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Game of July 24, 2011 at 15:29, 6 players
1. 461 pts worsie
2. 406 pts Davina
3. 283 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fgillno   H8    26    26   gonif
 2. efnosuz   G7    59    85   fuzes
 3. aeelnqs   I9    31   116   lenes
 4. ?chnort   F2    79   195   notcher
 5. gimnoux   G1    39   234   mux
 6. aainssw   1G    45   279   missaw
 7. elrrvwy  J10    45   324   wey
 8. ?deiioq   J1    34   358   squid
 9. aeeilmn   5H    72   430   endemial
10. adegirr   N2    74   504   gerardia
11. dginort   O9    83   587   dorting
12. abdnttu  11E    40   627   basined
13. eilortt   M8    73   700   triolet
14. aehiopv  14J    38   738   hapten
15. aaeijny  15H    40   778   jean
16. abeiklt   3A    40   818   talkbox
17. aeootuy   4D    34   852   yet
18. aiooopt   A1    27   879   potato
19. ceioorv  12A    36   915   voicer

Remaining tiles: aiouuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5600 Fileworsie      2 17:12  -454  461     1.6706 Davina      3 12:59  -509  406 
  2.6706 FileDavina      3 12:59  -509  406     2.6696 reyna       0 10:43  -669  246 
  3.3245 Fileding        0 21:45  -632  283            Group: novice
  4.6696 Filereyna       0 10:43  -669  246     1.5600 worsie      2 17:12  -454  461 
  5.5255 FileOasthouse1  0  2:42  -867   48     2.5255 Oasthouse1  0  2:42  -867   48 
  6.  -  Fileldrieman    0  0:27  -899   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.3245 ding        0 21:45  -632  283 
                                             2.  -  ldrieman    0  0:27  -899   16 

On 1st draw, GONIF H8 26 --- GONIF a thief [n]
Other tops: FLING H4 26, FLONG H4 26
Other moves: FILLO H4 24, FLING H8 22, FLONG H8 22, GONIF H4 22, FILLO H8 18
FLING H8 22 worsie
FILL H8 14 ding

On 2nd draw, FUZES G7 59 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FUZE G7 56, ZOS G9 47, ZO G9 44, ZONES 10F 36, FEZ I11 35
ZONES 10F 36 worsie
OZONE 9F 25 ding

On 3rd draw, LENES I9 31 --- LENIS a speech sound pronounced with little or no aspiration [n]
Other moves: SENA I9 29, SENE I9 29, ENSILES 11E 28, EASLE I6 27, LAS F8 26
LANES 13D 16 worsie
ZONES 9G 15 ding

On 4th draw, NOTCH(E)R F2 79 --- NOTCHER one that notches [n]
Other moves: CH(A)NTOR F2 78, CHON(S) J5 29, FECHT(E)R 12H 28, FETCH(E)R 12H 28, (A)NCHOR F3 27
SN(A)TCH 13I 20 worsie
SCORN 13I 14 ding

On 5th draw, MUX G1 39 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: GOX G1 38, MIX J12 38, NOX G1 37, GOX J12 36, OX G2 36
GOX G1 38 Davina
OX G2 36 worsie
OXO 3F 18 ding

On 6th draw, MISSAW 1G 45 --- MISSEE to see wrongly [v]
Other moves: SWANS J5 29, WAIS J6 28, WANS J6 28, WINS J6 28, WISS J6 28
MAWS 1G 27 Davina, worsie
SWAINS 13I 18 ding
ENEW 10G 15 reyna

On 7th draw, WEY J10 45 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: WE J10 32, VENEWE 10F 28, LEVY 2K 27, VENEY 10F 27, SINEWY 11G 24
YEW 2K 19 reyna
REW 2K 13 Davina
VOX 3E 13 worsie
SEW J1 8 ding

