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Game of July 29, 2011 at 01:40, 7 players
1. 454 pts immy
2. 446 pts iwhist
3. 422 pts Bez

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cgilnos   H4    76    76   closing
 2. ?effruv   6H    76   152   overruff
 3. aelmosy   O6   107   259   flaysome
 4. aiorstz  N10    53   312   izars
 5. ?bdditt   H1    39   351   disclosing
 6. aeioptw  M10    44   395   patio
 7. eglmnpu   2H    88   483   implunge
 8. deenotw   O1    30   513   wend
 9. aeknory   3K    33   546   anyon
10. adeiint   3A    68   614   adenitis
11. ejorsvw   A1    51   665   reavows
12. aehiiot   4K    30   695   hie
13. abenotu   D1    74   769   nanotube
14. adhoqrt   5J    29   798   ha
15. abeioqr  11J    34   832   abrazo
16. deijkrt  J10    31   863   jake
17. cdegitu   E7    23   886   edict
18. eilqrtu   C8    36   922   requit
19. aeeortx  14B    72   994   retax

Remaining tiles: egloo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5753 Fileimmy        2 16:48  -540  454     1.5753 immy        2 16:48  -540  454 
  2.5925 Fileiwhist      1 15:38  -548  446     2.5925 iwhist      1 15:38  -548  446 
  3.5638 FileBez         1 19:16  -572  422     3.5638 Bez         1 19:16  -572  422 
  4.4962 Filetonikay     1 18:12  -588  406     4.5446 step72      1  8:48  -765  229 
  5.5446 Filestep72      1  8:48  -765  229            Group: not rated
  6.4695 Filenaneru      0 12:28  -839  155     1.4962 tonikay     1 18:12  -588  406 
  7.4527 Filepattycake   0  4:09  -905   89     2.4695 naneru      0 12:28  -839  155 
                                             3.4527 pattycake   0  4:09  -905   89 

On 1st draw, CLOSING H4 76 --- CLOSING a concluding part [n]
Other moves: CLOSING H6 74, CLOSING H2 72, CLOSING H3 72, CLOSING H7 72, CLOSING H8 72
CLOSING H4 26 Bez, iwhist, immy
NILS H8 8 pattycake

On 2nd draw, OVE(R)RUFF 6H 76 --- OVERRUFF to trump with a higher trump card than has already been played [v]
Other tops: OVER(R)UFF 6H 76
Other moves: (T)RUFFE 3C 41, RUFF(L)E 3C 33, RUFFE(S) 11C 32, (S)UFFER 11H 32, RUFF(S) 11D 30
FUR(S) 11E 22 immy
GRUFF 10H 14 pattycake
L(O)VER 5H 14 iwhist
LEF(T) 5H 12 Bez
FIV(E)R 8G 10 tonikay

On 3rd draw, FLAYSOME O6 107 --- FLAYSOME (English dialect) frightening [adj]
Other moves: AMYLOSE 3B 87, AMYLOSE 11C 85, RAMOSELY L6 82, (R)AMOSELY K6 74, AMYLOSES 7A 68
FLAMY O6 39 tonikay, Bez
FLAMES O6 33 pattycake, iwhist
YAMS 11E 29 immy

On 4th draw, IZARS N10 53 --- IZAR an outer garment worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: ZATIS N11 45, ZORIS N11 45, ZATI N11 43, ZORI N11 43, ROZITS 11C 41
ZITS 11E 37 Bez
ZAGS 10F 34 immy
ZIGS 10F 34 pattycake
ZOA N11 29 tonikay
ZO N11 26 iwhist, naneru

On 5th draw, DI(S)CLOSING H1 39 --- DISCLOSE to reveal [v]
Other moves: T(A)BI M10 37, BIDD(Y) M8 30, BI(Z)ZO 11K 30, DI(A)ZO 11K 28, TIDD(Y) M8 28
DI(E)B M12 25 immy
B(A)IT M12 23 iwhist
BID(S) 11E 22 tonikay
DI M12 18 Bez
DEBIT(E)D J5 10 naneru

On 6th draw, PATIO M10 44 --- PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n]
Other moves: WATE M10 43, PATE M10 40, TAPE M10 40, APE M11 35, APO M11 35
PEAT M12 27 iwhist
PIE M12 25 immy
WAGE 10F 16 naneru
PAW M8 15 tonikay
PAWED 1D 14 Bez

