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Game of July 28, 2011 at 20:20, 12 players
1. 569 pts jeff
2. 491 pts nderera
3. 482 pts arlo805

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?annprs   H3    72    72   spanner
 2. cdeeikr   6H    73   145   nickered
 3. eqstuwy   O1    60   205   quyted
 4. ehimnrt   L4    78   283   theremin
 5. aeeintv  11E    94   377   venetian
 6. aeijnox  H11    60   437   exine
 7. eefinrs  13G    82   519   fineries
 8. aacdios   K3    40   559   sicko
 9. abelowy  N10    40   599   bowsey
10. aaeglot   N2    29   628   goatee
11. ?dgiopr  15A    86   714   porridge
12. adloosw  15K    45   759   swayl
13. ahlootu   3C    30   789   outlash
14. abefloz  14B    53   842   zeal
15. afiloru  13A    34   876   oaf
16. adilmuv   O8    31   907   avid
17. bimortu   4A    32   939   borm
18. adilotu   2B    30   969   dolia

Remaining tiles: gjtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6927 Filejeff        0 20:03  -400  569     1.6927 jeff        0 20:03  -400  569 
  2.6442 Filenderera     0 18:34  -478  491     2.6442 nderera     0 18:34  -478  491 
  3.6139 Filearlo805     1 17:30  -487  482     3.6139 arlo805     1 17:30  -487  482 
  4.5600 FileGrace_Tjie  0 15:32  -543  426     4.6738 shanice     0 10:34  -746  223 
  5.5431 Filestep72      1 15:24  -594  375            Group: novice
  6.5098 Filemazscot     0 21:13  -608  361     1.5600 Grace_Tjie  0 15:32  -543  426 
  7.5707 Filesandy914    0  7:07  -741  228     2.5431 step72      1 15:24  -594  375 
  8.6738 Fileshanice     0 10:34  -746  223     3.5098 mazscot     0 21:13  -608  361 
  9.5488 Filenarisa      0  7:45  -788  181     4.5707 sandy914    0  7:07  -741  228 
 10.  -  FileDubyaDT     0 11:23  -853  116     5.5488 narisa      0  7:45  -788  181 
 11.  -  FileNigmatic1   0  6:59  -878   91            Group: not rated
 12.4980 Filetonikay     0  3:26  -936   33     1.  -  DubyaDT     0 11:23  -853  116 
                                             2.  -  Nigmatic1   0  6:59  -878   91 
                                             3.4980 tonikay     0  3:26  -936   33 

On 1st draw, SPANN(E)R H3 72 --- SPANNER one that spans [n]
Other tops: NAPR(O)NS H2 72, PANN(E)RS H4 72
Other moves: NAPR(O)NS H3 68, NAPR(O)NS H4 68, NAPR(O)NS H6 68, NAPR(O)NS H7 68, PANN(E)RS H2 68
SPANN(E)R H3 22 arlo805
PANN(E)RS H4 22 nderera, mazscot, shanice
PRAN(K)S H4 20 Grace_Tjie
PAR(I)S H4 18 jeff
PANS(Y) H4 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, NICKERED 6H 73 --- NICKER to neigh [v]
Other moves: DRECKIER 9G 69, DRECKIER 9A 67, NICKERED 7H 67, CREAKED 5E 56, DRECKS 3C 36
DRECKS 3C 36 nderera
DECKERS 3B 30 arlo805, shanice
PECKED 4H 30 mazscot
PICKED 4H 30 jeff
KIND 6F 19 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, QUYTED O1 60 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: QWERTYS M3 48, QWERTY M3 44, QUERY M3 42, SUQ 10H 41, QUYTES 3C 38
QUERY M3 42 jeff
QUESTS 3C 32 shanice, nderera
SQUAT 5E 30 arlo805
QUEST L4 30 mazscot
DYES O6 24 Grace_Tjie
WEST G8 15 tonikay

On 4th draw, THEREMIN L4 78 --- THEREMIN a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: THEREMIN L2 78
Other moves: THER(E)MIN 8D 63, TH(E)REMIN 8F 63, SMITHERY 3H 38, MEITHS 3C 30, MIRTHS 3C 30
THERME L4 28 mazscot
THINKER K2 28 jeff
HIM 7J 25 arlo805
THE I2 23 shanice
HI I3 22 Grace_Tjie
HIKE K4 22 narisa
MITER M2 14 nderera

On 5th draw, VENETIAN 11E 94 --- VENETIAN a flexible window screen [n]
Other moves: NAIVETES 3A 74, NAIVETE G8 66, ENACTIVE J3 65, VENETIAN 7A 63, AKENE K5 36
AKEE K5 30 nderera
TEAK K3 28 jeff
AKE K5 26 sandy914, shanice
NATIVES 3B 22 mazscot, narisa
EVEN 8L 21 step72, Grace_Tjie
NAIVE M10 20 arlo805

On 6th draw, EXINE H11 60 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other moves: AX 10I 52, EX 10I 52, AXION 12G 45, AXONE 12G 45, JINX 10K 43
AX 10I 52 nderera, sandy914, shanice
JINX 10K 43 narisa, jeff
JINXES 3C 42 arlo805
XI 12H 36 step72
JIN J10 26 Grace_Tjie
TOXIN I11 20 mazscot