On 8th draw, SQ(U)ID J1 34 --- SQUID to fish for squid (ten-armed marine mollusks) [v]
Other moves: DESINE(D) 11E 28, DESINE(S) 11E 28, (D)ESINED 11E 28, (R)ESINED 11E 28, (R)OSINED 11E 28
SQ(U)ID J1 34 Davina, worsie
WIDE L1 16 ldrieman, ding

On 9th draw, ENDEMIAL 5H 72 --- ENDEMIAL peculiar to a country or people [adj]
Other moves: MAILE I3 22, MEINIE 4H 22, MNA K3 21, AMENE K5 20, AMINE K5 20
MAIN I3 20 Davina
AIM K1 19 worsie
DENIAL 5J 14 ding

On 10th draw, GERARDIA N2 74 --- GERARDIA an herb [n]
Other moves: GIRDLER O1 33, GLADIER O4 33, GLAIRED O4 33, RESINED 11E 32, DARGLE O1 30
GLADIER O4 33 Davina
GLADE O4 27 Oasthouse1
LARGER O5 21 worsie, ding

On 11th draw, DORTING O9 83 --- DORT to sulk [v]
Other moves: DORTING M9 77, DORTING E8 74, DINGO O8 35, DROIT O8 32, ROSINED 11E 32
GRID 8L 24 Davina
TING O8 23 worsie
GRIT 8L 21 ding
GOD O1 21 Oasthouse1

On 12th draw, BASINED 11E 40 --- BASIN a large bowl [adj] --- BASINED put in a basin [adj]
Other moves: BASINET 11E 36, BUNDT M9 31, BANTU M9 29, BATTU M9 29, UNBOX 3C 28
BUD O1 24 Davina, reyna
BA E3 18 worsie

On 13th draw, TRIOLET M8 73 --- TRIOLET a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: TORTILE M9 71, TRIOLET M9 71, LOREL O1 26, FEYER 12H 25, LITTER 12A 20
LOREL O1 26 reyna
LITTER 12A 20 Davina
LOITER 12A 20 worsie
LOIN 14L 8 ding

On 14th draw, HAPTEN 14J 38 --- HAPTEN a substance similar to an antigen [n]
Other moves: HARE 4L 35, HORA 4L 35, HORE 4L 35, HOVEA 12A 34, POH O1 32
POH O1 32 reyna, Davina
HAVE 12B 24 worsie
PHAT 4C 18 ding

On 15th draw, JEAN 15H 40 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JANE 15G 38, JAI 15H 35, JAY 12D 35, JIN O1 35, JAY 12C 33
JEAN 15H 40 Davina
JANE 15G 38 worsie
JIN O1 35 reyna
JEE 3L 20 ding

On 16th draw, TALKBOX 3A 40 --- TALKBOX a device for modulating a guitar's sound to be speechlike [n]
Other moves: KIBLA 12A 36, TEABOX 3B 30, TALKIE 12A 28, KAB 12D 26, KEB 12D 26
KIT O1 26 Davina
KAB 12D 26 reyna
KITE 12B 20 worsie
BAKE E11 10 ding

On 17th draw, YET 4D 34 --- YET up to now [adv]
Other tops: TAY 4B 34, TOY 4B 34
Other moves: AY 4C 30, OY 4C 30, YOKE D1 30, YUKE D1 30, YUKO D1 30
TOY 12C 19 reyna, Davina
YO O1 18 worsie
TATE A1 15 ding

On 18th draw, POTATO A1 27 --- POTATO the edible tuber of a cultivated plant [n]
Other moves: PATIO 12A 24, PATIO A1 24, PITTA A1 24, POTOO 12A 24, POTOO A1 24
PATIO A1 24 reyna
POT O1 20 Davina, worsie
POT A1 15 ding

On 19th draw, VOICER 12A 36 --- VOICER one that voices [n]
Other moves: VOICE 12A 32, COORIE 12A 28, VIREO 12A 28, COVER 12B 26, VIE O1 23
VOICER 12A 36 worsie, Davina
COVER 12B 26 reyna
PERV 1A 13 ding

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