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Game of July 26, 2011 at 21:24, 12 players
1. 471 pts shanice
2. 455 pts mylover81
3. 319 pts AJ0711

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adestvw   H8    34    34   advews
 2. ?airrtu  13B    68   102   ruralist
 3. aeoprst  11D    90   192   protease
 4. ?aadmrt   8A    83   275   matadora
 5. aknnsuy  B10    44   319   kaury
 6. acfirtx   D4    36   355   carfax
 7. eehllns   L9    83   438   enshell
 8. dioprsv   I5    27   465   dipso
 9. aeinouz   H1    48   513   azine
10. degimnq   G3    44   557   qi
11. ceilntu   M3    79   636   linecut
12. begijln  15I    45   681   jelling
13. denoouy  14J    34   715   yeld
14. einortu   O8    80   795   routeing
15. beefint   K3    77   872   benefit
16. begghoo  12A    37   909   huge
17. abgmoov  N10    30   939   gamb
18. ioooovw  10E    28   967   ow

Remaining tiles: ioooov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6680 Fileshanice     3 25:12  -496  471     1.7000 mylover81   6 13:21  -512  455 
  2.7000 Filemylover81   6 13:21  -512  455            Group: intermediate
  3.5181 FileAJ0711      1 11:02  -648  319     1.6680 shanice     3 25:12  -496  471 
  4.4507 Fileremij       1 16:39  -659  308            Group: novice
  5.  -  Filebdiving     0 23:59  -705  262     1.5181 AJ0711      1 11:02  -648  319 
  6.5688 Filesandy914    1  8:43  -755  212     2.5688 sandy914    1  8:43  -755  212 
  7.5745 Fileimmy        0  3:29  -787  180     3.5745 immy        0  3:29  -787  180 
  8.5886 Fileiwhist      0  6:54  -808  159     4.5886 iwhist      0  6:54  -808  159 
  9.  -  FileAicrem      0  5:22  -893   74     5.5849 SPIDER767   0  4:27  -898   69 
 10.5849 FileSPIDER767   0  4:27  -898   69     6.5469 narisa      0  1:35  -938   29 
 11.4586 FileBiddy       0  3:25  -908   59            Group: not rated
 12.5469 Filenarisa      0  1:35  -938   29     1.4507 remij       1 16:39  -659  308 
                                             2.  -  bdiving     0 23:59  -705  262 
                                             3.  -  Aicrem      0  5:22  -893   74 
                                             4.4586 Biddy       0  3:25  -908   59 

On 1st draw, ADVEWS H8 34 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other tops: VAWTED H4 34
Other moves: ADVEW H8 32, VAWTES H4 32, WAVED H4 32, ADVEWS H3 30, VAWTE H4 30
WAVED H4 32 immy, shanice, iwhist
WASTED H4 28 Biddy
STAVED H4 22 bdiving
VESTA H8 18 Aicrem
STEW H5 14 remij

On 2nd draw, RURA(L)IST 13B 68 --- RURALIST one who lives in the country [n]
Other tops: AIR(B)URST 13B 68
Other moves: RURA(L)ITE 11A 64, (Q)UARTIER 11B 64, (P)URTRAID 9A 60, AUREIT(Y) 11E 24, RARE(B)IT 11E 24
RAIT G11 15 shanice
WART(S) 12H 14 immy
WAT(E)R 12H 14 remij
URARI I5 13 bdiving
TRIV(I)A 10E 12 Biddy
IRATE 11D 10 Aicrem
RAW(E)R 12F 7 iwhist

On 3rd draw, PROTEASE 11D 90 --- PROTEASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: ESPARTO 14I 74, PRAETORS B7 74, PRAETORS D7 72, OPERATES 11B 70, OPERATES 11F 70
PRATERS D8 24 Aicrem
PREST J10 23 immy
PAVERS 10F 19 Biddy
ESPARTO I3 18 bdiving
TRAP D12 18 remij
POSER J11 17 iwhist

On 4th draw, MATAD(O)RA 8A 83 --- MATADORA a female matador [n]
Other moves: MATAD(O)RE K4 70, MATAD(O)RS J4 64, MATAD(O)R I2 62, MATAD(O)RA 8E 61, MATAD(O)RA 8G 60
AM 10E 22 iwhist, shanice
MAT(E)D 12K 22 immy
(S)TAR L11 16 remij
DRAM B12 14 AJ0711
DRAMA(S) I3 12 bdiving

On 5th draw, KAURY B10 44 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other tops: KYARS B10 44
Other moves: SNAKY L11 43, KUNA 12A 40, KNARS B10 38, KNURS B10 38, SPARKY D10 38
SPARKY D10 38 mylover81
SUNNY L11 35 AJ0711
YANKS I4 28 immy
SANK L11 27 remij
SUNK L11 27 shanice
SKA L11 25 iwhist
ANKUS J7 11 bdiving

