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Game of July 26, 2011 at 12:57, 12 players
1. 507 pts step72
2. 460 pts JennyB
3. 457 pts briz2408

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eemptt   H2    76    76   templet
 2. aeilnor   8H    77   153   taileron
 3. ?aeiksz   9B    82   235   karzies
 4. adertuy   K5    98   333   adultery
 5. aeenrtw   4C    76   409   watermen
 6. aadiort   M8    70   479   radiator
 7. achjlos   B9    56   535   khojas
 8. aflmnno  15L    39   574   from
 9. bdgilor  13A    76   650   gaolbird
10. ceeinou   E6    34   684   couzin
11. aeflnst   2E    65   749   flattens
12. eeinprs  14J    35   784   prion
13. cdeloqs   1A    38   822   dolce
14. aeesuux   2A    39   861   ex
15. eghiisv  15F    37   898   shive
16. abegovy   3B    43   941   yob
17. agnuuvw  J10    34   975   wan
18. egiiquv   C7    28  1003   quai

Remaining tiles: eggiuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5260 Filestep72      2 21:19  -496  507     1.6294 renmar      2 15:07  -719  284 
  2.5768 FileJennyB      2 20:31  -543  460     2.6778 SuperH      5  9:25  -729  274 
  3.5394 Filebriz2408    2 13:19  -546  457     3.6284 ksong       1  5:52  -860  143 
  4.5574 FileGrace_Tjie  1 17:24  -552  451            Group: novice
  5.5761 Fileannelhynz   3 14:30  -591  412     1.5260 step72      2 21:19  -496  507 
  6.6294 Filerenmar      2 15:07  -719  284     2.5768 JennyB      2 20:31  -543  460 
  7.6778 FileSuperH      5  9:25  -729  274     3.5394 briz2408    2 13:19  -546  457 
  8.4046 Filecailah      0 13:36  -775  228     4.5574 Grace_Tjie  1 17:24  -552  451 
  9.5344 FileVelly       3  7:44  -796  207     5.5761 annelhynz   3 14:30  -591  412 
 10.6284 Fileksong       1  5:52  -860  143     6.5344 Velly       3  7:44  -796  207 
 11.5364 Fileraggedy01   0 12:03  -882  121     7.5364 raggedy01   0 12:03  -882  121 
 12.5152 Fileluckymoo2   0  6:26  -918   85     8.5152 luckymoo2   0  6:26  -918   85 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4046 cailah      0 13:36  -775  228 

On 1st draw, TEMP(L)ET H2 76 --- TEMPLET a thin plate used as a pattern in cutting [n]
Other tops: TEMPE(S)T H2 76, TEMPTE(D) H2 76, TEMPTE(R) H2 76
Other moves: TEMPE(S)T H3 72, TEMPE(S)T H4 72, TEMPE(S)T H6 72, TEMPE(S)T H8 72, TEMPTE(D) H3 72
TEMPTE(D) H2 26 step72
TEMPE(S)T H2 26 cailah
TEMPE(S)T H6 22 briz2408
MEET(S) H4 18 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, TAILERON 8H 77 --- TAILERON a part of a two-piece tailplane [n]
Other moves: PELORIAN 5H 70, TAILERON 2H 70, AILERON I5 69, AILERON G7 65, AILERON I7 65
PLAINER 5H 18 step72, briz2408, JennyB
PEARL 5H 14 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, KA(R)ZIES 9B 82 --- KARZY a lavatory [n]
Other moves: KAIZE(N)S 9B 81, K(Y)ANIZES O5 71, KA(M)EEZ 7D 50, KRA(N)ZES M7 50, SIA(M)EZE 3B 50
(F)EZ 7G 42 briz2408
Z(O)OKS N6 39 step72
(L)AZES 6H 33 Grace_Tjie
(A)MAZES 4G 32 JennyB

On 4th draw, ADULTERY K5 98 --- ADULTERY voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse [n]
Other moves: ADU(L)TERY 6E 67, TYDE 10A 37, AZERTY E8 36, YEAD 10C 36, AYRE 10A 35
DYE 10A 34 Grace_Tjie, annelhynz
ZED E9 26 briz2408
AD 10E 25 JennyB
YA(L)E 6F 14 luckymoo2
DIARY F8 11 step72

On 5th draw, WATERMEN 4C 76 --- WATERMAN a boatman [n]
Other moves: WANTER J10 39, WEANER J10 39, WEAZEN E6 36, WANE J10 35, WANT J10 35
WANTER J10 39 step72
WEAN J10 35 JennyB
EWER L12 26 Grace_Tjie
ZEE E9 24 briz2408
TAW 10A 21 annelhynz

On 6th draw, RADIATOR M8 70 --- RADIATOR a heating device [n]
Other tops: RADIATOR M1 70
Other moves: RADIATOR 11D 68, ANTIDORA O7 60, AZIDO E8 30, IZARD E8 30, ZOARIA E9 30
ZIT E9 24 briz2408
DATA 3B 24 Grace_Tjie
DRAT 3A 22 JennyB
DOT 3B 20 annelhynz
DRAW C1 16 step72

On 7th draw, KHOJAS B9 56 --- KHOJA a Middle Eastern title of respect [n]
Other moves: HAJ 3B 45, SOJA 3B 43, JARLS 15K 39, SCHOLAR 15G 39, CHOLOS 14I 38
JARLS 15K 39 briz2408
JOCKS B6 36 Grace_Tjie
LARCH 15K 33 luckymoo2
JOSH L2 33 JennyB
JOL 3B 32 annelhynz
RAJ 15M 30 step72
ARCH 15L 30 Velly
JOTS 2F 27 cailah

