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Game of July 26, 2011 at 13:41, 10 players
1. 546 pts SuperH
2. 514 pts marcous
3. 497 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fgiortv   H4    28    28   frigot
 2. aaeeilr   5E    28    56   learier
 3. emnorst  10B    78   134   mentors
 4. ?ginnpt   K4    70   204   printing
 5. adiptuv   6B    32   236   vapid
 6. aaaceis  12K    27   263   saice
 7. aaegjrt  N10    62   325   jacare
 8. aeilott   O5    85   410   etiolate
 9. ddknosu   J2    40   450   snoek
10. aeeoryy   L1    32   482   yore
11. ?ceglux  15K    66   548   excel
12. ?aaeeuw   M1    31   579   awes
13. adhiowy   1L    39   618   yawy
14. aemtuuz  M11    55   673   miz
15. abhinno   C9    30   703   hebona
16. deegisv  15A    45   748   viseed
17. dghirtu  D12    31   779   huge
18. beflnot   N1    33   812   web
19. adinqru   2F    35   847   quids
20. adilort   3B    30   877   adroit

Remaining tiles: flnouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6794 FileSuperH      5 21:28  -331  546     1.6794 SuperH      5 21:28  -331  546 
  2.6196 Filemarcous     3 17:42  -363  514     2.6196 marcous     3 17:42  -363  514 
  3.5758 Filemichele     2 24:05  -380  497     3.6294 ksong       0  5:19  -793   84 
  4.5271 Filestep72      1 26:15  -405  472            Group: novice
  5.5126 Filecharmz      2 19:54  -440  437     1.5758 michele     2 24:05  -380  497 
  6.5768 Fileannelhynz   0 18:51  -468  409     2.5271 step72      1 26:15  -405  472 
  7.4058 Filecailah      0 10:20  -720  157     3.5126 charmz      2 19:54  -440  437 
  8.6294 Fileksong       0  5:19  -793   84     4.5768 annelhynz   0 18:51  -468  409 
  9.5504 FileVelly       0  5:07  -811   66     5.5504 Velly       0  5:07  -811   66 
 10.5306 Filejimbo       0  0:42  -866   11     6.5306 jimbo       0  0:42  -866   11 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4058 cailah      0 10:20  -720  157 

On 1st draw, FRIGOT H4 28 --- FRIGOT a frigate [n]
Other moves: VIGOR H4 26, FRIGOT H3 22, FRIGOT H7 22, FRIGOT H8 22, GRIFT H4 22
VIGOR H4 26 SuperH
GRIFT H4 22 ksong
FROG H5 16 charmz, step72

On 2nd draw, LEARIER 5E 28 --- LEARY suspicious [adj]
Other moves: FILAREE 4H 20, FAERIE 4H 18, FERIAE 4H 18, FERIAL 4H 18, FERLIE 4H 18
FRAIL 4H 16 ksong, charmz
REAL G3 14 SuperH
LAGER 7F 8 step72
RELATE 9D 8 cailah

On 3rd draw, MENTORS 10B 78 --- MENTOR to serve as a friend and teacher to [v]
Other tops: MONTRES 10B 78
Other moves: MONSTER 10E 74, MENTORS G8 68, MENTORS I8 68, MONSTER I8 68, MONTRES I8 68
MENTORS 10B 28 cailah, charmz
TOMES 10D 24 ksong
MONSTER 10E 24 SuperH
MES 6J 23 annelhynz
MEN 6J 23 marcous
STORM 10H 20 step72
OMENS 10D 20 michele

On 4th draw, PR(I)NTING K4 70 --- PRINTING a reproduction from a printing surface [n]
Other tops: PRINT(I)NG K4 70, PR(E)NTING K4 70, P(R)ENTING C8 70
Other moves: P(R)ENTING J3 66, G(U)NPOINT 8D 62, PO(I)NTING 8G 61, PO(Y)NTING 8G 61, POIGN(A)NT 8G 60
P(A)NING D8 22 ksong
M(O)PING B10 20 step72
P(O)TTING E8 18 cailah
N(E)P 9A 17 annelhynz
P(A)INT 4J 17 marcous
PI 9C 16 SuperH
MINT(S) B10 12 michele
TINT E10 8 charmz

On 5th draw, VAPID 6B 32 --- VAPID insipid [adj]
Other moves: PAVID 6B 30, VITA L1 30, DIVA L1 28, PADI L1 28, VEDUTA C9 28
PADI L1 28 SuperH, marcous
PAVED F2 21 step72
D(I)V 6J 17 michele
D(I)P 6J 16 annelhynz
PAD 4K 12 charmz
PANT D8 9 Velly

On 6th draw, SAICE 12K 27 --- SAICE a male servant in India [n]
Other moves: CASA L1 26, CASE L1 26, SAICE 3K 25, APICES 4J 24, TACES 8K 24
CASE L1 26 SuperH
TACES 8K 24 charmz
SICE 12K 23 marcous
CASE 12I 23 michele
ACE L2 18 annelhynz, step72
MACES B10 18 Velly

On 7th draw, JACARE N10 62 --- JACARE the caiman [n]
Other moves: JAGA L1 48, JAEGER O10 42, JAEGER O8 42, JAGIR M9 42, RAJA L1 32
JA L3 26 annelhynz
JET 9F 23 Velly, step72
JAR G8 23 marcous, michele
GRATE O8 18 charmz

