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Game of July 25, 2011 at 17:12, 16 players
1. 549 pts jeff
2. 545 pts sunshine12
3. 521 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiilptw   H4    30    30   wapiti
 2. ?eilruy   6F    66    96   impurely
 3. abegntv   K5    44   140   ventage
 4. aajknst   5A    40   180   sanjak
 5. ?acdeix   A3    72   252   exscind
 6. eeilors   L9    73   325   loeries
 7. eefhopt  15G    36   361   heptose
 8. aeinouv   D2    24   385   ouija
 9. eeortyz   2B    68   453   trooz
10. eflnnou   M9    30   483   fone
11. ehlmort   M2    30   513   methyl
12. eeglnsu  14A    75   588   lungees
13. abborrs   E8    74   662   absorber
14. acdmnot   L1    34   696   coma
15. adiioty  A12    36   732   yald
16. ainqrtw  12D    48   780   tranq
17. dgiiorv   2J    26   806   dromoi
18. degiivw   O1    42   848   view
19. dfgiinu  14K    24   872   defi

Remaining tiles: ginu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6923 Filejeff        2 19:23  -323  549     1.6923 jeff        2 19:23  -323  549 
  2.6612 Filesunshine12  3 21:30  -327  545     2.6612 sunshine12  3 21:30  -327  545 
  3.6456 FileGLOBEMAN    3 22:42  -351  521     3.6456 GLOBEMAN    3 22:42  -351  521 
  4.5512 FileGrace_Tjie  0 18:45  -394  478            Group: novice
  5.4474 Fileremij       2 18:38  -425  447     1.5512 Grace_Tjie  0 18:45  -394  478 
  6.4920 Filetonikay     0 21:22  -427  445     2.5763 JennyB      0 17:05  -523  349 
  7.5763 FileJennyB      0 17:05  -523  349     3.5651 sandy914    0 13:09  -584  288 
  8.5651 Filesandy914    0 13:09  -584  288     4.5285 raggedy01   1  9:44  -720  152 
  9.5285 Fileraggedy01   1  9:44  -720  152     5.5025 luckymoo2   0  6:43  -790   82 
 10.5025 Fileluckymoo2   0  6:43  -790   82     6.5239 gruau56     0  2:40  -822   50 
 11.  -  FileCascas007   0  5:20  -816   56     7.5542 neyetifu    0  1:43  -860   12 
 12.5239 Filegruau56     0  2:40  -822   50            Group: not rated
 13.4693 FileBiddy       0  3:11  -835   37     1.4474 remij       2 18:38  -425  447 
 14.  -  Fileislander    0  1:09  -856   16     2.4920 tonikay     0 21:22  -427  445 
 15.  -  Filemyranda     0  1:42  -858   14     3.  -  Cascas007   0  5:20  -816   56 
 16.5542 Fileneyetifu    0  1:43  -860   12     4.4693 Biddy       0  3:11  -835   37 
                                             5.  -  islander    0  1:09  -856   16 
                                             6.  -  myranda     0  1:42  -858   14 

On 1st draw, WAPITI H4 30 --- WAPITI a large deer [n]
Other moves: PILAW H8 28, PILAW H4 26, WAPITI H3 24, WAPITI H7 24, WAPITI H8 24
PLAIT H4 20 sunshine12, raggedy01, jeff
PAWL H5 18 remij
PAWL H7 18 sandy914
PAW H8 16 Grace_Tjie
WAIL H5 14 JennyB
WAIL H6 14 tonikay
WILT H8 14 myranda

On 2nd draw, I(M)PURELY 6F 66 --- IMPURE not pure [adv] --- IMPURELY in an impure manner [adv]
Other tops: U(N)RIPELY 6D 66
Other moves: PLEURI(S)Y 6H 64, (B)RULYIE G9 64, I(N)LAYER 5E 36, YU(G)ARIE 5E 36, (B)ILAYER 5E 36
RYE(S) 10E 25 jeff
RI(P)PLY 6E 20 Biddy
LEY I3 17 sunshine12
P(A)YER 6H 17 remij
RULE(S) 10D 17 tonikay
PRY 6H 16 raggedy01
YIP 6F 16 Cascas007
YE(A) I3 15 Grace_Tjie
YE(N) I3 15 sandy914
WIRY 4H 10 JennyB

