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Game of July 27, 2011 at 23:44, 6 players
1. 513 pts nderera
2. 461 pts step72
3. 279 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ilnruy   H8    24    24   nirly
 2. ceoprtu   9B    69    93   eutropic
 3. abeeikt   E5   106   199   tiebreak
 4. enoprsu   B8    74   273   peroneus
 5. ?aenosw  15B    92   365   sawbones
 6. ?diisty  14I    80   445   idylist
 7. amnorxz  14E    66   511   azo
 8. adeiilt   K7    74   585   ideality
 9. dhoorst   L1    82   667   hotrods
10. eefhrtu  O10    39   706   refute
11. fijllno   A4    48   754   fillo
12. cegirvx  13I    70   824   vitex
13. acehnvw   1H    39   863   hanch
14. agmntuw  13F    31   894   aw
15. aeggjnr  J10    52   946   ja
16. abeintv  L10    31   977   betel
17. ademmnr  C11    34  1011   namma
18. adeegor   3F    74  1085   derogate
19. gginquv   1H    51  1136   hanching

Remaining tiles: gquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6447 Filenderera     0 19:31  -623  513     1.6447 nderera     0 19:31  -623  513 
  2.5359 Filestep72      3 16:41  -675  461     2.6796 ceosickey   0  2:20 -1084   52 
  3.4954 Filetonikay     1 11:37  -857  279            Group: novice
  4.4913 Filejohnny55    1  6:29  -967  169     1.5359 step72      3 16:41  -675  461 
  5.6796 Fileceosickey   0  2:20 -1084   52            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filecaja0413    0  1:47 -1124   12     1.4954 tonikay     1 11:37  -857  279 
                                             2.4913 johnny55    1  6:29  -967  169 
                                             3.  -  caja0413    0  1:47 -1124   12 

On 1st draw, NIRLY H8 24 --- NIRLY knotty [adj]
Other tops: IN(J)URY H7 24, LUN(A)RY H7 24, LUN(G)YI H8 24, NI(T)RYL H8 24, UNR(U)LY H7 24, UN(M)IRY H7 24, UR(A)NYL H8 24, (K)NURLY H7 24, (P)UNILY H7 24, (U)NRULY H7 24
Other moves: INL(A)Y H8 22, IR(O)NY H8 22, LIN(D)Y H8 22, LIN(E)Y H8 22, LIN(G)Y H8 22
UNR(U)LY H7 24 johnny55
RULIN(G) H4 12 nderera

On 2nd draw, EUTROPIC 9B 69 --- EUTROPIC having the property of eutropy [adj]
Other moves: OUTPRICE 9C 67, COULTER 11E 36, POULTER 11E 36, CROUPY 12C 26, ECTOPY 12C 26
ROPEY 12D 20 johnny55
POTE G7 17 nderera

On 3rd draw, TIEBREAK E5 106 --- TIEBREAK a contest to select a winner from among contestants with a tied score [n]
Other tops: BAKELITE 11D 106
Other moves: BATLIKE 11E 52, TEALIKE 11E 44, BEAKY 12D 28, APEEK G8 26, BATTIK D7 26
BAKER E5 22 johnny55
BAKE G12 18 nderera

On 4th draw, PERONEUS B8 74 --- PERONEUS one of the muscles of the fibula [n]
Other moves: PRUINOSE 6B 68, PERONEUS B4 64, PERSON 13B 33, SNOEP 10B 33, POSER 13C 31
PORES 13A 29 johnny55
POURS 13A 29 nderera

On 5th draw, SAW(B)ONES 15B 92 --- SAWBONES a surgeon [n]
Other moves: WA(V)ESON D1 82, WEA(K)ONS F1 71, WEA(P)ONS F1 71, WEA(S)ONS F1 71, STONE(R)AW 5D 70
WEENS 13A 31 step72
WOE A13 31 nderera
WEN(D)S 13A 29 johnny55

