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Game of July 28, 2011 at 13:34, 9 players
1. 587 pts PIThompson
2. 470 pts Thuwal
3. 469 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfhino   H8    26    26   donah
 2. ?agiipz   G9    55    81   zupa
 3. cdeenuu  11E    48   129   unpaced
 4. eimmnos   8H    92   221   demonism
 5. abenorv  13C    34   255   raven
 6. ?eiinrs   O8    80   335   miriness
 7. eeilort  15H    74   409   troelies
 8. abfgjoy  14J    52   461   ja
 9. befostu  10J    35   496   fouter
10. ehiotxy   7K    45   541   hox
11. adeorrs   F3    72   613   drosera
12. acfituv  12A    36   649   cauf
13. abggilt   4A    26   675   batgirl
14. eegnstv   B8    88   763   ventages
15. akoprty   E1    37   800   troika
16. agluwwy  L12    33   833   yawl
17. bdeelow   A1    45   878   wobbled
18. egiiltu   1C    24   902   guttle
19. iiiipqy   B2    31   933   pya

Remaining tiles: iiiiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7513 FilePIThompson  5 17:12  -346  587     1.7513 PIThompson  5 17:12  -346  587 
  2.5694 FileThuwal      3 25:32  -463  470            Group: intermediate
  3.6669 Filereyna       3 20:54  -464  469     1.6669 reyna       3 20:54  -464  469 
  4.6322 Fileksong       1 20:03  -475  458     2.6322 ksong       1 20:03  -475  458 
  5.6790 FileSuperH      1 10:31  -677  256     3.6790 SuperH      1 10:31  -677  256 
  6.5781 Fileannelhynz   1  9:12  -692  241            Group: novice
  7.5919 Filejonb5       0  9:00  -784  149     1.5694 Thuwal      3 25:32  -463  470 
  8.5238 Filecharmz      0  5:56  -857   76     2.5781 annelhynz   1  9:12  -692  241 
  9.4518 FileBiddy       0  5:39  -858   75     3.5919 jonb5       0  9:00  -784  149 
                                             4.5238 charmz      0  5:56  -857   76 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4518 Biddy       0  5:39  -858   75 

On 1st draw, DONAH H8 26 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other tops: FONDA H4 26, HONDA H4 26
Other moves: AHIND H8 22, DONAH H4 22, AHIND H4 20, FOHN H5 20, FOHN H6 20
HONDA H4 26 reyna
FOHN H6 20 PIThompson
FAH H6 18 ksong
FONDA H5 18 charmz
HIND H5 16 Thuwal

On 2nd draw, Z(U)PA G9 55 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other tops: ZAP(S) G9 55, ZIP(S) G9 55
Other moves: PIZ(E) G7 52, (C)APIZ G5 52, ZAP G9 51, ZIP G9 51, ZI(L)A G9 51
ZIP(S) G9 55 PIThompson
GAZ(E) G7 50 ksong, reyna, Thuwal
ZIP(S) 13E 26 charmz

On 3rd draw, UNPACED 11E 48 --- UNPACED without a pace-setter [adj]
Other moves: CUED F6 26, DEEN 13D 22, DEN 13E 21, DUN 13E 21, DUCE F12 20
DUN 13E 21 PIThompson
DUCE F12 20 Thuwal, reyna
ZONED 9G 16 charmz
DUNCE I4 14 ksong
DUNCE 8H 9 Biddy

On 4th draw, DEMONISM 8H 92 --- DEMONISM a belief in demons [n]
Other moves: MIMEOS 13B 38, MEMOS 13C 36, MIMES 13C 36, MOMES 13C 36, MEINS 13D 34
MIMEOS 13B 38 reyna
MIMES 13C 36 PIThompson
MONIES 13B 34 Thuwal
MIMES I5 29 ksong
SIM 13H 16 charmz

On 5th draw, RAVEN 13C 34 --- RAVEN to eat in a ravenous manner [v]
Other tops: ROVEN 13C 34
Other moves: BARON 13C 32, BEVOR 10J 31, BORANE 10J 29, BARON 10J 28, BEANO 10J 28
BEVOR 10J 31 PIThompson
BARE 10J 25 reyna
BRAVES N3 19 ksong
EA I8 16 Thuwal

On 6th draw, MIRINES(S) O8 80 --- MIRINESS the state of being miry [n]
Other tops: MINIS(T)ER O8 80, MIRINE(S)S O8 80, MISIN(F)ER O8 80, MISIN(T)ER O8 80
Other moves: MINI(V)ERS O8 77, IRENI(C)S B8 74, SERI(C)IN 14G 74, SERI(C)IN B9 74, SIRENI(C) 14G 74
MINIS(T)ER O8 30 reyna, Thuwal
ZONER 9G 24 annelhynz
SI(G)NER 14G 23 ksong
SINE 14G 22 PIThompson

