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Game of July 25, 2011 at 00:37, 6 players
1. 429 pts iwhist
2. 266 pts Spoony
3. 256 pts step72

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegnops   H3    24    24   sponge
 2. aeejnst   9H    76   100   sejeant
 3. adefiir   N7    78   178   ratified
 4. amoostu   8A    83   261   autosome
 5. ddeelnw   B8    92   353   unwelded
 6. abehilr   E5   102   455   blashier
 7. ?eghprr   8K    51   506   aheap
 8. ?aklnnz  12D    56   562   kranz
 9. aceiilr  H12    39   601   zeal
10. ceiltuv  15A    33   634   edict
11. abflort  O12    53   687   frab
12. ?diruvw   H1    39   726   disponges
13. ?iiinrt   3F    66   792   inspirit
14. cenqrsy   J2    32   824   qis
15. emoouwy   L8    34   858   haymow
16. gnotuuy   6J    39   897   young
17. aceeotv   1A   101   998   evocated
18. alortuv   B1    28  1026   vulvar
19. gioortx  I13    36  1062   xi

Remaining tiles: goortu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5864 Fileiwhist      1 16:45  -633  429     1.5864 iwhist      1 16:45  -633  429 
  2.  -  FileSpoony      2 11:09  -796  266     2.5109 step72      1 15:47  -806  256 
  3.5109 Filestep72      1 15:47  -806  256     3.5115 immy        2  8:49  -850  212 
  4.4557 Filenaneru      0 14:05  -822  240            Group: not rated
  5.2365 Filejlslas      0 15:35  -847  215     1.  -  Spoony      2 11:09  -796  266 
  6.5115 Fileimmy        2  8:49  -850  212     2.4557 naneru      0 14:05  -822  240 
                                             3.2365 jlslas      0 15:35  -847  215 

On 1st draw, SPONGE H3 24 --- SPONGE to wipe with a sponge (a mass of absorbent material) [v]
Other tops: PENGOS H4 24, PONGAS H4 24
Other moves: PAEONS H4 22, PAGES H4 22, PANGS H4 22, PEAGS H4 22, PEASON H4 22
SPONGE H3 24 iwhist
PAGES H4 22 naneru
SPONGE H4 20 Spoony
PAGES H8 18 jlslas

On 2nd draw, SEJEANT 9H 76 --- SEJEANT represented in a sitting position (heraldic) [adj]
Other moves: SEJEANT I8 68, JENNETS 6F 32, JANTEE 6F 31, JEANS G5 31, JEATS G5 31
JANES 6F 30 naneru
JONES 5G 24 Spoony
JA G5 20 iwhist
TEENS 8G 5 jlslas

On 3rd draw, RATIFIED N7 78 --- RATIFY to approve and sanction formally [v]
Other moves: AERIFIED K3 74, AERIFIED K8 74, AERIFIED 8B 66, AERIFIED I8 65, FAIR 8L 46
FEAR 8L 46 iwhist
FAIRIES 3B 22 Spoony
DRAFT N5 11 step72
DEFER K6 9 naneru

On 4th draw, AUTOSOME 8A 83 --- AUTOSOME a type of chromosome [n]
Other moves: ASTOMOUS 3G 74, AUTOSOME 13G 74, ASTOMOUS 3A 72, AUTOSOME K2 70, MAAS 8L 36
MATS 10I 27 naneru
MOOS M12 23 step72
SMOOTS 3H 22 jlslas
TAM O13 20 iwhist

On 5th draw, UNWELDED B8 92 --- UNWELDED not welded [adj] --- WELD to join by applying heat [adj]
Other moves: WEDELNED 13H 78, WEDELNED K3 76, WEDELNED K6 76, WEDELNED K8 76, ENDOWED 5E 48
WENDED O3 47 Spoony
DEAW 8L 37 iwhist
WED O6 32 naneru
WEE 13M 12 jlslas
WELDS 3D 11 step72

On 6th draw, BLASHIER E5 102 --- BLASHY splashy [adj]
Other moves: HIRABLE O1 91, HIREABLE 13G 86, HIRABLE M1 79, HIREABLE K2 76, HIREABLE K6 76
HAILER O3 38 naneru
REH O6 35 Spoony
EH O7 32 iwhist
BASHER 3F 16 step72
JAB J9 14 jlslas

On 7th draw, (A)HEAP 8K 51 --- AHEAP in a heap [adv]
Other moves: HEAP 8L 50, H(O)PER O4 47, H(Y)PER O4 47, H(E)AP 8L 46, RHEA(S) 8K 46
P(A)GER O4 38 naneru
EH O7 32 iwhist
SH(A)RPER 3H 30 step72
HE A14 29 immy
SPHER(E) 3H 26 jlslas

