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Game sheet of reyna (file), Game of July 24, 2011 at 10:52

Word find
Word played
1 AEEFINO FINE H5 14 -10 14 4/5 FAINE H4 24 24 4/5
2 ?AIRSVY RAYS I3 20 -56 34 5/5 SA(L)IVARY 5C 76 100 4/6
3 ?CELLLR             CELLAR D1 22 122 4/7
4 ?AEEEIR CARIE(S) 1D 21 -46 55 1/4 EA(T)ERIE 9D 67 189 3/7
5 AEEHMTU MATCH 1A 36 -17 91 4/4 MUTHA 8A 53 242 3/7
6 EFGOOPS COPES 1D 27 -3 118 4/4 FOPS 10J 30 272 3/7
7 BEMNORW CROWN 1D 30 -54 148 3/4 EMBROWNS M3 84 356 3/7
8 ACGILOT WAT 8M 18 -15 166 5/5 OGAMIC 4J 33 389 4/8
9 DIOORSY YO 11K 24 -25 190 4/5 DROWSY 8J 49 438 4/8
10 AIKNOPS CONKS 1D 33 -9 223 4/6 SPEAK 2B 42 480 4/9
11 AEINOTT             TALION 3B 32 512 4/9
12 DELRTTU DE 11K 16 -61 239 3/6 TURTLED 10A 77 589 4/9
13 AEILOUW WO 11K 24 -6 263 1/5 WILCO O1 30 619 3/9
14 ABEIJOT JA 3J 25 -21 288 2/5 JIBE 11I 46 665 2/9
15 DINOTUV DON 12L 20 -6 308 1/5 DIV 12L 26 691 2/10
16 DENOOTU ODE O10 14 -16 322 4/5 TENDU O11 30 721 2/10
17 AEGIOTX AX N1 41 -22 363 2/6 TAXITE A10 63 784 2/11
18 EEGHNOO OH N1 25   388 1/6       809 2/11
19 AEGNOQU QUAG K1 14 -31 402 5/6 QUANGO 12D 45 854 2/11

Total: 402/854 or -452 for 47.07%
Rank: 5685

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