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Game of July 25, 2011 at 04:23, 12 players
1. 473 pts Spoony
2. 430 pts step72
3. 412 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iilnpst   H4    22    22   pistil
 2. aefhinq   6F    32    54   qis
 3. aerrstu   4H    72   126   pasturer
 4. deefios   O2    86   212   foreside
 5. aainotu   3I    25   237   tuina
 6. ?abinow   N9    77   314   rainbow
 7. aehlnrs  15K    45   359   shewn
 8. aeglptu   2J    34   393   page
 9. deefory  15G    54   447   foreshewn
10. ?egkorv  12H    86   533   overking
11. aegnotw   1H    37   570   gnow
12. aeiloty  14B    39   609   tailye
13. cdnorru  15A    36   645   cond
14. cdeilmz  13C    39   684   clem
15. ademotu   9D    63   747   modulate
16. abijrvy  11E    39   786   jivy
17. dehiotu   8A    47   833   doth
18. aeeilrz   A1   107   940   realized
19. aabnrux   2A    36   976   exurban

Remaining tile: a

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5484 FileSpoony      3 20:13  -503  473     1.7239 kellybelly  2  9:26  -616  360 
  2.5097 Filestep72      4 19:37  -546  430            Group: intermediate
  3.4975 Filecharmz      2 19:55  -564  412     1.6679 monthree    0  4:02  -876  100 
  4.7239 Filekellybelly  2  9:26  -616  360            Group: novice
  5.5111 FileAJ0711      2 11:50  -719  257     1.5484 Spoony      3 20:13  -503  473 
  6.4920 Filelyndyloo    1  9:34  -726  250     2.5097 step72      4 19:37  -546  430 
  7.5709 FileFaeythe     0 10:38  -786  190     3.5111 AJ0711      2 11:50  -719  257 
  8.5532 Fileimmy        1  5:44  -862  114     4.5709 Faeythe     0 10:38  -786  190 
  9.5873 Fileiwhist      1  4:33  -871  105     5.5532 immy        1  5:44  -862  114 
 10.6679 Filemonthree    0  4:02  -876  100     6.5873 iwhist      1  4:33  -871  105 
 11.5363 Filejimbo       0  5:34  -919   57     7.5363 jimbo       0  5:34  -919   57 
 12.5021 Filerebelrsr    1  3:09  -932   44     8.5021 rebelrsr    1  3:09  -932   44 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4975 charmz      2 19:55  -564  412 
                                             2.4920 lyndyloo    1  9:34  -726  250 

On 1st draw, PISTIL H4 22 --- PISTIL the seed-bearing organ of flowering plants [n]
Other tops: SPLINT H3 22
Other moves: PILIS H4 20, PINTS H4 20, LIPINS H3 18, LIPINS H4 18, LIPINS H7 18
SPLINT H3 22 Spoony, rebelrsr, step72, iwhist, immy
PISTIL H4 22 AJ0711
PINTS H4 20 lyndyloo, Faeythe
SPIT H5 12 charmz

On 2nd draw, QIS 6F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI I3 25, QI G5 24, NIEF I5 20, FENI I3 19, FAH I8 18
QIS 6F 32 lyndyloo, Spoony, step72
QI G5 24 immy, iwhist, Faeythe
HALF 9F 15 AJ0711
HA G8 14 rebelrsr
QAT 7F 13 charmz

On 3rd draw, PASTURER 4H 72 --- PASTURER one that pastures livestock [n]
Other tops: PARTURES 4H 72
Other moves: RAPTURES 4F 70, QUARTERS F6 69, RASTER 10F 19, RASURE 10F 19, RUSTRE 10F 19
QUARTERS F6 19 iwhist, immy
PARTERS 4H 18 AJ0711
SQUARE F5 17 lyndyloo
STARE 10H 16 charmz
QUEST F6 16 step72
PRATES 4H 16 Faeythe
PUREST 4H 16 Spoony
RUSTLE 9D 8 rebelrsr

On 4th draw, FORESIDE O2 86 --- FORESIDE the front side [n]
Other moves: FORESIDE M2 78, SIFTED 7E 35, SERIFED O2 33, SIFT 7E 31, FIORDS O1 30
FORESIDE O2 36 Spoony
REEFS O4 24 charmz
FEE 3I 23 Faeythe
FRIED M3 22 AJ0711
FISTED K1 20 step72
FESSED J2 20 iwhist
DEERS O1 18 lyndyloo
DOERS O1 18 immy

On 5th draw, TUINA 3I 25 --- TUINA a Chinese massage using vigorous hand movements [n]
Other moves: TINEA N1 24, ATONIA N6 21, AINE N1 20, INTO 7F 20, IOTA 7F 20
TONE N1 20 step72
TAINT 7D 20 iwhist
TINE N1 20 immy
QUAINT F6 17 AJ0711, Faeythe
QUINTA F6 17 charmz
AQUA F5 13 Spoony
ATTAIN K3 12 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, (R)AINBOW N9 77 --- RAINBOW an arc of spectral colours formed in the sky [n]
Other moves: WA(G) 2J 32, AN(E)W 2G 30, N(E)W 2H 29, WAB(A)IN N9 29, WA(N)ION 2F 29
BOWIN(G) N9 28 Faeythe
(R)AINBOW N9 27 Spoony, lyndyloo, step72, AJ0711
(S)NOW 10H 16 charmz
BUS J2 11 immy

