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Game of July 28, 2011 at 11:18, 15 players
1. 515 pts SuperH
2. 470 pts lorispr
3. 428 pts cailah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. enoortv   H4    24    24   voter
 2. ?ilorrz   4H    34    58   vizor
 3. aeenrsw   8A    95   153   answerer
 4. ?aeilpv   C1    76   229   prevails
 5. agilqst   M1    44   273   qats
 6. abeiior   5J    31   304   obe
 7. ?agimpu   F7    74   378   graphium
 8. adekstu  15D    49   427   tasked
 9. aceemot   1A   185   612   copemate
10. cdnoruy   2F    33   645   yod
11. deinsuy   1M    36   681   qis
12. eeginru   O1    83   764   seigneur
13. eilnort   D6    76   840   townlier
14. acefinr  14H    86   926   fancier
15. addilou   6J    35   961   laddie
16. hnntuwy   9M    29   990   why
17. afilntu   2J    38  1028   fluate
18. abhijno  13M    38  1066   haj
19. bginoux   G8    39  1105   exo
20. bginnou  C11    22  1127   boun

Remaining tiles: gin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6802 FileSuperH      2 16:56  -612  515     1.7196 kellybelly  4 14:46  -717  410 
  2.5055 Filelorispr     0 26:52  -657  470            Group: intermediate
  3.4252 Filecailah      2 19:52  -699  428     1.6802 SuperH      2 16:56  -612  515 
  4.7196 Filekellybelly  4 14:46  -717  410     2.6293 mmncedi     0  0:48 -1103   24 
  5.4529 Fileremij       2 20:26  -720  407            Group: novice
  6.5454 FileLucylulu    0 20:03  -735  392     1.5055 lorispr     0 26:52  -657  470 
  7.4373 FileDbuggle     0 14:30  -800  327     2.5454 Lucylulu    0 20:03  -735  392 
  8.5205 Filecharmz      0 19:55  -810  317     3.5205 charmz      0 19:55  -810  317 
  9.5687 FileBouncingS   1  6:49  -883  244     4.5687 BouncingS   1  6:49  -883  244 
 10.5310 Filejimbo       1  3:36  -942  185     5.5310 jimbo       1  3:36  -942  185 
 11.5774 FileJennyB      0 10:15  -961  166     6.5774 JennyB      0 10:15  -961  166 
 12.5909 FileHasni       0  3:04 -1022  105     7.5909 Hasni       0  3:04 -1022  105 
 13.5708 Filesandy914    0  3:42 -1054   73     8.5708 sandy914    0  3:42 -1054   73 
 14.4878 Filelyndyloo    0  3:23 -1072   55            Group: not rated
 15.6293 Filemmncedi     0  0:48 -1103   24     1.4252 cailah      2 19:52  -699  428 
                                             2.4529 remij       2 20:26  -720  407 
                                             3.4373 Dbuggle     0 14:30  -800  327 
                                             4.4878 lyndyloo    0  3:23 -1072   55 

On 1st draw, VOTER H4 24 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other moves: OVERT H4 18, OVERT H8 18, ROVEN H4 18, ROVEN H8 18, TROVE H4 18
VOTER H4 24 SuperH, jimbo, cailah
ROVEN H8 18 Dbuggle
OVERT H8 18 sandy914
VOTER H8 18 lorispr
VENT H5 14 remij
VERT H8 14 Lucylulu

On 2nd draw, VIZOR 4H 34 --- VIZOR to provide with a projecting brim [v]
Other tops: ROZIT 6D 34, ROZIT(S) 6D 34, VIZOR(S) 4H 34
Other moves: ROZ(E)T 6D 33, ROZ(I)T 6D 33, R(O)ZIT 6D 33, TOZI(E) 6H 33, ZORIL(S) 9C 33
ZIT 6F 32 jimbo, SuperH, lorispr
ZEI(N) 7G 23 sandy914
ZE(A)L 7G 22 cailah, Lucylulu
ZO(N)E 7E 12 Dbuggle
ZO 5G 11 remij