On 6th draw, CARFAX D4 36 --- CARFAX a place where four roads meet [n]
Other tops: AX A11 36
Other moves: FAIX 10K 35, FAIX 12K 33, FIXT 12K 33, AX A14 32, FAX 12K 31
AX A11 36 mylover81
AX A14 32 immy, AJ0711
FAX 12K 31 shanice
XI 12K 27 iwhist
FIXT C5 22 bdiving
REFIX K10 15 remij
FIRST J8 10 Aicrem

On 7th draw, ENSHELL L9 83 --- ENSHELL to retreat inwards [v]
Other moves: ENSHELL 14I 76, ENSHELLS J4 65, HEED E5 33, SHEEL L11 29, SHEEN L11 29
HEED E5 33 mylover81
SHEEN L11 29 immy
SHELL L11 29 remij, AJ0711, sandy914, iwhist, narisa, shanice
REALS E11 5 bdiving

On 8th draw, DIPSO I5 27 --- DIPSO a person who craves alcoholic liquors [n]
Other moves: POLIS 14J 26, PAVIORS 5C 24, PLODS 15K 24, PSI I7 24, DIPSOS J8 23
OP 10E 22 mylover81
SPOIL 15H 21 AJ0711
LIPS 15L 18 remij
LOPS 15L 18 shanice
DRIPS M5 13 bdiving
MATAD(O)RAS 8A 11 sandy914

On 9th draw, AZINE H1 48 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ZONAE H1 48, ZONULAE 15H 48
Other moves: ZONULA 15H 45, ZONULE 15H 45, OUZEL 15H 42, ULZIE 15K 42, ZOEAL 15H 42
AZINE H1 48 mylover81
ZONAL 15H 42 AJ0711
LAZE 15L 39 shanice
ZONE J2 36 sandy914
ZO(O) F6 31 remij
AZINE M6 30 bdiving

On 10th draw, QI G3 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MEDLING 15I 33, MINGLED 15H 33, MILDEN 14J 30, MUNI 12A 30, QADI 5C 28
QI G3 44 sandy914, mylover81, AJ0711, shanice
GLIDE 15K 21 remij
DENIM M5 19 bdiving

On 11th draw, LINECUT M3 79 --- LINECUT a type of printing plate [n]
Other tops: TUNICLE M3 79
Other moves: CUTLINE M3 75, CUTLINE K3 70, LINECUT K3 70, TUNICLE K3 70, CUTLINE M4 66
CLINT 15K 21 remij, AJ0711, shanice
CLINE 15K 21 mylover81
LICE 15L 18 sandy914
CUTLINE M4 16 bdiving
LIEN 15L 12 Aicrem

On 12th draw, JELLING 15I 45 --- JELL to congeal [v]
Other moves: JINGLE 15H 42, JIBING 4J 36, JERBIL 6B 33, JIRBLE 6B 33, BELLING 15I 30
JELLING 15I 45 mylover81, remij, shanice
JINGLE 15H 42 AJ0711
JO F10 25 sandy914
ZINEB 2H 18 bdiving

On 13th draw, YELD 14J 34 --- YELD barren, not giving milk [adj]
Other moves: PERDY D11 30, OY 10E 28, PORNY D11 28, DEY L4 27, DOY L4 27
YELD 14J 34 mylover81
OY 10E 28 shanice
OY A14 20 AJ0711
DEY 6L 15 remij
YO F10 13 sandy914

On 14th draw, ROUTEING O8 80 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v]
Other moves: UNITER N1 26, NITER N2 24, NOTER N2 24, TONER N2 24, EUOI 12A 22
OXEN 9C 19 shanice
EXON 9C 19 mylover81
TO I1 15 sandy914
TRINE 4K 12 AJ0711
TINE 4L 10 remij
OUTRING O9 9 bdiving

On 15th draw, BENEFIT K3 77 --- BENEFIT to be helpful or useful to [v]
Other moves: BEEDI E5 40, FEEB L1 36, NEF N4 31, TEF N4 31, FE J6 30
NEF N4 31 mylover81
FE A14 23 shanice
ZIBET 2H 22 bdiving
TEED E5 21 sandy914
ZEE 2H 14 remij

On 16th draw, HUGE 12A 37 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: OOH N4 31, EH 10E 28, EH N5 28, OH 10E 28, OH N5 28
OOH N4 31 mylover81
OH 10E 28 shanice
PORE D11 12 bdiving
HAG 1G 7 AJ0711

On 17th draw, GAMB N10 30 --- GAMB a leg [n]
Other moves: OOM N4 25, GAB N10 23, GAM N10 23, AB 10E 22, AM 10E 22
OOM N4 25 mylover81
AM 10E 22 shanice
MA A14 19 SPIDER767
AMBO 1H 8 bdiving

On 18th draw, OW 10E 28 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: VOW J2 26, VOW F4 23, WO I1 21, OW A14 20, TOO C8 20
OW 10E 28 mylover81, shanice
WO I1 21 SPIDER767
AVO 5D 12 bdiving

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