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Game of July 25, 2011 at 17:58, 12 players
1. 645 pts PIThompson
2. 532 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 484 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acefior   H4    30    30   farcie
 2. ?lnrruv   5B    70   100   nervular
 3. aadeein  10F    24   124   aedine
 4. ?dilotw   K5    94   218   dowliest
 5. iorstwz   J6    67   285   zo
 6. adghpsu   L2    35   320   puhas
 7. acdeqsy   8J    45   365   slayed
 8. abeekrt   B2    42   407   brank
 9. eimnotw   O8    95   502   downtime
10. efgittx   9G    39   541   tex
11. beginou   M1    35   576   begin
12. aeeflos   2B    65   641   beefalos
13. adnoprt   1G    37   678   aport
14. ceeilsu   D5    72   750   recuiles
15. amoortt  N12    28   778   atom
16. adeghii   N1    37   815   edh
17. aeioqry   8A    42   857   roque
18. giijnot  12A    76   933   joisting
19. aginuvy  A12    51   984   jivy

Remaining tiles: agnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7462 FilePIThompson  6 14:02  -339  645     1.7462 PIThompson  6 14:02  -339  645 
  2.5519 FileGrace_Tjie  2 15:16  -452  532            Group: intermediate
  3.6468 FileGLOBEMAN    2 19:19  -500  484     1.6468 GLOBEMAN    2 19:19  -500  484 
  4.6417 Filenderera     2 15:39  -553  431     2.6417 nderera     2 15:39  -553  431 
  5.5025 Fileluckymoo2   2 19:24  -563  421     3.6720 Davina      0 11:33  -776  208 
  6.4353 FileDbuggle     0 18:25  -686  298     4.6923 jeff        0  1:05  -956   28 
  7.5586 Fileworsie      0 13:56  -704  280            Group: novice
  8.4932 Filetonikay     2 16:37  -715  269     1.5519 Grace_Tjie  2 15:16  -452  532 
  9.6720 FileDavina      0 11:33  -776  208     2.5025 luckymoo2   2 19:24  -563  421 
 10.4487 Fileremij       0  9:28  -838  146     3.5586 worsie      0 13:56  -704  280 
 11.6923 Filejeff        0  1:05  -956   28     4.5089 mj880       0  1:45  -976    8 
 12.5089 Filemj880       0  1:45  -976    8            Group: not rated
                                             1.4353 Dbuggle     0 18:25  -686  298 
                                             2.4932 tonikay     2 16:37  -715  269 
                                             3.4487 remij       0  9:28  -838  146 

On 1st draw, FARCIE H4 30 --- FARCIE in cookery, stuffed [adj]
Other tops: FIACRE H4 30
Other moves: FACER H4 28, FARCE H4 28, FARCI H4 28, FORCE H4 28, FARCIE H3 24
FARCIE H4 30 PIThompson, tonikay
FACER H4 28 GLOBEMAN, remij, jeff
FORCE H4 28 Grace_Tjie
FACER H8 22 luckymoo2

On 2nd draw, N(E)RVULAR 5B 70 --- NERVULAR of the nerves [adj]
Other moves: NERVUL(A)R 9G 62, UNRAV(E)L 5E 36, VULN(S) 10D 20, LUV(S) 10E 19, V(E)NULAR 5C 18
UNRAV(E)L 5E 36 PIThompson
L(O)UVER 9D 13 luckymoo2
VEN(T) 9G 11 remij
FARCIE(S) H4 11 tonikay
CURV(E) 7H 10 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, AEDINE 10F 24 --- AEDINE pertaining to an aedes [adj]
Other moves: FADEIN 4H 22, FAINED 4H 22, DAINE 10H 21, DENE 4A 21, DIENE 10H 21
NAIAD 10D 21 PIThompson
DINE 4A 21 Grace_Tjie
DRAIN D4 14 remij
DEEN G8 12 tonikay
DARE D3 10 luckymoo2

On 4th draw, DOWLIE(S)T K5 94 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other tops: O(U)TWILED K4 94
Other moves: TWI(F)OLD 11A 75, DOWLIE(R) K5 40, TOW(E)LED K5 40, TWIL(L)ED K5 40, TWIL(T)ED K5 40
TWI(L)LED K5 40 PIThompson
WID(E) 4A 28 Grace_Tjie
WED 9G 27 nderera
WELT(E)D G9 22 remij, luckymoo2
WILD 11D 21 tonikay
DWELT K8 18 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, ZO J6 67 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: WOOTZ 6J 45, ZOIST 6J 36, ZORIS 6J 36, ROZITS 11B 34, TOWZ(E)S C1 34
ZO J6 67 PIThompson, GLOBEMAN, nderera, tonikay, Grace_Tjie
ZOOS 6J 33 remij
RITZ 12I 26 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, PUHAS L2 35 --- PUHA sow thistle (Maori) [n]
Other tops: HAPU 4A 35
Other moves: PUHA 4A 34, PURDAHS D3 34, UPHANGS B1 34, DURGAHS D3 32, GRAPHS D4 32
GRAPHS D4 32 luckymoo2
HEP 9G 31 PIThompson
LAUGH 8K 30 Dbuggle
HAPS L11 26 Grace_Tjie
HEAPS G9 24 nderera
PATHS 12I 20 remij
HAD 4A 15 tonikay

On 7th draw, SLAYED 8J 45 --- SLAY to amuse overwhelmingly [v]
Other moves: LYCEA 8K 42, LYSED 8K 39, LYASE 8K 36, QUAYD 3K 36, CASED M1 34
QUAYD 3K 36 PIThompson
QUAYS 3K 34 Grace_Tjie, luckymoo2, nderera
QUADS 3K 30 Dbuggle
PAYS 2L 18 remij
CAY 4A 17 tonikay

