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Game of July 25, 2011 at 14:10, 10 players
1. 587 pts iwhist
2. 486 pts annelhynz
3. 422 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacdesu   H4    24    24   caudae
 2. ?doqstu   4F    88   112   docquets
 3. eeginrt   I6    72   184   gentier
 4. ?noopss  11D    86   270   snoopers
 5. aeijtty  12A    55   325   jetty
 6. abinrtv  H11    36   361   pavin
 7. acehlno  A10    45   406   cajole
 8. abdehil   M2    86   492   dishable
 9. aemnorw  14G    92   584   airwomen
10. ahilorz  10E    71   655   azo
11. efilnpv   8L    39   694   flip
12. deiknrv   2J    44   738   kidder
13. abelnov   O1    42   780   brave
14. efgnotx   N5    56   836   ox
15. efnostu  15K    41   877   futon
16. aellnrt   L6    23   900   raft
17. egmnrsy  10M    29   929   sye
18. egilrrw   3C    24   953   rerig
19. eghiiln   C1    63  1016   hireling

Remaining tiles: ilmuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5885 Fileiwhist      4 17:43  -429  587     1.6692 reyna       3 14:04  -608  408 
  2.5738 Fileannelhynz   2 13:06  -530  486     2.6108 margalang   0  0:23  -983   33 
  3.5051 Filecharmz      2 16:57  -594  422            Group: novice
  4.6692 Filereyna       3 14:04  -608  408     1.5885 iwhist      4 17:43  -429  587 
  5.5624 Filesandy914    3 14:41  -653  363     2.5738 annelhynz   2 13:06  -530  486 
  6.5629 FileBouncingS   3  7:22  -742  274     3.5051 charmz      2 16:57  -594  422 
  7.3980 Filecailah      0 14:24  -749  267     4.5624 sandy914    3 14:41  -653  363 
  8.3449 Filestrykyster  0 14:00  -823  193     5.5629 BouncingS   3  7:22  -742  274 
  9.6108 Filemargalang   0  0:23  -983   33            Group: not rated
 10.3138 Filearivle      0  2:08  -995   21     1.3980 cailah      0 14:24  -749  267 
                                             2.3449 strykyster  0 14:00  -823  193 
                                             3.3138 arivle      0  2:08  -995   21 

On 1st draw, CAUDAE H4 24 --- CAUDA the area behind an animal's anus [n]
Other tops: CADEAU H4 24, CAUSED H4 24
Other moves: CAAED H4 22, CADES H4 22, CASED H4 22, CAUDA H4 22, CAUSAE H4 22
CAUSED H4 24 iwhist
CADES H4 22 cailah
CASED H4 22 strykyster
SAUCED H7 22 charmz

On 2nd draw, DOCQU(E)TS 4F 88 --- DOCQUET to provide with an identifying statement [v]
Other moves: DO(C)QUETS 9C 71, DOCQU(E)T 4F 36, COQU(E)TS 4H 34, USQU(E) 6H 33, COQU(E)T 4H 32
SQUAD 5E 30 iwhist
SQUAT 5E 28 charmz
QUOTES 9D 17 cailah
QUADS 8F 15 strykyster

On 3rd draw, GENTIER I6 72 --- GENTY neat [adj]
Other tops: GENTIER G6 72
Other moves: TEERING I6 71, INTEGER G7 70, INTEGER I7 70, REESTING M1 70, GENTIER I8 66
AIR 5H 16 iwhist
TREEING G8 15 cailah
GEST M2 10 charmz

On 4th draw, SNOOPE(R)S 11D 86 --- SNOOPER one that snoops [n]
Other tops: POO(R)NESS 11D 86, PO(C)OSENS 11D 86, SPOONE(Y)S 11D 86
Other moves: PO(I)SSON 3A 74, SOPR(A)NOS 12F 74, SPO(N)SON 3A 74, SPONSO(N) G8 73, SPONSO(R) G8 73
SPOONS G8 23 cailah
SPOON 3C 22 iwhist
OPS G7 21 annelhynz
S(E)NS J11 8 strykyster

On 5th draw, JETTY 12A 55 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: JEAT 12A 42, JOTTY F10 39, TAJ 3E 38, PATTY H11 36, PEATY H11 36
JOTTY F10 39 cailah
TAJ 3E 38 iwhist
JOY F10 29 charmz
JOE F10 26 strykyster
JO F10 25 annelhynz

On 6th draw, PAVIN H11 36 --- PAVIN a slow, stately dance [n]
Other moves: BAVIN 3C 28, VINT G6 28, PAINT H11 27, PARTI H11 27, PATIN H11 27
AB 10E 26 annelhynz
VAST M2 14 strykyster
AT 13A 13 iwhist
BARS M1 12 charmz
BI 3K 9 cailah

On 7th draw, CAJOLE A10 45 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: JOHN A12 42, CANEH 3C 40, LOUCHE J2 40, LOCH G6 38, ECHELON B9 36
JANE A12 33 iwhist, charmz, reyna
OCH G7 33 annelhynz
CHAOS K7 10 cailah
CEDE 7F 8 strykyster

