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Game of July 24, 2011 at 13:57, 11 players
1. 1010 pts Greylin
2. 657 pts kellybelly
3. 550 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilnopt   H2    74    74   topline
 2. adhinow   I3    30   104   woad
 3. ?abeein   J5    73   177   betaine
 4. ehioswz   K1    46   223   wizes
 5. adeeeir   3K    30   253   zerda
 6. ceeimos   O3    39   292   amices
 7. aeinnot   K8    74   366   enation
 8. aeglrtu   8A    80   446   regulate
 9. abdeior  14G    76   522   debonair
10. aefhmrs  15H    77   599   marsh
11. aaenouv   1K    36   635   woven
12. ?aeiips  13A    72   707   episcia
13. cdkotux  A10    66   773   tuxedo
14. agikorr  13J    33   806   koro
15. aeginty   E5    44   850   egality
16. cfjlory   D1    35   885   flory
17. cfhqtuu   1A    48   933   chuff
18. glnqtuv   2J    31   964   qi
19. gjlntuv   C3    46  1010   jun

Remaining tiles: gltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8598 FileGreylin    19  5:54   top 1010     1.8598 Greylin    19  5:54   top 1010 
  2.7244 Filekellybelly  8 13:01  -353  657            Group: advanced
  3.6700 Filereyna       4 20:45  -460  550     1.7244 kellybelly  8 13:01  -353  657 
  4.4639 Filespecialk    1 17:24  -639  371     2.7002 mylover81   1 10:29  -790  220 
  5.4865 Filemagictwig   1 13:15  -713  297            Group: intermediate
  6.4106 Fileleobill     1 13:31  -766  244     1.6700 reyna       4 20:45  -460  550 
  7.4336 Filexxxx36      1 11:40  -784  226            Group: novice
  8.7002 Filemylover81   1 10:29  -790  220     1.5415 siuyee      2  7:01  -838  172 
  9.5415 Filesiuyee      2  7:01  -838  172     2.5560 sandy914    1  3:30  -900  110 
 10.5560 Filesandy914    1  3:30  -900  110     3.5930 dadalee     0  0:59  -983   27 
 11.5930 Filedadalee     0  0:59  -983   27            Group: not rated
                                             1.4639 specialk    1 17:24  -639  371 
                                             2.4865 magictwig   1 13:15  -713  297 
                                             3.4106 leobill     1 13:31  -766  244 
                                             4.4336 xxxx36      1 11:40  -784  226 

On 1st draw, TOPLINE H2 74 --- TOPLINE the outline of the top of an animal's body [n] --- TOPLINE to star [v]
Other tops: POINTEL H4 74, PONTILE H4 74, POTLINE H4 74
Other moves: POINTEL H2 70, POINTEL H3 70, POINTEL H6 70, POINTEL H7 70, POINTEL H8 70
TOPLINE H2 74 Greylin
PONTILE H4 24 specialk
POINT H4 20 kellybelly, siuyee, mylover81
PILOT H4 20 leobill

On 2nd draw, WOAD I3 30 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other tops: WAID I3 30, WOAD G3 30
Other moves: HAIN I3 28, OHIA I2 28, WAIN I3 28, DHOW 9H 26, AHI I2 25
WOAD G3 30 Greylin
WOAD I3 30 reyna, kellybelly
HAW I1 24 magictwig
HOWL 5E 20 specialk
WAND 9E 20 leobill
WHIN 6F 18 siuyee

On 3rd draw, BE(T)AINE J5 73 --- BETAINE an alkaloid [n]
Other tops: BEANIE(S) J5 73
Other moves: BEANIE(S) G6 71, BE(T)AINE G6 70, BEANIE(S) 9B 69, BEANIE(S) G8 64, BE(T)AINE G8 64
BEANIE(S) J5 73 Greylin
BA G3 23 reyna
NAB G1 21 kellybelly
NIB G1 21 siuyee
BE(G)IN J5 19 specialk
BA(R)E 9F 16 leobill
B(R)AIN G8 10 magictwig

On 4th draw, WIZES K1 46 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: ZHOS K2 44, HOWZIT 2C 41, SWIZ 12J 41, WHOSE K2 39, SWIZ K11 36
WIZES K1 46 Greylin, siuyee, kellybelly
SWIZ K11 36 magictwig
SIZE 12J 35 specialk, reyna
ZEE 11I 24 xxxx36
SIZE 9I 14 leobill

On 5th draw, ZERDA 3K 30 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other tops: WADER 1K 30, WAIDE 1K 30, WARED 1K 30, WEIRD 1K 30, WIDER 1K 30, WIRED 1K 30, WRIED 1K 30
Other moves: ZAIRE 3K 28, DAE L2 26, ZED 3K 26, AERIED 8J 24, AIDER K7 24
WEIRD 1K 30 kellybelly, specialk, magictwig
WRIED 1K 30 Greylin
WIDER 1K 30 siuyee, xxxx36
WADER 1K 30 leobill, reyna

On 6th draw, AMICES O3 39 --- AMICE a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders [n]
Other moves: EMACS O1 36, AMICES 8J 33, MESIC 12H 33, SCAM O1 33, WEEMS 1K 33
AMICES O3 39 Greylin
SCAM O1 33 magictwig
COSIE 12H 29 kellybelly
SEAM O1 27 reyna, leobill
SEMI 12J 21 siuyee
SOM 12J 19 xxxx36
CAMEOS O2 13 specialk

