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Game of July 25, 2011 at 06:44, 9 players
1. 442 pts step72
2. 400 pts jimbo
3. 302 pts Velly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefgnt   H4    78    78   fanteeg
 2. aegiort   4H    22   100   fagoter
 3. ?eennpr   8A    86   186   neoprene
 4. aceginr   D8    80   266   pearcing
 5. ehmorsv   O4    52   318   shrove
 6. adkostu   B2    80   398   outasked
 7. aaceotz   A1    49   447   azo
 8. afiilst  14B    76   523   finalist
 9. ainortv   J4    66   589   graviton
10. deijlps  H12    57   646   jess
11. aiotuww   3K    35   681   waw
12. ehilnuu  13A    33   714   nihil
13. abdemmy   K8    39   753   demy
14. bceiloy   N9    34   787   beylic
15. bdeiotu   C1    36   823   bode
16. aeilort   E1    66   889   retailor
17. amopuux  M11    51   940   max
18. diioquu   2E    35   975   equid

Remaining tiles: iopuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5144 Filestep72      2 22:05  -533  442     1.6275 mmncedi     0  1:16  -948   27 
  2.5361 Filejimbo       2 20:21  -575  400            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileVelly       1 18:18  -673  302     1.5144 step72      2 22:05  -533  442 
  4.4431 Filespellcheck  0 11:47  -740  235     2.5361 jimbo       2 20:21  -575  400 
  5.4984 Filecharmz      1 15:43  -758  217     3.5680 Faeythe     1  8:09  -795  180 
  6.5680 FileFaeythe     1  8:09  -795  180            Group: not rated
  7.4421 Filemanfred     0 13:01  -821  154     1.  -  Velly       1 18:18  -673  302 
  8.4336 FileJudyS       0  2:16  -917   58     2.4431 spellcheck  0 11:47  -740  235 
  9.6275 Filemmncedi     0  1:16  -948   27     3.4984 charmz      1 15:43  -758  217 
                                             4.4421 manfred     0 13:01  -821  154 
                                             5.4336 JudyS       0  2:16  -917   58 

On 1st draw, F(A)NTEEG H4 78 --- FANTEEG fantigue [n]
Other moves: F(A)NTEEG H6 74, F(A)NTEEG H2 72, F(A)NTEEG H7 72, F(A)NTEEG H8 72, F(A)NTEEG H3 70
F(L)EET H4 22 step72
(A)GENT H4 10 jimbo

On 2nd draw, FAGOTER 4H 22 --- FAGOTER one that fagots [n]
Other tops: FRIGATE 4H 22
Other moves: FORAGE 4H 20, FORGAT 4H 20, FORGET 4H 20, FRIGOT 4H 20, GOIER I5 20
FORGE 4H 18 step72
TAGGER 10E 12 jimbo

On 3rd draw, NE(O)PRENE 8A 86 --- NEOPRENE a synthetic rubber [n]
Other moves: PENNER(S) 11B 76, NE(O)PRENE M3 72, NEOPREN(E) K2 68, NEOPR(E)NE K2 68, N(E)OPRENE K2 68
PEE(S) O1 26 jimbo
PREEN(S) 11C 24 step72

On 4th draw, PEARCING D8 80 --- PEARCE to pierce [v]
Other tops: PREACING D8 80
PACING D8 22 step72
CARING N2 22 Faeythe
CARING E6 18 jimbo
CATERING L2 12 Velly

On 5th draw, SHROVE O4 52 --- SHRIVE to hear the confession of and grant absolution to [v] --- SHROVE to celebrate Shrovetide a past tense of SHRIVE [v]
Other tops: SHOVER O4 52
Other moves: SHOVE O4 49, HEMS O1 43, HOMS O1 43, MHOS O1 43, OHMS O1 43
SHOVER O4 52 jimbo, step72, Faeythe
SHIVER 13B 26 Velly

On 6th draw, OUTASKED B2 80 --- OUTASK to surpass in asking [v]
Other moves: OUTASKED F2 67, KUDO 3K 34, DOUKS 10K 33, DROUKS 11C 33, ATOKS 10K 32
DAKS 10L 32 Faeythe
DUNKS 14B 24 Velly
TANKS 14B 22 spellcheck
GOUTS 15D 18 jimbo
STORK 11A 18 step72

On 7th draw, AZO A1 49 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA 3I 45, ZETA 3K 45, ZEA 3K 41, ZONATE 6F 37, AZOTE N9 36
ZA 3I 45 Faeythe
ZO A1 35 step72
GAZE 10H 34 jimbo
ZOO 7M 22 spellcheck
CITE 13C 12 Velly