On 8th draw, FROM 15L 39 --- FROM starting at [prep]
Other tops: NONFARM 15H 39
Other moves: FANON J10 38, FOAM J10 37, OF 10E 37, FANON C11 36, FANO J10 35
FROM 15L 39 Velly, briz2408
FOAM J10 37 cailah
FAN J10 34 step72
MAN J10 28 annelhynz
FAN A13 25 Grace_Tjie, JennyB

On 9th draw, GAOLBIRD 13A 76 --- GAOLBIRD an inveterate convict [n]
Other moves: BLOOD 14J 39, BROOD 14J 39, DROOB 14J 37, BROOL 14J 35, DROOG 14J 33
DOB C11 32 step72
BOG C11 31 SuperH
ZIG E9 26 briz2408
BOD 3B 25 Grace_Tjie
BIG A13 24 JennyB
BO J10 22 annelhynz
BOG C13 22 renmar
ORBIT 2D 13 raggedy01

On 10th draw, COUZIN E6 34 --- COUZIN (South Africa) a friend [n]
Other moves: COZEN E7 32, COZIE E7 32, ZINEB E9 32, CODEN H11 27, CONE 3B 26
CODEN H11 27 step72
CONE 3B 26 JennyB, SuperH
ICON 3A 24 Grace_Tjie
ZIN E9 24 raggedy01
DOC H13 18 briz2408, annelhynz
CUBE E11 16 renmar
GIN A13 14 luckymoo2
NIECE O8 8 cailah

On 11th draw, FLATTENS 2E 65 --- FLATTEN to make or become flat [v]
Other tops: FLATTENS 2D 65
Other moves: FANES J10 38, FEALS J10 38, FEAST J10 38, FEATS J10 38, FENTS J10 38
FEATS J10 38 renmar
FEAST 14F 36 annelhynz
FEATS 14F 36 SuperH
FEAT J10 35 JennyB
SAFE 3B 31 cailah
FLANS 3A 30 Grace_Tjie
FADES H11 30 step72
FANS I10 22 briz2408
GAS A13 14 raggedy01

On 12th draw, PRION 14J 35 --- PRION a protein particle [n]
Other tops: PSION 14J 35, SNIPE 1A 35
Other moves: PENIES J10 33, PENES J10 32, PENIE J10 32, PENIS J10 32, PEISE 1A 29
SNIPE 1A 35 renmar
PEN J10 28 annelhynz
PEDES H11 27 step72
PINS I10 21 briz2408, cailah
GIP A13 20 Grace_Tjie
IRES 1L 18 JennyB
REINS 3J 17 raggedy01
SIREN O4 6 luckymoo2

On 13th draw, DOLCE 1A 38 --- DOLCE a soft-toned organ stop [n]
Other moves: CODE 3B 33, CODED H11 30, COLE 3B 30, SCOWLED C1 30, CLOSE 1A 29
CLOSE 1A 29 renmar
CODE 15G 25 annelhynz, JennyB
DECO 15G 25 Grace_Tjie
DOES I10 20 briz2408
QIS F12 14 step72
SOC L2 10 raggedy01

On 14th draw, EX 2A 39 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX 2A 39, AXES 1L 39, EAUX 1L 39, EXES 1L 39
Other moves: ULEX D12 38, SAXE 15G 37, AXE 15H 34, DEX H13 33, DUX H13 33
AXES 1L 39 Grace_Tjie, step72, Velly
AX 2A 39 briz2408, SuperH, renmar
EX 2A 39 JennyB, annelhynz
DEX H13 33 ksong
SIX F12 26 raggedy01
SEX 5B 24 cailah
OX B1 18 luckymoo2

On 15th draw, SHIVE 15F 37 --- SHIVE a thin fragment [n]
Other moves: HIVE 15G 34, HE F6 30, HI F6 30, HIDES H11 30, SIDHE H11 30
SHIVE 15F 37 Velly, annelhynz, JennyB, SuperH
HIVE 15G 34 step72
HIDES H11 30 briz2408, ksong
HE J10 28 renmar
HIVE 3L 25 Grace_Tjie
HIVING O4 17 raggedy01

On 16th draw, YOB 3B 43 --- YOB a hooligan [n]
Other moves: YOB J10 38, YAE 3B 37, BOA 3A 36, LOGWAY C1 36, YEA J10 34
YOB 3B 43 SuperH
YOB J10 38 renmar, annelhynz
BOA 3A 36 JennyB
OBEY 1L 33 step72
BEY 7G 24 ksong
GAY A13 23 briz2408, Velly, cailah
YAE L4 17 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, WAN J10 34 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other moves: UNLAW D11 26, GOWAN N7 23, GUV A13 23, VANG 5A 20, WANG 5A 20
WAN J10 34 ksong, SuperH, annelhynz, step72
GAG A13 17 JennyB, Velly, renmar, cailah
GUN A13 14 Grace_Tjie
WE 10J 13 briz2408

On 18th draw, QUAI C7 28 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QI L4 24, SUQ L2 24, GUV A13 23, QUA C7 22, VEG 5B 19
QUAI C7 28 SuperH
QI L4 24 step72
QUA C7 22 Grace_Tjie, Velly, ksong, renmar
QUINE O5 14 cailah
QUIN O5 13 JennyB
QI F12 11 briz2408

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