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Game of July 26, 2011 at 04:41, 10 players
1. 450 pts step72
2. 357 pts naneru
3. 327 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehmorsu   H4    30    30   hormes
 2. ?ahinos   6G    70   100   trahison
 3. aaikrtt   5J    41   141   akita
 4. acdinuw   4D    26   167   winch
 5. abdeglu   E2    74   241   guidable
 6. abdenoo   8A    36   277   doable
 7. ?aeglrt   8H    77   354   eglatere
 8. aeeirtx   9K    44   398   taxer
 9. eoortuv   A5    63   461   outdrove
10. aeilnot   2C    63   524   legation
11. deginrv   N8    40   564   revering
12. cdepuyz   1F    67   631   zep
13. demnsty   O1    49   680   emyds
14. aeijsuy  15L    60   740   juga
15. efoqrwy   3I    41   781   foyer
16. fiilnps   B3    27   808   flip
17. cdeiiow   1A    37   845   owed
18. ciiqstu   C8    42   887   acquist

Remaining tiles: iinn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5195 Filestep72      1 19:31  -437  450     1.5195 step72      1 19:31  -437  450 
  2.4554 Filenaneru      0 28:57  -530  357     2.5331 jimbo       1 15:21  -560  327 
  3.5331 Filejimbo       1 15:21  -560  327     3.5085 charmz      1  9:08  -738  149 
  4.  -  Filelordes      0 17:34  -704  183     4.5682 Spoony      1  5:07  -824   63 
  5.5085 Filecharmz      1  9:08  -738  149     5.5664 immy        0  2:02  -837   50 
  6.4905 Filejohnny55    0  5:06  -764  123            Group: not rated
  7.4881 Filelyndyloo    0  2:52  -822   65     1.4554 naneru      0 28:57  -530  357 
  8.5682 FileSpoony      1  5:07  -824   63     2.  -  lordes      0 17:34  -704  183 
  9.  -  Filesuitable    1  3:44  -830   57     3.4905 johnny55    0  5:06  -764  123 
 10.5664 Fileimmy        0  2:02  -837   50     4.4881 lyndyloo    0  2:52  -822   65 
                                             5.  -  suitable    1  3:44  -830   57 

On 1st draw, HORMES H4 30 --- HORME purposeful behaviour [n]
Other tops: HOMERS H4 30, HUMORS H4 30, RHEUMS H3 30
Other moves: HERMS H4 28, HOMER H4 28, HOMES H4 28, HORME H4 28, HUMOR H4 28
HOMERS H4 30 charmz
MUSHER H4 28 jimbo, johnny55, naneru
HORSE H4 24 step72

On 2nd draw, (T)RAHISON 6G 70 --- TRAHISON treason [n]
Other tops: ORAN(G)ISH 6G 70
Other moves: (W)OMANISH 7F 68, A(D)MONISH 7F 67, HOIS(T)MAN 7C 67, AS(T)ONISH 9B 66, (F)ASHIONS 9F 66
(F)ASHION G8 65 jimbo
HA(R)SH 4D 20 step72
HAINS 4H 16 charmz
(F)ASHION G8 15 Spoony
HAN(D)S 4H 14 johnny55
SHEA 8F 7 naneru

On 3rd draw, AKITA 5J 41 --- AKITA (Japanese) a large powerfully built breed of Japanese dog [n]
Other moves: KATA 5K 34, KATI 5K 34, AKA 5J 33, KAI 5K 30, KARAIT I3 30
KARTS L2 18 johnny55
KRAIT K3 18 jimbo
KITS L3 16 charmz
SKIT 9H 13 naneru
KI K5 12 step72

On 4th draw, WINCH 4D 26 --- WINCH to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) [v]
Other moves: MAID 7H 25, WAD 7M 24, WINDAC G8 24, MAIN 7H 23, WAI 7M 23
WINCH 4D 26 Spoony
WIND G8 17 jimbo
CAWS 9E 13 johnny55
TOW M5 10 step72

On 5th draw, GUIDABLE E2 74 --- GUIDABLE able to be guided [adj] --- GUIDE to show the way to [adj]
Other moves: SLUGABED 9H 66, ABLED 5A 27, BALED 5A 27, BEDU 5C 27, BLUED 5A 27
BLADE 3B 26 step72
WINCHED 4D 23 johnny55
BADGE G8 17 jimbo
BISE L4 12 naneru
BLAND N3 8 charmz

On 6th draw, DOABLE 8A 36 --- DOABLE able to be done [adj]
Other moves: ANODE 7J 33, BOODLE 8A 33, NOODLE 8A 27, BATONED M3 26, BATOONED M3 26
DOABLE 8A 36 jimbo
BOODLE 8A 33 naneru
NOODLE 8A 27 johnny55
BADGE 2B 22 step72
BATON M3 16 charmz

