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Game of July 24, 2011 at 13:08, 13 players
1. 531 pts reyna
2. 517 pts marcous
3. 468 pts scrab21

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. glrrsuy   H7    26    26   slurry
 2. egnosty   9F    65    91   youngest
 3. adeinnt  11E    32   123   detrain
 4. deillpr  12A    30   153   pilled
 5. aaefglv   8A    44   197   favela
 6. eeehotw  B10    38   235   white
 7. ?beeiir   L4    78   313   iberises
 8. aaikmns   J2    77   390   smaaking
 9. beioswx  C11    40   430   ilex
10. acdootw  A14    28   458   wo
11. ?ceiosv   D1    80   538   cohesive
12. dmnoorz   M3    40   578   zoom
13. adehioo   1D    36   614   cohead
14. abgjort   C2    47   661   jabot
15. aennruu   2A    26   687   rejon
16. cdeintu   A1    36   723   truced
17. agoprtu   N5    22   745   pout
18. afgnqru   F6    36   781   quay
19. afgiinr   H7    39   820   slurrying
20. aafginr   O8    33   853   infra

Remaining tiles: agr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6674 Filereyna       4 19:37  -322  531     1.8550 Greylin    11  4:54  -396  457 
  2.6192 Filemarcous     2 22:08  -336  517            Group: advanced
  3.6294 Filescrab21     2 17:59  -385  468     1.7229 kellybelly  1 10:36  -543  310 
  4.8550 FileGreylin    11  4:54  -396  457     2.7002 mylover81   0  3:31  -802   51 
  5.5749 Filemichele     2 12:11  -448  405            Group: intermediate
  6.7229 Filekellybelly  1 10:36  -543  310     1.6674 reyna       4 19:37  -322  531 
  7.5394 Filesiuyee      1 13:24  -574  279     2.6192 marcous     2 22:08  -336  517 
  8.6298 Filerenmar      1 13:10  -626  227     3.6294 scrab21     2 17:59  -385  468 
  9.4968 Filecharmz      0  5:11  -747  106     4.6298 renmar      1 13:10  -626  227 
 10.4432 Filespellcheck  0  4:55  -761   92            Group: novice
 11.4779 Filevictor      0  2:09  -800   53     1.5749 michele     2 12:11  -448  405 
 12.7002 Filemylover81   0  3:31  -802   51     2.5394 siuyee      1 13:24  -574  279 
 13.  -  Filewordchaser  0  2:11  -842   11            Group: not rated
                                             1.4968 charmz      0  5:11  -747  106 
                                             2.4432 spellcheck  0  4:55  -761   92 
                                             3.4779 victor      0  2:09  -800   53 
                                             4.  -  wordchaser  0  2:11  -842   11 

On 1st draw, SLURRY H7 26 --- SLURRY to convert into a type of watery mixture [v]
Other tops: GURLY H8 26, GURRY H8 26, LURGY H8 26, SURGY H8 26
Other moves: LURRY H8 24, SURLY H8 24, GURLY H4 22, GURRY H4 22, GYRUS H4 22
SLURRY H7 26 renmar, scrab21

On 2nd draw, YOUNGEST 9F 65 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj]
Other moves: GOEY G6 27, TOEY G6 26, ERYNGOS 11G 22, GROYNES 11G 22, YESTY 12D 22
STONEY 12C 18 scrab21
STOREY 11E 18 renmar
YU 9G 9 marcous

On 3rd draw, DETRAIN 11E 32 --- DETRAIN to get off a railroad train [v]
Other moves: DAINE 8K 29, DAINT 8K 29, DENTIN 8A 29, DETAIN 8A 29, ENTRAIN 11E 28
DAINTY 12C 20 marcous
INTENDS L3 20 renmar
TIDE 10C 14 scrab21

On 4th draw, PILLED 12A 30 --- PILL to dose with pills (small, rounded masses of medicine) [v]
Other moves: PRIDE 12A 25, REDIPS L4 24, EILD 8L 23, RILEY 12D 23, LEPID 12B 22
PRIDE 12A 25 marcous, renmar, reyna
DRILLS L4 16 scrab21
IDE 8M 14 victor

On 5th draw, FAVELA 8A 44 --- FAVELA a slum area [n]
Other moves: FAVELLA C7 42, AVAILE B9 34, FAVELA 12J 33, FAVEL 12J 29, FAVELAS L3 28
PAVE A12 27 scrab21, marcous, reyna, siuyee, renmar
PAGE A12 21 victor
SALE 7H 5 wordchaser

On 6th draw, WHITE B10 38 --- WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj] --- WHITE to whiten [v]
Other moves: HETE 10J 37, HOTE 10J 37, WEETE 8K 37, PHEW A12 36, HET 10J 34
PHEW A12 36 reyna, scrab21, michele, renmar, siuyee, marcous
WOST 7F 18 victor
TOW M9 6 wordchaser

On 7th draw, IBERISE(S) L4 78 --- IBERIS the candytuft plant [n]
Other moves: IBERI(S)ES L2 70, (F)IBERISE L3 70, BE(N)ITIER M5 59, (B)RIBEE 15A 42, (B)RIBE 15A 39
(T)RIBE 15A 39 marcous
BRIE(R) 15A 33 renmar
BEER(S) 8K 30 reyna, michele
PEER A12 22 scrab21

