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Game of July 24, 2011 at 11:38, 11 players
1. 636 pts Davina
2. 564 pts marcous
3. 541 pts step72

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdmors   H2    78    78   sombred
 2. adelntu   6C    63   141   dentural
 3. defgnru   3E    68   209   unforged
 4. ?eiinos   2A    79   288   simonies
 5. eiootyz   4L    58   346   oyez
 6. aaeeloy   1A    51   397   alay
 7. aeioprv   8A    95   492   overpaid
 8. acekstt   D8    80   572   racketts
 9. aegmnou   O4    54   626   zeugma
10. aginpst  15B    83   709   pastings
11. cehllor  E10    37   746   hore
12. bdeortw  B10    34   780   bedrop
13. aaefnrv   4A    33   813   faver
14. aeijnqw  14F    64   877   qi
15. aentuwx   N6    53   930   xu
16. aeinnow  F10    31   961   awn
17. cehilot   5J    32   993   echo
18. eiilttw   N9    36  1029   twilit
19. eiijlno   M7    42  1071   joe

Remaining tiles: iiln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6714 FileDavina      2 14:21  -435  636     1.6714 Davina      2 14:21  -435  636 
  2.6293 Filemarcous     4 18:16  -507  564     2.6293 marcous     4 18:16  -507  564 
  3.5044 Filestep72      1 20:21  -530  541     3.6642 shanice     1  9:40  -818  253 
  4.5846 Fileiwhist      2 19:49  -555  516     4.6291 renmar      1  6:52  -927  144 
  5.5359 Fileraggedy01   1 19:07  -593  478            Group: novice
  6.4962 Filecharmz      0 18:13  -688  383     1.5044 step72      1 20:21  -530  541 
  7.6642 Fileshanice     1  9:40  -818  253     2.5846 iwhist      2 19:49  -555  516 
  8.6291 Filerenmar      1  6:52  -927  144     3.5359 raggedy01   1 19:07  -593  478 
  9.4106 Fileleobill     0  3:17 -1024   47            Group: not rated
 10.4406 Filemanfred     0  1:40 -1062    9     1.4962 charmz      0 18:13  -688  383 
 11.  -  Filelulubelle   0  1:52 -1065    6     2.4106 leobill     0  3:17 -1024   47 
                                             3.4406 manfred     0  1:40 -1062    9 
                                             4.  -  lulubelle   0  1:52 -1065    6 

On 1st draw, SOMBR(E)D H2 78 --- SOMBRE to make dismal [v]
Other tops: BROM(I)DS H4 78
Other moves: BROM(I)DS H7 76, SOMBR(E)D H6 76, BROM(I)DS H2 74, BROM(I)DS H3 74, BROM(I)DS H6 74
MORB(I)D H4 26 step72, Davina
BROM(E)S H4 24 charmz
BO(A)RDS H4 22 leobill, raggedy01
BOR(E)D H4 20 iwhist

On 2nd draw, DENTURAL 6C 63 --- DENTURAL pertaining to a denture [adj] --- DENTURE a set of teeth [adj]
Other tops: UNSALTED 2F 63
Other moves: UNELAT(E)D 7B 62, UN(E)LATED 7F 62, UNLADES 2B 24, ABLUTED 5G 20, BLUNTED 5H 20
MANTLED 4H 20 iwhist, step72
BLUNTED 5H 20 charmz
MAULED 4H 18 Davina
LADE G1 18 marcous
LADEN I7 14 raggedy01
DART 6F 9 leobill
MEAL 4H 6 lulubelle

On 3rd draw, UNFORGED 3E 68 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [adj] --- UNFORGED not forged [adj]
Other moves: FOUNDER 3G 32, FUNDERS 2B 26, REFUGED D1 26, REFUNDS 2B 26, UNFREED D2 26
FUNDED C3 24 Davina
FREED D4 22 charmz
FUNNED E3 20 raggedy01
FORGED 3G 16 marcous
FEUD C3 16 leobill
FEED D4 16 iwhist

On 4th draw, SI(M)ONIES 2A 79 --- SIMONY the buying and selling of a church office [n]
Other moves: EN(V)ISION E5 78, INOSINE(S) E5 78, INO(S)INES E5 78, IN(H)ESION E5 78, (U)NIONISE E5 78
NOISE 4K 20 marcous
(F)INES 4K 17 Davina
NODES L1 14 raggedy01, step72
SIDE L1 12 charmz
SEND C3 10 iwhist

On 5th draw, OYEZ 4L 58 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: OOZY 4L 46, TOZIE 4K 38, OOZY 2K 37, DITZY L3 36, DOOZY L3 36
OOZY 4L 46 Davina
DOOZY L3 36 step72
(M)OZED C2 28 iwhist
ZEE D4 24 charmz
SIZE A2 23 raggedy01
TOY 4K 20 marcous

On 6th draw, ALAY 1A 51 --- ALAY to quell [v]
Other moves: OYEZ O1 48, ZOAEAE O4 45, LEAZE O1 42, ZOAEA O4 42, ZOEAE O4 42
OYEZ O1 48 step72, Davina
OYE 5C 24 raggedy01
OY 3B 20 marcous
LAZY O2 16 charmz
LO 5N 15 iwhist