On 7th draw, SHEWN 15K 45 --- SHEW to show [v]
Other tops: SHAWL 15K 45, SHAWN 15K 45
Other moves: HAWS 15L 42, HEWN 15L 42, HEWS 15L 42, HE O14 35, HIRES 5G 33
SHAWL 15K 45 AJ0711, step72
SHAWN 15K 45 charmz
HAWS 15L 42 lyndyloo
HEWS 15L 42 Spoony, Faeythe

On 8th draw, PAGE 2J 34 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: PEAGE M11 33, GETUP 2F 32, LEPT 2H 29, LETUP 2F 29, TEPA 2H 29
PLAGUES K9 20 Faeythe, step72
PAGES K11 16 lyndyloo
GULPS K11 16 AJ0711, Spoony
GAPES K11 16 charmz

On 9th draw, FORESHEWN 15G 54 --- FORESHEW to presage (pa p FORESHEWN) [v]
Other moves: FERNY 12K 30, FOREBY 13J 28, REDENY 12J 28, DYE O11 27, DRONY 12K 26
FERNY 12K 30 charmz
FEY O11 25 kellybelly
FRO 1H 24 Spoony
DREYS K11 18 lyndyloo
REEFS K11 16 AJ0711

On 10th draw, OVERK(I)NG 12H 86 --- OVERKING a superior king [n]
Other tops: REVOK(I)NG 12H 86
Other moves: OVERKI(N)G 8C 69, REVOKI(N)G 8C 66, R(E)VOKE 14B 49, REVOK(E) 14B 48, GRO(O)VE 14B 39
REVOK(I)NG 12H 36 Spoony, kellybelly
RENK 12L 26 charmz
R(E)VOKES K9 26 step72
REVOKE J10 25 AJ0711
GROVE J11 17 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, GNOW 1H 37 --- GNOW West Australian aboriginal name for Mallee fowl [n]
Other tops: ENOW 14G 37
Other moves: ANOW 1H 34, ENOW 1H 34, WAE 14J 34, WOE 14J 34, TOWAGE 14B 33
TOW 14H 31 kellybelly
TWANG 11D 21 step72
WAGON 14D 20 AJ0711
WAGER K8 18 charmz
TOWS 6L 15 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, TAILYE 14B 39 --- TAILYE a limitation of inheritance to certain heirs [n]
Other moves: YAE 14J 34, YEA 14J 34, AYE 14I 31, LAY 14H 31, LEY 14H 31
TOY 14H 31 kellybelly
LEARY K9 16 lyndyloo
TYLER K8 16 charmz
TRAYS K11 16 step72
TORY K10 14 AJ0711
QI F6 11 jimbo
LOYAL 9D 9 Spoony

On 13th draw, COND 15A 36 --- CON to study carefully [v]
Other tops: CORD 15A 36
Other moves: CORN 15A 28, DOC 14J 26, NORDIC D10 24, COD 15A 23, CORNUA C9 22
COND 15A 36 kellybelly, charmz
CORD 15A 36 Spoony, step72
CUR K10 10 jimbo

On 14th draw, CLEM 13C 39 --- CLEM to starve [v]
Other moves: EMIC 14I 35, MZEE J9 35, MIC 14J 32, ZEE J10 32, MIZ M8 29
ZEE J10 32 kellybelly, charmz, Spoony
MILDER K7 18 jimbo

On 15th draw, MODULATE 9D 63 --- MODULATE to adjust to a certain proportion [v]
Other moves: DUOMO 14J 30, MAE 14J 28, MEU 14J 28, MOA 14J 28, MOE 14J 28
MOA 14J 28 kellybelly
WAITED K1 20 charmz
TAMED 11D 19 step72
QUOTED F6 18 jimbo
MOULTED 9E 12 Spoony

On 16th draw, JIVY 11E 39 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JAY 10B 36, BAJRI 2D 33, BAJRI 11D 30, JAI 10B 30, JAI 2F 29
JIVY 11E 39 kellybelly
JAI 2F 29 Spoony
JAI M7 22 step72
JAYS 6L 22 charmz

On 17th draw, DOTH 8A 47 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: HIE 14J 34, HOE 14J 34, HUE 14J 34, HIDE 8A 32, HOTE 8A 29
HIE 14J 34 kellybelly
HIDE 8A 32 monthree
HIDE L7 22 Spoony
WAITED K1 20 charmz
DUET 8B 13 step72

On 18th draw, REALIZED A1 107 --- REALIZE to understand completely [v]
Other moves: ZAIRES 6J 37, LEAZE J11 34, RITZ J7 33, ZEAL M7 29, IZAR 8H 28
REALIZED A1 57 step72
LEAZE J11 34 Spoony
RITZ J7 33 kellybelly, monthree
ZEES 6L 15 charmz

On 19th draw, EXURBAN 2A 36 --- EXURB a residential area lying beyond the suburbs of a city [adj] --- EXURBAN pertaining to an exurb [adj]
Other moves: AXON B6 35, AX B2 31, ROUX B7 29, BAA 14J 28, EAUX N4 28
AXON B6 35 Spoony, monthree, kellybelly
EX 2A 18 charmz
XU G8 18 step72

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