On 8th draw, ETIOLATE O5 85 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: ETIOLATE 15G 77, POTENTIAL D6 74, TONALITE D8 70, OLEATE O7 29, ELATE O8 26
ELATE O8 26 SuperH
TOILET 15J 21 michele
LITE L1 18 annelhynz
LATE L1 18 marcous
TITLE 8K 18 charmz
PILOT 4K 16 Velly
RATIO G10 6 step72

On 9th draw, SNOEK J2 40 --- SNOEK the barracouta [n]
Other moves: DOUKED 15J 39, DUNKED 15J 39, DUSKED 15J 39, KUES 15L 39, DOEK J3 38
DUKES 15K 33 charmz, step72
KENDOS C9 32 marcous
KID M11 29 SuperH
SIK M11 29 michele
S(I)NK 6J 13 annelhynz

On 10th draw, YORE L1 32 --- YORE time past [n]
Other tops: YARE L1 32, YAY 11D 32
Other moves: EYER 11C 27, YARE 11D 27, YORE 11D 27, AYRE L1 26, EYRE L1 26
RAY 9A 23 step72
YA 7C 22 michele
YEA 15M 18 marcous, annelhynz
TYER E10 14 charmz

On 11th draw, EXCEL 15K 66 --- EXCEL to surpass others [v]
Other moves: EXCE(L) 15K 63, (E)XCEL 15K 63, EX(C)EL 15K 57, EX(P)EL 15K 57, EX O14 56
EX O14 56 michele, SuperH, step72, annelhynz, marcous
LEX 15M 30 charmz

On 12th draw, AWE(S) M1 31 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: AWE(D) M1 31, EWE(S) M1 31
Other moves: AWEE(L) 9B 29, WAE(S) 7C 29, WEE(S) 7C 29, AWEE 9B 28, (K)AWAU 9A 28
AWE(S) M1 31 SuperH
YAW(N) 1L 27 charmz, michele
WEE 7C 26 step72
WAE 14J 25 marcous
WEE 14J 25 annelhynz

On 13th draw, YAWY 1L 39 --- YAWY having yaws [adj]
Other tops: HYOID 9B 39, YODH 7C 39
Other moves: WOAD 13L 35, DAWAH C3 32, HANDY D8 32, HEADY C9 32, WHY 9A 32
YAWY 1L 39 charmz
WAD 7C 28 SuperH
YAD 7C 28 step72
WHY 14I 25 michele
HOWDY 14G 24 marcous
HA 14J 15 annelhynz

On 14th draw, MIZ M11 55 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: ZANTE D8 48, ZEA 14J 43, MAZE 14H 37, AZURE G7 34, ZETAS 2F 34
MIZ M11 55 michele, marcous, SuperH
ZA 14J 33 annelhynz
AMAZE C6 29 step72
ZEE C9 22 charmz

On 15th draw, HEBONA C9 30 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other tops: HOB 7C 30
Other moves: OHIA 9B 28, HAIN 11C 27, NOAH 11C 27, HAIN 9C 26, HAN 7C 26
HOB 7C 30 marcous
HAIN 11C 27 SuperH
BAH 9A 25 annelhynz
HA 7C 22 step72, michele
HA 14K 19 cailah
THIN E10 14 charmz

On 16th draw, VISEED 15A 45 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other tops: SIEVED 15C 45
Other moves: VISED 15A 42, VINED D8 41, SIEGED 15C 39, VINES D8 37, VISE 15A 36
VISEED 15A 45 charmz
VISED 15A 42 SuperH, marcous, step72, michele
VEE 14J 25 annelhynz
DEVISES 2D 19 cailah

On 17th draw, HUGE D12 31 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other tops: HARD 14B 31
Other moves: DURGAH C2 30, GATH 14B 29, DROUGHT 12A 28, HART 14B 28, HID 7C 28
HARD 14B 31 SuperH, marcous, step72
HI 7C 22 annelhynz, michele
GROUT 12A 16 charmz
THIRD 14G 14 cailah

On 18th draw, WEB N1 33 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other moves: WEN N1 27, WET N1 27, FOE 14J 25, FOEN L6 24, BEN 7C 22
WEB N1 33 SuperH
FOE 14J 25 michele
BET 7C 22 annelhynz
BI B14 20 marcous, charmz
FE 14J 15 step72
BLEED F2 14 cailah

On 19th draw, QUIDS 2F 35 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QADIS 2F 35, QAIDS 2F 35, QUADS 2F 35
Other moves: QINDAR C2 34, QUAIS 2F 34, QUINS 2F 34, QUA J9 32, QI J9 28
QADIS 2F 35 michele
QUADS 2F 35 SuperH
QI J9 28 marcous
QUAIR 14G 18 cailah
QUID F12 16 annelhynz
QUAD C4 16 charmz
QAT 6M 14 step72
QI 7N 11 jimbo

On 20th draw, ADROIT 3B 30 --- ADROIT skillful [adj]
Other moves: DROIT 3C 28, ODA 1G 26, DA 1H 21, DALI 3C 21, DARI 3C 21
DA 1H 21 step72, annelhynz, marcous, michele
DO 1H 21 charmz
DIT 3E 19 SuperH, cailah

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