On 6th draw, IDY(L)IST 14I 80 --- IDYLIST a writer of idyls [n]
Other moves: IDY(L)IST D1 78, IDY(L)IST F1 74, TIDYTI(P)S 5E 72, TIDYTI(P)S 5A 61, YITI(E)S 14F 35
Y*D 14F 33 nderera, step72
SIT 13E 19 johnny55

On 7th draw, AZO 14E 66 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA 14F 64, ZO 14F 64, EX 10E 50, MAX 13K 50, OX F9 50
AZO A6 48 step72
ZO A7 45 nderera
MAXI M11 26 johnny55

On 8th draw, IDEALITY K7 74 --- IDEALITY the state of being perfect; something idealized [n]
Other moves: IDEALIST N8 61, DIAZO F11 24, DILATE O10 24, ODEA F9 24, AD 13F 23
DILATE O10 24 nderera
DATE O12 21 step72

On 9th draw, HOTRODS L1 82 --- HOTROD a car modified for high speeds [n]
Other moves: HOTRODS F1 78, HOTRODS J1 69, ORTHO A4 39, THORO A4 39, SHOTT O11 36
SHOO A5 33 nderera
HOTS O12 33 step72
HOOT L4 16 tonikay

On 10th draw, REFUTE O10 39 --- REFUTE to prove to be false or erroneous [v]
Other moves: FROTH 2J 38, FEH J10 37, FETED J10 36, FURTH O11 36, HEFTE O11 36
FURTH 1H 33 nderera, tonikay
TRUTH O11 27 step72

On 11th draw, FILLO A4 48 --- FILLO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other moves: JO A7 39, LOOF F7 34, FILO A5 33, FINO A5 33, INFO A5 33
JO A7 39 step72, nderera
JA 10J 25 tonikay

On 12th draw, VITEX 13I 70 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: CERVIX D1 53, EX 10E 50, OX F9 50, REX C11 42, CHIVE 1K 39
REX C11 42 nderera
CHIVE 1K 39 step72
VEX D4 37 tonikay

On 13th draw, HANCH 1H 39 --- HANCH to snap with the jaws [v]
Other tops: CHAVE 1K 39, WENCH 1H 39
Other moves: HECH 1L 36, CHAVE D1 34, EWER 10E 32, WHATEN 3I 32, AH 13F 31
CHAVE 1K 39 step72
HAVE 1L 30 tonikay, nderera

On 14th draw, AW 13F 31 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: MANGA C11 29, MUNGA C11 29, AM 13F 27, MANTA C11 26, MATZO F11 26
AW 13F 31 step72
WAG 2G 15 tonikay
WET 13A 12 nderera

On 15th draw, JA J10 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAGGER N6 39, JEAN 2F 34, JAGGER 10J 33, JAGG 10J 29, JANE F2 29
JA J10 52 tonikay, step72
JEAN 2F 34 nderera

On 16th draw, BETE(L) L10 31 --- BETEL a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: VIBE D4 26, VITAE D1 26, VITTAE 3I 26, BAVIN F2 24, BIEN M2 24
ABOVE 5J 20 nderera
DIVE 6L 16 step72
VENT J4 12 tonikay

On 17th draw, NAMMA C11 34 --- NAMMA as in namma hole, an Australian term for a natural well in rock [adj]
Other moves: DAMME 2F 31, EMMA C12 30, DERMA C11 29, MANRED D1 29, RAMMED D1 29
RAMMED D1 29 ceosickey
MADE B1 19 tonikay
RANDOM 5H 18 step72
MEMO 5I 16 nderera

On 18th draw, DEROGATE 3F 74 --- DEROGATE to detract [v]
Other moves: DARG A11 26, DOGEATE 3G 26, AGREED F1 25, GEARED D1 25, GEODE 2F 25
AGREED D1 23 ceosickey
GORED B1 22 tonikay
EDGE B1 17 nderera
ROAD 5K 10 step72

On 19th draw, HANCHING 1H 51 --- HANCH to snap with the jaws [v]
Other moves: QIGONG 5I 34, QUINO 5H 28, QUOIN 5J 28, QI J7 26, QI D4 24
QUOIN 5J 28 nderera
QI D4 24 step72
QI 2E 18 tonikay
QIS 7J 12 caja0413

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