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Game of July 24, 2011 at 07:00, 8 players
1. 616 pts yab
2. 577 pts jimbo
3. 511 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defgirs   H4    82    82   fridges
 2. ?aeginr   5E    82   164   berrigan
 3. abdelrr   F1    65   229   barreled
 4. aehprsx   8A    48   277   pashed
 5. inotuwy   4K    36   313   nowty
 6. ?aeitwy   C8    84   397   sweatily
 7. aegortx  15A    66   463   oryx
 8. aeilntu  10F    62   525   insulate
 9. degmnop   O3    45   570   gymped
10. aemstuv  B10    46   616   master
11. aefnqtv   K9    28   644   qanat
12. adelnsv  N10    42   686   davens
13. efhiino  O13    49   735   foh
14. ceikotv  M13    43   778   koi
15. aeiituv   L8    41   819   vitae
16. clnortu   2E    62   881   calutron
17. bceeilo   1K    31   912   belie
18. ciioouz   B6    32   944   zoa
19. ciijoou   C3    37   981   joco

Remaining tiles: iiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6695 Fileyab         2 21:05  -365  616     1.6695 yab         2 21:05  -365  616 
  2.5355 Filejimbo       1 21:49  -404  577     2.6673 reyna       2 18:56  -470  511 
  3.6673 Filereyna       2 18:56  -470  511            Group: novice
  4.4982 Filestep72      0 23:33  -521  460     1.5355 jimbo       1 21:49  -404  577 
  5.5740 Fileannelhynz   0 20:39  -571  410     2.5740 annelhynz   0 20:39  -571  410 
  6.3731 Fileleobill     0 17:05  -606  375            Group: not rated
  7.3434 Filestrykyster  0 19:25  -679  302     1.4982 step72      0 23:33  -521  460 
  8.3195 Fileding        0  2:22  -958   23     2.3731 leobill     0 17:05  -606  375 
                                             3.3434 strykyster  0 19:25  -679  302 
                                             4.3195 ding        0  2:22  -958   23 

On 1st draw, FRIDGES H4 82 --- FRIDGE a refrigerator [n] --- FRIDGE to rub [v]
Other moves: FRIDGES H8 78, FRIDGES H2 76, FRIDGES H3 76, FRIDGES H6 76, FRIDGES H7 76
FRIDGES H4 82 jimbo
FRIDGES H4 32 yab, step72, reyna
FRIED H8 22 leobill
FIGS H5 16 strykyster

On 2nd draw, (B)ERRIGAN 5E 82 --- BERRIGAN an Australian tree [n]
Other tops: A(V)ERRING 5D 82, A(V)ERRING 5E 82, EARRING(S) 5E 82, GNAR(L)IER 5E 82, REAR(M)ING 5E 82, (B)ARREING 5E 82, (D)REARING 5D 82
Other moves: AGRE(E)ING 8A 80, ANGERI(N)G 8A 80, A(N)GERING 8A 80, ENRAGI(N)G 8A 80, E(N)RAGING 8A 80
EARRING(S) 5E 32 yab
GEARING(S) 8H 30 step72
FAINER 4H 18 strykyster
F(R)INGE 4H 18 jimbo
RAG 8F 4 leobill

On 3rd draw, BARRELED F1 65 --- BARREL to move fast [v]
Other tops: BARRELED 9B 65, DRABLERS 10A 65
Other moves: BARRELED 9D 63, DRAB(B)LER E1 60, DRA(B)BLER E2 60, BALED 4K 28, BARED 4K 28
ABED 4J 25 reyna
BALD 4K 22 yab
BLAD 6C 19 annelhynz
BEND L3 14 strykyster
BLADDER 7D 14 jimbo
BA K4 4 step72

On 4th draw, PASHED 8A 48 --- PASH to strike violently [v]
Other moves: APEX 4L 46, HARPED 8A 45, HASPED 8A 45, SHAPED 8A 45, RASHED 8A 42
BASHER 1F 33 step72, yab
PAXES 10D 30 jimbo
BAH 1F 24 reyna, annelhynz
SEX 9G 19 leobill
BASE 1F 18 strykyster

On 5th draw, NOWTY 4K 36 --- NOWTY bad-tempered [adj]
Other tops: TOWNY 4K 36, WOUBIT 1C 36
Other moves: BOUNTY 1F 33, WINTRY 3B 32, BUNTY 1F 30, WINGY J2 28, BONY 1F 27
BOUNTY 1F 33 yab, reyna, step72
YOW 4K 27 annelhynz
BUOY 1F 27 jimbo
BUY 1F 24 leobill
BIT 1F 15 strykyster

On 6th draw, SWEATI(L)Y C8 84 --- SWEATILY in a sweaty manner [adv] --- SWEATY covered with perspiration [adv]
Other tops: TI(D)EWAYS C1 84
Other moves: YAW(N)IEST C2 80, YAW(N)IEST 10B 73, TI(D)EWAY G9 72, TI(D)EWAY I9 72, TI(D)EWAYS 10A 67
BI(K)EWAY 1F 54 yab
WEB(B)Y 1D 48 jimbo
YAWEY O4 42 reyna
BAWTY 1F 39 step72
YAE 3L 30 annelhynz
(S)WAY O1 27 strykyster
BAY 1F 24 leobill

