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Game of July 29, 2011 at 09:21, 11 players
1. 540 pts jeff
2. 451 pts yab
3. 353 pts SuperH

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddeimo   H2    76    76   demigod
 2. ?amoouv   5E    44   120   moviola
 3. aeekssy   L1    44   164   yesks
 4. abehiir   6D    33   197   bah
 5. abefoty   2J    38   235   beefy
 6. aceipru   2B    36   271   peracid
 7. aeinrtw   G7    72   343   tawnier
 8. aefglns  12A    84   427   fenagles
 9. alnorst   B2    62   489   plastron
10. deeinpt   A8    32   521   ped
11. ehilotu  13B    28   549   helo
12. cegiltv   4A    24   573   vagi
13. cdelnot   1L    34   607   yond
14. agilrtu   7A    24   631   argil
15. aeeoqtu   I7    33   664   toque
16. ceinrtx  H12    35   699   sext
17. aeiintt  15H    77   776   titanite
18. acijoru  B11    28   804   jehu
19. ceinoru  N10    28   832   curiet
20. ainoruw   J9    23   855   inro

Remaining tiles: aruwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6892 Filejeff        6 20:22  -315  540     1.6892 jeff        6 20:22  -315  540 
  2.6664 Fileyab         0 21:10  -404  451     2.6664 yab         0 21:10  -404  451 
  3.6791 FileSuperH      2 13:25  -502  353     3.6791 SuperH      2 13:25  -502  353 
  4.4587 Filehulusian    0 22:00  -515  340            Group: novice
  5.4911 Filemarigold    1 19:27  -576  279     1.5695 BouncingS   0 14:11  -605  250 
  6.5695 FileBouncingS   0 14:11  -605  250     2.5123 ayoba       0 18:35  -627  228 
  7.5123 Fileayoba       0 18:35  -627  228     3.5503 ELCEE       0  6:04  -751  104 
  8.3548 Filestrykyster  1 12:49  -663  192     4.5235 charmz      0  1:14  -793   62 
  9.5503 FileELCEE       0  6:04  -751  104     5.5089 mj880       0  1:33  -844   11 
 10.5235 Filecharmz      0  1:14  -793   62            Group: not rated
 11.5089 Filemj880       0  1:33  -844   11     1.4587 hulusian    0 22:00  -515  340 
                                             2.4911 marigold    1 19:27  -576  279 
                                             3.3548 strykyster  1 12:49  -663  192 

On 1st draw, DEMI(G)OD H2 76 --- DEMIGOD a lesser god [n]
Other tops: MO(O)DIED H4 76, M(O)ODIED H4 76
Other moves: DEMI(G)OD H4 74, DEMI(G)OD H6 74, DE(R)MOID H4 74, DE(R)MOID H6 74, DE(S)MOID H4 74
DEMI(G)OD H2 26 yab
MI(N)DED H4 24 BouncingS
MIDDE(N) H4 24 hulusian
MIDD(L)E H4 24 ayoba, jeff
ME(N)D H5 12 marigold

On 2nd draw, MOVIO(L)A 5E 44 --- MOVIOLA a device for viewing an editing film [n]
Other moves: AMOOV(E)D 2B 40, AMOOVE 3C 30, AMOOVE(D) 3C 30, AMOOVE(S) 3C 30, OU(T)MOVE 3B 30
MOV(E)D 2D 18 ayoba
V(R)OOM 4D 18 BouncingS
MAUV(E) 4H 18 marigold
AM G2 17 jeff

On 3rd draw, YESKS L1 44 --- YESK to hiccup [v]
Other moves: ESSAYED 2B 38, SYKES L1 38, ESSAY L4 36, YESES L1 36, YESKS L3 36
SYKES L1 38 yab
KAY 6D 35 jeff, SuperH
KEYS L2 34 BouncingS
ASK L4 26 hulusian
KAYS 9E 26 ayoba

On 4th draw, BAH 6D 33 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: BEARISH 3G 32, REHAB 6B 32, RAH 6D 31, REH 6D 31, AH 6E 30
BAH 6D 33 jeff, SuperH
YEAH 1L 30 BouncingS, yab, ayoba
BAH 4D 25 hulusian

On 5th draw, BEEFY 2J 38 --- BEEFY brawny [adj]
Other moves: FOY M2 36, YOOF I4 31, BOYF G7 29, BOYF I7 29, FAB 4D 29
BEEFY 2J 38 marigold
FOY M2 36 jeff
FEY 7C 25 yab
BOY G1 24 SuperH
YEST 3J 14 BouncingS
YOB 1L 8 ayoba

On 6th draw, PERACID 2B 36 --- PERACID a type of acid [n]
Other moves: RECAP 4B 31, YEAR 1L 31, CRAP 4C 29, PICRA 4A 29, EPACRID 2B 28
YEAR 1L 31 jeff, charmz, yab
PACER G7 25 SuperH
CUPID 2D 16 marigold
COPER 7G 15 BouncingS
PRICED 8C 12 ayoba
REP 3G 9 hulusian

On 7th draw, TAWNIER G7 72 --- TAWNY light brown [adj]
Other tops: ANTIWEAR K5 72
Other moves: TINWARE G7 69, YEAN 1L 31, YEAR 1L 31, ANEW 3B 29, AREW 3B 29
YEAR 1L 31 jeff, yab, SuperH
YEAN 1L 31 charmz
WINTER G7 26 marigold
WRIT D1 22 ayoba
WET 7C 19 hulusian
REW C1 12 BouncingS