On 3rd draw, ANSWERER 8A 95 --- ANSWERER one that answers [n]
Other moves: REANSWER 8A 86, REANSWER 8H 86, WEANERS G7 77, WEANERS 9B 71, ANSWERER 8C 62
AWES 5J 37 SuperH, Lucylulu
WARS M1 32 jimbo, lorispr
WASE M2 32 sandy914
WORSEN K3 18 Dbuggle
ZEAS J4 15 remij
ANSWER G8 13 cailah

On 4th draw, P(R)EVAILS C1 76 --- PREVAIL to triumph [v]
Other moves: LIVET(R)AP 6D 72, (D)EPRIVAL F5 72, LIVE(T)RAP F3 70, PREVAIL(S) F7 70, PRI(M)EVAL L3 66
APE 5J 31 SuperH
VA(S)E M2 29 jimbo
PAVE(R) 3K 24 cailah
ZAP J4 20 remij
VIPE(R) E5 18 Dbuggle
PE(R)IL 7G 16 Lucylulu
POLE K3 12 lorispr

On 5th draw, QATS M1 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QIS M2 42, GASLIT M2 34, QATS 6F 33, QAT 6F 32, QIS 6B 32
QATS M1 44 cailah
QIS M2 42 Hasni
QATS 6F 33 BouncingS
QIS 6B 32 jimbo, lorispr
QI 6B 31 SuperH, Lucylulu
GAPS 1A 24 remij, charmz
LIPS 1A 21 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, OBE 5J 31 --- OBE a form of sorcery of African origin [n]
Other moves: AB 5J 27, OB 5J 27, BEVOR 4A 26, BIVIA 4A 26, BRAAI 2J 26
AB 5J 27 Hasni
BANE B6 24 lorispr
BAP 1A 21 jimbo, remij, Dbuggle
BOP 1A 21 Lucylulu
RAPE 1A 21 charmz
OR 5J 19 BouncingS
REE 7G 8 cailah

On 7th draw, GRAP(H)IUM F7 74 --- GRAPHIUM a stylus [n]
Other tops: UMPI(R)AGE E1 74
Other moves: G(R)AP(H)IUM 2B 72, UMPIRAG(E) F4 72, PA(T)AGIUM A5 65, PA(T)AGIUM A7 63, MAQUI 1K 51
MAPPI(N)G 1A 48 cailah, BouncingS
PUMPI(N)G 1C 42 SuperH
AQU(A) 1L 39 Lucylulu
QUA 1M 36 charmz, Hasni, lorispr
QA(T) 1M 33 remij
MAGPIE E3 22 Dbuggle
PAP 1A 21 kellybelly

On 8th draw, TASKED 15D 49 --- TASK to assign a mission to [v]
Other tops: TUSKED 15D 49
Other moves: SKATED 15F 46, STAKED 15F 46, ASKED 15E 43, TSKED 15E 43, UPTAKES 1B 42
TASKED 15D 49 kellybelly
SKATED 15F 46 SuperH, cailah, charmz
STAKED 15F 46 BouncingS
KENTS B6 39 lorispr
QAT 1M 36 remij
GEEK 7F 18 Lucylulu
SKID 12D 18 Dbuggle
SUP 1A 15 jimbo

On 9th draw, COPEMATE 1A 185 --- COPEMATE an antagonist [n]
Other moves: COPEMATE 10D 66, POMACE 1C 39, MAC 3I 36, QAT 1M 36, MENACE B6 34
QAT 1M 36 kellybelly, BouncingS, SuperH, remij, charmz
MOPE 1A 27 lorispr
CAVE 4A 24 Dbuggle
MACE 14H 21 cailah

On 10th draw, YOD 2F 33 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other tops: YOND 2F 33
Other moves: YON 2F 31, DYVOUR 4A 30, OY 2E 30, COY E11 29, DONARY 2J 28
YOD 2F 33 SuperH, kellybelly
WOUND D8 18 Dbuggle
YARD 2L 16 Lucylulu
Y*D 6B 15 lorispr
ZOO J4 14 BouncingS
AY 2M 10 charmz
CORD A1 9 remij
YOB K3 8 cailah

On 11th draw, QIS 1M 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SINED 6J 34, SIDE 6J 30, SED 6J 29, SEND 6J 29, SIND 6J 29
QIS 1M 36 BouncingS, remij
IDE N1 27 kellybelly, SuperH
WINDY D8 24 Dbuggle
NADS 9E 23 lorispr
DIVES 4A 22 Lucylulu
SNYE I8 20 cailah
ZOS J4 14 charmz

