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Game of July 24, 2011 at 02:25, 9 players
1. 585 pts kellybelly
2. 457 pts step72
3. 395 pts ceosickey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abegrst   H4    76    76   bargest
 2. aefilsu   4F    76   152   fabulise
 3. ?ejnoru   3A    82   234   journey
 4. ?ehlors  11E    97   331   holster
 5. eeiostu   A1    42   373   eejits
 6. aeiovyz  10C    72   445   oyez
 7. anoprtw   3K    36   481   powan
 8. aelorvx   O1    57   538   lanx
 9. abegiin   C8    78   616   ibogaine
10. cefprtu  15A    54   670   prefect
11. adeiovy   D1    34   704   verdoy
12. hilorrt  10J    30   734   hori
13. cdemnov   8A    45   779   voiced
14. agiilnt   1D    86   865   vigilant
15. aaikort   5G    38   903   karat
16. adeimno  14G    66   969   amidone
17. amnqtuu  13G    52  1021   qua
18. dimntuw  13K    28  1049   tumid

Remaining tiles: nw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7247 Filekellybelly  1 19:59  -464  585     1.7247 kellybelly  1 19:59  -464  585 
  2.4897 Filestep72      0 19:56  -592  457            Group: intermediate
  3.6776 Fileceosickey   2 15:52  -654  395     1.6776 ceosickey   2 15:52  -654  395 
  4.2364 Filejlslas      0 14:31  -823  226     2.6331 TwoFold     1  5:53  -850  199 
  5.6331 FileTwoFold     1  5:53  -850  199            Group: novice
  6.5032 Filerebelrsr    0  6:46  -928  121     1.5032 rebelrsr    0  6:46  -928  121 
  7.5115 Fileimmy        0  2:06  -966   83     2.5115 immy        0  2:06  -966   83 
  8.  -  FileSusans      0  3:29 -1003   46            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filegrams       0  0:47 -1034   15     1.4897 step72      0 19:56  -592  457 
                                             2.2364 jlslas      0 14:31  -823  226 
                                             3.  -  Susans      0  3:29 -1003   46 
                                             4.  -  grams       0  0:47 -1034   15 

On 1st draw, BARGEST H4 76 --- BARGEST a doglike goblin [n]
Other moves: BARGEST H2 72, BARGEST H3 72, BARGEST H6 72, BARGEST H7 72, BARGEST H8 72
BARGEST H4 26 kellybelly
BEGARS H4 24 step72
GREATS H8 16 jlslas

On 2nd draw, FABULISE 4F 76 --- FABULISE to write fables [v]
Other moves: FAILURES 6C 65, FISTULAE 10E 65, FALSIE 11E 29, FUSILE 11F 29, ALEFS 11D 27
FILES 11D 27 rebelrsr, kellybelly, step72
BAILS 4H 14 jlslas

On 3rd draw, JOURNE(Y) 3A 82 --- JOURNEY to travel [v]
Other tops: REJOURN(S) 6H 82, (C)ONJURER 6C 82
Other moves: JOIN(T)URE K2 78, REJOU(R)NS 9A 73, (R)EJOURNS 9A 73, (C)ONJURER 6A 68, JONG(L)EUR 7E 66
JOE(S) N1 33 kellybelly
JOURNE(Y) 3A 32 step72
JOINER K2 26 jlslas

On 4th draw, HOLS(T)ER 11E 97 --- HOLSTER a case for a pistol [n] --- HOLSTER to put in a holster (a case for a pistol) [v]
Other moves: HOLS(T)ER N1 86, HOS(T)LER N2 86, HOL(D)ERS N1 85, H(A)LOSERE 8A 83, (A)RSEHOLE 8A 83
H(A)JES A1 45 kellybelly
HORSE N1 30 step72
HORSE(S) B2 20 jlslas

On 5th draw, EEJITS A1 42 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other tops: J*S**T A3 42
Other moves: EEJIT A1 39, SUJEE A1 39, SIJO A1 36, OUTSEE N1 30, OUTSEE L8 24
SUITE L11 22 step72
TIES N1 22 kellybelly
HOIST E11 8 jlslas
GEST 7H 6 Susans

On 6th draw, OYEZ 10C 72 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZATI 10F 67, ZETA 10F 67, AVYZE 12A 47, ZERO D1 46, ZORI D1 46
LAZE J4 33 ceosickey
ZOO F10 32 step72
AZO 12C 29 kellybelly
HEAVY E11 14 Susans
(T)EA I11 3 jlslas

