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Game of July 25, 2011 at 20:14, 14 players
1. 568 pts sunshine12
2. 559 pts jeff
3. 550 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gilmow   H4    28    28   wormil
 2. cdeilrs  10B    79   107   clerids
 3. eiloort   5E    28   135   troolie
 4. afghist   6J    43   178   faiths
 5. adenpst   B5    65   243   pandects
 6. beflnru   O4    36   279   fusel
 7. ?ggnorw   8D    64   343   growings
 8. aeeiops   4H    35   378   waspie
 9. aaikntu   A6    43   421   kain
10. eejnrtv   C2    27   448   revet
11. eimnoru  11D    25   473   meno
12. abcehnu   2B    44   517   brechan
13. agijotu   1G    54   571   jigot
14. aeioory  A11    32   603   aiery
15. deoruvx  12D    38   641   ox
16. aaeentu   1A    22   663   eat
17. ddeiooy   2J    37   700   doody
18. abinruu   3F    27   727   ab
19. aeiuuvz   K8    34   761   suivez

Remaining tiles: anqruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6625 Filesunshine12  8 18:19  -193  568     1.6625 sunshine12  8 18:19  -193  568 
  2.6922 Filejeff        5 22:48  -202  559     2.6922 jeff        5 22:48  -202  559 
  3.6422 FileGLOBEMAN    5 16:34  -211  550     3.6422 GLOBEMAN    5 16:34  -211  550 
  4.6695 FileDavina      5 14:47  -227  534     4.6695 Davina      5 14:47  -227  534 
  5.6406 Filenderera     5 17:55  -236  525     5.6406 nderera     5 17:55  -236  525 
  6.5546 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:24  -282  479     6.6684 shanice     1 18:25  -410  351 
  7.5659 Filesandy914    2 23:02  -305  456            Group: novice
  8.4882 Filemagictwig   2 17:36  -354  407     1.5546 Grace_Tjie  3 13:24  -282  479 
  9.5284 Fileraggedy01   3 22:45  -358  403     2.5659 sandy914    2 23:02  -305  456 
 10.4496 Fileremij       1 26:27  -405  356     3.5284 raggedy01   3 22:45  -358  403 
 11.6684 Fileshanice     1 18:25  -410  351     4.5698 Faeythe     0  2:28  -683   78 
 12.5698 FileFaeythe     0  2:28  -683   78            Group: not rated
 13.  -  Filesuitable    0  5:32  -699   62     1.4882 magictwig   2 17:36  -354  407 
 14.3503 Filekp10        0  2:32  -721   40     2.4496 remij       1 26:27  -405  356 
                                             3.  -  suitable    0  5:32  -699   62 
                                             4.3503 kp10        0  2:32  -721   40 

On 1st draw, WO(R)MIL H4 28 --- WORMIL a lump in the skin of an animal's back [n]
Other tops: MOWI(N)G H4 28, W(H)ILOM H4 28
Other moves: MI(A)OW H8 26, MOWI(N)G H7 26, OWLI(N)G H3 26, W(H)ILOM H7 26, MI(A)OW H4 24
MOWI(N)G H4 28 Davina, jeff, nderera, raggedy01, sunshine12
GLOW(S) H4 20 Grace_Tjie
MOG(U)L H4 20 magictwig
GLO(O)M H4 18 remij
G(R)OW H8 14 kp10

On 2nd draw, CLERIDS 10B 79 --- CLERID a predatory beetle [n]
Other moves: SCLEROID 5C 72, RECOILS 5E 36, DRICES 10C 26, DICES 10D 25, RICES 10D 24
RECOILS 5E 36 jeff
DICES 10D 25 Davina, shanice
SLICED 10H 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, sandy914
WILDERS 4H 22 magictwig, remij
SIDER 10H 21 nderera
WEIRD 4H 18 kp10
DICER I1 18 Grace_Tjie
SIDLER I8 14 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, TROOLIE 5E 28 --- TROOLIE a leaf of the bussu palm [n]
Other moves: LOOTED G5 22, TOOLED G5 22, WOOLIER 4H 20, OLEO 11C 18, OLEO G4 18
WOOLIER 4H 20 magictwig, jeff, Davina
WOOLER 4H 18 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
COOLER B10 16 sandy914
LET 11D 14 Grace_Tjie
LORE I3 13 raggedy01, nderera
TOR I3 11 suitable
TRIOL 5E 10 remij
ROOT E10 8 kp10

