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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of July 29, 2011 at 07:51

Word find
Word played
1 AEHNNRT HARTEN H4 26   26 2/5       26 2/5
2 BEINPSY SPY 10H 26 -1 52 3/5 BYES 10E 27 53 2/5
3 AEFILOU LEAF 11D 32   84 1/5 LOAF 11D   85 2/5
4 DENPSUY YES 12E 26 -10 110 3/5 SPENDY 12G 36 121 2/5
5 BEEINWX EX 13H 38 -1 148 2/6 IBEX 11K 39 160 2/6
6 EGGORTW GROW 12B 28   176 1/6 OXTER N10   188 2/6
7 AAEINOV NAIVE O6 26 -6 202 6/6 VALONEA D9 32 220 2/7
8 ?DKORVW WORK(E)D O5 42   244 3/5 WRE(A)K 14B   262 2/7
9 AAEHINR AHA 15F 24 -2 268 5/7 RHINE O6 26 288 2/7
10 ?AGLNRS LAS(E) 15L 25 -62 293 4/7 L(A)NGARS 15H 87 375 2/7
11 ADEGNOT DO 15A 14 -70 307 5/7 TANGOED N2 84 459 2/7
12 AACIIMT CAMA O1 36   343 2/6       495 2/7
13 DIOPQRU QUINA 4K 28 -8 371 1/5 QUIDAM 3J 36 531 2/7
14 AEGJOVZ ZOEA 15A 46   417 2/6       577 2/7
15 EEILOSW EWES 13L 22 -43 439 2/6 OWLERIES 6D 65 642 2/7
16 AELMOTU EMO 5C 24 -4 463 3/6 LOUMA 5A 28 670 2/8
17 DEFIPRU FLIED A4 39 -12 502 1/5 PURFLED A1 51 721 2/8
18 GIIOTUV GORE C12 17 -3 519 2/5 VUGH 4E 20 741 2/8
19 CIIIOTT TIC 5J 16 -7 535 3/5 OTITIC B5 23 764 2/8

Total: 535/764 or -229 for 70.02%
Rank: 7963

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