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Game of July 26, 2011 at 18:17, 12 players
1. 639 pts PIThompson
2. 509 pts michele
3. 483 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. lnooptu   H4    74    74   pultoon
 2. aeenstu  11F    22    96   ensate
 3. ?abffgl  10B    40   136   blaff
 4. aadeqru   J5    72   208   quadrate
 5. adghmno  13H    46   254   hodman
 6. ?eenorr   D8    68   322   reasoner
 7. eeeiltw   K4    40   362   wite
 8. eilopru   L1    28   390   pile
 9. aeekruv   1J    33   423   repave
10. ?ailnos  15A   113   536   alerions
11. aegistu   M7    61   597   sauteing
12. adhnorz  14F    71   668   zoa
13. egiiors   N1    24   692   virges
14. beikouv   C9    46   738   bloke
15. chjorty   8L    57   795   jato
16. cdirtuy  12L    30   825   yird
17. chitwxy  O12    45   870   dixy
18. cghiimt   4D    28   898   chimp
19. dgintuv   E1    20   918   dight

Remaining tiles: cinuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7474 FilePIThompson  8 13:44  -279  639     1.7474 PIThompson  8 13:44  -279  639 
  2.5775 Filemichele     3 18:14  -409  509            Group: intermediate
  3.6396 Filenderera     3 19:27  -435  483     1.6396 nderera     3 19:27  -435  483 
  4.5576 FileGrace_Tjie  2 15:12  -447  471     2.6301 scrab21     1  2:32  -841   77 
  5.5573 Fileworsie      2 15:48  -498  420            Group: novice
  6.5548 Filenarisa      1 15:56  -521  397     1.5775 michele     3 18:14  -409  509 
  7.3490 Filekp10        1 12:07  -557  361     2.5576 Grace_Tjie  2 15:12  -447  471 
  8.  -  Filebdiving     1  5:41  -813  105     3.5573 worsie      2 15:48  -498  420 
  9.6301 Filescrab21     1  2:32  -841   77     4.5548 narisa      1 15:56  -521  397 
 10.5315 Filejimbo       0  3:57  -842   76     5.5315 jimbo       0  3:57  -842   76 
 11.5695 FileFaeythe     1  3:49  -855   63     6.5695 Faeythe     1  3:49  -855   63 
 12.5089 Filemj880       0  1:23  -882   36     7.5089 mj880       0  1:23  -882   36 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3490 kp10        1 12:07  -557  361 
                                             2.  -  bdiving     1  5:41  -813  105 

On 1st draw, PULTOON H4 74 --- PULTOON an Indian regiment [n]
Other moves: PULTOON H2 70, PULTOON H3 70, PULTOON H6 70, PULTOON H7 70, PULTOON H8 70
POULT H4 20 PIThompson, worsie
PUNTO H4 20 jimbo
POOL H5 12 narisa
POOL H8 12 Grace_Tjie
LOOP H8 12 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, ENSATE 11F 22 --- ENSATE in botany, sword-shaped [adj]
Other tops: AENEUS 11C 22, ENATES 11C 22, NASUTE 11F 22, SATEEN 11H 22, SENATE 11H 22, STEANE 11H 22, TENUES 11C 22, UNEASE 11D 22, UNSEAT 11F 22
Other moves: AENEUS I6 20, ANTES 11D 20, ASTUN 11G 20, AUNES 11D 20, AUNTS 11D 20
SATEEN 11H 22 Faeythe
TUNES 11D 20 worsie, PIThompson
TEENS 11D 20 narisa
STANE 11H 20 michele
SAUTE 11H 20 jimbo
TANS 11E 18 nderera
STEEN I1 12 Grace_Tjie
PEAS 4H 6 kp10

On 3rd draw, BLAFF 10B 40 --- BLAFF a West Indian stew [n]
Other moves: BL(A)FF 10B 39, BL(U)FF 10B 39, B(L)AFF 10B 39, FLA(F)F 10B 39, BLAFF(S) E6 38
BLAFF 10B 40 PIThompson
FAN(E) 10F 30 michele
FAN 10F 29 Faeythe
(O)FF I7 27 nderera
FABL(E) 12K 23 Grace_Tjie
BAFFLE F6 22 jimbo, worsie
FLAG 10K 17 narisa
BE(E)F F10 14 kp10

On 4th draw, QUADRATE J5 72 --- QUADRATE to correspond or agree [v]
Other moves: QUADRATE 7B 71, QUARE D8 48, QUARE 12C 36, QUAD 12C 35, AQUA 12D 34
QUARE D8 48 michele, PIThompson
QUAD D8 24 Grace_Tjie, kp10, narisa, nderera
QUEER K9 14 jimbo

On 5th draw, HODMAN 13H 46 --- HODMAN a bricklayer's labourer [n]
Other moves: DOGMAN 13J 40, DOGMA 13J 38, DONAH 13J 38, HODMAN 12A 38, HAGDON 13G 37
DAMN 13J 34 PIThompson
DONG 13J 32 Grace_Tjie
HAM 12D 24 nderera
HEAD 12I 23 michele
MEND 12I 20 worsie
HAND D9 16 kp10

On 6th draw, REA(S)ONER D8 68 --- REASONER one that reasons [n]
Other tops: ENROL(L)ER C6 68
Other moves: O(V)ERNEAR D4 66, REENRO(L)L C3 66, ENRO(B)ER 14C 65, ONER(I)ER 14C 65, O(V)ERREN 14C 65
R(I)NE K4 30 michele, PIThompson
RE(I)N K3 28 Grace_Tjie, nderera
Q(U)EEN 5J 26 worsie
HER H13 18 kp10
HOE H13 18 narisa