On 3rd draw, VENTAGE K5 44 --- VENTAGE a small opening [n]
Other moves: BANG 5K 29, BANE 5K 27, BANT 5K 27, BEAN 5K 27, BEAT 5K 27
BEAT 5K 27 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BEAN 5K 27 sandy914, JennyB
BEVY M3 24 remij
BENTY M2 20 jeff, tonikay
BEATING 9D 12 raggedy01

On 4th draw, SANJAK 5A 40 --- SANJAK an administrative district of Turkey [n]
Other tops: JANSKY M1 40, STANK 12K 40
Other moves: JAKS 12H 35, ASKANT 12J 34, JAK 5D 34, ATTASK 8J 33, JAKS 5C 32
STANK 12K 40 raggedy01
JAKS 12H 35 sandy914, jeff
JAK 5D 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TANKS 8K 30 Grace_Tjie
KANJIS F2 27 tonikay
JIN 9G 19 remij
JINKS F5 16 JennyB

On 5th draw, EXSCI(N)D A3 72 --- EXSCIND to cut out [v]
Other moves: (H)EXADIC G9 69, AXSE(E)D A3 63, AXS(E)ED A3 63, AD(D)AX B2 56, A(D)DAX B2 56
(O)X 6A 50 tonikay, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
X(U) 6B 50 jeff
TAXED 8K 42 Grace_Tjie
DIX(I)E L9 39 JennyB
(T)AXES A1 36 sandy914
SEX(E)D A5 36 remij
I(N)DEX L10 28 raggedy01

On 6th draw, LOERIES L9 73 --- LOERIE an African bird [n]
Other tops: LOERIES 10B 73
Other moves: LOERIES 12E 70, ELOINERS C1 68, LOERIES G9 62, LOERIES L6 28, SOIREE 10A 27
SOIREE 10A 27 Grace_Tjie
SLEER 10A 24 tonikay
SOLER 10A 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SOLEI 10A 24 sandy914
SOIL 10A 23 jeff
SOLE 12K 20 JennyB
SLEY M3 14 remij
DORSEL 9A 8 Cascas007

On 7th draw, HEPTOSE 15G 36 --- HEPTOSE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: FEH M13 35, HEFTS 15H 33, TOPHES 15G 33, CHE 6A 31, HOPES 15H 30
HEFTS 15H 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
HOPES 15H 30 sandy914, JennyB, jeff
SHOP 15L 27 remij
HOPE G9 22 tonikay
POETS 15H 21 Grace_Tjie
HEFT 14K 20 Cascas007

On 8th draw, OUIJA D2 24 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: CIAO 6A 23, NOVAE 14D 23, ENVOY M2 22, NAEVI B7 22, NAIVE B7 22
OUIJA D2 24 jeff
VEINY M2 22 remij
VAN 14F 21 tonikay, raggedy01, sandy914, JennyB
NAVE 14D 20 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, TROOZ 2B 68 --- TROOZ trews [n]
Other moves: ZOOEY 2B 50, ZOOTY 2B 50, OYEZ B7 45, ZERO 14F 44, ROZET 14D 41
ZERO 14K 39 Grace_Tjie, jeff
ZO C2 37 tonikay, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, JennyB
ZO 14F 36 remij
ZOO 2B 24 sandy914
ZEE 11J 12 Cascas007

On 10th draw, FONE M9 30 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: ENUF I4 27, FEN M9 27, FON M9 27, NEF M11 27, FOULE 14H 25
FEE M13 24 jeff
UFO 3D 22 tonikay
OF 3F 20 sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, sandy914
FOUL I9 20 JennyB

