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Game of July 24, 2011 at 00:55, 8 players
1. 552 pts cymru57
2. 394 pts LittleYoda
3. 383 pts naneru

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahioprt   H8    30    30   trophi
 2. beenotw  11D    26    56   bewept
 3. aaeklms   D6    84   140   maskable
 4. adennor   6A    65   205   normande
 5. acdhinr   B2    78   283   hadronic
 6. ?eiipqt   H1    51   334   equipe
 7. acegios   H8    39   373   trophies
 8. bceorty   A1    43   416   yebo
 9. aeiortu  15H    77   493   sautoire
10. ?aegjtv  N10    58   551   jaeger
11. aclmosu   O5    94   645   mucosal
12. aeefost   C2    32   677   steer
13. agilntw   8F    63   740   wattling
14. agirtuv  14J    25   765   gaiter
15. deinoor   M1    72   837   rodeoing
16. dilnuvy   1L    33   870   vril
17. dfinuxy   A6    59   929   nix
18. dffnouy   L4    31   960   fy
19. dfnouuz   5E    46  1006   zo

Remaining tiles: dfnuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6703 Filecymru57     1 18:42  -454  552     1.6703 cymru57     1 18:42  -454  552 
  2.5280 FileLittleYoda  0 18:36  -612  394            Group: novice
  3.4775 Filenaneru      1 19:56  -623  383     1.5280 LittleYoda  0 18:36  -612  394 
  4.5566 Filenarisa      0 12:28  -762  244     2.5566 narisa      0 12:28  -762  244 
  5.2368 Filejlslas      0 16:59  -814  192            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filehartsof2    0  9:28  -915   91     1.4775 naneru      1 19:56  -623  383 
  7.3471 Filedenbay      0  5:28  -944   62     2.2368 jlslas      0 16:59  -814  192 
  8.  -  FileDoodmien    0  3:29  -988   18     3.  -  hartsof2    0  9:28  -915   91 
                                             4.3471 denbay      0  5:28  -944   62 
                                             5.  -  Doodmien    0  3:29  -988   18 

On 1st draw, TROPHI H8 30 --- TROPHI the mouth parts of an insect [n]
Other moves: THORIA H3 26, THORP H8 26, THRIP H8 26, AIRTH H8 24, TORAH H8 24
THRIP H4 22 naneru
PATIO H4 20 cymru57
HARP H6 18 denbay
HARP H8 18 LittleYoda
PORT H8 12 jlslas

On 2nd draw, BEWEPT 11D 26 --- BEWEEP to lament [v]
Other tops: HOWBE 12H 26
Other moves: BEENTO I10 25, WEEN I10 25, WEET I10 25, BEEN I10 23, BEET I10 23
WEET I10 25 cymru57
BEEP 11E 16 LittleYoda
WROTE 9G 13 denbay, naneru
TOON 10G 6 jlslas

On 3rd draw, MASKABLE D6 84 --- MASK to cover with a mask (a covering used to disguise the face) [adj] --- MASKABLE able to be masked [adj]
Other moves: KAMELAS G2 67, KALAM 12A 44, ATROPHIAS H7 42, ATROPHIES H7 42, KAMAS 12A 42
TROPHIES H8 39 naneru
MEEK G10 35 cymru57
BLEAK D11 32 LittleYoda
BEAMS D11 20 jlslas
STEAK 8G 9 denbay

On 4th draw, NORMANDE 6A 65 --- NORMANDE prepared with foods associated with Normandy [adj]
Other moves: ATROPHIED H7 45, TROPHIED H8 42, OARED C3 25, ONNED C3 25, OREAD C3 25
TROPHIED H8 42 cymru57
HARDEN 12H 22 LittleYoda
RED E5 15 narisa
NAMED 6B 14 denbay
MANOR 6D 9 jlslas
TORN 8H 4 naneru

On 5th draw, HADRONIC B2 78 --- HADRON an elementary particle [adj] --- HADRONIC relating to a hadron [adj]
Other moves: RHODANIC B4 66, CHINAR A3 45, DIARCH 5E 37, CHAINE H1 36, CANDIE H1 33
RANCH A4 33 cymru57
HAD C13 24 narisa
NARD A6 15 LittleYoda
CHINA 13F 15 naneru
CHIN A3 13 jlslas
RICE 13A 12 Doodmien
DASH 8B 8 denbay

On 6th draw, EQ(U)IPE H1 51 --- EQUIPE a motor-racing team [n]
Other moves: QI G13 42, QI(S) G13 42, Q(A)T G13 42, Q(I) G13 41, Q(A)T A1 39
QI G13 42 cymru57
QAT E5 26 narisa
Q(U)ID G3 23 naneru
QI 13G 21 jlslas
Q(U)IP 13F 17 LittleYoda
RIP 9H 6 Doodmien