On 7th draw, WITE K4 40 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: ELITE K3 36, LWEI K2 36, WIT K4 36, LITE K4 34, LIT K4 30
WITE K4 40 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie
WIT K4 36 worsie
HEW H13 27 narisa
LI K4 26 michele
TWIRE 15A 24 nderera
WEER 15A 21 kp10

On 8th draw, PILE L1 28 --- PILE to lay one upon the other [v]
Other tops: PLIE L1 28, PLUE L1 28, POLE L1 28, PORE L1 28, PULE L1 28, PURE L1 28
Other moves: PROULER 15C 27, PUERILE 14B 27, ROUPIER 15D 27, PELE 12I 26, LOPER C10 25
POLE L1 28 nderera
PORE L1 28 PIThompson
PROULER 15C 27 worsie
HOP H13 24 Grace_Tjie, kp10
PORE 12L 24 michele
RIPER 15D 21 narisa

On 9th draw, REPAVE 1J 33 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v] --- REPAVE to pave again [v]
Other tops: APEEK 1K 33, KREEP 1H 33
Other moves: EUREKA C3 32, VAIRE 2J 32, LAKER C10 31, PARK 1L 30, PEAK 1L 30
REPAVE 1J 33 michele
PEEK 1L 30 Grace_Tjie, worsie, narisa
PEAK 1L 30 PIThompson, kp10
PUKE 1L 30 nderera

On 10th draw, AL(E)RIONS 15A 113 --- ALERION in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak [n]
Other tops: (C)LARINOS 15A 113, (C)LARIONS 15A 113
Other moves: ANISOL(E) M3 74, VALONI(A)S N1 74, VIS(I)ONAL N1 74, V(A)LONIAS N1 74, V(I)SIONAL N1 74
PILES L1 19 narisa, PIThompson
NAIL 12L 16 Grace_Tjie
LIARS 15A 15 michele
LAIRS 15A 15 nderera
VAIN N1 14 kp10

On 11th draw, SAUTEING M7 61 --- SAUTE to fry in a small amount of fat [v]
Other moves: GAES 14F 26, GIES 14F 26, GUES 14F 26, VAGITUS N1 26, VAGUEST N1 26
VAGUEST N1 26 worsie
AEGIS M3 24 PIThompson
PILES L1 19 nderera, narisa
GEARS 8A 18 michele, Grace_Tjie
GEL B13 8 kp10

On 12th draw, ZOA 14F 71 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA 14F 64, ZO 14F 64, ADZ G7 51, ZOA L8 47, ZIN 12L 46
ZOA 14F 71 PIThompson, nderera
ZO 14F 64 michele
AZO 8M 36 Grace_Tjie
HAND 8L 36 kp10
HARD 8L 36 narisa
ZO N6 33 worsie

On 13th draw, VIRGES N1 24 --- VIRGE the brink [n]
Other tops: ORGIES N7 24, VIGORS N1 24, VOGIER N1 24
Other moves: GORSE N6 22, VIREOS N1 22, VIROSE N1 22, VISIER N1 22, GAES 8L 21
VIGORS N1 24 PIThompson
GARE 8L 21 narisa, worsie
RAGE 8L 18 Grace_Tjie
GOERS 8A 18 michele
GRINS 13A 12 nderera
GIS 14M 8 kp10

On 14th draw, BLOKE C9 46 --- BLOKE a fellow [n]
Other moves: BAUK L12 41, BAKE 8L 39, BAUK 8L 39, KAIE 8L 39, KIBE 12L 34
BAKE 8L 39 nderera, Grace_Tjie, kp10, PIThompson, narisa
BIKE 12L 30 bdiving
KA L12 24 michele
OKE O6 23 worsie

On 15th draw, JATO 8L 57 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: TORCHY O5 46, TORCHY O6 44, OCHRY O6 41, JO L8 36, ROTCH O5 34
JATO 8L 57 PIThompson
JO L8 36 mj880
HART 8L 33 narisa
JOL 6F 26 Grace_Tjie
HIT 12L 22 nderera
JAY 8L 21 michele, kp10
THORP 4D 20 bdiving
OY N14 16 worsie

On 16th draw, YIRD 12L 30 --- YIRD earth [n] --- YIRD to bury [v]
Other moves: TIDY 12L 28, Y*D 12L 24, DICT 12L 22, DAUR L12 21, DAUT L12 21
YIRD 12L 30 PIThompson
Y*D 12L 24 nderera, michele
DIRT 12L 18 Grace_Tjie
GUY 14M 14 kp10
FEY F10 9 worsie
DORTY O7 9 bdiving

On 17th draw, DIXY O12 45 --- DIXY a camp-kettle [n]
Other moves: DICH O12 30, DICT O12 21, HWYL 6E 21, XI I3 21, COWRY 9G 20
DIXY O12 45 PIThompson, Grace_Tjie, nderera, scrab21, kp10, narisa, michele, worsie

On 18th draw, CHIMP 4D 28 --- CHIMP a chimpanzee [n]
Other moves: HM G8 22, MIHI 2K 18, CHI I2 16, HIKOI 12A 16, IGG 14K 16
CHIMP 4D 28 worsie, michele, bdiving
HM G8 22 PIThompson
MIL B13 15 nderera
HI G8 14 Grace_Tjie
THIO O5 14 scrab21
HIPT 4F 9 kp10

On 19th draw, DIGHT E1 20 --- DIGHT to prepare for action [v]
Other moves: ID 5E 19, DHUTI E3 18, NIGHT E1 18, THING E3 18, DIVING F1 17
THING E3 18 PIThompson, scrab21, nderera, worsie, michele
NIGHT E1 18 bdiving
IN 5E 16 Grace_Tjie
HUNG E4 16 narisa
HINT E4 14 kp10

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