On 7th draw, FINERIES 13G 82 --- FINERY elaborate adornment [n]
Other moves: FINERIES 13C 76, FINESSER 3C 76, RIFENESS 3B 76, RIFENESS 3A 74, REXINES 12F 66
SERF 12L 50 jeff
SIF 12L 40 narisa
SEEN 12L 38 shanice
IS 12K 34 sandy914
FEERS 8K 24 Grace_Tjie
REFINES 3B 22 step72
FINNERS 14F 20 arlo805
REFINES J8 20 nderera
FRY 3M 18 mazscot

On 8th draw, SICKO K3 40 --- SICKO an emotionally sick person [n]
Other moves: DACK K3 38, D*CK K3 38, SAICK K2 38, SACK K3 36, SICK K3 36
D*CK K3 38 jeff
SODA G6 31 step72
DECOS 8K 24 nderera, narisa
SCAN 14E 17 arlo805
DICES F8 14 Grace_Tjie
DAIS N10 9 DubyaDT

On 9th draw, BOWSEY N10 40 --- BOWSEY (Irish) an inferior person [n]
Other moves: BAWLEYS 3B 38, BYELAWS 3B 38, BYLAWS 3C 36, BLOWSY N9 32, BOWSE N10 32
BOWSEY N10 40 step72
BLOWSY N9 32 mazscot
BELOWS 3C 30 narisa
WE 10F 28 jeff
YAW J2 25 arlo805
WEB J2 23 sandy914
WAN 14F 19 Grace_Tjie
WILE J10 15 nderera
PLAIT 4H 7 DubyaDT

On 10th draw, GOATEE N2 29 --- GOATEE a small pointed beard [n]
Other moves: AA O14 23, AE O14 23, EA O14 23, GENAL 14F 23, GENOA 14F 23
TE O14 23 arlo805
LYE 15M 18 nderera, sandy914
GLOATS 3C 16 mazscot
GOA O8 16 Grace_Tjie, step72
YA 15N 15 jeff
TAGS 3E 7 DubyaDT

On 11th draw, PO(R)RIDGE 15A 86 --- PORRIDGE a soft meal of oatmeal [n]
Other moves: POR(R)IDGE 15A 83, PO(R)RIDG(E) 8A 83, POR(R)IDG(E) 8A 80, PRODIGA(L) 5B 73, POR(R)IDGE F4 67
PRY(S) 15L 33 sandy914, jeff
PRID(E) O8 32 step72
DO O14 27 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
DO 10F 16 nderera
(S)O 8N 10 DubyaDT

On 12th draw, SWAYL 15K 45 --- SWAYL to scorch [v]
Other moves: WAYS 15L 42, WOODS G2 36, WOOLS G2 34, DOOLS G2 32, DOONAS 14E 32
WAYS 15L 42 jeff, nderera, sandy914, arlo805
WOOD O8 31 step72, mazscot
DO O14 27 Grace_Tjie
SLOOP A11 8 DubyaDT

On 13th draw, OUTLASH 3C 30 --- OUTLASH a sudden burst [n]
Other moves: HA 14J 29, HAUL 14B 29, HAUT 14B 29, HOOT 14B 29, HOUT 14B 29
HA 14J 29 nderera
HOOT 14B 29 arlo805
THOU O8 27 jeff
UH 14A 24 Grace_Tjie
HOO O8 22 step72
HALO B12 14 mazscot
HOOTS 3D 9 DubyaDT

On 14th draw, ZEAL 14B 53 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other tops: ZOEA 14B 53
Other moves: ZEA 14B 49, ZOA 14B 49, FEZ J2 47, ZEA J2 47, ZEL J2 47
ZO 14B 45 arlo805
FEZ 2A 41 jeff
ZOA O8 40 step72
AZO O8 40 Grace_Tjie
ZEA O8 40 nderera
BLAZE(R) C10 32 mazscot, Nigmatic1
BLAZE F2 24 DubyaDT

On 15th draw, OAF 13A 34 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: FLORA 4A 32, ALIF O8 30, LOAF O8 30, FA 14J 29, FA 10F 28
LOAF O8 30 Grace_Tjie, arlo805
FA 14J 29 jeff
FAIR O8 27 step72, nderera
FOULE(R) C10 16 DubyaDT
FLAR(E) 8D 11 Nigmatic1
FAILUR(E) 8B 10 mazscot

On 16th draw, AVID O8 31 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other moves: AMID O8 28, MAID O8 28, MAULVI D1 28, MUID O8 28, DUMA 4B 26
AVID O8 31 arlo805
MAID O8 28 jeff, Grace_Tjie, nderera, mazscot
MAD 2A 15 step72
VAIL(E)D 8D 13 Nigmatic1
DIME J10 11 DubyaDT

On 17th draw, BORM 4A 32 --- BORM to smear with paint or oil [v]
Other tops: BRIM 4A 32
Other moves: MURTI 4A 28, THORIUM I2 25, BORT 4A 24, BOUT 4A 24, BRIO 4C 24
MORT 4A 24 Grace_Tjie
BUM 4B 24 arlo805
BI 10F 22 nderera
BO 10F 22 jeff
BITER J10 15 DubyaDT, step72
BUM D2 14 mazscot
MET F10 11 Nigmatic1

On 18th draw, DOLIA 2B 30 --- DOLIUM a type of Roman jar [n]
Other tops: TABLOID A2 30
Other moves: BAILOUT A4 27, OBITUAL A3 27, OUTBID A1 27, TABOULI A2 27, BLAUD A4 24
BAILOUT A4 27 step72, jeff
BUILD A4 24 nderera
DOUBT A1 24 Nigmatic1
BLOAT A4 21 Grace_Tjie
OUTLAID B4 14 mazscot

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