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Game of July 28, 2011 at 22:36, 6 players
1. 501 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 425 pts johnny55
3. 347 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efoortu   H4    26    26   foutre
 2. ?eginnt   5D    82   108   nitrogen
 3. aeelsuy   L1    33   141   yales
 4. ?aeeehz   2J    68   209   zoaeae
 5. cefinst  10B    80   289   infects
 6. bgioort   O1    30   319   begirt
 7. aeginot   K5    68   387   negation
 8. aehiorv   8A    95   482   overhair
 9. aabeioy   3I    45   527   boyla
10. cddemor   1H    49   576   reddy
11. aeikmou   J8    44   620   mako
12. eilqrsw  13I    34   654   wiser
13. admnptu   8J    39   693   madman
14. eiintuw   4A    26   719   wine
15. aehjotu  14F    32   751   jato
16. iloopru  15D    47   798   poori
17. acehlsu   A1    39   837   chaws
18. eillluv   C7    30   867   veinule
19. llpquux  E10    22   889   exul

Remaining tiles: dlpqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6460 FileGLOBEMAN    3 20:05  -388  501     1.6460 GLOBEMAN    3 20:05  -388  501 
  2.4938 Filejohnny55    1 18:55  -464  425     2.6586 sunshine12  2 14:19  -542  347 
  3.6586 Filesunshine12  2 14:19  -542  347            Group: novice
  4.4887 FileLouise23    1 26:04  -569  320     1.5930 sherrymoon  2  7:04  -733  156 
  5.5930 Filesherrymoon  2  7:04  -733  156     2.5495 narisa      1  3:27  -779  110 
  6.5495 Filenarisa      1  3:27  -779  110            Group: not rated
                                             1.4938 johnny55    1 18:55  -464  425 
                                             2.4887 Louise23    1 26:04  -569  320 

On 1st draw, FOUTRE H4 26 --- FOUTRE to mess around [v]
Other tops: FOETOR H4 26, FOOTER H4 26, FOUTER H4 26
Other moves: FETOR H4 24, FORTE H4 24, FOUER H4 24, FOUET H4 24, FUERO H4 24
FORTE H8 18 Louise23

On 2nd draw, NIT(R)OGEN 5D 82 --- NITROGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other tops: TENONI(N)G 5E 82, TENO(N)ING 5E 82, TE(N)ONING 5E 82, (D)ENOTING 5E 82
Other moves: RENTING(S) 8H 77, RET(U)NING 8H 77, RINGT(O)NE 8H 77, FEINT(I)NG 4H 76, FE(I)NTING 4H 76
FE(A)TING 4H 20 johnny55
E(V)ENTING 9H 9 Louise23

On 3rd draw, YALES L1 33 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other tops: YULES L1 33
Other moves: YALES 4A 30, YULES 4A 30, ALEYES 10C 27, LYASE 10E 26, SANELY D3 26
YES L3 21 johnny55
EYES 9H 11 Louise23

On 4th draw, Z(O)AEAE 2J 68 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: Z(O)AEA 2J 66, (W)HEEZY 1G 60, ZE(T)A 4A 48, ZE(Z)E 4A 48, Z(O)EA 4A 48
HAZE 2K 32 johnny55

On 5th draw, INFECTS 10B 80 --- INFECT to contaminate with disease-producing germs [v]
Other moves: FANCIEST N1 65, FENCES O1 42, FENCE O1 39, NEIFS O1 36, FECIT 4A 34
FENCES O1 42 johnny55, GLOBEMAN
FEET O1 24 Louise23

On 6th draw, BEGIRT O1 30 --- BEGIRD to surround [v]
Other moves: BIGFOOT D7 28, BIGOT 4A 28, BEGOT O1 27, BERG O1 27, REBOOT O1 27
BEG O1 18 johnny55
BRING D2 16 Louise23

On 7th draw, NEGATION K5 68 --- NEGATION the act of negating [n]
Other moves: TOILE 3I 28, FATING D10 24, FETING D10 24, INGATE 4A 24, GENOA 4A 22
FATING D10 24 johnny55
FAINT D10 16 Louise23

