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Game of July 24, 2011 at 03:09, 9 players
1. 588 pts kellybelly
2. 510 pts TwoFold
3. 430 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bbegort   H4    26    26   gobbet
 2. ?ahilmw   8E    69    95   limewash
 3. ?aeeiot   E4    78   173   etiolate
 4. aadgrty   K5    40   213   daystar
 5. ahiinos  12H    37   250   hoisin
 6. aceiqru  13B    93   343   acquire
 7. deinoot  I11    29   372   node
 8. aggnort  14H    30   402   negator
 9. elnnors  15B    95   497   ronnels
10. dfinstu  O12    42   539   fist
11. aeeopru   3C    26   565   rupee
12. aafnoos   F6    42   607   foison
13. adgiuvy   2F    31   638   yagi
14. cdeilov   1A    52   690   voiced
15. aelmuwx   1H    51   741   axle
16. aeiklmv   J7    45   786   maik
17. adejrvw   L1    40   826   drave
18. ejlptuw   4B    28   854   jete

Remaining tiles: lpuuwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7232 Filekellybelly  6 12:43  -266  588     1.7232 kellybelly  6 12:43  -266  588 
  2.6334 FileTwoFold     2 19:13  -344  510            Group: intermediate
  3.6382 Filenderera     2 16:57  -424  430     1.6334 TwoFold     2 19:13  -344  510 
  4.4894 Filestep72      1 18:27  -490  364     2.6382 nderera     2 16:57  -424  430 
  5.5011 Filerebelrsr    0 15:55  -542  312            Group: novice
  6.4871 Filejohnny55    2 10:50  -548  306     1.5011 rebelrsr    0 15:55  -542  312 
  7.5730 Fileannelhynz   2  4:41  -644  210     2.5730 annelhynz   2  4:41  -644  210 
  8.2364 Filejlslas      0 15:38  -706  148            Group: not rated
  9.4793 FileMKMac       0  5:04  -774   80     1.4894 step72      1 18:27  -490  364 
                                             2.4871 johnny55    2 10:50  -548  306 
                                             3.2364 jlslas      0 15:38  -706  148 
                                             4.4793 MKMac       0  5:04  -774   80 

On 1st draw, GOBBET H4 26 --- GOBBET a piece of raw meat [n]
Other moves: BEROB H4 24, BEROB H8 24, GOBBET H3 24, GOBBET H7 24, GOBBET H8 24
BEGOT H4 22 step72
BERG H7 14 kellybelly
BORT H8 12 jlslas
ROBE H6 12 johnny55

On 2nd draw, LIMEWA(S)H 8E 69 --- LIMEWASH a mixture of lime and water [n]
Other moves: HALO(U)MI 5E 44, HAWM(S) 10D 31, WI(S)HA 10F 31, HAWMI(N)G 4B 30, HI(E)MAL I5 30
WA(S)H 10F 28 kellybelly
(S)AW 10H 24 MKMac
(S)HAW 10H 22 TwoFold
HABI(T) 6F 17 johnny55
WHALE 8D 15 step72
LAT(E) 9F 4 jlslas

On 3rd draw, E(T)IOLATE E4 78 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other tops: AE(R)OLITE E4 78, ETIOLA(T)E E4 78
Other moves: ETAE(R)IO(S) K1 62, ATELIE(R) E5 24, E(G)ALITE E5 24, E(P)ILATE E5 24, E(V)ITATE 9C 24
BATE(S) 7H 20 TwoFold
(S)ITE 10H 16 kellybelly
HEI(S)T L8 14 step72
HA(S)TE L8 14 johnny55
HOTE(L) L8 14 MKMac
HAI(L) L8 6 jlslas

On 4th draw, DAY(S)TAR K5 40 --- DAYSTAR a planet visible in the east just before sunrise [n]
Other moves: GAYDAR 12B 31, DRAY D1 30, GRAY D1 30, YARD D1 30, ADYTA 12D 29
GRAY D1 30 kellybelly, TwoFold
GRAYED 4A 26 johnny55
TRAGEDY 11A 12 step72
TRY 10E 8 jlslas
GREAT 11C 6 rebelrsr

On 5th draw, HOISIN 12H 37 --- HOISIN a Chinese sweet spice reddish-brown sauce [n]
Other moves: HOAS J6 35, HOISIN J10 34, HAINS J10 33, HAINS 12A 32, HIOIS 12A 32
HOAS J6 35 kellybelly
HAINS J10 33 nderera
ASH J8 29 TwoFold
THIS 10E 27 step72
SHIN 12K 25 johnny55, rebelrsr
NOSH 12C 22 MKMac
RAINS 11K 5 jlslas

On 6th draw, ACQUIRE 13B 93 --- ACQUIRE to come into possession of [v]
Other moves: QUINCE M9 54, QUARE D1 53, QUIRE D1 53, QUARE L1 51, QUIRE L1 51
QUINCE M9 54 johnny55, step72, rebelrsr
QUIRE D1 53 kellybelly, nderera
QUARE L1 51 TwoFold
RACE 4B 12 jlslas