On 8th draw, FENAGLES 12A 84 --- FENAGLE to obtain by trickery [v]
Other moves: FLAGSTONE 7B 81, FENAGLES 12F 76, FINAGLES 11F 74, FLANGERS 13A 74, FEGS H12 47
FEGS H12 47 jeff
YEAS 1L 31 yab
FLANGES 12B 24 hulusian
FLINGS 11E 20 BouncingS
FANGLE 12B 20 marigold
SNARE 13D 5 ayoba

On 9th draw, PLASTRON B2 62 --- PLASTRON a part of the shell of a turtle [n]
Other moves: AYONT 1K 36, YONT 1L 31, LORAN 1A 29, NOTAL 1A 29, ROTAL 1A 29
TORA 1A 24 jeff
FLAN A12 21 SuperH
FORT A12 21 ayoba, strykyster
FRAT A12 21 BouncingS, marigold
FONT A12 21 hulusian, yab

On 10th draw, PED A8 32 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other moves: DEFINE A10 30, DIP A8 29, PEE A8 29, PEN A8 29, PET A8 29
PED A8 32 jeff, SuperH
DEFINE A10 30 yab, hulusian, BouncingS
DOPE 8A 24 strykyster
POINT 8A 24 marigold
FEND A12 24 ayoba

On 11th draw, HELO 13B 28 --- HELO a helicopter [n]
Other moves: HOE F8 24, HOI F8 24, ROUTHIE 13G 24, HET 13B 23, HIE A4 23
HOE A4 23 SuperH
HAIL 4A 22 jeff
FILE A12 21 BouncingS
FLIT A12 21 marigold
FUEL A12 21 yab, ayoba
FILO A12 21 strykyster
TOUGH E9 18 hulusian

On 12th draw, VAGI 4A 24 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other tops: CAVE 4A 24
Other moves: VAIL 4A 22, VALE 4A 22, VALI 4A 22, VRIL D1 22, EFT M1 21
CAVE 4A 24 jeff
GAVE 4A 20 hulusian
RIVET 13G 14 yab
AGE K5 4 ayoba

On 13th draw, YOND 1L 34 --- YOND over there [adv]
Other moves: YONT 1L 31, CODEN I7 25, CODE I7 24, COLED I7 24, CONED I7 24
SEND H12 17 yab, SuperH, hulusian, jeff
CLONED 10D 11 BouncingS
DENTAL D8 9 marigold
MADE E5 7 strykyster
BEL(L) J2 5 ayoba

On 14th draw, ARGIL 7A 24 --- ARGIL a potter's clay [n]
Other moves: GAU F8 20, GARI 14C 18, GART 14C 18, RAI F8 18, TAI F8 18
TAG 14D 15 yab
IT 7D 11 mj880
GRUNT 10D 8 ayoba
AGO E11 8 jeff
MAGI E5 7 marigold
BAI(L) J2 5 hulusian
(L)UG J5 5 strykyster

On 15th draw, TOQUE I7 33 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: ROQUET 13G 27, EAST 3J 26, OAST 3J 26, ROQUE 13G 26, TOQUET 7G 25
TOQUE I7 33 jeff
TOQUE 7G 24 SuperH
EQUANT 10C 17 hulusian
QUANT 10D 16 strykyster
QUEEN 10C 16 yab
AQUA K5 13 marigold

On 16th draw, SEXT H12 35 --- SEXT one of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion [n]
Other moves: TEX 14D 33, EXCITER 11I 32, EXCITE 11I 30, EX 14E 29, TEX 14C 27
SEXT H12 35 strykyster
TEX 14D 33 SuperH
EXCITER 11I 32 jeff
TEX 3G 22 hulusian, marigold
EXIT 11I 22 yab

On 17th draw, TITANITE 15H 77 --- TITANITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: TITANITE 15B 59, TITANITE 15F 59, EAST 3J 26, STEN 3L 26, STET 3L 26
TIE I13 19 SuperH, yab
IN J9 19 jeff
TENT 14C 16 hulusian
QAT 9I 12 marigold
KNIT 4L 9 strykyster

On 18th draw, JEHU B11 28 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other tops: CAJON L11 28, CAJUN L11 28
Other moves: RAJ 1C 25, JURAT N11 24, OUIJA K11 24, RIOJA K11 24, BIJOU D6 22
CAJUN L11 28 jeff
JURAT N11 24 yab
JOT N13 20 strykyster, marigold, SuperH, ELCEE
JUT N13 20 hulusian

On 19th draw, CURIET N10 28 --- CURIET a breastplate [n]
Other tops: CORNET N10 28, CRONET N10 28
Other moves: COENURI M9 24, RECOURE 13G 24, INRO J9 23, IRE J9 22, RECOUNT N9 22
CRONET N10 28 jeff
COENURI M9 24 yab
QUINCE 9I 20 strykyster
RECOIN L10 16 SuperH
CORN L12 12 hulusian

On 20th draw, INRO J9 23 --- INRO a Japanese ornamental container [n]
Other moves: IN J9 19, INWORN L10 18, UNWORN L10 18, WAGON E10 18, WAIRUA K10 18
IN J9 19 jeff
WORN 12L 16 yab
RAWN 10D 15 hulusian
WINN L12 14 strykyster

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