On 7th draw, OVERPAID 8A 95 --- OVERPAY to pay too much [v]
Other moves: AVIZE O1 51, EPIZOA O1 51, PIEZO O1 48, PRIZE O1 48, PREZ O1 45
AVIZE O1 51 step72
PRIZE O1 48 Davina, raggedy01, iwhist
PREZ O1 45 marcous
ZERO O4 13 charmz

On 8th draw, RACKETTS D8 80 --- RACKETT a windpipe instrument [n]
Other moves: ZACKS O4 60, ZETAS O4 42, STEAK N2 38, STEEK N2 38, CAKES 4A 31
ZACKS O4 60 marcous, Davina
PACKETS E8 30 step72, charmz
PACKET E8 28 raggedy01
TA 5N 15 iwhist
VEST B8 9 manfred

On 9th draw, ZEUGMA O4 54 --- ZEUGMA the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense [n]
Other moves: GAUZE O1 45, ZONAE O4 42, NGOMA 5K 41, GNOMAE 5A 31, AUTOMEN 14B 30
GAUZE O1 45 raggedy01
AM E11 24 marcous
MOGS 15A 21 Davina
MAGS 15A 21 iwhist, step72
MAKE 11B 20 charmz

On 10th draw, PASTINGS 15B 83 --- PASTING a beating [n]
Other moves: PASTING N9 78, SPATTING 14A 76, SPATTING 13A 74, PLATINGS J5 63, PAINTS 10J 35
PASTINGS 15B 33 marcous, Davina, raggedy01
GIANTS 10J 32 step72
GAPS 10L 32 iwhist
SPAINGS 15D 30 charmz

On 11th draw, HORE E10 37 --- HORE mouldy [adj]
Other tops: HOLE E10 37
Other moves: CHERE 5K 34, CHORE 5K 34, HOE E10 33, CHEERO N1 32, ECHO 5J 32
HOLE E10 37 marcous
CHOKER 11A 30 charmz, step72
HOCKER 11A 30 Davina
HE 14F 28 iwhist, shanice
CHOLERA 9I 16 raggedy01

On 12th draw, BEDROP B10 34 --- BEDROP to drop upon [v]
Other moves: BROWED N9 32, AREW F8 29, BOWER 4A 29, BOWET 4A 29, BREDE 5K 28
BOWED N1 25 Davina
OWE 5C 24 iwhist
BREW N2 23 marcous
DREW N2 21 step72
CHOWDER 10D 20 charmz
WO 14A 18 shanice
ROTTED 13A 14 raggedy01

On 13th draw, FAVER 4A 33 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: ARF F10 31, ERF F10 31, FAVER 2K 31, AFARA F8 30, AFEAR F8 30
FEVER N1 24 Davina
FAVER N1 24 step72, raggedy01, marcous
AREA 5C 19 iwhist
FRATE 13A 16 charmz

On 14th draw, QI 14F 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ANEW F10 35, AWE F10 31, AWN F10 31, QI F14 31, AINE F10 29
QI 14F 64 marcous, iwhist, step72, Davina, shanice, raggedy01
JIN G13 18 charmz

On 15th draw, XU N6 53 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: WAXEN 2K 39, WAXEN 13G 37, WAX 13G 35, WEX 13G 35, WEXE 5L 35
XU N6 53 Davina, marcous, iwhist
WAXEN 13G 37 shanice, renmar
AX I6 33 step72
AX 14I 27 raggedy01
AXE N2 20 charmz

On 16th draw, AWN F10 31 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [n]
Other tops: AWE F10 31
Other moves: ANEW F8 29, AW F10 27, EN(E)W 7F 27, N(E)WIE 7G 27, AWA C13 26
AWE 5K 24 marcous
WANE 13G 22 Davina
WINE 13G 22 renmar, shanice, iwhist
AWE N9 16 raggedy01
WROTE 13A 16 charmz
WINE N1 14 step72

On 17th draw, ECHO 5J 32 --- ECHO a repetition of sound by reflection of sound waves [n] --- ECHO to produce an echo [v]
Other moves: CHE 5K 28, ELTCHI 14I 28, ELTCHI N9 28, HIC M7 26, HOC M7 26
HOC M7 26 shanice, marcous
HILT 13G 22 iwhist
HOE 5K 21 renmar
CLOTHES I9 19 step72
HOE A11 18 raggedy01
TICH 13G 17 Davina
CHILES I10 12 charmz

On 18th draw, TWILIT N9 36 --- TWILIT lighted by twilight [adj]
Other moves: WEIL 13G 22, WELT 13G 22, WIEL 13G 22, WILE 13G 22, WILI 13G 22
WILT 13G 22 iwhist, step72, shanice, renmar
WITE 13G 22 Davina
WRITE 13A 16 charmz
WE A11 15 marcous

On 19th draw, JOE M7 42 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JEON 13G 38, JOIN 13G 38, JOLE 13G 38, JIN 13G 37, JOE 13G 37
JOE M7 42 marcous, renmar
JOIN 13G 38 Davina
JIN 13G 37 iwhist
JO M7 36 shanice, step72
JOINT 14J 28 raggedy01
JOLE 12L 24 charmz

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