On 7th draw, ORYX 15A 66 --- ORYX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: RETAX N2 56, GEARBOX 1B 54, TEABOX 1C 48, BAXTER 1F 45, BORAX 1F 42
ORYX 15A 66 reyna
GEARBOX 1B 54 yab
BOXER 1F 42 jimbo, leobill
OXY 15A 39 annelhynz
SAX 10H 26 strykyster
BRAG 1F 21 step72

On 8th draw, INSULATE 10F 62 --- INSULATE to separate with nonconducting material [v]
Other moves: TUNABLE 1B 30, NAILER B10 28, TAILER B10 28, TAIN 3L 28, ABLUENT 1E 27
ABLUENT 1E 27 yab
TINY O1 21 jimbo, leobill
BLUNT 1F 21 step72
NAE 3L 21 annelhynz
BANE 1F 18 reyna
SAINT 10H 7 strykyster

On 9th draw, GYMPED O3 45 --- GYMP to trim with gimp [v]
Other moves: DOGMEN N10 42, HODMEN D8 42, YOMPED O4 42, DEMON N10 38, MYOGEN O3 36
DEMON N10 38 reyna
BONGED 1F 30 yab, jimbo
PODGE N8 27 step72
PONY O1 27 leobill
ME B10 22 annelhynz
DEMON M9 20 strykyster

On 10th draw, MASTER B10 46 --- MASTER to become skilled in [v]
Other moves: MU(L)ETAS 14A 37, MABES 1D 36, MU(L)ETA 14A 35, AMUSER B10 34, STAVE N10 31
STAVE N10 31 jimbo
BESMUT 1F 30 yab
STEAM N10 29 step72
BEAMS 1F 27 reyna, strykyster
MEATS 11K 26 annelhynz
BEAST 1F 21 leobill

On 11th draw, QANAT K9 28 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: QANAT K7 28
Other moves: BAFT 1F 27, QAT N2 27, FA 3L 26, FATTEN L8 26, FAINE I3 24
BAFT 1F 27 reyna, annelhynz
QAT N2 27 yab
QAT K9 24 jimbo
FAVE K9 20 step72
FUN I9 19 strykyster
BANE 1F 18 leobill

On 12th draw, DAVENS N10 42 --- DAVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other moves: DAVEN N10 40, DEVAS N10 40, SALVED N10 35, SLAVED N10 35, DALES N10 34
DAVENS N10 42 yab
SLAVED N10 35 jimbo, reyna, step72
BLADES 1F 27 annelhynz
BADE 1F 21 strykyster
BAND 1F 21 leobill

On 13th draw, FOH O13 49 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FEH O13 49
Other moves: FINEISH 15I 42, FISH 15L 42, FINISH 15J 39, NOH O13 37, HISN 15L 33
FISH 15L 42 leobill, jimbo, step72, reyna, strykyster
FINISH 15J 39 yab
HOSE 15L 33 annelhynz

On 14th draw, KOI M13 43 --- KOI a large and colorful fish [n]
Other moves: BECK 1F 36, BOCK 1F 36, TICK L12 36, TOCK L12 36, KO M13 35
KOI M13 43 reyna
BECK 1F 36 annelhynz, yab
BOCK 1F 36 jimbo
BIKE 1F 30 leobill
TICKER 3A 24 step72

On 15th draw, VITAE L8 41 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: BIVIA 1F 30, TIBIAE 1D 27, TAIG 3L 25, TIBIA 1D 24, TUBAE 1D 24
VITAE L8 41 yab
BEAUT 1F 21 jimbo
BITE 1F 18 leobill, annelhynz
BETA 1F 18 reyna
VAT 12J 12 step72
STATE 12B 10 strykyster

On 16th draw, CALUTRON 2E 62 --- CALUTRON a device used for separating isotopes [n]
Other moves: COBNUT 1D 39, CLOTBUR 1B 36, BRONC 1F 27, BUNCO 1F 27, UNBOLT 1D 27
COBNUT 1D 39 yab
BLUNT 1F 21 jimbo
BURNT 1F 21 step72, reyna
BLOT 1F 18 leobill
TO 3L 17 annelhynz

On 17th draw, BELIE 1K 31 --- BELIE to misrepresent [v]
Other moves: PIECE A8 24, PLEBE A8 24, HEEL D8 20, OBE 6J 20, OBE N6 20
BISH 15L 12 step72
STOLE 12B 10 leobill
OW M3 10 yab
NOBLE G10 8 strykyster
BELT 13H 7 jimbo

On 18th draw, ZOA B6 32 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZOO 11E 28, ZO 11E 24, DZO 7H 23, ZE(L) 14A 22, ZIT 13I 22
ZOO 11E 28 jimbo
ZO 11E 24 annelhynz
ZIP 6M 16 step72
ZIP A6 14 leobill, strykyster
STOIC 12B 14 yab
ZA B7 11 ding

On 19th draw, JOCO C3 37 --- JOCO cheerful [adj]
Other tops: JUCO C3 37
Other moves: GJU J5 27, JOR 4D 21, JO 11E 20, JO C5 20, CHOU D7 19
JOR 4D 21 yab
JO 11E 20 annelhynz, jimbo
JO C5 20 reyna
ZOO 6B 12 ding
COP 6M 9 step72

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