On 7th draw, EGLATER(E) 8H 77 --- EGLATERE a wild rose [n]
Other tops: EGLAT(E)RE 8H 77
Other moves: (S)TRAGGLE 2A 76, AGRE(S)TAL C8 70, O(U)TGLARE B8 70, TRA(V)ELOG B2 70, (W)ATERLOG B2 70
(S)TEAL O6 22 lyndyloo
LATERA(L) C7 16 naneru
(S)TRANGE N2 14 charmz
EAGLE 8H 7 jimbo

On 8th draw, TAXER 9K 44 --- TAXER one that taxes [n]
Other moves: AXE 9L 39, RAX 9K 39, REX 9K 39, TAX 9K 39, TEX 9K 39
TAXER 9K 44 step72, suitable
EX 9B 36 immy
RAX N8 26 lyndyloo
LAX J8 26 charmz
TAXIS L2 24 jimbo
XIS L4 20 naneru

On 9th draw, OUTDROVE A5 63 --- OUTDRIVE to drive a golf ball farther than [v]
Other moves: TROVE 10K 48, ROVE 10L 44, VOTE 10L 32, VETO 10J 31, VOE 10L 29
ROVE 10L 44 step72
REVERT N8 17 lyndyloo
TAVER L8 16 charmz
REV N8 14 immy
GROOVE 2E 14 lordes
OVATE C6 13 jimbo
DOVER A8 10 naneru

On 10th draw, LEGATION 2C 63 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other tops: GELATION 2E 63
Other moves: ELATION G9 62, EXTINE M8 26, IOTA 10L 26, NOTA 10L 26, NOTE 10L 26
NOTE 10L 26 step72
VIOLENT 11A 20 jimbo
GELATION 2E 13 suitable
GLOAT 2E 8 lordes
EN 10K 8 naneru
VAIL 11A 7 charmz

On 11th draw, REVERING N8 40 --- REVERE to regard with great respect [v]
Other moves: VIED 1A 37, ENGIRD 1J 32, RAVINED C7 32, REDRIVEN N8 32, GIED 1A 31
NED 1F 25 naneru
VIE 1A 20 lordes
VETO M3 14 step72

On 12th draw, ZEP 1F 67 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZED 1F 61, PYE 1H 43, YEP 1F 43, YUP 1F 43, ZEP 10J 42
ZED 1F 61 naneru
PUDGY 15K 39 step72
ZEE 11M 12 lordes

On 13th draw, EMYDS O1 49 --- EMYD a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other moves: MISSTATED L4 48, STEY 1A 44, DYNES O1 40, MENDS O1 40, DAYSMEN C7 38
STEY 1A 44 step72
DENTS O1 31 lordes
TAMED L8 16 naneru

On 14th draw, JUGA 15L 60 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other tops: JAGS 15L 60, JIGS 15L 60, JUGS 15L 60
Other moves: JAB 7C 41, JURY 12L 36, YAGI 15L 36, YAGS 15L 36, YUGA 15L 36
JAYS C7 26 step72
JAY 3M 26 lordes
YES 3I 21 naneru

On 15th draw, FOYER 3I 41 --- FOYER an entrance room or hall [n]
Other moves: WOF N1 39, WAQF C7 33, BOWERY D8 30, BOWYER D8 30, FERRY 12K 30
FERRY 12K 30 naneru
QIS L4 24 step72
QI 13M 22 jimbo
FORE 12L 16 lordes

On 16th draw, FLIP B3 27 --- FLIP flippant [adj] --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other moves: LISP B3 24, SLIP B3 24, SNIP B3 24, FLIP B12 23, LIP B4 23
FLIP B12 23 step72
LIES 9C 14 lordes
SPIN 13L 12 jimbo
TAP L8 5 naneru

On 17th draw, OWED 1A 37 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: COED 1A 34, ICED 1A 34, WEED 9C 28, WOVE 10L 28, WED M11 27
WEIRD 12K 22 step72
COWER 12J 20 jimbo
WORD 12L 20 naneru
WIDER 12J 18 lordes

On 18th draw, ACQUIST C8 42 --- ACQUIST acquisition [n]
Other tops: ACQUITS C8 42
Other moves: ACQUIT C8 40, SQUIRT 12J 32, QUIRT 12K 30, QUITES 11J 30, QUIET 11K 28
SQUIRT 12J 32 naneru
QUITES 11J 30 step72
SQUIT 13K 28 jimbo
QIS 13M 24 lordes
QI 13M 22 Spoony

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