On 8th draw, OVERHAIR 8A 95 --- OVERHAIR fur covering of some animals [n]
Other moves: HAVIOR 8J 48, H**L* 3I 40, VOILA 3I 40, VOILE 3I 40, HOVEA 4A 36
HOER J10 32 sunshine12
FAVOR D10 22 johnny55
RAVINE D1 20 Louise23

On 9th draw, BOYLA 3I 45 --- BOYLA a witch doctor [n]
Other tops: BAYLE 3I 45
Other moves: ABAYA 8K 39, ABYE J9 34, YEBO J8 34, ABY J9 31, BYE J10 31
BYE J10 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
FAY D10 18 Louise23
FOY D10 18 johnny55

On 10th draw, REDDY 1H 49 --- REDDY somewhat red [adj]
Other moves: CROMED 1E 46, CORDED 1E 43, CODED 1F 40, DOMED 1F 40, CORED 1F 37
MADDER 8J 36 johnny55
DEMO J8 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DEVOID B6 15 Louise23

On 11th draw, MAKO J8 44 --- MAKO a large shark [n]
Other tops: MAKI J8 44
Other moves: MAK J8 41, AUK J8 37, EIK J8 37, EUK J8 37, KOA J10 37
KOI J10 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FAKE D10 22 Louise23
MAKE 8J 15 johnny55

On 12th draw, WISER 13I 34 --- WISE having wisdom [adj]
Other moves: QIS 13I 32, QIS 4C 30, WEINERS C7 30, WILES 4A 30, WIRES 4A 30
QIS 13I 32 sherrymoon
QIS 4C 30 sunshine12
SWIRE 13K 26 johnny55
WOOLS 11I 8 Louise23

On 13th draw, MADMAN 8J 39 --- MADMAN a man who is insane [n]
Other moves: DATUM 4A 28, DUNAM 4A 28, MANATU 8J 27, MANTUA 8J 27, MAUD 7C 27
MADMAN 8J 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AM 11D 21 sherrymoon
FAD D10 14 johnny55

On 14th draw, WINE 4A 26 --- WINE to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) [v]
Other tops: WITE 4A 26
Other moves: INWIT 4A 24, UNWET 4A 24, UNWIT 4A 24, IDENT L7 22, WHEEN E7 22
WINE 4A 26 sherrymoon
WINNER D3 18 johnny55
WINTER D3 18 Louise23
WEN 14H 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, JATO 14F 32 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: EATH 11C 32, JUTE 14F 32, OATH 11C 32
Other moves: THAE L10 31, THEE L10 31, NEATH 12K 30, THAW A1 30, THEW A1 30
JUTE 14F 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JUN C2 20 johnny55
J*W A2 13 Louise23

On 16th draw, POORI 15D 47 --- POORI a light, flat wheat cake [n]
Other moves: POLIO 15E 44, OLIO 15F 35, POLO 15E 35, LIPO 15G 34, LOOP 15G 32
POLO 15E 35 Louise23, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LOP 15G 31 narisa
OP 15H 26 johnny55

On 17th draw, CHAWS A1 39 --- CHAW to chew [v]
Other tops: CHEWS A1 39, SCHWA A1 39
Other moves: CHAW A1 36, CHEW A1 36, CUISH B2 36, LAICH B2 36, HAULST 7C 35
CHEWS A1 39 Louise23, sherrymoon, narisa, johnny55
HAS 3B 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, VEINULE C7 30 --- VEINULE a small vein [n]
Other moves: FIVE D10 20, HIVE 2A 20, IREFUL D7 18, REFILL D8 18, VIE 6B 17
FIVE D10 20 narisa, sherrymoon
HIVE 2A 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Louise23
EVIL E10 14 johnny55

On 19th draw, EXUL E10 22 --- EXUL an exile [n]
Other moves: LUX 12C 20, XU 9N 20, XU N4 20, AX 3A 18, EX E10 18
XU 9N 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
LUX 12C 20 johnny55, narisa
EX E10 18 sherrymoon, Louise23

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