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Game of July 24, 2011 at 16:15, 8 players
1. 595 pts musdrive
2. 528 pts Davina
3. 458 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acfnorw   H4    30    30   franco
 2. ??iiosv   8A    95   125   slivovic
 3. aemntux   6G    85   210   manteaux
 4. deegkrs   K5    52   262   kedgers
 5. abeilln   I8    28   290   able
 6. aeinrtw   A1    95   385   tinwares
 7. aeorsuy   8K    39   424   gyres
 8. aehijpt  L11    33   457   haji
 9. ddenoru  12D    78   535   underdo
10. egllnov  M10    43   578   vego
11. aeiinpt  H11    25   603   prate
12. abemttu  N11    35   638   tabu
13. agioosw   5K    24   662   kagos
14. ehilopr  14A    80   742   heliport
15. eilnoou  15A    37   779   olio
16. eilmtyz   O1    60   839   zymes
17. adilnqt   5C    36   875   qindar
18. eefiltu   2J    40   915   flutey
19. ceiintw   1F    35   950   twice

Remaining tiles: in

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7070 Filemusdrive    6 14:28  -355  595     1.7070 musdrive    6 14:28  -355  595 
  2.6715 FileDavina      2 17:06  -422  528            Group: intermediate
  3.6690 Filereyna       1 19:16  -492  458     1.6715 Davina      2 17:06  -422  528 
  4.5602 Fileworsie      1 18:58  -569  381     2.6690 reyna       1 19:16  -492  458 
  5.5563 Filenarisa      1 12:04  -694  256     3.6806 SuperH      1  3:57  -802  148 
  6.6806 FileSuperH      1  3:57  -802  148     4.6385 nderera     0  0:32  -898   52 
  7.4485 Fileremij       0  5:13  -869   81            Group: novice
  8.6385 Filenderera     0  0:32  -898   52     1.5602 worsie      1 18:58  -569  381 
                                             2.5563 narisa      1 12:04  -694  256 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4485 remij       0  5:13  -869   81 

On 1st draw, FRANCO H4 30 --- FRANCO post-free [adj]
Other tops: FROWN H4 30
Other moves: FRANC H4 28, FRANCO H8 28, COWAN H4 26, CROWN H4 26, FRANC H8 26
FROWN H4 30 musdrive, Davina, narisa, reyna, worsie

On 2nd draw, S(L)IVO(V)IC 8A 95 --- SLIVOVIC a plum brandy [n]
Other moves: ISO(G)RIV(S) 5D 86, IVORIS(T)(S) 5E 86, IVORI(S)(T)S 5E 86, I(S)O(G)RIVS 5D 86, OV(A)RI(T)IS 5E 86
FIV(E)S 4H 20 worsie, narisa, Davina
VIO(L)(A) G3 19 reyna
R(E)VISIO(N) 5H 18 musdrive

On 3rd draw, MANTEAUX 6G 85 --- MANTEAU a loose cloak [n]
Other tops: MANTEAUX 6C 85
Other moves: AXMEN I8 51, AXE I8 47, AX I8 46, AUTOMEN E5 36, AX 7B 35
AX 7B 35 musdrive, Davina, reyna
MIX C7 23 worsie
AXE I2 23 narisa

On 4th draw, KEDGERS K5 52 --- KEDGER a small steadying anchor [n]
Other moves: DEGREES K5 36, SEDGE 5J 35, EDGER 5K 33, EDGES 5K 33, EDGE 5K 31
KEDGERS K5 52 musdrive
GREEKED K1 26 Davina
DRAKES L4 24 narisa
SKID C6 16 worsie

On 5th draw, ABLE I8 28 --- ABLE a communications code word for the letter A [n] --- ABLE having sufficient power, skill, or resources [adj] --- ABLE to enable [v]
Other moves: GABLE 8K 27, GIBEL 8K 27, GLEBA 8K 27, AB I8 26, ABELIA L1 24
GABLE 8K 27 musdrive, worsie, Davina
BEAN J9 18 narisa
BAA L4 16 reyna

On 6th draw, TINWARES A1 95 --- TINWARE articles made of tinplate [n]
Other moves: TAWNIER 12C 79, TINWARE 12D 79, INTERWAR 5A 76, GWINE 8K 39, AWNER H11 38
TWINE H11 38 Davina
TAWNIER 12C 29 musdrive
RETAX N2 24 reyna
TWINERS 11E 20 narisa
WAXER N4 15 worsie