On 4th draw, FAITHS 6J 43 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other moves: FAITH 6J 42, HAFTS L1 38, FLIGHTS C9 36, FAITH 4K 35, FLIGHT C9 34
FAITHS 6J 43 nderera
HAFTS L1 38 sunshine12, jeff, GLOBEMAN
FLIGHT C9 34 suitable
FASH 6J 33 Davina
FRIGHTS E9 28 raggedy01
FISH L3 28 shanice
FAGS L2 24 sandy914
FAST L3 22 magictwig
HATS 4J 21 Grace_Tjie
ARS E9 6 remij

On 5th draw, PANDECTS B5 65 --- PANDECT a complete body of laws [n]
Other moves: DEPAINTS 8D 63, ADEPTS O1 36, PASSED O4 36, PASTED O4 36, PESANTS O4 36
PASSED O4 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, nderera, Davina
PASTED O4 36 jeff
SPENDS O1 30 sandy914
SPENDS O6 27 Grace_Tjie, shanice
PATENS O1 27 remij
SPADES O6 27 Faeythe
STEPS O6 21 magictwig
PANTS 4K 21 raggedy01
PATE 4K 17 suitable

On 6th draw, FUSEL O4 36 --- FUSEL an oily liquid [n]
Other moves: UNSELF O4 30, EF A8 29, BRULES O1 27, ENUF A12 27, RUBELS O1 27
UNSELF O4 30 jeff
EF A8 29 Grace_Tjie, sandy914
SURF O6 21 Faeythe, nderera, shanice
SUBER O6 21 remij
FLUTER M3 20 raggedy01
SNUB O6 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, GROWING(S) 8D 64 --- GROWING cultivation [n]
Other moves: W(A)GGON A1 42, (A)DOWN 8A 36, G(O)RGON A1 33, GORG(O)N A1 32, WOR(S)ING L2 31
WOR(S)ING L2 31 jeff
OW A8 29 sandy914, GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie, sunshine12
GROW(I)NG E9 22 Davina, magictwig, nderera, remij
E(G)GNOG D10 18 raggedy01

On 8th draw, WASPIE 4H 35 --- WASPIE a ladies' corset [n]
Other moves: PEA A6 30, PEE A6 30, PIA A6 30, PIE A6 30, POA A6 30
PIA A6 30 Faeythe
PEA A6 30 magictwig, nderera
POI A6 30 Davina
OP A8 25 Grace_Tjie
APES A12 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, jeff
ROPES E10 14 remij
PA A6 10 sandy914

On 9th draw, KAIN A6 43 --- KAIN a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other tops: KUIA A6 43
Other moves: KAI A6 38, NIKAU A1 34, AKIN A12 30, IKAN A12 30, IKAT A12 30
KAIN A6 43 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KAI A6 38 Davina, shanice, sandy914
KAT 3L 24 jeff
TAKIN C2 24 magictwig
KNIT C3 22 nderera
STANK 12B 18 remij
(S)TANK K8 16 raggedy01
INK A12 11 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, REVET C2 27 --- REVET to face with masonry [v]
Other tops: EEVN A12 27, EREV A12 27, EVEN A12 27, EVER A12 27, EVET A12 27, JEER F2 27, JETE C4 27, TREEN C3 27
Other moves: JETE C2 26, EVET C3 25, JEE 4D 24, JEE C3 24, EVENTER M2 22
EVER A12 27 Grace_Tjie
JEER F2 27 raggedy01, Davina, nderera
JETE C4 27 sunshine12
JET C4 21 sandy914, shanice
VEE 4D 16 jeff
JET E3 10 remij, magictwig