On 11th draw, METHYL M2 30 --- METHYL a univalent radical [n]
Other moves: AH B5 28, CH 6A 28, HOMELY M1 28, HEME 14K 27, HERO 14F 26
HOMELY M1 28 JennyB
AH B5 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HEM 14F 25 sandy914
HOMER G9 24 jeff
HOMER 14D 23 Grace_Tjie
HELM G9 22 tonikay
THEY M3 20 remij
HE 1A 17 Biddy

On 12th draw, LUNGEES 14A 75 --- LUNGEE a loincloth worn by men in India [n]
Other moves: LUNGEES 10B 74, GEES N12 27, GELS N12 27, GENS N12 27, GENUS 14F 27
GUNS N12 27 jeff
GENS N12 27 JennyB
SLUNG 10A 25 luckymoo2
SUNG 10A 24 sunshine12
GENS L1 24 Grace_Tjie
SLEE 10A 23 tonikay
OUIJAS D2 13 sandy914
MUG 2M 12 remij

On 13th draw, ABSORBER E8 74 --- ABSORBER one that absorbs [n]
Other moves: BOBA L1 34, BOBS L1 34, BOBS N12 34, BARMS 2J 30, BARS N12 30
BOBS L1 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BOBS N12 34 jeff
BARS N12 30 JennyB
BARS L1 28 Grace_Tjie
BALS A12 27 remij
BOART J11 15 raggedy01
OR 15A 14 tonikay
WAPITIS H4 12 neyetifu

On 14th draw, COMA L1 34 --- COMA a tuft of silky hairs [n] --- COMA a condition of prolonged unconsciousness [n]
Other tops: COMMA 2J 34
Other moves: ACOLD A11 33, CALM A12 33, ATOM N2 31, CODA L1 31, AMEND 14J 30
COMA L1 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CALM A12 33 jeff
COLD A12 30 tonikay
MOLD A12 30 JennyB, remij
COLT A12 27 Grace_Tjie
CAT N1 20 gruau56
MAST 10C 8 luckymoo2

On 15th draw, YALD A12 36 --- YALD nimble [adj]
Other tops: YOLD A12 36
Other moves: DAILY A11 30, DOILY A11 30, DOOMY 2J 30, YAD N8 28, IDLY A12 27
YALD A12 36 remij, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DAILY A11 30 jeff, gruau56
YA D11 19 Grace_Tjie
MED 3L 6 tonikay

On 16th draw, TRANQ 12D 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QAT G9 43, QI G9 42, QI 1A 35, QATS 10B 33, TRANQ C11 28
QAT G9 43 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QI G9 42 remij
QI 1A 35 Grace_Tjie, tonikay
QATS 10B 33 jeff

On 17th draw, DROMOI 2J 26 --- DROMOS a Greek race-course [n]
Other moves: DORIC 1H 24, IODIC 1H 24, ORGIC 1H 24, OI 13G 22, DERV 14K 21
OI 13G 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
GIO 1A 16 Grace_Tjie
ID 13H 16 jeff
DOG N12 14 tonikay
QI H12 11 remij

On 18th draw, VIEW O1 42 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: WIDGIE O1 39, WIVED O1 39, GIVED O1 33, WIVE 1G 33, WIVE O1 33
VIEW O1 42 GLOBEMAN, remij, sunshine12, jeff
WIVED O1 39 luckymoo2
WIVE 1G 33 Grace_Tjie
WIDE 1G 27 tonikay
ID 13H 16 islander

On 19th draw, DEFI 14K 24 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: FINI 1G 24
Other moves: FID I9 20, FID N12 20, FIG I9 20, FIG N12 20, FUD I9 20
IF 13H 20 jeff, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FIG N12 20 tonikay
ID 13H 16 Grace_Tjie
VIEWING O1 14 remij
FA E4 10 luckymoo2

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