On 8th draw, KRANZ 12D 56 --- KRANZ a precipice [n]
Other moves: KRA(N)Z 12D 54, KR(A)NZ 12D 54, (K)RANZ 12D 46, K(R)ANZ D10 45, KHAZ(E)N L7 42
(B)LANKS 3C 28 step72
LAZE 13K 26 iwhist
Z(O) G5 22 immy
ANKLE(S) 13J 18 Spoony
SNAK(E) 3H 9 jlslas

On 9th draw, ZEAL H12 39 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other tops: DECRIAL 15B 39, ZILA H12 39
Other moves: ILEAC M11 28, DELIRIA 15B 27, CILIATE C3 25, CERIA D1 24, CHARLIE L7 24
ZEAL H12 39 immy, step72, Spoony
AIR 13H 15 iwhist
ACER F12 8 jlslas

On 10th draw, EDICT 15A 33 --- EDICT an authoritative order having the force of law [n]
Other tops: EDUCT 15A 33
Other moves: EVICTEE 13H 32, PELVIC 4H 26, CIVETS 3C 24, CLEVIS 3C 24, EVICTS 3C 24
VICE 13K 18 immy
IDLE 15A 18 step72
TE A14 17 iwhist
KILT D12 9 jlslas
CULTS 3D 8 Spoony

On 11th draw, FRAB O12 53 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other tops: FLAB O12 53
Other moves: FLAT O12 47, FLOR O12 47, FRAT O12 47, ALOOF F6 42, LOAF F7 35
FRAB O12 53 Spoony
FOB O13 32 immy
FAB O13 32 iwhist
FLOATS 3C 20 step72
LAB 15H 5 jlslas

On 12th draw, DISPONGES H1 39 --- DISPONGE to sprinkle [v]
Other moves: D(I)SPONGES H1 36, (D)ISPONGES H1 33, SWIV(E)D 3H 32, VR(O)UWS 3C 30, PURVI(E)W 4H 28
DRIV(E)S 3C 18 step72
WAD 7D 15 iwhist
(S)EW I8 15 immy
WI(N)S 3E 6 jlslas

On 13th draw, INS(P)IRIT 3F 66 --- INSPIRIT to fill with spirit or life [v]
Other tops: R(H)INITIS 3A 66
Other moves: IN(H)IBITOR 5A 60, TRAIN(S) F10 23, INTIR(E) I1 21, HAIRIN(G) L8 18, HAIRN(E)T L8 18
P(O)INT 4H 12 iwhist
J(O)INT J9 11 immy
S(P)IN 3H 3 jlslas

On 14th draw, QIS J2 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIS F2 32
Other moves: QI F2 31, QI J2 31, TYER C8 27, TYES C8 27, STYE C7 26
QIS F2 32 immy
QI J2 31 jlslas, iwhist

On 15th draw, HAYMOW L8 34 --- HAYMOW a hayloft [n]
Other moves: WOOLY 6B 27, WYE 13F 27, WOOLMEN 6B 26, YEW 13G 26, WERO 7L 25
YOM 2D 24 iwhist
J*W J9 15 jlslas
WO D4 14 immy

On 16th draw, YOUNG 6J 39 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj] --- YOUNG the offspring [n]
Other moves: YOUNG 2B 33, TYG 6L 29, YGO 6M 29, YUG 6L 29, TONY 4L 28
TOG 6L 26 naneru
NO 10I 17 iwhist
ANT F12 5 jlslas

On 17th draw, EVOCATED 1A 101 --- EVOCATE to evoke [v]
Other moves: CAVETTO C3 31, EVOCATE C3 31, AVOCET 2A 30, COVET 2B 28, ATOC K11 27
VOTED 1D 13 iwhist
JOT J9 12 jlslas
COAT 14F 12 naneru

On 18th draw, VULVAR B1 28 --- VULVA the external genital organs of a female [adj] --- VULVAR pertaining to a vulva [adj]
Other moves: VAIL L1 22, VAIR L1 22, VALOUR B1 22, VOLVA B1 22, VRIL L1 22
VALOR B1 16 iwhist
OVA D3 16 step72
TRIO F1 6 naneru
ART 14H 5 jlslas

On 19th draw, XI I13 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OXO 5K 35, OX 5K 31, OXIM 11I 26, TIX 10D 26, TIX 4L 26
TIX 10D 26 step72
TAX 14G 10 jlslas

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