On 7th draw, IMPLUNGE 2H 88 --- IMPLUNGE to plunge [v]
Other moves: UNPLUME M2 28, GLUMP(S) 3C 26, PLENUM M2 26, PLENUM(S) 3B 26, CUPMEN 4H 24
LUMPER L1 22 Bez
LEGUME J5 11 naneru
ME L14 10 immy, iwhist
MIRE 13L 6 tonikay

On 8th draw, WEND O1 30 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other tops: WEED O1 30
Other moves: E(R)ODENT K5 28, ENDEW(S) 3C 26, ENDOW(S) 3C 26, UNDERTOW L2 26, WEEN 5J 25
WEED O1 30 iwhist, tonikay, Bez
WEND O1 30 immy

On 9th draw, ANYON 3K 33 --- ANYON a projective representation of a Lie group [n]
Other moves: KERRY L4 32, NARKY L4 32, OARY 3J 32, CRANKY 4H 30, CREAKY 4H 30
YEA 5J 21 iwhist
KOAN G8 21 tonikay
KEA G8 20 Bez
KO G8 16 immy
YANKED 1C 15 naneru

On 10th draw, ADENITI(S) 3A 68 --- ADENITIS inflammation of a lymph node [n]
Other tops: DAINTIE(S) 3A 68
Other moves: IDEATING 10A 66, ADENITIS 7A 61, DAINTIES 7A 61, CANDIE 4H 34, DIAZO 11K 30
DA 1L 17 tonikay
DAE 5J 15 immy
DUNE L1 14 iwhist
DATING 10C 10 Bez
D(R)AIN K5 10 naneru

On 11th draw, REAVOWS A1 51 --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other tops: AVOWERS A3 51
Other moves: AVOWER A3 48, REAVOW A1 48, VOWERS 15H 47, J*W 2A 46, JOW 2A 46
JOW 2A 46 iwhist, step72
J*W 2A 46 immy
JOE 2A 37 tonikay
WAVERS A2 16 Bez
JOT F1 12 naneru

On 12th draw, HIE 4K 30 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other moves: UNEARTH L2 28, HATE 4C 27, HOTE 4C 27, HUNTER L1 26, HA 1L 25
HA 1L 25 tonikay
HOT 4C 23 immy
HINT D1 22 iwhist, step72
WHITE 6A 19 Bez
WHEAT 6A 19 naneru

On 13th draw, NANOTUBE D1 74 --- NANOTUBE a microscopic tube [n]
Other moves: NANOTUBE D3 72, BUTANONE 9B 63, BUTANONE 9D 62, BA 5J 26, DAUB 1H 24
BANTU D1 20 step72
TUBA 2C 20 tonikay
BENT D1 18 iwhist, Bez
BANT D1 18 naneru
NOTE 4C 18 immy

On 14th draw, HA 5J 29 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: TRANQ 9E 25, DOH B5 24, DA 5J 23, HOARD E8 23, ORAD E5 23
HOARD E8 23 Bez
HOD L13 19 tonikay
QUAD 6C 18 naneru, iwhist, step72
QUAT 6C 15 immy

On 15th draw, ABRAZO 11J 34 --- ABRAZO an embrace [n]
Other moves: ORIBI E1 26, QI G8 26, BIRO E2 22, RIBA E2 22, OBIA G7 21
QI G8 26 Bez, iwhist, immy, tonikay, step72

On 16th draw, JAKE J10 31 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other tops: JARK J10 31
Other moves: JAK J10 30, REJIG 10D 29, TRIJET F3 29, JADE J10 28, JEDI 12H 27
JARK J10 31 step72
JAKE J10 31 immy
JADE J10 28 iwhist, tonikay
JAR J10 26 Bez

On 17th draw, EDICT E7 23 --- EDICT an authoritative order having the force of law [n]
Other tops: EDUCT E7 23
Other moves: DUGITE C8 21, DUGITE E8 19, TIDE E2 19, VIDE I6 19, DEI B5 18
BIDET K11 17 Bez
DUCE E8 17 iwhist
DICE E8 17 immy, step72
DIG I13 12 tonikay

On 18th draw, REQUIT C8 36 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other moves: QI G8 26, QUEER 13G 25, QUIET 13G 25, QUIRK 12F 19, QUIETER 13E 18
QI G8 26 tonikay, immy, iwhist
QUIET 13G 25 Bez
QUEER 13G 25 step72

On 19th draw, RETAX 14B 72 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: ORIXA E1 41, EXEAT 14A 40, EXERT 14A 40, TEABOX K8 39, OXER 14A 38
TAX B12 24 tonikay, step72
EXIT 12A 24 Bez
TIX E2 21 iwhist
TIX 12B 20 immy

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