On 7th draw, GYRES 8K 39 --- GYRE to move in a circle or spiral [v]
Other tops: GYROS 8K 39, GYRUS 8K 39
Other moves: AYRES H11 38, EYRAS H11 38, OYERS H11 38, YEARS H11 32, YORES H11 32
GYRES 8K 39 musdrive
YEARS H11 32 Davina
OYES B2 30 reyna
OY 5N 14 worsie

On 8th draw, HAJI L11 33 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: JAPER 5D 32, HAJ L11 31, TEPHRA 5D 31, EEJIT N8 28, JEHU M3 28
HAJI L11 33 musdrive
HEAP H11 15 Davina
JETS 11H 11 worsie

On 9th draw, UNDERDO 12D 78 --- UNDERDO to do insufficiently [v]
Other tops: REDOUND 12C 78, ROUNDED 12C 78
Other moves: REDON M10 41, REDO M10 37, DERO M10 36, REDOUND E5 36, DOD M12 34
REDON M10 41 reyna
DOD M12 34 musdrive
DONE M12 33 Davina
JOE 13L 20 narisa
ROUND 12E 15 worsie

On 10th draw, VEGO M10 43 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: EGO M11 35, LENO M10 34, GONE M12 33, LONG M12 32, VOILE 14J 32
EGO M11 35 reyna
GONE M12 33 musdrive
JOG 13L 22 narisa
ROVE H12 21 Davina, worsie

On 11th draw, PRATE H11 25 --- PRATE to chatter [v]
Other tops: NEAP 11D 25, PRENT H11 25, PRINT H11 25
Other moves: TAE N11 24, ARPEN H11 23, TRAPE H11 23, TRIPE H11 23, ETNA N12 22
PRINT H11 25 musdrive
TRIPE H11 23 Davina
ATE N12 20 reyna
TAP N13 20 worsie
ETA N12 20 narisa

On 12th draw, TABU N11 35 --- TABU to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: TATE N11 29, TATU N11 29, ABET N12 28, ABUT N12 28, BEAUX N2 28
ABET N12 28 musdrive, Davina
BAM N13 26 narisa, reyna
BUM N13 26 worsie

On 13th draw, KAGOS 5K 24 --- KAGO a Japanese basketwork passenger litter [n]
Other moves: KAGO 5K 23, WAS 15J 23, WIS 15J 23, WOS 15J 23, AGS 15J 21
WAS 15J 23 reyna
WIS 15J 23 Davina
SWAG 13A 19 musdrive
STOW 14G 15 worsie

On 14th draw, HELIPORT 14A 80 --- HELIPORT an airport for helicopters [n]
Other moves: REPO O12 44, HELPS O1 39, PHLOX N2 34, HOPES O1 33, REH O12 31
REPO O12 44 musdrive
HELPS O1 39 Davina, reyna
HOPES O1 33 narisa, worsie, SuperH

On 15th draw, OLIO 15A 37 --- OLIO a miscellaneous collection [n]
Other moves: ONO 15A 28, ELHI A12 24, EL 15A 23, EN 15A 23, IN 15A 23
ONO 15A 28 SuperH
EL 15A 23 musdrive
OE 15A 23 Davina
EN 15A 23 reyna
OHO A13 18 worsie
TOONIE 1A 7 remij

On 16th draw, ZYMES O1 60 --- ZYME a ferment [n]
Other moves: ZYME 11B 44, YELMS O1 39, YLEMS O1 39, AZYME 5A 38, LYMES O1 33
LYMES O1 33 musdrive
ZED F10 33 reyna
MILES O1 24 remij
MITES O1 24 Davina
ZHO A13 15 worsie

On 17th draw, QINDAR 5C 36 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QINTAR 5C 34, DAINTY 2J 28, QI G3 26, INLAID 2A 22, LITANY 2J 22
DAINTY 2J 28 musdrive
QI G3 26 Davina, worsie
QI K14 22 nderera, SuperH, reyna, remij

On 18th draw, FLUTEY 2J 40 --- FLUTEY resembling a flute in sound [adj]
Other moves: FE N2 30, FEE B2 29, REIF 6A 25, EF B1 22, FE B2 22
FE N2 30 nderera, Davina, SuperH, musdrive
REIF 6A 25 reyna
IF 6C 21 worsie
(L)EFT B8 14 remij

On 19th draw, TWICE 1F 35 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other tops: WINCE 1F 35
Other moves: WICE 1G 32, INCITE 1E 29, TWINE 1F 29, WINE 1G 26, WITE 1G 26
TWICE 1F 35 Davina, SuperH
WINCE 1F 35 musdrive
WE 13A 17 reyna
WINCE C7 15 worsie
TIE 1H 14 remij

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