On 8th draw, FINALIST 14B 76 --- FINALIST a contestant who reaches the last part of a competition [n]
Other tops: FETIALIS M3 76
Other moves: FILIATES F2 71, FINALIST 6F 71, FETIALIS F7 65, ALIF 3J 31, FAS C1 30
FRAILS 11C 29 step72
FLAGS 15A 27 spellcheck
FINALIST 14B 26 Velly
FLAG 15A 24 Faeythe
SILT 11H 19 jimbo

On 9th draw, GRAVITON J4 66 --- GRAVITON a hypothetical particle [n]
Other moves: AVI(A)TOR 5E 45, VORANT C1 42, ORANT C2 34, VAST H12 33, VISA H12 33
VAST H12 33 jimbo, step72, charmz
VISA H12 33 Velly
VARIA 5A 16 spellcheck

On 10th draw, JESS H12 57 --- JESS to fasten straps around the legs of a hawk [v]
Other moves: LIPIDES 13A 43, SPED C2 41, SPIE C2 38, PILED 13C 37, LIPIDE 13A 36
JESS H12 57 Velly, jimbo, charmz
JADES 5A 26 spellcheck
DIE 15G 23 manfred
JA I3 17 step72
FE B14 5 Faeythe

On 11th draw, WAW 3K 35 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other moves: WAT C1 30, WOT C1 30, IOTA C1 28, WAW K10 27, WOW K10 27
WOW K10 27 mmncedi
OW N6 16 manfred
WATE M1 14 charmz
NOWT 11J 14 jimbo
WET M3 12 spellcheck, Velly
EWT 9H 10 step72

On 12th draw, NIHIL 13A 33 --- NIHIL nothing [n]
Other moves: HEIL 2L 26, HEEL 13G 24, HEIL 13G 24, HEN 2L 24, HIE 13C 24
HE 15A 20 step72, charmz
HI G13 18 Velly
UH N6 16 manfred
HERN 11B 14 jimbo
TUNE 9J 5 spellcheck

On 13th draw, DEMY K8 39 --- DEMY a size of paper [n]
Other moves: BADE C1 36, EMYD K9 36, MADE C1 36, ABYE K9 34, BAMMED K10 34
(O)YE C8 22 step72
BEAMY F7 18 charmz
NAMED 11J 16 spellcheck, jimbo
TAMED 4B 16 manfred
ANY 11I 12 Velly

On 14th draw, BEYLIC N9 34 --- BEYLIC the domain of a bey [n]
Other moves: C(A)BRE 5G 32, BOY(O) C5 31, COLY 2L 29, (A)YRE 5H 29, BEY 2L 27
BYE N9 20 Velly
ABLY 5B 18 step72
CABLE 5A 18 manfred
TOY 4B 12 spellcheck
LICE F5 8 jimbo
BE F7 4 charmz

On 15th draw, BODE C1 36 --- BODE to be an omen of [v]
Other tops: (A)IRTED 5H 36
Other moves: BOD C1 32, ROED 5J 32, DEBT C3 30, DOTE C1 30, ODE C2 30
DOT C1 26 Velly
DOUBTER E2 20 spellcheck, jimbo
BIDER E4 16 step72
BEET F6 12 manfred
TIDE F5 7 charmz

On 16th draw, RETAILOR E1 66 --- RETAILOR to tailor again [v] --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: AEROLITE F1 62, TAR(A)IRE 5E 38, BLOATER 1C 30, ROTE 5J 29, BAILER 1C 27
TEAR 2K 23 manfred
TAIL 2L 17 charmz
TRAILER E2 14 jimbo
TAILOR E3 12 step72
TRAIL 11C 10 spellcheck
TIE 13M 6 Velly

On 17th draw, MAX M11 51 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: MAX F2 39, AX M12 38, MOXA 2L 37, MAX 2L 35, PAX 2L 35
MAX M11 51 step72
PAX 2L 35 JudyS
RAMP 1E 24 charmz
MIX 13M 24 spellcheck
ROMP 1E 24 jimbo
ROAM 1E 18 Velly
TAX 3E 18 manfred

On 18th draw, EQUID 2E 35 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUAT L1 23, ODIC 14K 20, QAID 10C 18, ED 10N 17, EQUID F8 17
QUAT L1 23 spellcheck, charmz, step72, JudyS
OD N6 12 manfred
QI 5D 11 jimbo

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