On 12th draw, SEIGNEUR O1 83 --- SEIGNEUR a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: PUREEING 10F 63, GENUINE B6 23, GIVEN 4A 22, GIVER 4A 22, GENIE B6 21
GIVER 4A 22 SuperH
WINGER D8 20 Dbuggle
GEN 3E 15 cailah, lorispr
GRAN 2K 14 kellybelly
URINE 12D 12 BouncingS
GRIN 12D 10 Lucylulu
GRIND I11 8 remij
WINE D8 7 charmz

On 13th draw, TOWNLIER D6 76 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: RETINOL 14H 73, TRIOLEIN 12D 68, TERPINOL 10C 62, TOPLINER 10D 62, OUTLINER 13E 60
TILE 6H 25 kellybelly
RETINOL 14H 23 cailah
LOVE 4A 16 Dbuggle
ZOOT J4 15 Lucylulu
TEN 3E 14 lorispr
VENT 4C 14 charmz
LANE 2L 12 SuperH
TEN 14H 10 remij

On 14th draw, FANCIER 14H 86 --- FANCIER one that has a special liking for something [n]
Other moves: CARAFE 2J 44, FAVER 4A 30, FIVER 4A 30, EF B5 29, TRAIN 6H 29
FIVER 4A 30 SuperH, kellybelly
IF N5 28 lorispr
FACER 14H 24 JennyB, Lucylulu
REF 14H 19 remij
FANE 2L 18 charmz
ZONE J4 15 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, LADDIE 6J 35 --- LADDIE a lad [n]
Other moves: TULADI 6H 32, DAD 3I 30, LIDO 6J 30, AID 6J 29, LAD 6J 29
DAD 3I 30 kellybelly
DAD 13M 18 JennyB
AD B5 17 lorispr
LADE 2L 16 SuperH
ZOO J4 14 Dbuggle
DOLE M11 10 remij
CLOUD A1 9 cailah
LED M13 8 charmz

On 16th draw, WHY 9M 29 --- WHY the reason or cause of something [n]
Other moves: WHEY M12 26, HU(R)T 2A 25, UEY G7 25, HUN 13M 24, HUT 13M 24
WHEY M12 26 charmz, kellybelly, lyndyloo
HUN 13M 24 JennyB
WHET M12 20 remij
WIT 6B 14 Lucylulu
SEIGNEURY O1 13 lorispr
YET M13 12 Dbuggle
THAW A6 10 cailah

On 17th draw, FLUATE 2J 38 --- FLUATE a fluoride [n]
Other moves: FAN 13M 24, FAT 13M 24, FUN 13M 24, ALIF L12 22, FA 13I 22
FAN 13M 24 lorispr, SuperH, JennyB
FAT 13M 24 mmncedi, Lucylulu
FA 13I 22 kellybelly
FAT C12 21 cailah
FLIT L12 16 lyndyloo
FAIL L12 16 charmz
FET M13 12 remij
HALF N9 12 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, HAJ 13M 38 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJ C12 35, BHAJI L10 34, JIAO 10J 32, JALOP 10B 30, JANE E5 30
HAJ 13M 38 kellybelly
HOB 13M 28 SuperH
JOBE M11 26 charmz
JOL 10B 26 lorispr
JOIN L12 24 Dbuggle, Lucylulu, JennyB
BANJO 10I 21 cailah
JAR 13B 20 remij

On 19th draw, EXO G8 39 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: AX 9F 34, EX G8 34, BOX C12 32, NIX B8 26, NOX B8 26
EXO G8 39 kellybelly, remij
EX G8 34 Lucylulu, cailah
BOX C12 32 JennyB
OX 15L 26 SuperH
VOX 4C 26 lorispr
HOX N9 15 charmz
HEX M13 13 lyndyloo

On 20th draw, BOUN C11 22 --- BOUN to prepare [v]
Other moves: BOG C12 20, BUG 3E 20, BUG C12 20, BOI 10L 19, BI 13I 18
BOG C12 20 kellybelly, JennyB
BI 13I 18 SuperH
BO 15N 17 cailah, lorispr
VINO 4C 14 remij
BIT 6B 11 Lucylulu

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