On 7th draw, NODE I11 29 --- NODE a swollen enlargement [n]
Other tops: NODI I11 29
Other moves: NOD I11 28, ODE I12 28, TOD I11 28, ACQUIRED 13B 27, OD I12 27
NODE I11 29 johnny55, nderera, step72, kellybelly
NOTED L2 18 TwoFold
TINNED M10 14 rebelrsr
DINE M10 10 jlslas

On 8th draw, NEGATOR 14H 30 --- NEGATOR one that negates [n]
Other moves: AGGRO N10 29, AHENT H11 28, ARGON N10 27, ARGOT N10 27, NAGOR N10 27
HEAR H12 23 kellybelly
HERO H12 23 nderera
TAGGER 4A 18 johnny55
GRAN D1 18 TwoFold
RANGE 4A 14 step72
TON F4 12 rebelrsr
AT B13 4 jlslas

On 9th draw, RONNELS 15B 95 --- RONNEL an insecticide [n]
Other moves: RONNELS O8 83, RONNELS D1 75, RONNELS N6 71, ENROLS 15C 42, LONERS 15C 42
LONERS 15C 42 nderera, kellybelly
LORES 15D 39 rebelrsr
ROLES 15D 39 TwoFold
NOELS 15D 39 johnny55
ROSE O12 24 step72
ROLES 4B 10 jlslas

On 10th draw, FIST O12 42 --- FIST to strike with the fist (the hand closed tightly) [v]
Other tops: FUST O12 42
Other moves: FUNDIS D1 37, NUDIST O10 36, NAIF J7 35, FINDS D1 33, FUNDI D1 33
FIST O12 42 kellybelly, johnny55
NUDIST O10 36 nderera
FUNDS D1 33 TwoFold
DUST O12 30 step72
FUSED 4B 18 rebelrsr
FINES 4B 16 jlslas

On 11th draw, RUPEE 3C 26 --- RUPEE a monetary unit of India [n]
Other tops: POA J6 26
Other moves: PAREU D1 25, PEARE D1 25, PEREA D1 25, PORAE D1 25, PUREE D1 25
POA J6 26 kellybelly
POI J10 24 nderera
PEAR D1 22 TwoFold
ROPE I3 18 rebelrsr
ROPE 4B 12 johnny55
PORT 10B 12 jlslas

On 12th draw, FOISON F6 42 --- FOISON strength [n]
Other moves: FAAS J6 35, FANOS 2F 33, FAUNAS D1 33, FAA J6 32, FOIN F6 32
FAAS J6 35 kellybelly
FANS 2F 30 TwoFold, annelhynz, nderera
TONS 10E 18 johnny55
SOFA L2 17 rebelrsr
FANS 10J 15 jlslas
SOFT 10B 9 step72

On 13th draw, YAGI 2F 31 --- YAGI a type of shortwave antenna [n]
Other tops: DAY J4 31, GAY J4 31, YAUD 2F 31
Other moves: YAD 2F 30, YAG 2F 30, YAUD D1 30, AY J5 29, YA 2F 28
GAY J4 31 kellybelly, nderera, TwoFold
DAY J4 31 annelhynz
GAY L4 22 rebelrsr
RAG C3 4 jlslas

On 14th draw, VOICED 1A 52 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: COLDIE 1A 39, LIVEDO 1A 39, VOICED L1 38, COILED 1A 37, DOCILE 1A 36
CLOVE L1 29 kellybelly, TwoFold, step72
DEVIL 3I 27 nderera
CADE 10J 13 jlslas
COVED 5G 11 rebelrsr

On 15th draw, AXLE 1H 51 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXEL 1H 51
Other moves: AXE 1H 48, AX 1H 45, ULEX 1H 44, WAX L4 38, WEX L4 38
AXEL 1H 51 kellybelly, annelhynz
AXLE 1H 51 TwoFold
MAX 15K 29 step72
OX B1 18 nderera
VALE A1 8 jlslas

On 16th draw, MAIK J7 45 --- MAIK a halfpenny [n]
Other moves: MAIK J3 39, MAK J4 38, KAIM J7 37, LAIK J3 37, LEAK J3 37
MAK J4 38 kellybelly, annelhynz
MAKE 2K 24 nderera
MAKE L2 23 rebelrsr, TwoFold
DIKE 5K 9 jlslas
DE 5K 3 step72

On 17th draw, DRAVE L1 40 --- DRIVE to urge or convey forward [v]
Other moves: JAWED L2 38, DEAW L1 35, DERV L1 35, DEVA L1 35, DRAW L1 35
JAWED L2 38 kellybelly, TwoFold
JAW L4 34 annelhynz, nderera
JADE L2 27 step72, rebelrsr

On 18th draw, JETE 4B 28 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: LAPJE 3K 28
Other moves: JAPE 3K 26, JAUP 3K 26, JAW 3K 26, JAP 3K 24, JUNTO M10 24
JETE 4B 28 kellybelly
JAW 3K 26 rebelrsr, TwoFold, nderera, annelhynz, step72

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