On 7th draw, TROPHIES H8 39 --- TROPHY to honor with a trophy (a symbol of victory) [v]
Other moves: CAGIER C1 34, COSIER C1 30, SAGIER C1 30, SOCAGE 14F 29, CAGE C1 28
TROPHIES H8 39 naneru
CAGIER C1 34 cymru57
PACES 5H 18 LittleYoda
CAGES 13A 16 jlslas
CAGES 3A 16 hartsof2

On 8th draw, YEBO A1 43 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: BEY A1 34, BOY A1 34, COY A1 34, ROBE A1 34, TEREBIC 13C 34
BOY A1 34 cymru57
COTE A1 32 LittleYoda
BEERY 14F 24 naneru
POETRY 5H 22 narisa
RACE 3A 12 jlslas
STORY 15H 12 hartsof2

On 9th draw, SAUTOIRE 15H 77 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other moves: THIOUREA 12G 76, OUTRAISE 15B 59, QUOITER 2H 36, QUORATE 2H 36, AIRT I1 22
TORQUE 2E 19 LittleYoda
HAUTE 12H 18 cymru57
PATER 5H 14 hartsof2
TIES 8A 12 narisa
TOWER F9 10 naneru
TORT 8H 4 jlslas

On 10th draw, JAEG(E)R N10 58 --- JAEGER a German army marksman [n]
Other tops: JAG(G)ER N10 58, JA(E)GER N10 58, JA(G)GER N10 58
Other moves: JA(A)P 5E 46, JE(E)P 5E 46, J(A)AP 5E 46, J(E)EP 5E 46, JIGSA(W) 8A 39
JIGS 8A 36 cymru57
J(I)VER N11 28 LittleYoda
JAWE(D) F9 16 naneru
(Q)I 4G 1 jlslas

On 11th draw, MUCOSAL O5 94 --- MUCOSA a mucous membrane [adj] --- MUCOSAL resembling a mucosa [adj]
Other moves: LEUCOMAS 1G 65, CLOAM O8 54, CLOAMS O7 49, MUCOSA O7 47, CLAMS O8 46
CLAMS O8 46 naneru, LittleYoda, narisa
MICS 8A 24 cymru57
S(U)M 3G 8 jlslas

On 12th draw, STEER C2 32 --- STEER to direct the course of [v]
Other moves: FIESTA 8A 27, EFTS C12 26, SAE C2 26, AFT C12 24, EFS C12 24
EFTS C12 26 cymru57
FAT C13 22 narisa
SAFE N2 18 naneru
OAFS 10H 17 LittleYoda
FROST 9G 13 hartsof2, jlslas

On 13th draw, WATTLING 8F 63 --- WATTLE to weave into a network [v] --- WATTLING the act of weaving [n]
Other moves: WANTAGE E5 35, WIGAN N2 30, WITAN N2 28, LIGATING 13G 26, AWEING E9 25
WAG C13 24 narisa
AWL C12 24 cymru57
AWING 13J 18 LittleYoda
GLINT 13F 8 naneru
TAIL 8H 4 jlslas

On 14th draw, GAIT(E)R 14J 25 --- GAITER a covering for the lower leg [n]
Other moves: VIGS 8A 24, NAG A6 23, RIG I1 23, TIG I1 23, AIRT I1 22
RAVING L4 20 cymru57
RATING L4 14 naneru
PART 5H 12 jlslas
GRAVE 1D 11 hartsof2
TRAIN L4 10 LittleYoda

On 15th draw, RODEOING M1 72 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: DINO I1 24, ODEON N2 24, OROIDE 10F 24, REDON N2 24, RHODIE 12G 24
REDOING M2 20 naneru, cymru57
D(U)E 3G 6 jlslas
RING M5 6 LittleYoda

On 16th draw, VRIL 1L 33 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other moves: IDYL L3 32, NURDY 1K 30, Y*D N2 30, Y*D L4 29, LINY L2 28
LURID 1K 21 cymru57
QUID 2H 16 LittleYoda
WILD F11 12 jlslas
RUN 1M 9 narisa

On 17th draw, NIX A6 59 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: FIX L4 47, FIX C13 36, INFIXED 4H 36, FAX E5 35, NIX L4 35
FIXED 4J 32 cymru57
YEX 13C 26 naneru
FIX 13G 25 LittleYoda
QI 2H 11 jlslas
DIAL 11L 5 hartsof2

On 18th draw, FY L4 31 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: HOUFF 12H 30, YOD L4 29, FOY C13 28, NIFFY K7 28, FY C13 26
PUFF 5H 24 LittleYoda
IF N1 20 cymru57
QUOD 2H 16 naneru
FONE 13A 14 narisa
FOND 3J 8 hartsof2
YO(U) 3F 6 jlslas

On 19th draw, ZO 5E 46 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FUZED 13A 36, OUZO 10H 35, ZULU J6 33, DZO C13 32, FUZE 12K 32
ZO 5E 46 cymru57
ZONED 13A 30 narisa
FEZ 13C 30 naneru
FEZ 4L 15 LittleYoda
ZIN K7 12 hartsof2
D(U)N 3G 6 jlslas

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