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Game sheet of LittleYoda (file), Game of July 27, 2011 at 22:16

Word find
Word played
1 AADDILU LAUD H6 10 -10 10 1/1 ALIDAD H7 20 20 1/1
2 ?ADOOTU ATO(M) 11H 6 -56 16 1/1 AUTO(C)OID 9B 62 82 1/1
3 EFGHRSU FROSH E7 22 -18 38 1/1 AFRESH B9 40 122 1/1
4 ?EMMNOT MOOT(S) E7 12 -79 50 1/1 MEM(E)NTO 13G 91 213 1/1
5 ADGHIOU OH A14 20 -32 70 1/1 HAUD A12 52 265 1/1
6 EIRSUWY WIRES N9 21 -18 91 1/1 WISER 14F 39 304 1/1
7 ACEIKPY CAKE 7G 18 -26 109 1/1 PEAKY 12J 44 348 1/1
8 BEILNOT BOOT E8 12 -51 121 1/1 TAILBONE 7G 63 411 1/1
9 GINNORT GENT N6 9 -67 130 1/1 NITROGEN N1 76 487 1/1
10 AGNRSUY SANG O7 32 -15 162 3/3 YANG 8L 47 534 1/3
11 AEIISTV AVENS 1K 36 -38 198 1/3 VITALISE J3 74 608 1/4
12 EGNOOTZ             OZONE 1K 72 680 1/4
13 AEFILNU             INFULAE 6A 66 746 1/5
14 BEGRSUW             GLEBOUS E5 40 786 1/5
15 ACLOPRX             ORIXA A4 39 825 2/5
16 CEINQTV             ZINC L1 30 855 3/5
17 CEILQRW             WE 11K 25 880 4/5
18 EIPRRTV             PRIVET 15J 43 923 4/5

Total: 198/923 or -725 for 21.45%
Rank: 3714

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