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Game of July 28, 2011 at 12:50, 13 players
1. 568 pts marcous
2. 551 pts yab
3. 533 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abegioz   H8    42    42   gazebo
 2. ?dhiios  14F    89   131   histoid
 3. dfiopqr  15K    39   170   fiord
 4. abeprtu   N8    78   248   abrupter
 5. ?eeflnt   8A    86   334   fleeting
 6. aegilns   A8    92   426   finagles
 7. deorstt  11E    86   512   rosetted
 8. adehmnu   O4    55   567   humane
 9. giprstu  13G    28   595   pouts
10. acelorx   N1    42   637   carex
11. eilnnqr   7F    25   662   qi
12. aadirty   1K    36   698   darcy
13. agnootw  10C    31   729   gnaw
14. aeklmnr   C3    34   763   remake
15. eiinovw   D4    35   798   newie
16. aiilnot   K1    68   866   dilation
17. celouvy   B1    33   899   cloye
18. ejoouvv   6J    30   929   jive

Remaining tiles: ioouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6354 Filemarcous     1 17:29  -361  568     1.7194 kellybelly  3 12:48  -540  389 
  2.6654 Fileyab         2 25:09  -378  551            Group: intermediate
  3.5220 Filecharmz      3 22:45  -396  533     1.6354 marcous     1 17:29  -361  568 
  4.5334 Fileraggedy01   2 18:31  -457  472     2.6654 yab         2 25:09  -378  551 
  5.5675 FileThuwal      2 18:38  -498  431     3.6610 sunshine12  0  8:11  -694  235 
  6.4524 Fileremij       2 19:11  -518  411     4.6301 ksong       1 10:24  -729  200 
  7.7194 Filekellybelly  3 12:48  -540  389            Group: novice
  8.5316 Filejimbo       1 11:13  -622  307     1.5220 charmz      3 22:45  -396  533 
  9.5617 FileBez         1 12:48  -653  276     2.5334 raggedy01   2 18:31  -457  472 
 10.5772 Fileannelhynz   0 12:54  -660  269     3.5675 Thuwal      2 18:38  -498  431 
 11.6610 Filesunshine12  0  8:11  -694  235     4.5316 jimbo       1 11:13  -622  307 
 12.6301 Fileksong       1 10:24  -729  200     5.5617 Bez         1 12:48  -653  276 
 13.5913 Filesuzeezoo    0  9:31  -744  185     6.5772 annelhynz   0 12:54  -660  269 
                                             7.5913 suzeezoo    0  9:31  -744  185 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4524 remij       2 19:11  -518  411 

On 1st draw, GAZEBO H8 42 --- GAZEBO a roofed structure open at the sides [n]
Other moves: GAZEBO H4 40, BAIZE H4 38, GAZEBO H3 38, GAZEBO H7 38, GAZEBO H5 36
GAZEBO H8 42 yab
BAIZE H4 38 charmz, Thuwal
BEZ H8 28 sunshine12
GAZE H6 28 raggedy01
GAZE H7 28 suzeezoo, marcous
ZOEA H5 26 remij

On 2nd draw, HIS(T)OID 14F 89 --- HISTOID pertaining to connective tissue [adj]
Other moves: S(C)HIZOID 10D 80, (R)HIZOIDS 10E 80, HIS(T)OID I3 75, GAZEBO(E)S H8 57, DOS(E)H I9 44
GAZEBO(E)S H8 57 charmz
HOS(E)D I9 44 yab, marcous
HOD I9 34 Thuwal, raggedy01
SOH(O) 14H 33 sunshine12
H(A)D I9 32 suzeezoo
HOSED 11E 18 remij

On 3rd draw, FIORD 15K 39 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: FIDO I7 33, FAQIR 9G 31, DOF I9 30, QADI 9G 26, QAID 9G 25
DOF I9 30 yab
QI 13K 25 sunshine12, marcous, remij
QI I7 24 charmz
FIZ 10F 23 raggedy01
FRIED 11E 18 suzeezoo
FOP 15K 18 Thuwal

On 4th draw, ABRUPTER N8 78 --- ABRUPT short and rude in manner [adj]
Other moves: TUBAE I7 34, TUBAR I7 34, BARE I9 33, BATE I9 33, ARBUTE 15A 32
BARE I9 33 sunshine12
BATE I9 33 marcous
ARBUTE 15A 32 yab
PARTER N10 28 raggedy01
BAT I9 28 Thuwal
BRUTER N10 28 suzeezoo
ZEBU 10H 21 remij
ZAP 10H 20 charmz
BRAZE 10E 18 jimbo

On 5th draw, FLEET(I)NG 8A 86 --- FLEET to move swiftly [v]
Other tops: TEENF(U)L O2 86
Other moves: TEENF(U)L G3 70, TEENF(U)L I3 70, TEENF(U)L M2 70, FEL(I)NE O4 46, FET(T)LE O4 46
FLEET O4 42 marcous, charmz
FLEET(I)NG 8A 36 raggedy01, suzeezoo
TEENF(U)L O2 36 yab
FLAN 8L 33 jimbo
FLAT 8L 33 remij
FEET O5 27 sunshine12

On 6th draw, FINAGLES A8 92 --- FINAGLE to obtain by trickery [v]
Other moves: EASTLING E5 86, GELATINS E4 86, GENITALS E4 86, LEASING O2 86, LINEAGES 11E 86
FINAGLES A8 42 yab
SEALING O2 36 marcous, raggedy01
LEASING O2 36 Thuwal
GLANS O4 30 sunshine12
GALES O4 30 charmz
SLANG O4 30 kellybelly
LINGS O4 27 jimbo
LINES O4 24 remij
ZAGS 10H 18 suzeezoo

