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Game of July 26, 2011 at 23:36, 3 players
1. 272 pts narisa
2. 130 pts blondie927
3. 32 pts AJ0711

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeirv   H7    76    76   airwave
 2. aeirrsw  13G    30   106   wearies
 3. beiklpt  12L    40   146   bilk
 4. aenoors   O8    33   179   snooker
 5. ?adghnn   I1    69   248   handing
 6. deflosy  15J    84   332   foyles
 7. adnnrty   1I    45   377   hydrant
 8. acegptt   3G    28   405   pentact
 9. cinopqu   N6    44   449   quoin
10. aeotuux   L3    86   535   couteaux
11. acdegip   K7    36   571   paged
12. adeehmw  J10    39   610   weer
13. bdeiotz   G6    48   658   dzo
14. aegmotu  14B    27   685   outage
15. cilorsv  15A    36   721   visor
16. beeiint  15G    20   741   bi
17. ehiimnt   4D    33   774   mihied
18. cefimnr   5C    33   807   nife

Remaining tiles: cjllmrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5467 Filenarisa      0  7:04  -535  272     1.5467 narisa      0  7:04  -535  272 
  2.  -  Fileblondie927  0 16:29  -677  130     2.5200 AJ0711      0  2:14  -775   32 
  3.5200 FileAJ0711      0  2:14  -775   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  blondie927  0 16:29  -677  130 

On 1st draw, AIR(W)AVE H7 76 --- AIRWAVE the medium of radio and television transmission [n]
Other tops: AVARI(C)E H3 76, VARIA(T)E H4 76, VE(L)ARIA H4 76, (C)AVIARE H2 76
Other moves: AIR(W)AVE H2 70, AIR(W)AVE H3 70, AIR(W)AVE H4 70, AIR(W)AVE H6 70, AIR(W)AVE H8 70
VARIE(D) H4 24 narisa

On 2nd draw, WEARIES 13G 30 --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other tops: REWEARS 13G 30, REWIRES 13G 30, WEARERS 13G 30, WEARIER 13G 30
Other moves: RESAW 14F 28, WISER 14F 28, SAWER 14H 26, SEWAR 14H 26, AWES 14E 25
WISER 14F 28 narisa

On 3rd draw, BILK 12L 40 --- BILK to cheat [v]
Other moves: BLITE N10 37, KELPIE L8 34, BIKE 12L 32, PIKE 12L 32, PIKELET L8 32
BIKES M9 14 narisa

On 4th draw, SNOOKER O8 33 --- SNOOKER to trick [v]
Other moves: ANKERS O10 30, ARKOSE O10 30, NAKERS O10 30, OAKERS O10 30, RESOAK O7 30
SNOOK O8 27 narisa

On 5th draw, HAND(I)NG I1 69 --- HAND to present with the extremity of the arm below the wrist [v]
Other tops: HAND(I)NG G2 69
Other moves: HAD(S) 15L 66, HAG(S) 15L 66, HANDG(U)N G1 66, HANDG(U)N I1 66, HAND(L)ING 8C 63
HAG(S) 15L 66 narisa

On 6th draw, FOYLES 15J 84 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other moves: FYLES 15K 81, FEYS 15L 78, FOYS 15L 78, ODYLES 15J 78, FOLEYS 15J 75
FLEYS 15K 72 narisa

On 7th draw, HYDRANT 1I 45 --- HYDRANT an outlet from a water main [n]
Other moves: RHYTA 1H 36, AY H1 35, YARD J6 33, YAD J6 32, YARN J6 32
THY 1H 27 narisa

On 8th draw, PENTACT 3G 28 --- PENTACT a five-rayed structure in a sponge [n]
Other moves: TECTA G5 25, EPACT G4 23, GEDACT 4G 22, PACT G5 22, PEAG N7 22
DACE 4I 14 narisa
PATS 8L 9 blondie927

On 9th draw, QUOIN N6 44 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUOP 11J 40, COQUINA 11B 36, QUIPO 4C 36, QUIP N7 35, QUOP G8 35
TOP O1 5 blondie927

On 10th draw, COUTEAUX L3 86 --- COUTEAU a knife [n]
Other moves: COTEAUX L3 34, AXE 14E 31, EAUX J7 31, EXO 14E 31, EXO 2E 30
TAG 7G 5 blondie927

On 11th draw, PAGED K7 36 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: GAPE K5 28, AGED K8 26, EGAD K8 26, CADGE G5 25, GADE K5 25
PACED 11G 20 blondie927

On 12th draw, WEER J10 39 --- WEE very small [adj]
Other tops: HEAR J10 39, WEAR J10 39
Other moves: HA J10 37, HE J10 37, WE J10 37, WHA G7 33, HAWM G5 31
HA J10 37 blondie927

On 13th draw, DZO G6 48 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BEZ G5 47, BIZ G5 47, ZO G7 46, DIAZO K1 45, BEDAZED 11E 40
WEB G13 8 blondie927

On 14th draw, OUTAGE 14B 27 --- OUTAGE a failure or interruption in use or functioning [n]
Other moves: TOGAED 4D 25, AUTOED 4D 23, OMEGA 4C 20, MAE 2H 19, EGMA 4D 18
TOAD 6D 7 blondie927

On 15th draw, VISOR 15A 36 --- VISOR to provide with a visor (a projecting brim) [v]
Other moves: LORIS 15A 27, CORIVAL E9 24, CORVUS C10 22, OVISAC E10 22, RIVALED 11E 22
VOLTS D11 18 blondie927

On 16th draw, BI 15G 20 --- BI a bisexual [n]
Other tops: BE 15G 20
Other moves: BEAN I11 19, BEAT I11 19, BEEDI 4F 18, BENI O3 18, BINDI 4F 18
TAR E13 3 blondie927

On 17th draw, MIHIED 4D 33 --- MIHI to greet with a mihi [v]
Other moves: HM 13B 30, HEMIN F8 22, HEMINA 11C 22, MIHI 4D 22, MIHI F8 22
TITHE O1 12 AJ0711
TENT O1 5 blondie927

On 18th draw, NIFE 5C 33 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other tops: RIFE 5C 33
Other moves: ENFRAMED 11D 28, NEIF 5B 28, NIEF 5B 28, REIF 5B 28, CRINE 5B 27
MINCER E3 20 AJ0711
FIRM D1 13 blondie927

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