On 7th draw, ENATION K8 74 --- ENATION an outgrowth from the surface of an organ [n]
Other moves: ENATION N8 70, ENATION G7 65, ENATION G8 61, REANOINT M3 60, TWONIE 1J 30
ENATION K8 74 Greylin
WAITE 1K 27 kellybelly
IDEA N2 16 reyna
NONE K9 16 siuyee
TIDE N1 14 magictwig
NOW 3G 7 leobill

On 8th draw, REGULATE 8A 80 --- REGULATE to control according to rule [v]
Other moves: GAULTER 9B 70, TEGULAR 9B 70, TEGULAR N7 64, TEGULAR G8 62, TRAGULE G8 62
REGULATE 8A 80 Greylin
WAGER 1K 30 reyna, specialk
WATER 1K 27 kellybelly, dadalee
GLARE I11 11 magictwig

On 9th draw, DEBONAIR 14G 76 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other moves: BAWDIER 1I 45, RAILBED E5 40, DEORBIT 2B 32, DAB G3 31, RABID 9D 31
DEBONAIR 14G 76 Greylin
WARED 1K 30 kellybelly
WIDER 1K 30 specialk, xxxx36
WIRED 1K 30 reyna
BRAID F6 18 magictwig

On 10th draw, MARSH 15H 77 --- MARSH a tract of low, wet land [n]
Other moves: FAHS 15H 62, FEHS 15H 62, FARSE 15H 59, FEMS 15H 58, HAMS 15H 58
MARSH 15H 77 Greylin
FAHS 15H 62 kellybelly
WHARF 1K 54 reyna
WHARE 1K 45 xxxx36
HETS G6 20 leobill
ENATIONS K8 8 magictwig

On 11th draw, WOVEN 1K 36 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other tops: OVEN O12 36, UVEA O12 36
Other moves: AVA G2 30, UVA G2 30, VANE I9 27, VAN I9 26, NOVAE O10 24
WOVEN 1K 36 kellybelly, reyna
UVEA O12 36 Greylin
NAVEL E4 16 magictwig

On 12th draw, EPIS(C)IA 13A 72 --- EPISCIA a tropical herb [n]
Other moves: LIPE(M)IAS E8 68, APIA(R)IES F5 67, P(R)AIRIES A4 62, API(A)RIES A4 60, PAIR(W)ISE A5 60
EPIS(C)IA 13A 72 Greylin
PIES O12 39 kellybelly, reyna
SIP G1 21 magictwig
SAP G1 21 mylover81
SIP 12J 19 specialk

On 13th draw, TUXEDO A10 66 --- TUXEDO a man's semiformal dinner coat [n]
Other moves: DECK A12 39, KETO A12 39, XU 13M 38, EX 4K 36, EX L3 36
TUXEDO A10 66 Greylin
DECK A12 39 kellybelly, specialk
XU 13M 38 mylover81
POX B13 24 reyna
SOX D13 18 magictwig, leobill
XI M13 18 xxxx36

On 14th draw, KORO 13J 33 --- KORO an elderly Maori man [n]
Other tops: GIRKIN 9F 33, KAGO I9 33, KORA 13J 33, RARKING 9F 33
Other moves: OAK 13K 32, KA G3 31, KARO I9 31, ARKING 9G 30, IRKING 9G 30
KAGO I9 33 Greylin
KA G3 31 mylover81
KOA 13M 28 kellybelly
KOR 13M 28 reyna
KIR G1 17 magictwig
ARKS D10 16 specialk
KI 2J 16 xxxx36

On 15th draw, EGALITY E5 44 --- EGALITY the state of being equal [n]
Other tops: YEALING E5 44
Other moves: GAEN O12 33, GEY O13 33, GIEN O12 33, TAGLINE E5 32, AGEN O12 30
EGALITY E5 44 Greylin
GAEN O12 33 kellybelly
PAY B13 27 reyna
GAY G1 26 mylover81
GENTLY E4 20 magictwig, specialk
STY D13 10 leobill

On 16th draw, FLORY D1 35 --- FLORY showy [adj]
Other moves: FLORY 4B 34, JOL 4C 32, JOR 4C 32, JOY D3 31, COLY 4C 30
FLORY D1 35 Greylin, kellybelly
FLORY 4B 34 specialk
JOY D3 31 mylover81
JOE B6 26 sandy914
JOT 2F 26 leobill
JOW 3G 21 magictwig
JO D4 20 reyna

On 17th draw, CHUFF 1A 48 --- CHUFF gruff [adj] --- CHUFF to chug [v]
Other moves: HUFF 1A 39, CUFF 1A 36, QUOTH 3B 34, TUQUE B4 34, QI 2J 31
CHUFF 1A 48 Greylin, kellybelly
HUFF 1A 39 reyna
QI 2J 31 sandy914, xxxx36
FIT C12 6 specialk

On 18th draw, QI 2J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GUV G1 26, LUV G1 25, GUL C3 22, GUN C3 22, GUT C3 22
QI 2J 31 Greylin, sandy914, mylover81, kellybelly
HUNG B1 16 reyna
QUILT C11 14 specialk, leobill
QUIT C11 13 xxxx36

On 19th draw, JUN C3 46 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other tops: JUT C3 46
Other moves: GUV G1 26, JUT 2F 26, LUV G1 25, GJU 12G 24, JONG 3C 24
JUT C3 46 kellybelly, Greylin, reyna
JOLT 3C 22 leobill, specialk, sandy914
JOG 3C 22 mylover81

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