On 8th draw, BRANK B2 42 --- BRANK a device used to restrain the tongue [n] --- BRANK to prance [v]
Other moves: TEREK M1 39, TRANK B2 38, BREAKER D4 36, KETA 4A 33, KETE 4A 33
KETA 4A 33 PIThompson
BREAK N6 27 Dbuggle
BAKER 11C 26 Grace_Tjie
BARKER D3 26 worsie
BRAKE 11B 24 tonikay
BANKER B3 22 luckymoo2
BUKE 3K 20 nderera

On 9th draw, DOWNTIME O8 95 --- DOWNTIME the time when a machine or a factory is inactive [n]
Other moves: WOMEN M1 41, MEW M3 36, MOW M3 36, TIMON M1 35, ENOW M2 34
WAME 4A 33 PIThompson
WEM 9G 31 nderera
WOE A1 24 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN, luckymoo2, tonikay
MOW 11D 21 worsie
TWINE 12K 18 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, TEX 9G 39 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other tops: FIXT 11D 39
Other moves: FIXER D1 38, FIX 11E 37, FIX 11D 35, EX 9H 34, XI I9 34
FIXT 11D 39 PIThompson
TEX 9G 39 luckymoo2, GLOBEMAN
FIX 11D 35 worsie
TEX 11E 31 Grace_Tjie
TUX 3K 20 Dbuggle
FAX F9 13 tonikay

On 11th draw, BEGIN M1 35 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other tops: BOGIE M1 35
Other moves: BONIE M1 31, BOUN A1 30, BEGO M1 29, GIB M3 29, GOB M3 29
BANE 4A 23 PIThompson
BOG M1 22 Grace_Tjie
BONG 11D 20 tonikay
BEING 11B 19 nderera
B(E)ING C4 18 luckymoo2
PUBE 2L 16 worsie
BITE 12I 12 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, BEEFALOS 2B 65 --- BEEFALO the offspring of an American buffalo and domestic cattle [n]
Other moves: LOAF A1 48, FOAL A1 33, EASE N1 32, ALEF N12 31, OAF N13 27
LOAF A1 48 PIThompson, nderera
FOAL A1 33 Davina
FOE A1 24 Grace_Tjie
L(E)AF C4 18 luckymoo2
FLEAS 11B 18 worsie
BAS 1M 15 tonikay
SOFT 12H 8 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, APORT 1G 37 --- APORT on or toward the left side of a ship [adv]
Other tops: ADOPT 1G 37, APOD 1G 37
Other moves: ROTAN 1D 36, DAP 1F 35, PAND 1H 35, PARD 1H 35, POND 1H 35
APOD 1G 37 PIThompson
POND 1H 35 worsie, nderera
DAP 1F 35 GLOBEMAN, Davina, luckymoo2
PART 1H 32 Grace_Tjie
DROP D4 14 Dbuggle

On 14th draw, RECUILES D5 72 --- RECUILE to force back [v]
Other tops: LEUCITES 12F 72
Other moves: CESIUM 14J 32, CELERIES D1 28, CULTIEST 12H 26, CESTUI 12H 22, CESURE D1 22
CULTS 12H 20 Davina
CLUES 11C 19 nderera
SLUICE 11A 18 PIThompson
SLICE 11B 16 Grace_Tjie
CLUES 11B 16 worsie
CRUEL D4 16 Dbuggle
HIC 4L 8 mj880

On 15th draw, ATOM N12 28 --- ATOM the smallest particle of an element [n]
Other moves: MAR N13 24, MAT N13 24, MOA N13 24, MOO N13 24, MOR N13 24
ATOM N12 28 PIThompson
MOTTO E11 24 Davina
MORT E11 22 Grace_Tjie
BAM 1M 21 GLOBEMAN, nderera, worsie
BAT 1M 15 Dbuggle
MAT 4A 9 luckymoo2

On 16th draw, EDH N1 37 --- EDH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: RAHED 3B 35, RHEA 3B 31, AH N1 30, EH N1 30, HADE C9 28
EDH N1 37 PIThompson
HIDE E11 28 Davina, luckymoo2
BAH 1M 24 GLOBEMAN, worsie
HADE C11 23 Grace_Tjie
BED 1M 18 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, ROQUE 8A 42 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: AERY L12 26, AIRY L12 26, AYE 1C 26, OARY L12 26, OYE 1C 26
ROQUE 8A 42 nderera
OARY L12 26 PIThompson
RYE 1C 26 Davina
BEY 1M 24 luckymoo2, GLOBEMAN, worsie
QI 9C 21 Grace_Tjie
CRY 7D 8 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, JOISTING 12A 76 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: JOE N6 26, JOL 10B 26, JEON 11C 24, OJIME 15K 22, TOING L11 21
JOE N6 26 nderera, PIThompson, worsie
JOL 10B 26 Grace_Tjie
JET 11C 20 luckymoo2, GLOBEMAN
JIGS 12A 20 Dbuggle
BEG 1M 18 Davina

On 19th draw, JIVY A12 51 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JUGA A12 36, YUGA 13G 26, GYVE N5 25, YUG 13G 25, BEY 1M 24
JIVY A12 51 Grace_Tjie, luckymoo2
JUGA A12 36 PIThompson
BEY 1M 24 Davina
GANG H12 18 worsie, nderera
BEG 1M 18 Dbuggle

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