On 7th draw, ROSETTED 11E 86 --- ROSETTED wearing a rosette [adj]
Other moves: DETORTS O2 83, DOTTERS O2 83, DOTTRELS B2 74, ROSETTED C2 74, TETRODES C2 74
DOTTERS O2 83 jimbo
STRODE O4 37 marcous
DOTTERS O2 33 yab, kellybelly
STORED O3 33 raggedy01, Bez
STORE O5 25 suzeezoo
TROTS O4 24 charmz
SORT O5 18 remij
AD 8N 9 Thuwal

On 8th draw, HUMANE O4 55 --- HUMANE compassionate [adj]
Other moves: HAMED O4 54, MANEH O4 54, NUMDAH O3 54, HAEM O8 52, HUMAN O4 48
HUMANE O4 55 raggedy01, Bez, jimbo, charmz
HAMED O4 54 Thuwal
HAEM O8 52 kellybelly, yab, marcous
HAME O6 43 remij
HAME O5 33 annelhynz

On 9th draw, POUTS 13G 28 --- POUT to protrude the lips in ill humour [v]
Other tops: RIPPS 12K 28
Other moves: SPOUT 13F 27, PERITUS C7 26, UPGIRDS L6 26, GIUSTO 13C 24, GOUTS 13G 24
STRIPE C3 22 charmz
POIS 13G 21 kellybelly, marcous
PIGS N1 19 yab
PITH 4L 18 remij
POS 13G 18 annelhynz
GUSH 4L 16 jimbo
STRIP M4 13 Bez

On 10th draw, CAREX N1 42 --- CAREX a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: COAX N2 40, AX B13 38, OX B13 38, RELAX N1 38, EXARCH 4J 36
CAREX N1 42 kellybelly
COAX N2 40 yab
OX B13 38 marcous
AX B13 38 ksong, sunshine12
AXE N4 32 annelhynz
AXE N2 25 Bez
LAXER 13A 24 remij
COAXER C4 24 jimbo
EXCEL C8 22 raggedy01
AXE 12C 22 charmz
EX C8 17 Thuwal

On 11th draw, QI 7F 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 10H 23, LICE 1L 21, NICE 1L 21, RICE 1L 21, L*Z 10F 20
QI 7F 25 remij, Thuwal, marcous, kellybelly, yab
LICE 1L 21 sunshine12, raggedy01
NICE 1L 21 annelhynz, jimbo
RICE 1L 21 ksong, charmz
QI 15E 16 Bez

On 12th draw, DARCY 1K 36 --- DARCY a unit of geological permeability [n]
Other moves: DRAY 10C 31, DAY 10D 30, DAY M2 30, RACY 1L 30, RICY 1L 30
DARCY 1K 36 charmz
RACY 1L 30 jimbo, Thuwal, yab, raggedy01
RICY 1L 30 marcous, Bez
DAY 10D 30 kellybelly, annelhynz, ksong
DEY C7 13 remij

On 13th draw, GNAW 10C 31 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other tops: GNOW 10C 31
Other moves: ANOW 10C 30, WAT I9 30, WOT I9 30, NAW 10D 29, NOW 10D 29
GNAW 10C 31 ksong
ANOW 10C 30 Thuwal
WOT I9 30 kellybelly
WOON B11 28 marcous
WON 2J 19 yab, annelhynz, remij
WAGON 2H 18 Bez
LAWN 13A 14 charmz
LOW 13A 12 raggedy01

On 14th draw, REMAKE C3 34 --- MAKE to cause to exist [v] --- REMAKE to make over again [v]
Other moves: MAKE 12C 33, KAMELA 9G 32, KAME 12C 31, KAMA 9G 30, KAME 9G 30
MAKE 12C 33 marcous, charmz, annelhynz
MARKER 3I 30 kellybelly
KAME 9G 30 Bez
MAKER 2H 26 raggedy01, yab
KAM 2J 26 remij
MEAN 15D 19 Thuwal
RAMEN 15C 18 ksong

On 15th draw, NEWIE D4 35 --- NEWIE something new [n]
Other moves: VIEW 12C 32, WOT I9 30, ENOW D3 29, VIEW 4A 28, VIEW B1 27
VIEW 12C 32 charmz
VIEW 4A 28 marcous, Bez, Thuwal
VOW B2 25 kellybelly, yab
NEW D4 25 annelhynz
WOVEN 2H 24 raggedy01
WEEN 4A 22 remij, ksong

On 16th draw, DILATION K1 68 --- DILATION the act of dilating [n]
Other moves: AIOLI B11 23, LA E5 20, NA E5 20, TA E5 20, LION B11 19
TOIL B11 19 marcous
LAIN 15D 15 kellybelly
GLOAT 12A 15 charmz
GIANT C10 12 raggedy01
LOT B2 11 Thuwal, yab
NIT 12C 9 annelhynz
LINT 13A 8 remij

On 17th draw, CLOYE B1 33 --- CLOYE (Shakespeare) to claw [v]
Other moves: CULVER 3I 28, VOCAL 4H 28, OVEL E2 27, CLOY B1 26, COMELY 5A 26
VOCAL 4H 28 Bez
OYE L3 26 marcous
CLOY B1 26 annelhynz, kellybelly
COY B2 24 Thuwal, yab
LOVEY 13A 22 raggedy01
CLAY 4I 18 remij
GLOVE C10 18 charmz
YAW 6B 17 ksong

On 18th draw, JIVE 6J 30 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: VELOUR 3I 26, JUDO L9 24, JOE 12C 23, JOE 15D 23, JEU J7 21
JIVE 6J 30 kellybelly, raggedy01, remij, charmz, Thuwal
JOE 15D 23 ksong, marcous
JOE 12C 23 annelhynz
JOE J7 21 yab

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