On 8th draw, SMAAKING J2 77 --- SMAAK (South Africa) to like or love [v]
Other moves: ANIMAS 15A 45, ANIMA 15A 42, SPANK A11 42, SPINK A11 42, KAMA K4 40
KAMA K4 40 reyna
PINK A12 34 michele
ASK 15A 33 marcous
SIM 15B 20 renmar
BANK 5L 10 scrab21

On 9th draw, ILEX C11 40 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: PEWS A12 34, LEX C12 33, LOX C12 33, BOWSIE M1 30, IBEXES D4 30
PEWS A12 34 Greylin
LEX C12 33 marcous, reyna
SEX 15B 30 scrab21

On 10th draw, WO A14 28 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: OCTAD M2 25, WOAD M3 25, WOOD M3 25, DAWTS 7D 24, PAW A12 24
WO A14 28 Greylin, michele, reyna
AD 15A 22 scrab21, renmar, marcous
DO A14 20 kellybelly
WOODS 2F 17 siuyee
COATS 2F 13 spellcheck
AWAY F6 12 charmz

On 11th draw, CO(H)ESIVE D1 80 --- COHESION the act of sticking together [adj] --- COHESIVE having the power of cohering [adj]
Other tops: COVE(T)ISE D1 80
Other moves: CO(R)SIVES 2G 74, VISCOSE(S) 2H 74, VISCO(S)ES 2H 74, (D)EVOICES D2 74, (R)EVOICES D2 74
CO(H)ESIVE D1 80 Greylin
(R)EVOICES D2 24 kellybelly
VOICES D4 22 charmz, scrab21
C(L)OVES D4 20 siuyee
VICES 2F 18 reyna, marcous
VOICES 2E 13 spellcheck
WHITE(R) B10 12 michele

On 12th draw, ZOOM M3 40 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZOO C2 39, ZAMBO 5I 36, ZOOMS 2F 36, ZO C2 35, ZOON M3 34
ZOOM M3 40 Greylin, marcous
ZOO C2 39 kellybelly, reyna
ZO C2 35 michele
ZOA B6 32 scrab21
ZOOM 2B 30 siuyee
ZOOM 3G 26 charmz
ZONED 4A 25 spellcheck

On 13th draw, COHEAD 1D 36 --- COHEAD to head jointly [v]
Other moves: CHADO 1D 33, CHIDE 1D 33, CHODE 1D 33, HOAED C2 32, OOHED C2 32
COHEAD 1D 36 Greylin
CHIDE 1D 33 michele, kellybelly, charmz, scrab21, reyna, marcous
HOD C2 24 siuyee
ZOO 3M 12 spellcheck

On 14th draw, JABOT C2 47 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JAB C2 39, JOB C2 39, JATO C2 37, JOTA C2 37, JAR C2 33
JABOT C2 47 Greylin, reyna
JAB C2 39 kellybelly
JOB C2 39 marcous, scrab21, siuyee
JO N2 29 spellcheck
JA N2 29 michele
JAY F7 13 charmz

On 15th draw, REJON 2A 26 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other moves: ANN N3 22, LAER D12 22, REAN N1 22, EAN N2 20, NAE N4 20
REJON 2A 26 Greylin
REAN N1 22 reyna
ANN N3 22 kellybelly
RAN N2 20 michele, scrab21
NA N2 15 marcous
HARE F1 9 siuyee

On 16th draw, TRUCED A1 36 --- TRUCE to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement [v]
Other tops: TRICED A1 36
Other moves: CREDIT A1 33, DRICE A1 33, CRINED A1 30, CRUDE A1 30, ERUCT A1 30
TRUCED A1 36 Greylin
TRICED A1 36 siuyee, marcous, reyna
CREDIT A1 33 michele
CRETIN A1 27 kellybelly

On 17th draw, POUT N5 22 --- POUT to protrude the lips in ill humour [v]
Other tops: GORP N5 22, PORT N5 22, POUR N5 22, PUG N5 22
Other moves: APO N1 21, GUP N5 21, POA N1 21, POA N5 21, POT N5 21
POUT N5 22 Greylin
APO N1 21 reyna
PO N2 19 michele
PA N2 19 siuyee, marcous
AGO N1 19 kellybelly, scrab21

On 18th draw, QUAY F6 36 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA N1 35, ARF O8 24, AUF O8 24, GAUN O7 24, GAUR O7 24
QUAY F6 36 Greylin, michele, scrab21, reyna, kellybelly
FRA N1 23 marcous
QUA 4H 22 siuyee

On 19th draw, SLURRYING H7 39 --- SLURRY to convert into a type of watery mixture [v]
Other moves: INFRA O8 33, RAGINI O7 32, AIRING O8 30, GIF O7 30, IRING O8 30
SLURRYING H7 39 Greylin
GIF O7 30 michele, reyna
GAIN O7 24 marcous, mylover81
GRAIN G3 24 kellybelly
FAIN G4 23 scrab21

On 20th draw, INFRA O8 33 --- INFRA below [adv]
Other moves: NAGARI O7 32, GIF O7 30, FAGIN G3 29, NAIF O7 29, AFAR O8 27
INFRA O8 33 Greylin
GIF O7 30 reyna, michele
AFAR O8 27 mylover81
AGAIN O8 27 kellybelly
RIF O7 26 marcous
FAIN G4 23 scrab21

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