On 7th draw, TROELIE(S) 15H 74 --- TROELY a leaf of the bussu palm [n]
Other moves: TROELIES 14H 70, TROELIES N1 70, LOITERER C6 60, LOITERER C8 59, ELITE N10 28
TROELIE(S) 15H 24 PIThompson
TOILERS 14I 18 ksong
LOITERS 14I 18 Biddy
LOITER(S) 15I 7 Thuwal

On 8th draw, JA 14J 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO 14J 52
Other moves: JAY 12B 38, JOY 12B 38, FOGY 10J 35, ABYS 14L 34, JAB 12B 34
JO 14J 52 PIThompson, annelhynz, ksong
JA 14J 52 reyna, Thuwal

On 9th draw, FOUTER 10J 35 --- FOUTER to mess around [v]
Other tops: FOSTER 10J 35
Other moves: FETUS 7I 33, FOBS 10J 33, FOB 10J 32, FEST 10J 31, FETS 10J 31
FOSTER 10J 35 PIThompson
FOBS 10J 33 Biddy, SuperH
FEST 10J 31 annelhynz, reyna, ksong
TUBES I5 24 Thuwal

On 10th draw, HOX 7K 45 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other tops: HEX 7K 45, YEX 7K 45
Other moves: EXO 7L 39, HEX 12J 39, TEX 7K 39, TIX 7K 39, YEX 12J 39
HEX 7K 45 Thuwal, SuperH, reyna
YEX 12J 39 PIThompson
HEX 14B 37 ksong
OX 7L 36 annelhynz

On 11th draw, DROSERA F3 72 --- DROSERA a sundew [n]
Other moves: ADORERS 6F 71, DREARES I3 25, OREADES I3 25, AS 14F 24, DEARN F7 24
ES 14F 24 Thuwal
ADORES I4 22 ksong
DONAHS H8 19 SuperH
SODA F6 19 PIThompson
ADS 14M 16 reyna
ROED 14A 15 Biddy
EXIST M6 13 jonb5

On 12th draw, CAUF 12A 36 --- CAUF a wagon used in a mine [n]
Other moves: VIADUCT 3C 30, FACT B11 29, FUCI B11 29, FAUT 12A 28, FAUVE 13K 28
FACT B11 29 PIThompson
FIAT 12A 28 SuperH
IF G6 20 ksong
EF F13 13 annelhynz
TEF 7E 10 Thuwal
FA D12 10 jonb5

On 13th draw, BATGIRL 4A 26 --- BATGIRL a girl who minds baseball equipment [n]
Other moves: BAL E7 24, GAB E5 24, GIB E5 24, BLAG B10 23, GAB 12J 23
GAB E5 24 jonb5, ksong, SuperH
BAT E5 22 PIThompson
CLAG A12 21 reyna, Thuwal

On 14th draw, VENTAGES B8 88 --- VENTAGE a small opening [n]
Other moves: EVES H1 36, VEES H1 36, VENGER 8A 36, VENTAGE B8 36, VETS H1 36
EVES H1 36 reyna
VETS H1 36 jonb5, PIThompson
BEGETS A4 27 Thuwal
NEGS 12J 20 SuperH
CENT A12 18 annelhynz
CEES A12 18 ksong

On 15th draw, TROIKA E1 37 --- TROIKA a Russian carriage [n]
Other moves: PRATY B2 36, PAIK E2 35, YARK 12J 35, TARBOY A1 33, TRAIK E1 33
OIK E3 29 PIThompson
YA A14 26 ksong
PROB A1 24 Thuwal
AYE I6 10 reyna

On 16th draw, YAWL L12 33 --- YAWL to howl [v]
Other tops: WALY 12J 33, WAWL 12J 33, WAWL L12 33, YAWL 12J 33
Other moves: WAW 12J 31, WAY 12J 31, YAW 12J 31, TWAY 1E 30, WAG 12J 27
TWAY 1E 30 SuperH, PIThompson, annelhynz, jonb5
YA A14 26 reyna
TUG 1E 4 Thuwal

On 17th draw, WOBBLED A1 45 --- WOBBLE to move unsteadily [v]
Other moves: WEBBED A1 42, WOBBLE A1 39, BEWET 1A 33, BOWET 1A 33, LOBBED A1 33
WOBBLED A1 45 PIThompson
WEBBED A1 42 SuperH
TOWELED 1E 33 reyna, Thuwal
DWELT 1A 30 jonb5
TWEED 1E 27 annelhynz
TOWED 1E 27 ksong

On 18th draw, GUTTLE 1C 24 --- GUTTLE to eat rapidly [v]
Other moves: LUTITE 1C 21, TITULE 1C 21, TITULI 1C 21, GEY 12J 18, ISLET 15A 18
GUTTLE 1C 24 PIThompson, Thuwal
ISLE 15A 15 ksong
TIGE 1E 15 SuperH
THO K6 6 jonb5

On 19th draw, PYA B2 31 --- PYA a copper coin of Burma [n]
Other moves: PI A14 22, PIA B2 22, YAP 13K 22, PIE N13 18, YIP 6I 18
YIP 6I 18 PIThompson
PSI 15A 15 ksong
OY 2A 10 annelhynz, reyna
FAY D12 9 Thuwal

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