243 Filematrix      0  3:38  -785   74     1.5582 worsie      0 15:36  -433  426 
  9.5681 FileFaeythe     0  0:48  -833   26     2.5553 narisa      0 16:54  -478  381 
                                             3.5681 Faeythe     0  0:48  -833   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  mggab       0  4:48  -771   88 

On 1st draw, AMOLES H3 22 --- AMOLE a plant root used as a substitute for soap [n]
Other tops: MOOLAS H4 22
Other moves: MALES H4 20, MEALS H4 20, MELAS H4 20, MESAL H4 20, MOLAS H4 20
MEALS H4 20 jeff
MOOSE H4 20 worsie

On 2nd draw, BA(C)KWOOD 3G 90 --- BACKWOOD uncouth [adj]
Other moves: WO(R)DBOOK 5B 84, WO(R)DBOOK 5C 84, WO(R)DBOOK 5G 84, BOK(E)D G3 39, (L)AWBOOK 3G 38
WOK(E) G7 30 jeff
WOK G1 26 scrab21
K(N)OWS 8D 16 worsie
MOOD(Y) 4H 14 narisa

On 3rd draw, EO(S)INE O1 35 --- EOSINE a red dye [n]
Other moves: EN(S)UE O1 32, EO(S)IN O1 32, NO(S)E O1 29, EN(S) O1 23, EO(S)IN 4K 23
EN(S)UE O1 32 narisa
NO(S)E O1 29 worsie, scrab21, jeff
BE G3 8 nderera

On 4th draw, OUTRUNG G7 67 --- OUTRING to ring louder than [v]
Other moves: OUTRUNG N6 66, OUTRUNG G8 62, OUTRUNG I8 62, OUTRUNG L3 18, WRONG K3 18
WRONG K3 18 worsie, jeff, narisa, scrab21
NOD N1 14 nderera

On 5th draw, ALTEZA 2B 74 --- ALTEZA highness [n]
Other moves: ZLOTE L1 48, ALTEZA N6 41, AGAZE 6K 35, GLAZE 6K 35, ZA 2F 35
ZLOTE L1 48 mylover81
GLAZE 6K 35 jeff, worsie
GAZE 6L 34 narisa
GLOZE L1 34 nderera
L*Z 6H 32 scrab21

On 6th draw, DEMONIAC 12C 78 --- DEMONIAC one regarded as possessed by a demon [n]
Other tops: DAEMONIC 12B 78
Other moves: RACEMOID 10G 69, COADMIRE 10A 67, CAMOODI 5E 48, COMADE 1G 43, EDACIOUS 8A 42
CAME 1G 31 mylover81, nderera
COME 1G 31 jeff
DIM 1G 24 scrab21
CREAM 10F 21 worsie
MOOD L1 20 narisa

On 7th draw, ARIOSE K8 26 --- ARIOSE in the manner of an aria [adj]
Other tops: ARIOSI K8 26
Other moves: AERO 4J 25, AEROS K8 24, AESIR K10 24, ARISE K9 24, AROSE K9 24
ARISE K9 24 jeff, scrab21, mylover81, narisa
RAISE K9 24 worsie
AEROS K8 24 nderera

On 8th draw, THESP 1A 47 --- THESP a thespian, a member of the acting profession [n]
Other tops: SHEEP 1A 47
Other moves: PHESE 1A 45, SHEET 1A 39, THESE 1A 39, PEH J8 35, SEETHE 1G 35
SHEEP 1A 47 scrab21
SHEEP 1G 35 nderera
PEH J8 35 jeff
EH J9 28 matrix
SHOP L1 20 narisa
HIPS 10J 17 worsie

On 9th draw, TROUPE 1G 32 --- TROUPE to tour with a theatrical company [v]
Other tops: TOUPET 1G 32
Other moves: APERT 8K 30, APORT 8K 30, APTER 8K 30, TROPE 11A 29, UPTORE N5 28
TROUPE 1G 32 scrab21, nderera
PATTER 8J 27 worsie
TROPE 1G 26 Faeythe, mylover81
TOPER 1G 26 matrix
TOP J8 25 jeff
POOR L1 18 narisa

On 10th draw, AEGIRINE D5 60 --- AEGIRINE a green mineral [n]
Other moves: GEARING 13A 32, GAEING 13B 30, GIEING 13B 30, AIRING 13B 28, EARING 13B 28
EARING 8J 24 worsie
PAWING K1 24 narisa
GRIN 13A 18 nderera
AG 2K 15 scrab21
AE 4J 13 mylover81

On 11th draw, JAXIES 8J 84 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: HEX J8 61, DEX J8 57, HADJES 8J 57, HADJIS 8J 57, JADISH 8J 57
HEX J8 61 mylover81, jeff, worsie, scrab21
EX E4 36 nderera
HEX N6 34 narisa

On 12th draw, VITELLI M7 30 --- VITELLUS the yolk of an egg [n]
Other moves: VIGIL 8A 27, VINE 11B 25, VET 3A 24, GEIT E5 23, GLIT E5 23
VIGIL 8A 27 nderera, worsie
PELLET E1 22 jeff
WIVE K3 20 narisa
OGIVE 5H 18 mylover81
JET J8 18 scrab21

On 13th draw, HAINT N10 51 --- HAINT (Southern US dialect) a ghost [n]
Other tops: HIANT N10 51
Other moves: CHAINE E4 41, CHAIN E4 37, CHAO 2L 34, HAIN N10 34, PEACH E1 34
HAINT N10 51 nderera, mylover81
PEACH E1 34 jeff
CHAIN 8A 30 worsie, scrab21
WITH K3 20 narisa
TIN N13 8 mggab

On 14th draw, YERD 4J 37 --- YERD to bury [v]
Other moves: UNDY 3A 36, DYE 3C 33, PERDY E1 32, BUDDY C10 30, PEERY E1 30
BYE E4 28 jeff
YE 4L 22 nderera, scrab21
NED O13 17 mylover81
DRY C12 14 mggab
BRAD 5B 14 narisa

On 15th draw, QADI 8A 42 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: YAD 5K 40, QUAI 8A 39, BAD 5K 36, QUAYD 5B 36, QUEY 6B 36
QUEY 6B 36 jeff, narisa
QUID 10B 34 mylover81, worsie
QAID 10B 34 scrab21
QUA 13A 30 nderera
QUAD 5B 28 mggab

On 16th draw, PEAVY E1 36 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: CAVY 7K 35, YA 5K 31, JAB J8 30, VIEWY 6B 30, AW N5 28
JAB J8 30 jeff, mylover81
AW N5 28 nderera
AY N5 28 scrab21, worsie
WAVY 5C 26 narisa
AWAY 5B 20 mggab

On 17th draw, UN 5J 26 --- UN one [n] --- UN one [pron]
Other moves: JUG J8 24, BIO 2M 22, NUMB E10 22, WRANG B6 21, BID N1 20
JUG J8 24 scrab21, mylover81
WE 6N 13 jeff
DUNG C12 12 narisa
DUG C12 10 mggab

On 18th draw, BIO 2M 22 --- BIO short form of biography [n]
Other moves: WRANG B6 21, BID N1 20, NIB O13 20, GIO 2M 19, BRAWN B6 18
BIO 2M 22 mylover81
BID N1 20 matrix
IN 9A 15 narisa
CRAW B6 15 worsie
WE 6N 13 jeff
WANG B7 12 scrab21
AW I12 9 nderera
BANG I11 8 mggab

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