On 8th draw, DISHABLE M2 86 --- DISHABLE to render incapable [v]
Other moves: BELAH 3C 40, BELAH B6 39, HID J6 38, BLAHED 3B 36, HAED B10 36
HID J6 38 iwhist
HEED B10 36 reyna
AH 10E 32 annelhynz
BALED 3C 28 cailah
HEAD 3K 26 sandy914
HAIL 3K 24 charmz
LABEL 14A 14 strykyster

On 9th draw, AIRWOMEN 14G 92 --- AIRWOMAN a female aviator [n]
Other moves: MEOW 10C 39, AWE N5 36, MEADOW 2J 36, OWE N5 36, OWLER 8K 36
MEOW 10C 39 iwhist
AW 10E 32 annelhynz
WALER 8K 27 reyna
AM N5 25 sandy914
LOW 8M 18 charmz, strykyster
LAW 8M 18 BouncingS
WEN B11 13 cailah

On 10th draw, AZO 10E 71 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZO 10F 64, ZHO 13K 52, ZORIL 13K 49, ZORI 13K 47, RIZ 3E 46
AZO 10E 71 annelhynz
ZO 10F 64 BouncingS, iwhist, reyna
ZOA 13K 43 sandy914
HAIR N6 36 cailah
ZO F10 31 charmz
COZ 10A 16 strykyster

On 11th draw, FLIP 8L 39 --- FLIP flippant [adj] --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other moves: VILDE 2J 34, VLEI 8L 33, FEH 5K 28, NEF 13K 28, FILLE 8K 27
FLIP 8L 39 charmz, BouncingS, iwhist
FEN 15M 25 annelhynz, reyna, sandy914
FILE 15K 22 cailah
LIFE 14A 14 strykyster

On 12th draw, KIDDER 2J 44 --- KIDDER one that kids [n]
Other tops: KINDED 2J 44
Other moves: KINDER 2J 42, KNIVED 3B 40, VERDIN 2J 36, KINRED 3B 34, KIRNED 3B 34
KINDER 2J 42 iwhist
KED 13K 32 annelhynz, reyna
KED N1 25 sandy914
NEK 15M 25 BouncingS
DE(E)K K2 16 charmz
KADE 6L 13 strykyster

On 13th draw, BRAVE O1 42 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BRAVO O1 42
Other moves: BELON 15K 37, ABOIL N5 34, ABET 9F 29, BAIL N6 28, BEIN N6 28
BRAVE O1 42 annelhynz, charmz, BouncingS, sandy914, reyna
AB N5 25 iwhist
ANYONE E10 9 strykyster

On 14th draw, OX N5 56 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: EXON 15L 52, OXEN 15L 52, FOX 15M 46, FOX 13M 38, EXON B12 37
OX N5 56 iwhist, reyna, sandy914
FOX 15M 46 annelhynz, charmz
EXON B12 37 BouncingS

On 15th draw, FUTON 15K 41 --- FUTON a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed [n]
Other tops: FETUS 15K 41
Other moves: UFOS 15L 36, TOFUS 13K 34, ENUF 15L 33, TOFU 13K 32, TOFFS L6 30
FETUS 15K 41 BouncingS
FEN 15M 25 annelhynz
FOE 15M 25 charmz
FES 15M 25 sandy914
FUN 15M 25 iwhist
LOFTS 14A 16 strykyster

On 16th draw, RAFT L6 23 --- RAFT to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) [v]
Other moves: ARETE 9F 22, ARETT 9F 22, ARET 9F 21, LEEAR B11 20, NERAL B11 20
AN 13L 15 sandy914
TALER 12K 14 charmz
ERA B12 12 reyna
NARE 5C 11 annelhynz
LATE 3C 11 iwhist
LIN(E)R K1 8 BouncingS

On 17th draw, SYE 10M 29 --- SYE to strain [v]
Other tops: SYN 10M 29
Other moves: GYRES 3C 26, GEMONY G1 24, GREY 3D 24, SEY J6 24, SNY J6 24
SYE 10M 29 reyna, sandy914
DISHABLES M2 15 iwhist
YE 5E 13 annelhynz

On 18th draw, RERIG 3C 24 --- RERIG to rig again [v] --- RIG to put in proper condition for use [v]
Other tops: GREW 3D 24, WOOL G9 24
Other moves: LEW 3E 22, REW 3E 22, IGLOO G7 21, WET 9G 20, WOO G9 20
GREW 3D 24 iwhist
WOO G9 20 annelhynz
WE 13K 19 reyna
WIDER F2 19 sandy914
WILE 5C 17 charmz
WIG 3E 17 cailah
WILDER F1 14 arivle

On 19th draw, HIRELING C1 63 --- HIRELING one that works for money only [n]
Other moves: HEN J6 36, HIE J6 36, HIN J6 36, NEIGH B6 34, GHEE B9 33
HEN 2F 33 margalang, sandy914, iwhist, reyna
HE 2F 32 annelhynz
HIDE F2 16 cailah
HEN 2B 16 charmz
HERN C1 7 arivle

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