On 11th draw, MENO 11D 25 --- MENO less -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: EMIR A12 24, OMEN A12 24, OMER A12 24, MOME 7F 23, MOMI 7F 23
MENO 11D 25 jeff, sunshine12
OMEN A12 24 Grace_Tjie
MOME 7F 23 nderera
OWED G7 18 sandy914
MOR B1 16 Davina
RUMOR E10 14 raggedy01
RIMER E10 14 magictwig
MORE 2A 12 remij

On 12th draw, BRECHAN 2B 44 --- BRECHAN a horse-collar [n]
Other tops: CUBANE 1A 44
Other moves: HABU 1A 41, BRACH 2B 40, BRANCH 2B 38, BREACH 2B 38, BRUNCH 2B 38
BRANCH 2B 38 raggedy01, Davina
ACHE A12 33 Grace_Tjie, nderera, jeff
EH 12D 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BAH B1 25 sandy914
BEACH 12G 19 magictwig
BENT M3 12 remij

On 13th draw, JIGOT 1G 54 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: JATO 1A 52, JOTA 1A 52, JUGA 1G 51, JAG 1G 48, JATO 1G 48
JOTA 1A 52 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JOG 1G 48 Grace_Tjie, jeff, magictwig, sandy914, Davina, remij
JAG 1G 48 shanice
JOT 1A 43 nderera, raggedy01

On 14th draw, AIERY A11 32 --- AIERY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: AY 3F 31, OY 3F 31, YARE 2J 30, YEAR 2J 30, YORE 2J 30
OY 3F 31 raggedy01, jeff
AY 3F 31 sandy914
YEAR 2J 30 sunshine12, nderera, GLOBEMAN, shanice, Davina
AIRY A12 27 magictwig
YA 1A 19 Grace_Tjie, remij

On 15th draw, OX 12D 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX 12D 38
Other moves: DEVOUR 2J 37, REDOX 2J 36, REDUX 2J 36, DOVER 2J 35, VERTEX M3 34
OX 12D 38 GLOBEMAN, sandy914, sunshine12
EX 12D 38 Grace_Tjie, Davina, magictwig, shanice
VEXT M3 28 remij
GOX J8 27 jeff
OX J1 25 nderera, raggedy01

On 16th draw, EAT 1A 22 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other tops: NAT 1A 22
Other moves: ATE 1B 20, EATEN 2J 20, NAME 7F 19, NAMU 7F 19, TAME 7F 19
EAT 1A 22 nderera, GLOBEMAN
NAT 1A 22 sunshine12, raggedy01
VEE 4C 14 Davina, jeff
EE B14 13 sandy914
NEAT 2J 12 Grace_Tjie
EA 1A 10 remij
NEAT M3 8 magictwig

On 17th draw, DOODY 2J 37 --- DOODY childish word for excrement [n]
Other moves: DIODE 2J 31, OY 3F 31, YODE 2J 31, Y*D 2J 30, YOD 2J 30
DOODY 2J 37 jeff
YODE 2J 31 sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN, nderera
Y*D 2J 30 shanice
YOD 2J 30 Davina
YO 2J 28 raggedy01
JAY G1 17 remij
DOY 12G 13 sandy914
TOYED M6 11 magictwig

On 18th draw, AB 3F 27 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: BA 3L 21, BI 3L 21, RURBAN 14A 20, AI 3F 19, AR 3F 19
AB 3F 27 sandy914, Davina, jeff, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BA 3L 21 nderera
BA 1N 19 Grace_Tjie, shanice
AB 1N 17 magictwig, raggedy01
YARN 15A 8 remij

On 19th draw, (S)UIVEZ K8 34 --- SUIVEZ to follow (music) [v]
Other tops: GAZE J8 34
Other moves: ADZE M1 28, RAZE 14A 26, RIZA 14A 26, REZ 14A 24, RIZ 14A 24
GAZE J8 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, nderera, Grace_Tjie, Davina, jeff, magictwig, remij
RAZE 14A 26 shanice
(S)IZE K8 24 sandy914

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