On 7th draw, POWAN 3K 36 --- POWAN a species of whitefish [n]
Other moves: PAWN 3K 34, POWN 3K 34, TORANS 9C 34, TRAPAN 5F 34, WAP 9C 34
WARP 10J 32 kellybelly
WORN 10J 30 ceosickey
WARP D1 26 Susans
PORT D1 18 jlslas
WATER M1 16 step72

On 8th draw, LANX O1 57 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other moves: AXE 5J 49, REX 5K 46, AX 5J 44, OX 5J 44, EXO B1 40
AXE 5J 49 kellybelly
RELAX 12J 28 step72
AXEL J9 27 ceosickey
VALOR K7 8 jlslas

On 9th draw, IBOGAINE C8 78 --- IBOGAINE an alkaloid used as an antidepressant [n]
Other moves: AGEN 5J 33, GENA 5K 31, NEB 5K 31, BEGONIA C7 30, BEING 10J 30
BEING 10J 30 ceosickey, step72
BEGIN 10J 28 kellybelly
BEGIN J10 16 jlslas

On 10th draw, PREFECT 15A 54 --- PREFECT an ancient Roman official [n]
Other moves: PERFECT 15B 45, CUIF 8A 39, PRECUT 15A 39, TRICEP 8A 39, CREPE 15A 36
PREFECT 15A 54 ceosickey
PRICE 8A 36 kellybelly
CREPT 15A 36 step72
CREEP 15A 30 rebelrsr
PURE C2 6 jlslas

On 11th draw, VERDOY D1 34 --- VERDOY charged with flowers as a bordure [adj]
Other moves: VARDY D1 32, YEAD 2C 32, YADS 9E 31, YEAD 10J 31, YODE 10J 31
VOID 8A 30 step72, ceosickey, kellybelly
DRIVE 6G 17 rebelrsr
READ 6H 7 jlslas

On 12th draw, HORI 10J 30 --- HORI a Maori (derogatory term) [n]
Other tops: HOLT 10J 30
Other moves: HIT B6 29, HOI 10J 29, HOLT E5 29, HORI E5 29, HOT 10J 29
HOLT 10J 30 kellybelly
HOT B6 29 ceosickey
HERO J10 15 rebelrsr
PIT K3 10 jlslas
THRILL 1J 10 step72

On 13th draw, VOICED 8A 45 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: VOICE 8A 39, COMA 2L 35, EMIC 8A 33, CODA 2L 31, COVED 12K 31
VOICED 8A 45 TwoFold
VOID 8A 30 kellybelly
VENOM 1D 30 step72
VOICED M8 26 ceosickey
CONED 12K 25 rebelrsr
MINED M9 22 jlslas

On 14th draw, VIGILANT 1D 86 --- VIGILANT watchful [adj]
Other moves: INTAGLI 12I 78, TAIGLING 7E 67, TRAILING 6G 65, RINGTAIL 6H 63, INTAGLI 14G 62
VAILING 1D 33 TwoFold, step72, ceosickey, kellybelly
VAIL 1D 7 jlslas
GLINT M8 7 rebelrsr

On 15th draw, KARAT 5G 38 --- KARAT a unit of quality for gold [n]
Other moves: KATA 2L 33, AKA 2M 32, OKA 2M 32, TAROK 12K 31, TRAIK 12K 31
TAKI 9K 29 TwoFold
TAROK 12J 27 kellybelly
KO 9M 22 immy
KAT 9K 20 ceosickey
RIOT M9 5 jlslas

On 16th draw, AMIDONE 14G 66 --- AMIDONE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: MANED 6J 35, REMAND 6H 35, MAIDEN 6J 34, MAINED 6J 34, REMAIN 6H 34
MAINED 12J 33 kellybelly
MAIDEN 12J 31 ceosickey
AMEND 12I 28 TwoFold
MEAD 9K 18 immy
HOLS(T)ERED 11E 17 step72
MIND M9 10 jlslas

On 17th draw, QUA 13G 52 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QAT 13G 52
Other moves: QAT 13I 48, QUAT 12A 46, QAT 9M 43, QUA 9M 43, QUINATE M8 34
QAT 13G 52 ceosickey
QAT 13I 48 kellybelly
QUAT 12A 46 step72
QUA 9M 43 TwoFold, immy
QI M9 21 jlslas
QUINT M8 15 grams

On 18th draw, TUMID 13K 28 --- TUMID swollen [adj]
Other moves: MODI B2 27, WIND 13K 27, WUD 13K 27, MINUTED M9 26, DIM 13K 25
WIND 13K 27 kellybelly
DIM 15M 21 TwoFold
WED M13 14 step72
MINT M9 9 jlslas

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